1 ar Appropriation nuse Yesterday WTO war arrorooraation bill . . 1 T-k 11. & J1U T' rded vote although a few ar News INVASION OF GltTKCE EiUtKA.M, iiieu nruirai uni- i i i i . t. f!MA idvinced to start ihis week. GERMAN SHIP SUNK LONDON A BritUh plane tor- in iuddit sum uii iiic -tiva- nAm Ani fill a f Ijtrnrwin. BRITISH FORCES MASS LONDON Large numbers of riTP tntnnuarn inrniiFii in. .1 . . ii uiDMflTin i not rppariirii vrij It i . a at it A irniv hr ih ipnnf i mai ill L. t- A t - M-nwT-M' 'I IIIIU illlS UUt V I' ICELAND BLOCKADED BERLIN It was officially an- IB 11 k hlnrL-Qfln itnuDI lie luacning mcr, including .Am- ''i. will be sit!ij:t to des-"'" tn. The unt of tlcnurca-"un 1ms been exlNiticfl to.a point ,he miles east of Grecn- anil u-u.iu i t. iiiciiicr ur nut airland should be included under the protection of the Monroe Doc-tflne has long been a subject of di5Pute in the United States. urrrnlanj i ...i.t.....i i... ir. i ,3 tuil'iucicu VI authorities say they have '"formation that United States hipj have discharged cargoes al .. . U'Hahfl t- i aim u is imcnaca 10 put & iton in APrilOACHING RAILWAY AIIMl 11,1(1,1, . i. ,i . .'iiktsil lllilllilllltvu wees have advanced to within n mll of Harar, an important h !n EthiPia only forty miles rom Addis Ababa-DJibuti railway AT..Nn!:W "REEK GAINS ATHENS v. i- -- atalL .eLGrecks ,n t,,c f'Rtnff r'uru, luMan in Albania. 7 ,lalia countei hjVu ..iUtht uae bi-i... i . . . "linen back, fi ATHENS, March 26. Greece will keep on fighting whatever iNKARA, March 2. "Turkey is nappens, declared Premier terday pound. CHICAGO WHEAT , I s.ecl against any, in- v -una ioaay in commenting . , i nn IVlfl sltliatlrtr, f11rn.li V. A. . "CVia 1 nromtnrf f 1 Din III C (II thfi AXlS hv Vllffn. 3, any t ;n . tvjftuudt. " . . rf - .11 niiAfl. th wnitn"if CLI. V break ha head. In Rome Vlr-! - ll.ll.. T-v 1 i 'L-L.L-L-ft.-k-L. A i ' J-..!-,-! V.i J-Ka A-H Vtnrl nr ririiicru i.ti. -viic hau .itAU 11 - - 1 de;ii!.- against Turkey al- t. i iii&cv nuuiu ISC 1U1M,U Ml in , nf wirh th Axis). . NORWAY IS TROUBLOUS Even Nail Military Governor Ad-' mits That Popular Unrest is I Becoming Serious 1 BERLIN, March 26. General von Faulkenrausen, the military gov. ernor of Norway, admits that popular unrest is increasing among the people of Norway. It may become necessary, he declares, to resort to the use of arms with ruthless severity to put down increasing dlssen-tion against the Nazi rule. prices were up iVeC.'on the Chicago market yesterday with May clos ing at 88. NEW YORK COPPER 1 NEW YCRK. March 26: New York copppr was unchanged yes- with May at 11.95c .per TO HOLD CENSUS OTTAWA Minister of Trade and Commerce J. A. McKinnon told the House of Commons today that the 1911 census would be taken and not postponed as suggested in Opposition speeches. ADOLF IN VIENNA VIENNA Adolf Hitler turned up in Vienna yesterday and was present for the last ten minutes of the ceremony in connection with VufoMavia's signing; up with the Axis. NOT BREAKING RELATIONS LONDON It. is net expected there will be immediate breaking of diplomatic relations by Great Britain with Yugoslavia HUTU LESS BLOCKADE LONDON Minister of Economic Warfare Hu;h Dalton urged in Parliament today a ruthless cont'nuation of the blockade of France. CAROL TO CHILE? SANTIAGO The government of Chile has given permission to Former King Carol of Rumania and Madame Lupescu to take up residence in this country. They are expected to leave Portugal soon for here. TO BUY SPITFIRE Saw-VAaUUli tit inijnovcnni having been initiated by the Kamloops Fish & Gun Club, British Columbia sportsmen will raise a fund for the war. to buy a Spitfire UBRARY VfCTORlA. B.C. Weath Recast tomorrow sTides prince Ru- uQtcgf?'- r Low 1:10 a.m. 20.7 ft. L... Me v fat r,.' J& .-V ft. 13:24 pjn. 20.4 Low 7:25 am. 4.4 ft. during me mon. . drizzle 19:36 pm, 4.4 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IVol. XXX.. No. 72. PRINCE RUPERT, BC., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1 941." PRICE: 5 CENTS. r ugoSlavia Widely Discontented URKEY IS ' ALL READY; . ri i . r I lv invasion ui uiwunii empire Kill Meet Rough Reception, It Is Declared Greece To Battle On I , j FINAL BULLETINS i -- i --j . MATSUOKA IN GERMANY BERLIN Yosuke Matsuoka, Japanese foreign minister, crossed the Polish frontier into Germany last night enroute to Berlin where be arrived today to confer with Chancellor Adolf Hitler on matters concerned with Axis relationships. "American relations will be stressed" is one statement that is made. Matsuoka was given an enthusiastic reception; here. IN TROUBLED YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE-i-The Prime Minister of Yugoslavia faced another cabinet crisis when- he returned to Belgrade from Vienna after signing the Rome-Berlin Axis, Two more" cabinet ministers arf reported to have resigned, reeling against the Axis in this country still runs hUh. It has bren stated that, before finally deciding to line up with th? Axis. Yutolaria inquired pf Great Britain! what aid she mit-hl expect if h( r-slsterf the Axis but received, it is said, an unsatisfactory ; reply.1 PRESIDENT SIGNS BILL WASHINGTON President Franklin D. Roosevelt siened the seven billion dollar appropriation hill 'givin? effect to' the "lease-Und" AW to Britain bill at sea last nltht. It was flown outtothe J?tf..excntlve .who is pri a cruise, by a United States Nary annhibian plane. Previously it had been signed by Vice-President Wallace and House Majority Leader Sam Rayburn. AIRJIDS ,prom Belgrade Centre German Bombers Over England . Again, Today After Longest Lull In Months j LONDON, March 26: (CP) Bad iweafchsr over the English Channel, grounded tooth the Royal Air Force and the Luftwiff lat. night glv-' lng London its fifih straight night without an alarm and the longest all clr ?ri"i 'ln:! h i Intensive i air war began last September. H","",r. Province Is Reducing Taxes Registration Of j Japanese Is Now Nearing Its End 1 VANCOUVER. Marrh 26: Within the next hrec weeks the Royal Canadian Mounted Police expects to have completed th special registration cf Japones-i in BrlMsh Columbia. The number is estimated at 26.0M. Travelling registrars will 'visit some of 'the more Isolated 'Japanese settlements. Governor General Earth Of Athlone And rrincess Alice Are In Alberta Capital , Today EDMONTON, March 26: The nn.,n Oonpral and Princess Iaiuo in ih murse of their trip knt Franklin D. Roosevelt as be- fas far west as the Pacific Coast, ni covered by the Monroe Doc- .arrived here at 6:35 Uits morning trn- British and Canadian At 10 o'clock Premier William Ab- trops have been in occupancy ferhart and Mayor John Fry made ' Iceland slur thi Germans yri .nffiH.il calls. . . - wuk OVtr Denmark 9 vear aro. Bethlehem Disorders And Clear Police Take A Hand Mediation Picket Lines-Federal " Board Urged pptinsvlvania, eluding the tu - " - and other inciaena, Ilast nlsht cleared steel or ks here rhe Bethlehem which ii tied up by lke-0nVeer nor Aitnur H. James - a Victoria Less Vancouver Halibut Boat Owners Not Satisfied With Actions or British Columbia Marketing Board VANCOUVER, March 26: (CP) Halibut vessel owners in Vancouver arc planning to protest to the British Columbia Halibut Marketing Board against an increase from $1.50 to $1.75 monthly the fee paid by the fishermen producers for upkeep of the board. Vancouver boat owners are also against a board proposal to use up ten percent of the halibut overage fund if the board should face a deficit in 1911. Vancouver operators recently protested at the marketing board be,lng controlled from iliiue Itupcrt. t To Collect i i i ess on on I incomes, non m John Hart Announces Exemptions Being Raised All Around, Minister of Finance Discloses $10,000,000 in Federal Treasury Bills to be Paid Off VANCOUVER. March 26: (CP) Hon. John Hart, ! minister of finance, today announced plans for reductions in the personal ' income . tax, abolition ot income surtax ana - mm m 1 1 til Wx-ir Tn Frlmnnfnn i special depreciation allowance for new plants and plant HOW In E.UH1U1UU11 ' t gions constructed to handle war contracts. Mr. Hart announced to the Vancouver Board of Trade that the province was ready to arrange pay PROTEST INCREASE ment of $10,000,000 in treasury bills held by the Dominion and suggested a review of the whole question of unemployment relief for which jthe Dominion has asked the province to repay $24,000,000. ! Reductions in the personal in-I comes will Include raising of ex emptions for single persons from $600 to $750, married from $1000 to $1200 and dependent children from $200 to $400 with the age limit rais ed from eighteen to twenty-one years. Exemptions for donations to charities will be raised from five to ten per cent, The income tax reductions will mean an estimated $1,500,000 an nually for taxpayers, Mr. Hart said. This, together with the province taking over $1,000,000 in direct un employment relief costs previously paid by the Dominion, would re lease $2,500,000 to the war effort, the minister of finance said, The Highlights. The $2,500,000 contribution by the province to Canada's war effort, effected by drastic reductions in the income tax and assumption by British Columbia of the federal share of direct relief costs; repayment of treasury bills held by the domin To Country Villages Populace In Protest Anti Axis Demonstrations and Disorders Violent General Betrayal of Nation Brings Bitter Condemnation on "Judas" Government BERWN. IS People of German Metropolis no Lonr Feel Secure Against Britain's Air Might ion In respect to refunding oper- aUons; outlining of Increased aid LONDON. March 26. Intensified to municipalities, amounting to air raid; on Berlin have been mak-more than $2,000,000; retirement of ing an impression on the people of $25,000,000 ot maturities, thereby the German capital. The recent releasing money for war Invest- ri of effective raids have des-ment, and a substantial reduction troyed the Illusion that the grea. German city Is free froin attack, In annual debt charges, amounting Berlin subways have been to $1,200,000, were the highlights of the speech delivered by Mr. Hart interfered with by recentjraids. before the Vancouver Board of Trade here today. Reduction of income tax will affect over 100,000 person and will further lighten the tax burden by $1,500,000 bringing the total an nual reduction In income tax since Much Fewer On Relief In B. C. the government took office to $2,- VICTORIA, March 26: The R64 000. the minister of finance said, number of cersons drawing relief and BELGRADE, March 26. From the very centre of he Nasi timbers start-1 this capital city to the most remote country villages, dis- nvpr nratn frviav today onH ana - - i j i i i i . 'Jn. and demonstrations are widespread and violent in In a southwest town a number of , , . ,, . , , Al persons were killed. These included protest at the action of the government in betrayirg the a number of women. They were nation to the Axis as accomplished by the signing up by taken by surprise nd were unable the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in Vienna yes- to ream shelter in time. terday which made Yugoslavia a The nerny airmen were also vassal itate of the German Reich, over the Midlands, the west of Prominent among the demon-England and South Wales to brtoj strators have been school boys, serf ' he lrnj lull 1 an end. A German peasants and communists, bomber was shot down over the Union Jacks have been hoisted Ih"!-"" -;lua-v early irf ty. frcm.schools, British and Greek na-Nowwhere In England were raids rional anthems have been sung. :eCil,e last nlht. Much Of National Income Is Pledged Minister Indicates What Dominion' Is Doin; To' Assist Great Britain vq-h 26: r- Prime the 0"nnd hnd f'edied fnrty-Tou- -ppen rf 1M national In-rrt-- orA-,' Britain in the prosecution of the war. Scores of young men are demanding transportation and uniforms so they may fight against Germany in J Greece and Albania. I HALIFAX SPEAKER Invasion of England Canmt SucceedBritain Will Win on Atlantic New World Order The nollce In many cases have' YORK, March 26.-Speak- been loath to interfere with anti- ing tore the Pilgrims of fie Un-Axls demonstxaUons. lted states nlgnt m h s flrst Even Army officers are seeking publi(. address slnce arrivlnf; in the to leave the country and Join the)Ctmntry viscount Halifax, tie new British and Greek' forces. "British ambassador to the United W.th the return of the..- Prime stateSi gave an unhesHatln 5 "No" Minister ioaay, n is to De expeciea m reply to a questlon if he V Jllered Vint rtpastlf TPiMsiircs will hf re- ... . i . Minister .WamrJLton, Mackenzie " 7 I ordmoei ? T - W-1' k K rrr -rM rfd rrVnfft Prl'nipnf ysferday sferdav SOrte,d ? in f,. f T Z J? the land-was possible, He -exuessea peopie io suomii; 10 wie new iian confidence that Britain woi id win (rnr.lnation. Many schools were B.ttlfi ot the Atlantic. closed today. Halifax stressed the need 'or economic ! collaboration of United States and Great Britain in bringing about a ne'w world order There should be thai greatest poss? le exchange of goods and service In establishing a new and lasting world peace. He praised the United States "Aid to Britain" bill. Magdalen Island Miner Entombed Draegermen Are Being Taken From Nova Scotia To insist In Extricating Man J GRINESmvE, Madoi3n " slawds, March 26: Draegermen ar being jbiought here from Nova S :iia to assist in extricating a min r who iis entombed in a mamgancf ? mine cn. this isolated Qulf of St. Law-,rerce mine following a tln.bering collapse. A greater measure of tax relief was m Brit'sh Columbia thh February Qjjg Jf ariDOO coninip"ii'eu uiu wuuiu uac. ucs was ixiy-iuuc jjtth.c"h v".. possible had the proylnce not m the same month last year, agreed to take over In full the Dominion's share of unemployment relief amounting to approximately $1,000,000. The reductions will be effected as follows: First, exemptions will be raised on single persons to $750, married Stuart Lake Ferry Permit Being Granted persons to $1200, dependents (child- ren up to twenty-one years) to $400, VICTORIA. Marsh 26: John Insurance to $300, and gifts to char- Bryan of New wesimmsssr naa itles to ten per cent.' been granled a franchise to oper- m (M..n.i T nlfa TVivf Rprond. romnlete abolition of sur- a olu" " tax. Third, special depreciation al lowance for war industries, there by encouraging errectlon of new plants and extension pf existing ones. Dealing with the request from Ottawa that treasury bills be paid by provinces able to do so, Mr. Hart said he was prepared to immediately pay those bills which were in- J curred in refunding operations by. selling debentures on the open market or by giving the Dominion serial debentures which the v could as sign to their bank, receiving cash for same, and to deal likewise with treasury bills in connection with ; unemployment relief as soon as (Continued on Page Six) St. James. i LEADERSHIP DEMANDED MONTREAL Ineffective leadership will be brushed aside by the people if It fails to preserve freedom, Wendell Wlllkle told the Canadian Club in an address on Tuesday. Willkie was given in Montreal a reception which rivalled the enthusiasm and acclaim with which he was greeted in Toronto. He and Mrs. Wlllkle left Montreal for New York last night and were given a boisterous send-off. In his references to leadership, Mr. Willkie said he referred to political and business leadership alike. Highway Starting i f Will Go Into On April 1, Effect For Searon It Is Annoi need J VICTORIA, March 26: T e provincial department of publ: work J announces that tolls on th? Carl-boo Highway will go into effect on April 1. Stock Values Are Up Again i NEW YORK, March 25- Stock values were up oh a narrc v margin on the New York E changs yesterday. The Industrial iverage at closing was 122.71, up .? 'I rails, 23.37, up .35, and) utilities, 1.70, up .08. The day's transactions talled 450,000 shares, The marl t continued' the upward trend t day . POUND STERLING NEW YORK. March 26: The pound sterling was unch?iiged at $4.03 on the New. York fonlgn ex changc market yesterday.