fice at Local Ore Sampler Operation This Summer, in firr imivuiivva .ii.j .nf am. mn rip hv TIrn fruit ' ""a ..... - PARR trio IV this S VioA lu vw wv. t the assay plant In con- i i nun nra cn mniinrr wouir1 be cstamisnea. win and in operation durlns1 $6000 or $7000 and v.1ll be of Norton Youngs as reel-, w.i'h the staff or the ore p!ar and the office of the ".e has not yet been dc- Mail n i iiiiunnc-. uorncr Ull ivi an il . x KAJ UAZfw tin J along the JJulRarlan Iron T .MM .1 . I FOR WARl urn rnrvnrln tt an mrrppnient Mn?frrar rpinrnliw MnlK.ln urn n navy is assemDiea the Bosphorus and Dar- cast which the British EWS NOW Of Tollcy Adopted sniln i'rmtm At Annini Meeting ther Talk Denmark Is In. i w m-a m-m. V 0 By WA, March 7: CP) Mem- tho PnnellMH T7tA tlmei .fit rinnt mfi rtr liol nicrnT. thn principle ithat Cama- under commercial br determined by the Mliai'V 4kIum ttl.. Lamm "waon Oownea before a 1 IV, M.l. ... . uuvB-ycar resmenoe weaj m nn -t ...... i 4t, n 1 tin. . 1 I - -""w uivjf uvcuvs were was by t, r-i lr"T I n J n purchase of ckey Scores National ' f,-.. ' lo 3. nn,,rb . , Pacific Tna T 'The bastion of Fascism" it whai I; Dun- Mu.-..tuji. callrri Bardla, Libya. In those clays the man) drag o! t,hp town was named in honor of the head man of Fascism; "Via Benito Mussolini," but now the bastion has been busted and Benny doesn't live here any more. Some of the Australian assault troops who were first into the town look at the street's fitting new name, "Via War News AIR RAIDING LIGHT LONDON England had a comparatively light night from enemy bombing. London had new air raid alarms today. FURTHER BRITISH REINFORCEMENTS ROME Virginio Gayda, Fascist editor, says that further British reinforcements are being landed at Salonika for the Greeks. He declared today that 1G.000 more British troops had been landed in addition to two divisions already there. It has been officially denied in Athens that Canadians have arrived at Salonika. Gayda had made a statement to this effect. ITALIANS STILL LOSING ATIIENSli-Thc Ilrilish Royal Air Force successfully attacked an Italian battery in the Tepelinl sector of Albania. One Italian regiment has been completely wiped out and another has suffered heavy losses. There is heavy rain and cold weather in Albania at present. ATTACK ON MALTA VALETTA German dive bombers made a heavy attack on Malta yesterday but sixteen enemy machines were brought down with loss of only one British. D SAFE IN BRITONS PORTUGAL1 CAN WIN odiln., There Of Carol And Lup Willi ..United ..Slates ..Help They cm t r, l'crfcctlv Ugal ; Will Emerge Victors In War, Iay Go To United Mates that Carol and Lupcscu de'avour to 'proceed to the United States. Thprp is a Drice on Lupescu's head for alleged complicity in the deaths ot former leaders in Rumania and, if she could be cxtra- jiw nt. rouiitry. she wouiu most llkcly have to face the The former King ana u tress left Spain so huntod jr thcir h(Ml they ovtriooked Says .American Legion Head nsnnu March 7: The position vnmr Mmrh 7-Mllo J. in Portugal of Former King Ca")1WaTner, prciddmrof the American of Rumainla and Madame Maftda j-etuming to New York r;ntvs(ii who escaiped into ulM',r0i.rri!iv frnm atrln An Great Bri country from Seviue, tpai", """tata, declared that England, witn tliey had been in iproxecwve cue h- United states, can win tody, Is declared to be periecuj the mf Warner he a(j been legal. They may, If they dwirc're" deeply impressed by the determin- sldo in' Portugal unui ins - ation Gf Britons who were con-the war, .sumed with the desire to come to report, however, rtp5 with enemy He vvotua There are some aid be given to Britain. KENT COAST GETSBRUNT LONDON. March 7: The Kent coast suffered the most from Nazi raiders coming over England singly or in small groups yesterday South and west England were also visited. London had a brief raw last night. Bulletins NAZIS TIGHTEN UP SOFIA The Nazis continue to tighten their grip on Bulgaria, All doctors, chemists and nurses are being mobilized. GERMAN MOVEMENT ATHFvNP It was rumored that Crown Prince Paul, brother of Kitir Oeorre. mty head a pro-German opposition in Greece. Biimsii conspiracy? MERLIN German, quarters charge a Itritish conspiracy to attark German and Italian ship-rin in YuenSlav waters and to carry out sabotage inithb coun-try. I M TRYING TO KEEP OUT PXGRADF, Following a special me-ting cf PrincevPaul with the cabinet, it was 'announced th' YnroSlavH would rin ls utr -' o rrrTT it independent,, and neutrality In spite of German prcs'ire. The fact that Yytf lavU 1 beinc encircled by AxH influence presents difficulties. URGING EARLY VOTE WASHINGTON Urging an early vote on the "lease-lend" bill administration leaders have ordered night sessions of the Senate. Supporters of the bill are confident that thev. will be aurion as to whether exptdi- clilionary forces should he sent overseas. It is stated authoritatively that the intention is to soon turn over further Hestroyers anit torpedo boats to Great JAPAN AND GERMANY 1 TOKYO There are rumors 1 here, larking confirmation either at the Japanese Foreign Office ' or the German Embay. that j Foreign Minister Matsuoka of Japn will accompany the Ger- . man ambassador to Japan on a i trip to Berlin via Moscow. The ' rumor is neither confirmed or denied. Supposedly action tn be taken by Japan should United Stales enter the war against Germany would be discussed. TERMS ARE MODIFIED Japan Makes It Possible For France To Make Peace TOKIO, March 7: A modified. treaty between French Indo-Chlnn . and Tlialland will be signed In a few days, it was announced yester day at Tokio. The concessions to be made to Thailand are greaiuy reduced from ithose at first dic tated by Japan. Tension in the Ftir East is, as a result, greatly reduced. Insisted On Paying Board In Prison Saskatchewan Religious Sect poes Not Like to Take Bread Without Recompense WALDHEIM, Sask., March 7 Three members of a religious sect ilVll. AUU.OWU UU flJ ."0 O , ment for their board during a time they had spent in custody for fall-' ing to register under national registration. It is part of their principles, not' to cat another's bread without paying for it. The money was returned to them by the authorities, t Tomorrows Tides and OueMi Char- 17.7 ft. High 9:20 ajn. 22:25 pan. 16 J it i .11 !. i i niminw euhu iiuiu wiui lOD ft. Low 2:33 a.m. 15:56 p.m. 6.8 It. 4$V NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMIiiA'S NBW8PAFM 50; , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.' FRIDAYMARCH 7,1941 " " prices cents. - 'jtl.'VA. " ' ' " ' ' '" " rley is Preparing For Battle NT TO READY SHORTLY 'BENNY" DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANY MORE WUITCUADCi: AV.-.I l a in i-iwi-iw TV li A IK rlr.l .11 I A Mat hiii r I j Former President of White Pass and I Yukon liouie is laiung impori-ant Part After a visit to Whltehorse in connection with the making of preliminary arrangements for extensive air field develooment wh'ch Is j to be carried .out thrre during the coming. Herbert Wheler, (former n-esidnt of the Whif- Pai? (and Yukon Po'ite. was a tns'enjer aboard the .Princess Nrnh i-. day afternoon returning to Victo'la. He expects to return north shortly 'and spend the summer at While-horse. vi Speaking of the air field develop-' mcnt. at Whltehorse. Mr. Wheeler 'stated that. It was being undertaken as part of the Joint defence plan of Canada r b ttnltpd Rtsits. The present field will be considerably extended with chanzes In grades and other Improvements. The main feature will, however, be the Installation of a radio beam and complete liahtinz fpcllitles. It will then be enuipped for use both in night as wll a day flying. Whltehoise Is already a croroads for almiane the repc ;t cf a runnng naval .rx ft J f traffic to and from Alaska and. as I-battle bjtween BriUilh waIUmO vrfcUlULl IS defence nvinc oreanizauon is ex- inics ana uerman i;c---i -j nnded, will come into greater use. may du? to a lighthouse k.ep- ThW Is why the field Is being so ex- er m ths E4'! -s cr Magellan tcnslvely enlarged and equipped. having been deceived by a Mr. Wheeler says that plans are htavy ithunder Rtorai ct man- Vutlntr mario in Vinnrilo nnrmnl tnnr- hpiivprs of Arcefttlhean war- able to beafdown srrjous -oiiM- Jst traffic to the northlbivsum - -sit wtwn? Prinrttrhau-ew-Isithe S-ef - TODAY'S STOCKS (OourtT 8 D. Johnston r.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .0SA. Bralorne, 9.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2.55. Dentonia, .00 '.i. Falrview. .01. Gold Belt, J28. Hedley Mascot, .48.' Minto, .OlVi. Noble Five. .OOVfeA. Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.40. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, .86. Reeves MacDonald, .10. Reno, .11. Relief Arlington, .02 V. Salmon Gold, .01: Sheep Creek, .83. Oils A. P. Con., .08. Calmont, .18. C. & E.. 1.11. Home. 1.91. Pacalta, .04V2A. Royal Canadian, .092 A. Okalta, .50A. Mercury. .04. Prairie Royalties, .07. Toronto Aldermac, .10. Beattie, 1.05. Central Pat., 1.71. Con. Smelters, 35.3,i. East Malartlc, 2.55. Fernland, .033,4A. Francoeur, .36. Gods Lake, .28. Hardrock, .75. Int. Nickel, 32.. Kerr Addison, 3.55. Little Long Lac, 1.71. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.90. Madsen Red Lake, .57. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .46. Noranda, 50.00. Pickle Crow, 2.75. Preston East Dome, 2.93. San Antonio, 2.20. Sherrltt Gordon, .68. Uchl, 22. Bouscadillac, .02. Mosher, .04V2. Oklend, .04A. Smelters Oold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 25JV, Mrs. Gordon Downes of Victoria, who came north to speak to thfa Women's Canadian Club here, sail ed last night by the Prince Rupert on her return south. ,Q,.t! .tiShips., CRITICAL Unfriendly Huns Near, Tis Duty Of All To Take Up Arms Now Becoming Increasingly Evident That Intention is to Spurn Germany and Stand by Great Britain ISTANBUL, Turkey, March 7. Nazi threats and diplomatic intrigue notwithstanding, it is becoming increasingly apparent that Turkey intends to fight if the Germans invade Greece. Evidently, it is the intention to rciect Chancellor Adolf Hitler's overtures designed to wean Turkey away from Great Britain and to secure her neutrality If not co-operation with ithe Axis Full defensive measures . i are being taken as the idea of co-Noirol Raff In i operating with Hitler is spurned. lldYdl UttlUC a leading Istanbul newspaper to- ri n ,1 day warned all Turks that now, 111 r2ir O Oil 111 j tney had unfriendly Germany as a FANOrVGO. Chil'. Mi.-'-'i 7: Chilean naval authorities are incl'n-ied to the belief that ; OTTAWA, March 7: CP) Hon. Jm G. Gardiner, minister of national war services, told the House of Commons last night that "there is no organized gToup in the Dominion that has done more since the fall of 1939 to delay the war effort of this country than certain sections of the press of this country." The minister said he had no objection to criticism "based on facts" but those publishing "what arc not facts" and making criticism based on such misstatements are adding to the government's burden. INVASION I PRACTICE! I British Defences Repel Enemy Mock Effort At Entry fight. "It Is the sacred duty of every citizen to be ready to shoulder arms," the newspaper asserted. Ousted By Duce Mussolini Takes' Over Still Another Portfolio, That of Justice ROME, March 7. Ousting the once much trusted Dino Grsndl, Premier Benito Mussolini yesterday assumed, in addition to his many other portfolios, that of minister of justice. OF PRESS New York'Market Certain Sections Have Done More Than Any Ono Else To Hamper v Canada's War Effort, Declares Minister Rallies Strongly Values Substantially in Yesterday's Slock Exchange Trading NEW YORK, March 7-The New York stock market rallied strongly yesterday, more than regaining ground lost the previous day. The day's turnover totalled 480,000 shares. The industrial average at j closing was 121.53, up 1.33; rails, ' 27.92, up .41, and utilities, 19.S5, up . .13. The healthy tone of the market continued today. U.S. MIGHT ! IS GROWING 'And Aid To Britain Is Not Ham-I pering It, American War It was possible, Capt. Margesson 0 Britain. Leaders Declare WASHINGTON, D.C., March 7: Secretary of War Henry L. Stiim-, In son and General George Marshall, United States army chief of staff. jtold the House of Representative's LONDON, March 7: Announce- foreign affairs committee yesfcer-ment was mad? in the British thait United States military House of Commons by Secretory of might was Steadily Increasing and War Margesssn of a week's mill- ay to Britain was not in-tary manoeuvres In which a mock tterferlng with it. United States was Invasion of Britain had been sue- fretting a good return in the1 way cossfully repelled. of information lor all help it 'gave told Hhe House, that the Germans ! . . ; imtght suceed in landing on the Weather f OfecaSt British Isles but tney wouia most, 0eneral Syn0psis-A disturbance certaauy sea.- be hurled back Into the JUGOSLAVIA AND GREECE Belgrade Said To Be Urging Athens To Accept Axis Terms- is approaching the coast from the southwest. The weather has been cloudy and mild over most ol. the coast and moderate to heavy, rains have occurred. Wsrf. Const nf V.inron vrr Tsland Moderate to fresh soutli b'rsouth- east winds, cloudy and mild with rain in central and northern por-" tlons with showers in southem por tion. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- nvrriRAnR March 7: Yuzo-' lotte Islands Moderate souin 10 Slavia may urge Greece to accept! southwest winds, cloudy and mild ari Axls-diotated peace with Italy, , with showeM except In vicinity or it was said In international circles last night. Prince Rupert where liAvill cloudy at first tod then rain, r be