'51 4 4 Takes Stripping But Not Sundays Remember whenever you want them when you have an ELECTRIC WATER HEATER- No more poking a sulky fire; no more wdiU ing for water to heat and then finding there isn't enough. Just turn the tap instead and enjoy a flow of piping hot water for baths, the dishes, the laundry or any other house- ' hold need : plenty and to spare. That's real comfort and you can have it at low cost. Ask about our convenient terms. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Chicago Qirl Studies Under Gypsy Itose Lee, Sings In Church Choir CHICAGO, March 26: (CP) Six nights a week Nancy Lee Dodg. 18 year old socialite, appears at a theatre-c:ife for lessons in strip-teasing from Gypsy Rose Les whom she serves as understudy. On Sun- day it's different. Her only professional engagement that day Is I at a fashionable church where she , sings in th choir. Nany wants 'a musical career but says the' 'stage would do. I MORE ELECTRICS PITTSBURGH. Pa., March 26: (CP) Use of electric power was extended in inn ripvoWimont many of them connected with defence production during 1940, says Engineering Progress. EASTER ft Moment of Peace in an Age of War The Light of Hope in the Darkness of Despair Select Cards From the largest stock of "Made in Canada" Easter Cards ever displayed in Prince Rupert. 5c to 25c Easter Toys Easter, like Christmas, is a children's festival We have some heautiful gifts suitable for the occasion ONE SHIP LAUNCHED,' ANOTHER STARTED, IN BRITISH YARDS This photo gives an idea of how British shipyards are working at feverish speed to produce the ships on which the vary life of areak Britain depends. One freighter Is shown hitting the water, and already the keel of another is being hoisted into place. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver .Big Missouri, .03 Vi. Bralorne, 10.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.54. Dentonia, .00 Vi. Fairview, .01. Gold Belt, 25. Hedley Mascot, .54. Minto, .01 Noble Five, .OOVfcA. Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer, 2.15. " Premier", .87. Privateer, .49. Reeves MacDonald, .10. Reno, .10. ""Relief Arlington. .02 ,. Salmon Gold, .01. . Sheep Creek, .80. Oils A. V. Con., X7. Calmont, .18. E., 1.20. Home, 1.86. Pacalta, .02 Vt. Royal Canadian, .09 Vi. Okalta, .53. Merc.ury, .047 . Prairie Royaltleg, .05. v. . Toronto Aldermac, .11. Beattie, 1.06. Central Pat,, 1.C6. Con, Smelters, 35.00. East Malartie, 2.C0. Fernland, .02Vfe. ' Francoeur, .40. ! vGods Lake, 55. I Hardrock, .77. Int. Nickel, 33.&. Kerr Addison, 3.65. Little Long Lac, 1.76. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.85. Madsen Red Lake, .62. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .51. Noranda, 53.3,i. Pickle Crow, 2.63. Preston East Dome, 3.15. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherritt Gordon, .71. Uchi, .19. Bouscadillac, .01. Masher, .04. Oklend, .04. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 25.V4. Reach ten thousand people vith a "want ad." to the Dally News. FRESH FKUITS VEGETABLES Arriving Every Boat "BUY RIGHT" Shop at Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" Phone 517 2nd Ave. West CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Cotton, D.CPh.C. W&llaee Block. Phone 646 PAINTING Decorative Kalsomining Signs LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 40 MOVEMENT OF WAR VESSELS Secretary of Navy Knox Opposed to Publicizing It mails tn ") ! ? British Warships L- J I I 1 I I .WINDPIPE FATALITY JUNEE, NJS.W., March 26: (CD-Fracturing his windpipe without breaking the skin, six-year old Leslie Hulm died here despite ef Treat yourself daily to DELICIOUS ! HEALTHFUL! brightens your teeth Many dentists recommend Wriftley's Spearmint Gum. The chewing gives your teeth needed exercise; helps keep teeth clean, bright, attractive. Aids I DELICIOUS! and sweetens your breath Enjoy Spear mint's long-lasting peppermint Savor an aid to pleasant breath. A wholesome treat your frlendsand tarn lly appreciate. War j Forward Annette's Ladles' Wear j WASHINGTON, D.C.. March 26: Mrs- O- R S- Blackaby Secftftiuy of the Navy Frank Knox H. A. Breen UCUCIBB tUliVlU Ui LiLllLZll Will" -WW" ships tn United States ports should not be publicized. Such Information irriay be of great value to the erienly, Knox believes. C. H. Elklns J. G. Garrett Fraser & Payne Max Hellbroner H. G. Helgerson Ltd ( Hyde Transfer ,.... H. Ivarson .-..,.,, Kaien Hardware $1,200 25 6 10 Storage Co. Ltd. 300 Capitol Barber Shop 10 Stephen King ".. 10 Macey's 10 forts of three doctors who said .m.mi , "''li'l' Sotheardf prCVl0Us.Mlss Dorothy Mafcdona". simUarcase. u..-, . T.JrTj- Tt. 50 10 McKenzie Furniture 15 . McMeckin's Brokerage 10 Old Empress Hotel .. 20 S. E. Parker Ltd. 40 Rocky Mountain Rangers j (Proceeds Band Concert 23rd March) 275 (Miss Nancy Rorie 8 iRoyal Hotel 25 IRupert People's Store !. 25 Savoy Hotel 'Sxaii & Elklns Ltd. H. B. M. 'Valentine Vcgue Shop iH. .S. WaUace L:d Wrathall Studio Watts & Nickerson Norman A. Watt Highway Report Coming In June 50 15 10 10 25 6 25 20 Total to date $2,391 Chairman of International Com-! mission Seen In Ottawa .Recently i Dy uany isews Kepresen-: tatlve j Hon. Charles Stewart, chairman ! of the international Joint highway! commission, seen at Ottawa recently, said he was about to leave for Washington and that the report on the Alaska Highway would not be ready for presentation to the government before June next. Mr, digestion, too. Stewart recently visited Victoria. REFRESHING! relieves fatigue Chewing Wrlg-ley's Spearmint Gum helps relieve tension, steady your nerves. Always keep a package handy in your purse orpocket. I "(JOVKKN.MKXT I.KlLOIt ACT (Btcttun 28) Notlcr ot Appliruttmi Fur a Club IJreiH'P NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thnt on the 3lt day oX March 1941 next th unqeralgned EMPRESS SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor a Club Xilcence In renpect of iprenvises aituajtoi rm ih top floor of the Empress Block at the corner 01 jsecona Avenue and Sixth Street upon lands deaerrben tm Lots 11 ana IX W BIOCK 23 of Smrtlnn 1 m, y 01 rTlnce Rupert, ti-i t, uci.. in itne irovinre vt British Col- uu.uia, vo enuxie each mnmh.r nt h ald Club to ktfD on h rrmi.. . reasonable quantity ot liquor for mer-oml conmimptton an th premiM In uj-wruaiice woji tne provisions of Uie rY. """ " ucluor A Jd the RegU. EMPRESS SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED By J. a. Mccdy. President COED Beautv Salon (Elsie Klohn) Exchante Bide. . IIEACICCC? .JL I TERRACE 100 percent In Grade 1.. The village commissioners are onstructing a new water main leading from Kalum Street to AO-wood Street. This line will terminate-with a flrp hydrant, a safety aevice long needed. The Farmers Institute held a I well attended meeting on Thursday. The president, Kenneth Kerr. .Introduced the district agriculturalist from Sail thers who entertained the meeting wtth some fine JELLO fOWDERS OR PUDDINGS Asst'd -flavors. 2 for 15c SUGAU-KRISP CORN FLAKES Reg. size f?, package. 2 for plants seed b( .:. : springing 'cpeninp in recent written examinations eyes, i set by the Toronto Conservatory beautiful -of Musk three of the young people denlng n, f Terrace achieved successful rat- beautiful ' ings. Miss Janet Young had honors shrubs v sianding in three examination, port of tfi !; Miss Lamb made P8 percent in wtth rere:vi! G-ade 2 and Allan Dubeau made 'laere and , . - tute does ;, , among its nirn movies illustrating he growth of 'what the" w 0 MIST GO BY iml CANBERRA t.! reduce petroi traHa unrein r. from di.str.tnf.. distant pun in ped by raiiw If you wj.: ..smrtiy. use .ur i KU..L.:: l BORDEN'S MALTED MILK DUNDAS BKAXU W A l. ? i 1 IUI Libby Brands For Thrift Shoppers LIIsUY S TOMATO KKTnirP 12 W - AV T ItlIlXr Tttl T a Wvt- avtrim ft T. An. LIKBY'S TOMATO SOUP- for 2ft PUREX BATHROOM TISSUE Large rolls. t)ff0 3 for LEiMON or VANILLA EXTRACT 2-oz. bot. 18c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are Arriving with Each Boat and are Reasonably Priced lUMimtlT CVtP 4 Keg sizn - Mil S muni.'" v pacxar" J. . .... r i i,. n.r irp'v on mc ABIC . ' Hack iiome tanau ervlccs i una Help hj it w-i n. mi ii M' v f iiiicpq iom c HAnnnm Aim mb tr m mi i ii in IIAMUUUIIVUI J UVUllVlllj v'w "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phnn. 1 X- 1Q PI) BOX 5"' This is the Time of Year When QUALlTl yCfe coal Makes a Difference to Your Comfort rnnciiU wif h no nc fn fo V,oof VinH t.n USe 10' " Stove. Ranee or Furnace AlKm-f & Mr-raffprv. Ltd UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES T.S.S. CAKDEN " 10:30 p n. .OlP Ef.Xll. ...M1T " ,-- : .. .r mm"-' Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due vsncuu.w, Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) 1 Rnnr Marp'k 5 17 nnil 31 10 P-tT- ..-r... - - -i ... , U Convenient riease Purchase iicrc - - rurther Information Regarding Reservation!) a , f'lf rtvir i cirtMK.'i.'iF u.i. . tr.nl iiiiiu