PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 0hKhKhhKhhKhKh CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing;, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELEB DIAMOND MERCHANT H. C. Rhodes, educational sup Club at its regular weekly lun-ervlsor of the Provincial Board 01 cheon today. President P. H. Lin-Health, Division of Venereal Dis- ley was in the Chair with a fair ease Control, was the speaker be- attendance of members and a few fore the Prince Rupert Rotary guests. :S ditdi in McrTiMr1 g A UUL.IV IY1L.JU 1 111 VJ. The Citizens of Prince Rupert are Invited to Hear DR. G. F. AMYOT Provincial Health Officer And . I)R. I). II. WILLIAMS Director of the Division of Venereal Disease Control Discuss one of British Columbia's major public health problems and the provincial-wide program which has been developed to cope with it. JUOOSE HALL Friday, August 2!) (8:00 p.m.) Chairman: Major G. W. Sutherland (2 short sound films will be shown) GIRLS' DRESSES Odd sizes and in assorted colors. Regular value to $3.95. ANNETTE'S (g SCHOOL OPENING SALE ?1..UU GIRLS' SKIRTS In navy serge, the kind High School Girls wear. eg. values to $3.95. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE PLAID SKIRTS All plaid skirts to clear. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE 1.50 75c GIRLS' BLOUSES All sizes in flat crepe and crepe-de-chene. 6 to 14. Regular values to $1.95. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE GIRLS' COAT SWEATERS In pearl and plain knit. Regular value $2 95 ANNETTE'S SCHOOL Of OPENING SALE Jpl.DU PULL-OVER SWEATERS Sizes from 8 to 12. Assorted colors. Q j- ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE DC Ladies DRESSES Ladies' dresses, 15 only. Regular value to $6.95 ANNETTE'S SCHOOL GO AA OPENING SALE ?jUU NIGHTGOWNS In satin stripes, tea rose and blue only. Small medium and large. Regular value $2.45. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL 1 OPENING SALE pi-"U SKIRTS In all sizes and- shades including black and . brown. Regular value to $3.95. AN- fif nn NETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE $"U SATIN SLIPS Beautiful sUds. elaborately styled, lace and Georgette trimmed. Regular value $1.95 ANNETTE'S SCHOOL J- g( OPENING SALE JJM.UU GROTTO IS BEST TEAM Demonstrated Superiority Over Air Force in Softball In the much heralded softball challenge match last night on the Acropolis Hill grounds between Grotto and the Royal Canadian Air Force the tobacconists came from behind in the eighth inning to win a close and Interesting contest by i score of 8 to V. Ud until this inning the score stood 7 to 4 in favor of the Air Force. i The losers outhit the winners 10-6. j Brown of the Air Force turned in a fine game at bat, getting three hits out of five times at bat. Slmonson played up to his usual , standard for the winners. Scoop Bury scored the winning run on Letourneau's hit. j Batteries: ! Air Force Riley and Brown. i Grotto Kellet and Bury. i Umpires Comadina and Bicker-1 ton. Scorer D. Montesano. 1 A large crowd witnessed the game. Mrs. Robert S. Greig and daughter will arrive in the city on the Prince Geogre tomorrow from Vancouver to take up residence. 1 joining Mr. Greig who recently , arrived here to become city pas- j ' senger agent for the Canadian . National Railways. . 1 m-niTT mi WBaaaa ANNETTES Friday and Saturday OXFORD SHOES Fri. and Sat. Aug. 29, 30 Mothers of Prince Rupert now is your chance to buy your sirls school clotiiinir at the lowest prices ever offered in the city, we are closing out our entire stock of children s and girls' wear. Consisting of Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Sweaters, Underwear and Shoes. BRUSHED WOOL COAT SWEATERS Regular values $2.45. ANNETTE'S Q PA SCHOOL OPENING SALE 13U PANTIES Girls' panties, sizes from 2 to value 59c. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE, 3 for SHOES 12. Regular 31.00 Girls' shoes in black patent leather, I red 1VU trim 1A med, wedges, all sizes. Regular value alue $2.95. $2.95. ahwctteb SCHOOL OPENING SALE In black and brown, all sizes. Regular value $2.95. ANNETTE'S Q-f M SCHOOL OPENING SALE ?X:lt GIRLS' SHOES In patents, pumps and ties. Regular value $2.95. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL Q l f- OPENING SALE . ?I.tiD SCOTTIE HATS Regular value $1.00. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE Wear SLIPS Striped satin slips, Regular ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE, 2 for PANTIES and BLOOMERS In all sizes. Regular value $1.00. tZftg ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE PANTIES All sizes. Reg. value 59c. ANNETTE'S flj-fl AA SCHOOL OPENING SALE. 3 for V-lUU MOCASSINS In all colors and sizes. Regular Value $1.95. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL Q nn OPENING SALE OJL.UU SILK HOSE All sizes. ANNETTE'S SCHOOL OPENING SALE, 3 pain; THE DAILY NEWS fhursrinv ... WE RE ALL mwE 3QW... W WORK CHEW W WHI15 YOU WORK! Wrlgley's Spearmint Gum helps relieve fatigue and nervous tension. The delicious mint flavor freshens your mouth, helps sweeten your breath, aldsdiHestlon. Chew It regularly after every meal. Carry a package or two. CI I EW IT WHILE YOU WORK millions do! Only Sf. BUY SOME TODAY! Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, .CP .R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, was in port from 4:30 to 6 o'clock yesterday af-j ternoon. The vessel had on board 253 passengers of whom 17 disembarked at this port including a number who will continue south on the Princess Adelaide tomorrow afternoon. Five sailed from here on the vefi-e: for Vancouver. 7txsbbbbbbbw1'bbbbbbbbbW TTi ll::ii.'.H.u Kill- U T J t j !M! i Irescent value $1.00, $1.00 81.00 xr 4- Stows 50c i : Prince RuPert l Aug. 28 Sept. 2 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bids. J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two door from Broadcasting station NOVEL AND ACTjONFUL ?..! I ". 1 1. t For Your Costume Jewellery at Reasonable Prices Go to the Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 120 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bo 541 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert that others may live; Melville I Cooper, as the former draft-: dodger who comes to realize that tlife sin't worth living If it Is filled 'with fear; and Alan Baxter, as the gunman facing certain death. Walter Ironside of the boat O'Brien And Constance Bennett, I Workman II was haled Into police I At Capitol Theatre I i court yesterday afternoon before W. D i Vance ! Stipendiary Magistrate Bearing to memorable adventure a strange company of sinners and on a charge of fishing illegally dur-saints who mock disaster, "Sub-ing the weekly close season last marine Zone," showing today and ' Sunday with a purse seine off Banks Island. The hearing is continuing Theatre, j tomorrow at the Capitol provides a fine action drama. Pat this afternoon. 'O'Brien and Constance Bennett are starred. The story poses a virtually un-, answerable question to ten oddly' I assorted individuals: "II every , moment might be your last, howj iwould you live every precious sec-; ond?" Then a few desperate mo-! ments which might well be their last, the cameras record the thrill-ling, transformation undergone by a soldier of fortune, a girl who takes her minks and sables where she finds them, a district attorney with gangland's finger on 'him, a killer who makes his exit jin a blaze of glory and depth bombs, a draft-dodger who was born a coward and dies a hero. and a host of other human characters. I j O'Brien is cast as the soldier of fortune who had hitherto sold his loyalty for cash, until he discovers that loyalty is not lor sale. Miss Bennet portrays a "secretary" who ialso believes that loyalty Is something to be sold for mink coats. It is a role different from anything she has ever before I othrs in the cast include John Ha'l'riev ns the Phoney crusadei pnd ristrict attornev wh- die1 ii KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peplett Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The baffling; thins; about low blood count u that you can weigh about aa much aa you ever did even look healthy and strong, yet you can feel aa if you had lead in your lein. dopey, tired and pepleaa. Low blood count meant yon haven't (rot enough red blood corpuc!ei. It ii their vital lob to carry life-riving- oxygen from your lunga throughout your body. And juat aa it Ukea oxygen to explode gaaoline in your car and make the power to turn the w her la, o you muit have plenty of oxygen to explode the energy in your body and give you going power. Get Dr. Williama Pink Pflta today. They are world-noted' for the help they give in increasing the number and atrength of red corpuscles. Then with your blood count up. you'll feel like bounding up the a tain aa if you were floating on air. Aak yeur drurriat -for Dr. William rink I'Uta today. - TIMBEK SALE X29670 Seulei iri-o w 11 3a msa.ved by the Dirtrlot Forerttr. Prince Rupert, n-.t '- than neon en the 13th day or Scptaaber. 1941, far the purchase of L tence X29870 near Mtskatla Inlet C R. 4 t- cik 1.95S.0C0 lee', cf Spruce Car. Hcailcisfe and Balsam. Tv.o (2) yars w;u be allowed Tor re-min :1 f lrrir-r. Fur" - r- , jU:r of the Ohhtf P-t. e?tor. Victoria, B. C. the District Por- r Pr'e Rurert, Ranger o. W Mlrrs, Pr'nce Rupert. I My dear, have you heard! I Quaker Puffed Wheat and I SAV-MOR GROCERY Specials Sl!(J AltGranulated Cftp 10 lbs. QUI, Fig Bars Christie's, fresh stock. etn Per lb. Diced Beds Per tin All Bran-Reg, pkt. EGGS-Grade 'A' large. Per doz. Jelly Powders Nabob. 4 for Cliipso and Glass Pitcher Per pkt. RICE Good quality. 3 lbs. for Ivory Soap- 3 for Oxjdol Reg. pkt. lie 22c 43c 19c 27c Tomato and Vegetable OCp Soup Aylmer. 3 for & 23c -Med. bar. 25(J 24c Take advantage of this offer and enter the Jingle Contest offered by Proctor & Gamble and receive $30.00 a week for life. Ask for entry blanks. S'WANSDOWN' CAKE SQn FLOUR Per pkt Apricots Royal City Sauer Kraut Llbby's Sweet Mixed Pickles Ot?n 18 oz. ADC FLOUR Royal Household. 49's 227 Free Delivery 16c 15c $1.65 Sav-Mor Grocery PHONE 228 Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily-Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'ilnc Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia CAPSBl riATim THEiti, TODAY and FRIDAY Continuous Daily From i Complete Show.- u- i 00 , 5:04,7:06.9 08 Pat O'llricn Constance Ik'iinctt In SUBMARINE ZONE' (At 1:48, 3:50, 5 5" ADDED 3 Stooges m "BOOBS IN AKMS' Cartoon "WAY OF ALL PESTS' "POPULAR SCIENCE WORLD NEWS Willi First Picture ul W in Russia NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarcIU Pi "A HOME AWAY Htl HOME Rates 75r up 50 Rooms H : " Prince Rupi Phone 281 P.O. I Central iiotel Central llolel Anna ISO Heated Kimms Hot Water Steam Uilk Dining Room In Conntitlaa Mn. C K. Black I'r.ipnnro J Fresh Local Kaw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G37 Steamers Leave P :- Rk?:: For Vancouvo CATALA EVERY TL'ESDAt 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Tbun. pm. CARDENA EVERY' FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday Queen Charlotte I.slad Leaving Aug. 19 and 30, .September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, I'd" Rupert Agent, Tlmd A'fc Phone 508 THE SEAL QUALITY WW "'0 4CK-X'" 111 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ,olCJ canning company with n the year round pay0" Prince Rupert