I August 28, 1941. mm IH . i bp1 L"..V fftU- 111 .it. 11 if W 73fflm Jameg H. Thompson. left on last evening's train tor a brief trip to Terrace. Dr. V. A. Carruthers, chairman of the British. Columbia public utilities commission, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Victoria. He had arrived here Iran the East on Tuesday night's train. ! TJX a-. lt. f on last evening's Mr. Fred Brooksbank, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island, returned to the city cn the Prince Rupert yesterday from Vancouver. I Tonteht's train, due to arrive from the East at 12:00 daylighttnv-lng stbne, was reported this morning to Tie on time. Cecil Shantz of North Burnaby Junior High School staff, who has been in charge of Gyro Supervised playground work here 'during the past summer sails by the Prince Georae Saturday afternoon on his return south. He expects to Join the Royal Canadian Air Force soon. j R. E. Walker of the B.C. Packers arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Vancouver, being here on company business. fr.sst,.. nhpm hi will take Reach ten thousand neonle with I jg,0, a "want ad." in the Dally News. I El Shaving's just a picnic now, 1 i For Blue Gillettes are slick and how! I . . I i i r TI...A LlMflAfi lfl 1 1 f ri r lithirlnvr f if t n I I VMi no rlanti. pocu clrnvpc thfit neff I ml ' sc I mm FINEST RA70P RI ADFS YOU EVER USED ... OR YOUR MONEY BACK B I r ii i iibii II iiiiiiiimiMMT'iirjMfTTniri'rii Sunshine - . , a t r mi. your best source of Vitamins a and u. inese fitamiu.s are essential for normal erowth in children a a nrovontntivn fnr colds in adults. Orme's Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Halibut liver Oil Contain Vitamins A and D oz. IIALIHUT LIVER OIL Vtiuir Dose 10 to 20 (Irons. Children 5 to 10 drops I" capsules Halibut Liver Oil 75c 0 capsules Halibut Liver Oil $1.25 ( capsules Halibut Liver Oil Dose Two Daily Ormes Ltd. XZfir. Pioneer Druqgiats The Kexall Store Phones 81 & 83 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 t 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. H 8 interesting to bm flin Dailv News Mrs. Winterbottom and child sailed on the Princess Louise yes terday afternoon to Join Lieut. Winterbottom who was recently trans ferred to Victoria in the naval Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West, after making the round trip to Alaska, disembarked from the Princess Lou ise yesterday afternoon and pro ceed by the evening train to their home In Chicago. 91 1 EIIFbH You afways gel easier shaves fl paTlil Gillette Blades, be- B Hi W edges ever put on steel. f Miss Norma Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osoar Smith, leaves on tomorrow's train for Evelyn where she has received a school teaching appointment. Miss Tekla Fulton returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Vancouver where she took a summer course at University of British Columbia. Harold Carlson and Frank Oulrey were each fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, n city police court yesterday for supply ing liquor to Indians. Adolf Ern- boltz is in court today on a similar charpe ft LOST LOST Pair of green love-birds. Finder please notify Mrs. P. Wingham. Phone Red 903. (207) K)UN1 FOUND at Carnival: 1 purse con taining ticket stub No. 4174 and! 1 brass bracelet. O. L. Rorie, Wallace Block. (203) FOK SALL SALE Household furniture. 225 5th Ave. West. Phone 539. ALL Enamel oil range complete, cooler, odd dressers, kitchen mMp Rph 332. (204) I FOR SALE McClary range wun burners Installed. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone Blue 979. (204)! FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges in good condition, 20 Springfield mattresses in all sizes at $io.5U, i chesterfields in the latest styles. Household doors, water boilers, 8 unpainted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone BiacK ui Furniture Co. nrfnits. Good salary. Phone WANTED WANTED Girl for Phone Green 106. WORK WANTED couver. " PERSONAL THE DAILY NEW3 PAOE THiUIT LOCAL NEWS NOTES Official photographs of Carnival A Holders of Carnival Derby Sweep on sale at Wrathall's. (203) I tickets numbered 3819 and 3888 I please advise secretary P.O. Box 130 William Cummlngs sailed afternoon on the Princess for a trip to Vancouver. A.Mtes Way is enrolling students this week for fall term. Phone 845. (203) of correct spelling of their names. (203) Mr. and Mm. W. O. Fulton, having closed their nmmer home at Lakolse Lake, returned home from the interior at the first of the week. Dean C. Hopstead and Marvin Wigdal of Ketchikan arrived in! the city on the Prlnceas Louise yes-1 terday afternoon from Alaska and , proceeded from hwe by the even- j ing train w Minneapuus. G. W. Nickerson is leaving on to morrow's train for Halifax on bus iness. He expects to be away a couple of months. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson, who have been residing in'llallfax and Toronto for the past yfar or so, will be back in Prinoe Rupert in about three weeks' time to spend a couple of months here. tf. B.C. MALE & FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted f&r. general house work. Must be good cook. Apply at MacKenzie's Furniture Store. WANTED Girl to look after two children Saturday evenings, callj 35, Cow Bay UJ WANTED Housekeeper for two 254. (204) YOUNG man, assistant for automotive parts stockroom. Apply Rupert Motors. (104) WANTED For Interior, iroiest- ant girl. Housework, one cnua. Year's work. State age, wage, particulars. Box 142, Dally News. housework. (207) WORK WANTED Experienced re- n.ihle cook. Camp or restaurant Camp preferred. Apply mts- Anderson, 873 Hornby St., Van 1 KEEP SOWE eimzh - 7 4 50 1 1 1 VC DtUvct? R Free W10 W ...nut hl This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a wordj Crescent Shows Aug. 28-Sept. 2. T?pri cross Tea. Sent. 11. Mrs. Sld Thompson. Presbyterian September 18. Tea, the Manse, 2nd Searchlight Aux! Dance, mouries, September 19- Ar- Hospltal Auxiliary Rummage Sale, - i.iH..iCanfAmVan ft THE Y. W. C. A. Room jtegiauy minuu Service requests the names oi ant tVinsp whn have room accom modatlon, now or in the future. Apply, Mrs. Qarbutt, hostess, Y. W. C A., Y. M. C. A, rooms, Mnnsp Hall. Third Avenue. Phone 231. (203) I United Church Tea, Mrs. M. Nickerson, Atlln Ave., Sept. 25. Orange Sale, November 5. Queen Marv Refugee Club Tea Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. When your first breakfast mouthful makes you think.. . !?rops"sa housewives: "RgWiay experts. Asked specifically by trained investigators "What brand of corn flukes do you think tastes best?" four out of five Canadian housewives said "Kellogg's." Asked to choose between several unidentified brands, taste experts unhesitatingly chose Kellogg's! Those are the facts! Your family will prefer them, too! Treat them to Kellogg's Corn Flakes every morning. Order several packages today. Two convenient sizes; Made by Kellogg's in London, Cuudaj YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Koofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned 11.50 Chimneys Swept J2.50 HANDY MAN IIOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 FREE! FREE! New issue Premium Books 'now in. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. Dishes, silverware, flatware and many useful items FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 JEAN 15. niVETT A.T.C.SI. and RUTH NELSON A.T.C.M. Teachers of Piano Theory Announce the opening of their Studio on September 2nd. Private and Class Tuition Phone Green 836 after 4 p.m. Prepare for Fall and Winter Featuring: Freedman and Gabbe, Samuel' Hart Ltd. Ladles and Gents Suits and Top Coats to Measure 10 off Continuing till End of August Alteration Specialty, make Appointment to your house Phone 307 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 Sam fit n 3 11- t: r That's when you (an say "Thanks to Kellogg's Corn Fiakes!" Flavour ... the rich, mellow, delicious flavour of Kellogg's Corn Flakes . . , flavour which gives you the kind of appetite which actually helps digestion, there's the secret of Kellogg's enormous popularity! Popularity attested, year after year, by the thousands of Canadian housewives who report Kellogg's Corn Flakes their family's favourite cereal. Keep two or three packages in the house all the time. With cream and sugar they give you needed food energy. And should you breakfast out, ask for Kellogg's in the triple-wrapped individual package; Savt mentyl Kellofg's Corn Hikes makes a family breakfast or supper for just 1 few cents. And the "JO. second" breakfast is so easy to prepare! No washing-up afterwards! 7X3 Trade In Your Old Furniture Help to Pay the New During August Furniture Sale! . SALE VALUES AT ELIOS 4-pc. Bedroom Suite ' WW 2-pc. Bed-Davenport Suite $81.50 G-pc. Dinette, Walnut Finish $79.00 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. COAL! COAL! ri wry The fre&test Vctory tfdture won- Was storm? 'Aeafrdys Jrvmtie&im The coal business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy it ,and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before it comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. nKV 651 , PHONE 65S PHONE SCHOOL BOOKS Get Them Now andi? Avoid The Opening Day Complete Rook Lists for Prince Rupert Schools are , . Available Here Fixed Government Prices on Text Books Lowest Prices on School Supplies. We carry a complete stock for all grades BUY NOW NOTE Text Books purchased this weekend not required "may be returned after school opening and cash refund allowed In full. School Books and Supplies are sold on a strictly cash basis Positively no new accounts opened SCHOOL SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS