Weather Forecast prince Rupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Light to mod-prate northwest winds, mostly fair and mild with local cloudiness and fog during the morning. KbTxSX No- 202. Halibut Sales American Eutcn 40.000. Storaee. 12c and Atomic 36,000, Pacific, 12.1c and 114.6c I 'er.em. 40,000. Storage, 12c and 110 5 j Eclipse. 40.000, Atlln, 12.3c and 11c. IJSigno 37.000, Royal, 12c and 10.7c. Bonanza, 28,000, Storage, 12c and fl.5c Canadian flcpaco II., 40.000. Booth. 12.5c and 11.2c Joan w I., 29,000. Storage, 12c 6d imc SWAMPED IN GAME inadian Scottish Whitewash Ser vice Corps by Score of 28 to 5 Rrvi, corps the worst beating of i?e in softball last evening, by a score of twenty-eight ,W UVh TV, -I i , . ..... . f.i "c principal ieature oi W Knme was the clowning by both particularly the Service 15 gn when it became apparent af-y ln'" 5ecnd lnnlne that thev were - u, im umpire's chief difficulty lay. tgi, 'e-K who insisted on iiign-rocKets rererrlng to - ts:.', UOUK n the slightest pro-K mk the 5corc keeper had fcLtrMnStokeePuP Rbne ann Iad Same hT lwu inninss he would ItovP Ueanrim- ... HfclnnTu..Pire and Al " v "ie M -m.cjv. kept score n we SCIIMEL1NG TO U. S. BERLIN Max Schmeling, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, Is already making post-war plans. He says he expects to return to the United States after the war is over and take a crack at the title in Boston. WIIIRLAWAY WITHDRAWN CHICAGO Whirlaway has withdrawn as a candidate for the $25,000 Labor Day classic at Washington Park here but is being kept in condition for other important races during the PAID QUEEN MARY VISIT T.nfrnrM Anir. 28: 0) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King of Canada returned to London today after a visit with Queen Mary ln the country. lie conicrrt-u uriih spvpmi officials at his hotel before attending a meeting of the jBrltlsh war cabinet. n, ,.,m.e ouua ri..ui-;!!, riauK..n Kc.jev .it as ne returnea to un Message To Roosevelt From Japan WASHINGTON, D.C.. Aug. 28: 0i A personal message from the Japanese Prime Minister to President Franklin D. Roosevelt was delivered to the President today by the Japan- ese ambassador. Kichlsaburo Nomura. The ambassador did not disclose what the message contained. 1 Bulletins It. A. F. CABBIES ON LONDON British bombers rained explosives on Germany and occupied France during the night and returned without loss of a single plane, the Air Ministry said today. Mannheim was the principal target. REDS KEEP UP BATTLE Fighting With Backs to Wall Against i Concerted Nazi Assaults AH i Along Front I NAZI DEFENCE BROKEN MOSCOW, Aug. 28: (CP) Russians said tonight that two successive German defence lines had been broken in a counter attack on the central front which has continued six days. The offensive by troops of General Konev was in the Gomel area. The southwestern command of Marshal Budyenny issued an appeal to besieged Russian forces at Odessa to defend the Black Sea port "to. the., last drop of blood." Other dispatches reported fighting on all major sectors of the front. The Germans are expected to launch a new and even more intensive drive on the eastern front. MOSCOW, Aug. 28: (CD-The Russian army, with its back to the wall in defence of Leningrad and Odessa, was reported fighting stubbornly today against concert-Nazi assaults threatening both ends and the centre of the long war front. The German High Command in Berlin claimed today tnai two Red Army mechanized divisions have been beaten and all but destroyed on the northern Finnish front and claimed that German operations on the entire Russian front "continue according to plan." A Soviet communique said there had been stubborn fighting throughout the night around Smolensk, Gomel and elsewhere. ARCTIC EXCHANGE prap.tle.allv the onlv medium of rxchance used by Eskimos ln their dealing with traders is the pelt of the white fox. ESKIMO ORIGIN The origin of the Eskimo remains a mystery despite Intensive research during the past 50-odd years. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Oo.) Vancouver Qrandview, .14. Bralorne, 115. Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Hedley Mascot, .45. Pend Oreille, 1.50. Pioneer, 2.40XD. Premier, .89. Privateer, .47. Reno. JO. Sheep Creek, .95. , ' - Oils -Calmont, ,25A. C. & E., 1.30XD. Home, 2.40. Royal Canadian, .05. Toronto Beattle, 1.10. Central Pat:, 1.87. . Con. Smelters, 38.00. . Hardrock, .80. Kerr Addison, 4.45. Little Long Lac, 1.95. McLcod Cockshutt, 2.14. Madsen Red Lake. .63. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.09. Moneta, .35. Pickle Crow, 2.97. Preston East Dome, 3.15. San Antonio. 2.30. Sherrltt Gordon, .78. Malartic Gold, 1.55. BOMB RAIN KEEPING UP LONDON, Aug. 28: g-Royal Air Force bombers attacked Mannheim and other targets in Western Ger many during the night, It was thorltatlvely stated today. Explos ives were also rained on Nazl-occu-pled France and, during the operations, not a single British plane was lost. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941. n j ui .- -ca wvs wi.n rruue Minister Winston Churchill. Hitler Soft Soaps Turks f ISTANBUL, Aug. 28; 0 Well-informed Axis quarters said today that Chancellor Adolf Hitler has warned Tur- key that he may soon need to use Turkish territorial waters in the Black Sea but has as- sured the Turks that he has no other demands. i MENZIES RESIGNS Quits as Prime Minister But is Expected to Represent Commonwealth in London CANBERRA, Aug. 28: (CD-Prime Minister Robert G. Men-zies today announced his resignation as Premier of Australia. Earlier he announced that an agreement had been reached be- in... iU. n.llicV. ,.rl..l!,n Tomorrow sT ides (Pacific Standard Time) High 6:16 a.m. 17.0 It. 18:26 pm. 19.0 It. Low 12:06 pm. 7.3 It. PRICE: FIVE CENTS War Jn Iran Is All Finished Now S U :: . mjr- V.. BACK FKOM HISTORIC CONFERENCE Invasion Q By D Britain 'I " Recovery of LAVAL EXPECTED, L. rrntions Already Following &5Sasslnation Attempt-Kuthless Purge uoing I-AILLES, Aug 28:-Au- lani-m-. Of UHHWll - "v--i- r . f thA Nazi occupation Lues today In the wake of ip assination avwwyfc " r.. ,,,ve on Former Premier IMJIICi W"" . - . ... I4rre Laval yesieraay anu u, KSenwcn had placed more than W . . In 'nrnt.rr.- lytef nunflrea pciouiw ... ----- tVinm from , IS ..... ,i of the ncwly-mobll- . ivoPvUt leclon. In Par- ISw x ,hrpp s-callrd Com ?" ... , ariiv They Fre pxcuiu pui'i W " . 1-4 mllh the -nn. Plx others were rjjptj ?J to ion" nr'" Itftd oKr one life '. , f i-i Russia aioiiK'uc uv.--.mains manv more mem- w"T like Lavais yuunum Sutf-ts- assassin. Paul Coletto.l jfcen c.-"ose1v to he able to get IS w :h Germany. ! akoueti who-oroudlyjaldhciwcs.v iTre mnr.n louower ui jtrit , ... i l nnfn, trial BUauue was rusnvu wu ....... Wore en? rf the special courts. : . i . . ..! 1 btb Laval and .Marcel ueai, wnu , - hi ths Mmp time, are ex- ptttcj o recover although sen-ous'.v o ::red Two bullets were re-tevca from the body of Laval who jp .10 w nave naa as roto a msm af ;cu:5 be exoected. Deat's con- wicn was cauea cnvicai dui nut and Russia Becomes Peaceful Occupation Change of Government at Teheran Results in Immediate Cessation of Hostilities Even Germany Admits This Was Only Thing to Do LONDON, August 28: (CP) A reorganized Iran government, headed by Premier Ali Furanghi, announced I to Parliament today, the Teheran Radio said, that orders 'had been issued to Iran troops to cease resistance to Bri-I tish and Russian forces which are rapidly advancing to-, ward vital centres of the country. The new government hacj ortjered the army to cease all TC,"' TO O resistance to British and Russian DlolUco , DISEASE ixews oi uie quic& aoanaonmeni of armed opposition on the third day of the Anglo-Russian Intervention in Iran was contained also Public .Meeting To Hear What Is DNB German news agency dis-Being Done In Regard To patches. German general head-Vcncreal Problem quarters in Berlin said that, while there appeared nothing else for Iran A.J t 1 : . 1 lut tW J British Columbia's method of Pi,e u-u "iC " . ' c. u dealing w.ih its veneieai disease cision to cease hostilities might pivaiem will be discussed at a ub uim - tween Berlin and Teheran, putfe -meeting In the Moose Hall Ruters conrirm-Amyot, tomorrow evening with Dr. G. F. d'spat5estf, the ceaslnB 01 host! Utles. provincial health officer, and Dr. Donald H. Williams, dlr- A British Broadcast ng Corpora-ector tion broadcast heard in New York of the Division of Venereal the ld fl8htlnB in ceas" Disease Control, principal speakers. They wiliroutllne the de- ed" and that the British-Russian ln-JStemstAJ .this.jj)rogranv.whic jaslon had turned. Into, a-peaceful is regarded by authorities as one occupation. of the foremost on the continent. Special emphasis will be given to the .effect cf venereal disease on national defence efforts civil and military and the measures that may be adopted by communities to minimize this danger. BRITISH CONTROL "The strong support given to us' toy community organizations French Somaliland is Now Com-throughout British Columbia is a , pletely Blockaded, Vichy source of much satisfaction to Admits those engaged in Improving stand- ards of public health," states Dr. VICHY, Aug. 28: 0) The Jibuti Amyot. At - a recent meeting, he radio announced waay . mat iour inii.ii lilt; auu nuau.iiaii . r or over mmsn warsmps ana .ua government for an Australian continued, representatives armed launches and planes have es- minister other than the Prime eighty Victoria organizations went Minister to go to London to represent the Commonwealth In Empire war councils. Presumably Menzies' resignation cleared the way for him to be that representative. Arthur W. Faddeh, deputy prime minister, was named to succeed Mr. Menzies as Prime Minister. Goes to Post With Fortress Signals I.IEUT. G. ROY KIEVIU, npppntlv commissioned in the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals who arrived Wednesday to take over a post ln the defense area here with Ninth Fortress Signals Lieut. Kle- vlll served overseas with the Fourth and Fifth Battalions, Canadian Ex peditionary Force, leaving with tne First Canadian Cohtlgent from Val- cartler in October 1914. He was eranted his commission ln the field In civil life Lieut. KievM was agent for the Canadian Pacific Telegraphs at Vancouver. 1 on record unanimously m sup- uumicu hjiiuw vt muui portins the policies of the Provin- mallland territorial waters. The cial Board of Health in the con- announcer said the situation has trol cf this major public health reached a dramatic point ln which problem. all blockade-runing launches were Of interest to the citizens of stopped ana tneir cargoes dumped i . .... .. .. . . i - ... i 'Prince Rupert will oe tne nrst overooara or seizeu. local screening of two short sound motion pictures which have. TODAY'S WEATHER won much acclaim. One is called j ; j"With These Weapons" and the Rupert Foggy, southerly other "Nine Cents Per Capita" wlnd( three mlle3 per hour; baro. a film produced and released a meteri 2994. temperature, 54; sea (short time ago by the Board of sm00th. , Health. Triple Island Overcast, foggy, i Included among representative westery wint, one mile per hour; 'citizens invited to attend the Fri- sea smooth. day meeting are Actlng-Commis- Angara Island-Clear, westerly 'sloner F. N. Good, Commander A. wmdi flfteeil mues per hour; bar- H. Reed, Lt.-Col. S. D. Johnston, ometer. 59.97; temperature, 55; Flying Officer Douglas Christie, llgnt 5weU and chop Dean J. B. Gibson (In. the absence Dead p0int clear, north- of Bishop G. A. Rix), Rev. Father west wlndi ten mile3 per hour; W. Lantagne (ln the absence of barom-eter 29.94; temperature, 60; (Blshgp E. M. Bunoz), Rev. E. E-1 neht swell Brandt, Miss E. M. Earle, Dr. J. B Harbor overcast, south- P. Cade. Mrs. H. T. Lock, P. H. wlnrt two mlles Der hour: Iyinzey, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, W. H. barometer 29.98; temperature, 55; Stone, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Thomas smooth. Elliott, Jack Deane, H. A. Breen, .. . Bav Overcast, dense fog, Mrs. B. Roald, Mrs. L. B. Lambly, .. ihnmmet.p, 29.98: temDera- C. H. Insulander, Frank Dibb.i M, $ea smooth Oscar Sather, Inspector Ernest1 Estevan cloudy, calm: baro- Gammon. mpfpr. 3000: temDerature. 58: lleht Major T. W. Sutherland, senior SWll medical officer for the area, will yictorla-Falr, calm; barometer, be chairman. 129.98; temperature, 52; 6ea smooth. " I foggy seawards. Weather Forecast Vancouver Cloudy, southeast 'wind, 3 mlles per hour; barometer, General SvnoDsls The weather 30.00; temperature, 56; smoky. has been cloudy and mild on the Prince George Clear, northeast coast with fog and light showers wind, two mues per hour; Daro- durlng the night. West Coast of Vancouver Island Light northwest winds, partly cloudy and mild with local fogs during the morning. 100 POUND SALMON The king salmon has been known to weigh as much as 100 pounds. meter, 29.93. CHARLIE ROOT'S 200TH CHICAGO Charlie Root, veteran pitcher of the Chicago Cubs, won his two-hundredth victory yesterday. He admits he is slowing; up. 12 I M Mi