n 1 L J L Man 1041. Rf4 I column Bk1''"' 1 J CO. LTD. n.i iJtrtnmcnt li not pulliihtd m ViipUr hty li LiqoM Qpnbcl Ban J by Jt ueen Mary hapter Is ept Active fcuecn Mary Chapter, Imperial per uaufiniLrs oi me Empire, lil their r?tular monthly meot-m on W dnrsday evening at the Inc if Mr. William Brass, Sixth limit Wc A The Recent. Mrs. D. Stuart presided over a lanre Itndnce of members. feuslnesii was largely of a routine ture various maunrs concern-; war work being, discussed. In-dlnr the national War Savings ve The war work convener reported jnber busy making field com- rti i the troops and a large Imb: of well made garments m refuse children were turned hi having been made by mb and friends. arrangements were made the Daffodil Tea to be held on ;!?r Monday it VH3 Jp&.y.KifWW PACE TIIETE Miss Gladys Roper' Is Shower Honoreei LOCAL NEWS NOTES The MUse, Jean Datztll and l)oro-thy Platen are Hostesses The Misses Jean Dalzell and Dorothy Flaten were Joint hostesse3 on Wednesday night at the home oX the former at a delightful miscellaneous shower In honor or Miss Gladys Roper, whose marriage to Tony Bussanieh will take place shortly. The evening was fnjoyably spent in playing games and card.? the winners being Miss Fanny Colorcth and Miss Marjorle Deane. Dainty refreshments were served tby the hostess after which the bride-elect opened her gifts, i Invited guests were: Miss Gladys Roper. Mrs. Roper, Miss Dorothy i Kiaien, Miss Jean Dalzell, Mrs. Dal- yell, Mrs. Flaten, Mrs. A. Erickson, Mm.'L. Griffiths,' and the Mifscs Margaret Cunningham, Fanny Co2-breth, Tarjar Rysstad, Nancy Williams, Marjorle Deane. Ida Moorp- Jkjuso, Violet and Ceclle Cavenaile. Lillian Vaccher and Elsie Hipp. Cup And Saucer Shower Is Held A novel war-time cup and saucer shower was held Thursday afternoon by Mrs. W. Sharpe and Mrs. J. S. West at the litter's home, In honor of Miss Oladvs Rorer whose I marriage takes place next weck-jend. In place of the usual games, the (afternoon was spent sewing Infants' garments for the Red Cross, .a great deal of sewing being accomplished. j Tlie guests included Oladys Ropier, Mrs. Roper. Mrs. McNab, Mrs. iR. Morgan, Mrs. J. R. Watson, Mrs. iJ. Garon, Mrs. W. Sharpe, Mrs. C. Morgan, Mrs. G. Rhodes, Mrs. W Mirrel, Mrs. J. Paul, Mrs. B. Ballam, Mrs. G. Gould, Trains leave I'KINCK RUPERT for the KAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER oa Thursday. 11 :30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines This Is the Time of Year When QUALITY i COAL Smoked ' . .V. V. ' t-iV .1 Makes a Difference to Ymir Comfort iUi i Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace I Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHONE 11? ft I HUNK I1B J "RUPERT BRAND" BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage P'lnre Itupert Co. ltd. British Colnmtiia R iT Benson sailed last un the Prince Run2rt for a Vancouver. Jack Ilasklns sailed last on the Pilnee Rupert for a Vancouver. Tor common ordinary sore throat Fine Stock Of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Fine fresh fruits and vegetables from California are being shown these days In local retail stores but merchants are warning that prices are liable to Increase because of recent storms in the Golden State which have damaged crops. Among new vegetable stocks being shown are celery at 12c, peas at 15c, carrots at 10c a bunch, spinach, 2 pounds for 25c, cauliflower, 25c and 30c each, lettuce, 10c, green cabbage, 10c, potatoes, 10c, onions, 3 lbs. for 10c, and asparagus, 25c per pound. The new fruits include oranges. 20c to 25c per dozen, grapefruit, 6 for 25c, pears, 50c per dozen, 'emons, 35c. and bananas, 15c per pound. Rhubarb is selling at 2 bunches for 15c and Yellow Newton apples at 25c per dozen. A sharp advance in tea prices Is also anticipated soon in view of the necessity pf keeping up the supply for England. DANCE Tonight MOOSE HALL Good Music Ladies with Escort Admitted Free Till 10:30 i tin: s i Tit km k rontT or iuiiti .ur "I rfirfxt Mrs " 'WnTVinT Jtaw MTVrt last trip to night on the Prince Rupert, for, trip to Vancouver, accompanied by 'her children. nlehtl ' i trip to j James L. Lsj4 sailed last night oh ish (Ol.l AllllV IN I'ltOllATi: III (lie M:lllei ill I lie "AiliiiiiiMmtlnn Aft" Anil III the Miller of the IMate of Jnlin WINon, iliffiiM-iI, uliii illtil nt llrlla Id-Ma, II. ('. mi (lie .Mh ilay nf a unary. 1)111 TAKE NOTICE that by order of ills-Honor. W. E. Fisher, made the 2ftth day it February, A. D. 1941. I wn up-painted Administrator, with Will annexed, of the estate of. John Wilson. deceased, and all parties having claims' against the said esate ore hereby required to furnish name properly vert- nt. to live -on or before the' Hth day uT April A. D. 1941. and all parties In. lighted to tlie eMiUe are reaulred to ixiv Uievainouivt of hoir UtdeDtetlness,; t Ine'forthwlttK' i;v'''- i'.V.; jDATEP 4.MI' day Of Mafchi AV Tr. l 141. , ' : i ', ' NORlrfAN A. WATTi, 1 Official Administrator, . Prince Rupert, B.C. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. I Navy Auxiliary tea March 8, Leg ion ltall. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs .Flaten's, March 13. Varden's entertainment March 14.1 Second Searchlight Auxiliary Tea Legion, March 15. Catholic Ladles St. Tatrlck Tea, March 17. Anglican Tea Mrs. Darton's March 18. United Tea March 20th, Mrs. Largc's 102rid Auxiliary Tea, Legion, March 22. Horticultural Dinner, March 24. Rebekah Tea and Sale, April 2. L. O. D. A. Spring Sale, April 23. . astf'PeTer's "Spring Sal; May 8. tne rrmce itupere iot a viae in New Westminster where- Mrs. Lee has been for trie pat few weeks. L. II. DennLsdh of Whltehorse ar? rived In the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon. Mr. Dennlson is Joining lirs. Dennlson, the former Miss Nellie Gurvich, who has been visiting here, for the past few weeks, and together they will proceed on a triji to Vancouver. - i Harold Andeispn is leaving on' this evening's train, returning to Halifax to resume hi? naval duties after being stationed at the local headquarters for the past two month's. He had. been called home on account of 'thd Jefere Illness and death of his' father, the Lite R. T. Anderson. , . , Salvation Army Red Shield Tea Successful Affair Held Wednesday Afternoon At Home Of Mrs. G. M. Hunt. A successful tea and sal of home cooking was, held at the! home of Mrs. G. Ml Hunt, Second t.! I m GET BEAUTIF SILK STOCK Hurry! Join Quaker's 1941 Silk Stocking Club Today! on tttt one of th certificates below for YOU membership it rour grocer's - helping rou to f ei pair of beautiful silk stockings tor onljr 35c and a boa boa top top from trom one one package package ot of Quaker (Juaker .Oats. Thete lovelr sheer senckiiwts art made in one of Canada's leading hosiery mills of fine Jihread, high-twin silk. They're "Form-Fitted" 'hie Exley. "Miss "Cf. Swaiison ondi certain articles such as blankets (Mrs. Dodds. The cashlef was Mrs.'can be made available to the local ilvan Halsey. Air RaJd protection organization Mrs, Calder and Mrs. Wllkle had from Red Cross supplies. Also the Jcharge of the home cooking table. 1 establishment of a military hospl- Some time ago .an. item got intoj certain newspapers .that the Red Cross had sold donated articles. The i fact is that, when a person knits a pair of socks for the Red Cross, she , secures, wool supplied by the society. Those socks must come up ta cor-i tain requirements before a soldier can put them on feet that often have to work pretty hard. During the early stages of this war socks were turned Into the1 .Red Cross that could, not possibly be turned over to' YES.! jVc Repair WaUr ripesrlloOfs,; Woodwork, Stoves? Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkJeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by, the, only talmon canning company with an all the year round M payroll In Prince Jtupert tal In Prince Rupert would bring help from the society which would supply items such as bed lamps, curtains, etc., that are not given by the government. 12 l Recently newspapers reported NEURALGIA Acuta pains of N'turalrla. Neuritis and Head-tchn an rtlirird FASTER with Buckler's tinnamated Capsulta IwcauM ofthe THKEE intrrdienta ttify contain. While one ruthea te relieve pain th olhera stimulatt. refrenh and Indue benetirlal relaialion of the '" NOW KKI.1KF WITHOUT REACTION! IS d...m 35c at all drusrtKti. PAINTING Decorative Kaisomining Signs LORNR CORNEIiTi 'Gordon and, Anderson's ;.,Pline;"f I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM UQME" Rates 75c ni 00 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. ThenaZSl r.O. Box 1M ATTENTION Car. Boat and Plant Operators Free showing of moving pictures illustrating the operation and lubrication of industrial plants, diesel and automobile engines. Entertaining and instructive. Katies' Hall, 5th Avenue East, Friday, March 7, 8 p.m. Sharp Courtesy of Imperial Oil, Limited And Its Dealers EVERYBODY WELCOME to gte perfect shape MO A QUAKER OATS Hive picot tops with opy tdd meri'erlzeil toe. tnle B ,ur and heel for long wear. Most fashionable shade. So don't lose out. Get certificate lor membership at your grocer's rikhr away-mail it todaywiih 35c and Quaker Data box lop to The Quaker Oats Company, Box 100, Feterborough Ontario; or Saskatoon, Saslu the whole family Quick Quaker Oatt regularly every morning for breakfast. Get a package at your grocer's today I MH$ 5 Slariw NEEDED BY EVERYONE EVERY DAY CANNOT BE STORED IN THE BODY! Vitamin III is one of many food factors necessary to normal nutrition and it cannot be nored-up by the body . must be replenished daily Quaker Oats is a rich ind thrifty source of Vitamin 111 Quaker Oats, among grain foods, is also extra-rich in vegetable proteins which can aid in building muscles. Delicious, easy to prepare Uuaker Juaker (Jats Oats is is amazingly amazingly economical. economical. Serve Serve SjjUKl fl II A If ED RATI! iw-w IJlIMItER UMI 3 ?tWWK Avenue, Wednesday afternoon In " " aid of Salvation Army Red Shield " . .' , war work. In the evenin a laree the soldiers. Tlie society had money Herbert Morrison, Minister of Sup- its allotted w freight. These .snip- crowd gathered in the Salvation tIed UP ,n those socks- Therefore. piy m the British government. asments or Kea oross gooas uuaiiy, Army Citadel for a, musical pro- they were 5010 10 B me money yg We do not need your goods, gram which waS enjoyed by all back- , what wp a-ant is monev." These pnsent. AU money raised is to be .. There Is another ,tory of a sae IZtLZuZ . rna won r'rnce mnnp a nnnr.T.iiv " Thone 7T5 " It's Mrs. Henry Smith, oresident of of bacon had been donated and was '""6 " the Red Cross Shield oreanlzation. shipped overseas as a gift to the ' ' '.received the guests In the afte British government. Due tc re?u- unfortunate nd unfortunate noon, being assisted by the hostessi .latlons the 'government could not'8 .TOn5 an 'Mrs. C. K. Ytreberg, Mrs. Rod. accept the goods as a gift ,but must ,(PU shinmenU nre mnde 'McLeod and Miss' B. Thompson Purcnase inem. bo me Kea ross - ... , ... s i ,u a r,.., icnM fVo hoMn fnr nnr rin inr overseas as exwa t cargo, loaaea ai- i:: S,rt;B-Srl ' already put aboard 1 run about one ton with the .highest .ever made close to eleven. . Fifty dollars from the funds, of. the Prince Rupert Red Cross branch Is to be transferred to the Terrace account, It was announced at Mon-day night's executive meeting.1 This Is money due the Interior, branch from the financial drive of .lait ' year. ( . A. MacKenziefFurniture Ltd. A GOOD TLACE TO HUY TRADE-IN FURNITURE 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, splendid condition " , 8-piece Dihing Room Suite 1 Dresser, 1 Vanity .: 2 Bedsteads . Act Quickly. ,' 327 3rd Avert tit 3 We ain't mad at Nobody The New Grand Cafe Opening Monday March 10, 6 a.m. NEW FURNITURE NEW FIXTURES NEW DISHES NEW EVERYTHING Attractive Atmosphere Good Cooking Generously Served Reasonable Prices Eat Well and Save SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET If you lose anything, advertise for it.