on 111! f I 12oi. $1.20- 25oz. 2.30- 40 02. 3.40 "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER ..it MiTfflFT. Hl .'.! I 11 h:. Uic Qovernment of British Columbia I e Demolished As non As Vacant L C 1 t Priii 1. '.!; !i Eby. who was recently ihe job of removing the Rupert General llospl- :;iart the wark of demoll- iii u- Mip military hospl-j w in or-cupancy .there, moves i being provided at the Sixth Avenue. IN NEt'TKAL SWEDEN STOCKHOLM. March 20: (CP) ede ha- appropriated the equl. wmm a 7-Ji.vr- Thu .idvminment is not published f diiphitj by the Liquor Control Bcjrd or by the Government of Drititb Columbia tit imt published or displayed by the Llmior ACROSS CANADA SCENES IN PARLIAMENT j By H. F. lULLEN Wc are all rather Inclined to Nrw tjuarters for the military I Judge any action by Its direct re tuv (iii suits rather than by Us long term 01 $794,316,000 for warships. 'L.. war material and munl- hr budTef year 1941-42. JLA,F AND W.A.A.F. CONVALESCENT HOME KBIT BUSY At a hospital in the northeast section of England, wounded Royal Air Force pilots and WJV.AF girls arc now "In mending." The hospital which is more of a convalescent home after patients have recovered from operations or serious illness, is .is -d by both the R.A.F. and the girls of the W.A;A,F.v and they gel together for walks on the grounds. The men are provided with a gymnasium- w'Uh many types Df snorting and athletic machine. Above we see a group of wounded and recuperqttnfe, pilots of the Royal Air Force and the girls walk ins about the grounds. , effect on the nation. We can very ' reasonably curse democracy, point fc. ed by ether officials, march se-tr Its failure, criticize It . weak tlately and formally from the (points and urge Its replacement by Speaker's room to the Legislative some other method of government, chambsr and there take his seat in Nazis have dene that. ' Fascists S dwnlfiea manner, representing ; Communists. Yet, when we see and the right of the common people ; these newer phllosonhles translated to have a say In the government of Unto action we realize immemaveiy ,-uie coumry. uunng uieir passage ithat If we bring our democracy up through the halls, everyone stands Hp date 'we tlevelon a form of gov- attention fust as thev would tf ernment that is .superior to any of It were the King nassing by. Noth capital wnere I mei a greui muiij .. . members and at once told that ti thel-cted reorcsentativesof the contrary to the rules of the oeoole. Sc far as I went. I found u. u,. nf ci-lmit thinkers. House. v,ry anxious all to do hs tight . 1 was particularly Impressed with people do not grill for hours at a time answering the of the county aLvs rueS tons, 'vim 'onnr and choose wisely Whenthey are jjlon " ' v . . . '.. a.- refuting ofif ntr fnls false idens ideas. Hp He showed showed in in electlne representatives, However, they seem to rank above .the average voter, indicating that the average man wants something better than what -we already have. Scene of Dignity ! while I was in the Housd of Com-fh fitioaker of the ICE I "si Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensiirinj; only lov temperature ice throughout the ' fishhtjr reason Fishermen arc Jnvitcd to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage I-ow Tcnijerature' Dry Ice Now on Sale hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. British Columtna K you hnvn cnWritTirv o bmII. a classified adveiiise- int , . o " ... t huvn i :i mui paper will booh let, you Kiunv "yor in tn., fi. , v "-jf. finite patience but now and then he toldly rebuked those who misused their privileges or who neediest wasted the time of the members. Via Prince Rupert of gravelling and the cost depends largely Upon distance. During by redent trip east I lound people very anxious. tb hear about the west and particularly about Prince Rupert. Those who had not been here found it idlfficult to believe facts about our climate, our development and our possibilities. So many people visit the Pacific Coast without taking in Prince Rupert first I tried to persuade aU with whom I talked to make the trip either going or coming by way cf Prince Rupert. The railways are doing something to bring together the east and west by selling cheap excursion' tickets either way. , . St GETS NINE OF TEN ; NEW YORK, March 20: (CP) One out of -every ten men -registered under the V. S. Service A?t is being taken Irtto military 'service .at the present rate of rejections. FXSHERMENl 4nstal MARINE MOTORS KemkrLycming AgeniJ. T. BRENTZEN. Boat Wanderlust" Cow Bay. '98 TRAIL S USED DAWSCM CRTTK. March 20: (CP i Th famous trail of '93 worn these others. hi" aw while away so impressea cy people wno tooK part in the yu- Demncracy is th only form of me a? th! little picture. Tne men kongold rush is helng used again government in which the average wltb their three cornered hats re- by men freighting construction nar has any real Influence. It Is minded all and sundry that our ciuinment to -complete a modern h eovernment that ii never static government is made up of three air highway between Edmonton onuorti-nltv Wrts-the King, the outstanding and Alaska, but that has plenty of f-r exoanslori We trv something ,v,en the country, formerly in Two tractor trains carrying hun-and it does not work We can wine Britain spoken of as the Lords and id red? of tons of equipment to be cb our fals move or rectify .Its this little groun. making It clear use. In construction of an airport errr, T c"th onlv form so hr that the Commons were asserting have comnlsted mosf of the 300-w .ho the nroletarlat a their equality with each of the oth- mile trek from the end of steel at w t w t v o- rpn i interest In ffovernment. It Arc Vinrrtrnl7pc theory with practice In thr galleries of and trains peoole to work together, there must not be tn nik and choose and sift the ign m invouiy. false tt e from " the true Dawson Creek, 350 air miles north the House Tvest -of Edmonton. the slightest Construction crews will build an Officials are al- oirport which can be used tnrourcn- wav? on the watch to see that visi- cut th year and by all types of ! , , of , tors do n not sit In any disrespectful nlanes even the largest bombers. . 7 Recently I-hod a brief glimpse r , ,Jn tn Tb -,rflcW. are belnff develoned . 1 l-i. 4 tu ..tlnn'c UtkllUUC. X omuu 101 .... u vw . r rr-,BVrZ.rr.:: eet a - better - view of some of the on recommendation of the permanent Canada-United States joint defence board. Th tractor trains being hustled ever "Canada's frontier in northeastern British Columbia each car- thliw. I should say the leader ox U1"""J"1Z ry about 50 tons of freight. Thev the opposition is lust as anxious to of the government to an stlons be right as is the leader of thefioy- and suggestions from the opposite u.mhpr. A h vettii side. Questions and suggestions --r.: and sometimes came from supporters ment ask themselves quesUons examine their policies and of the government All were treat-Sen, .-own' ed'alike and. if the mln sten . did to make quite sure that they arc rltht. they pay a soeclal critic, not haye the exact Information asked, they oromtaed to get it and known as the leader bf the opposl- "at- lf was usually forthcoming the fol-tack tion, to look for loopholes and, weak snots in order that pro- lowing day. An outstanding exposed legislation may be perfected,, ample of courtesy was that of Col-v t L. u ic nnturnV that iM Ralston for he was on the KOU SA1.K seven-foot runners and 10-foot' bunks hauled by caterpljlar tractors. Each tractor is capable of pulling six or seven loaded sleighs on normal roads and must reach: their destination before the spring? Tractor Trains for Airport Con- break-up. j struction Take Old Route of 98 Warm weather would leave them : stranded and practically .useless as It would be nearly Impossible to move the tractors over the rough 3rraln without a snow road. ACHEY JOINTS? Gin Pills, for the kidneys, btlpjepiQV pain-cauIng toxins that.are'ofuo th cause of rheumatic twinges ana.'aliey joints. Money back if not satisfied. t Pnekkgv for Pnekngo Sivefet Caps nr' your bet lnsy! IttV Hl ViVo: Sweet Caps are .lefinltetv inild,')yft they liaie diaraclcr. And tlieyre uniformly gd.TIe: proof is that more Canadians moke Sweet Caps t)ian any otlier cigarettes. Why? Simply hetaui' they;have found tliat, year in and year out. Sweet Cap giyetliem .nipre enjoyment for tlw-ir nioru-y. You'll find the same thing. Package for parkage. Sweet Caps are your Lent rigarette liny. SWEET CAPORAL Cigarettes 'Tkr pumt Jri ia u hirk ttJxirrtt run hp invtbr EYES ON WEATHER Baskatchswan a decrease of four percent as against a deficiency of 26 percent a year ago. Alberta's position is not quite so good, a 10 psicent "decreass from the normal comparing with eight percent last Official Fleures Of Precipitation year' Ok Prairies Indicate Variation Southern Alberta is most favor ably piacea among tnew various .ttions of th& grata belt. There was brought about FOR SALE-Moaern oearoom suuc m ; H u, . Afrtoi t, v.w,. complete dinette set, kitchen u-r?..vwu,i.,,a xrrz vT' V southeastern Saskatchewan cSit buotherm healer, round ,, a L the gain was well marked in centre table, pictures, rugs, etc. Phone Red 591 or Red 878. (75) FOR SALE Dining Phone Red 216. room table. (72) It seems such a pity that more FOR QUICK SALE Owner leaving at westerners do not co east and that town. 711 &cn Ave. Arms bearing the mace and fo' more easterners do not come west. house, fully modern, new plumbing, in excellent condition. $1800 1 cash or $1800 on terms, with $000 cash and balance at $30 monthly at 6. Vacant possession. 238 7th Ave. W B-room house nearest offer. Vacant possession. Oil Heater In good condition, with pump, $27.50. II. Q. Ilelgerson Ltd.- (75) FOR SALE Goat, milking. $15.00. P.O. Boxi273. (72) FOR SALE Rug and a few other things. 1718 Atlin Ave. (75) FOR SALE Studio lounge, $37. PJione Blue D9- (77) FOR. SALE English pram. Goofl condition, Blue 021 (74) 1 PILLS J Rtsular tilt, 40 Pills. Large tlx, Sf PMs (In tbe U.S. k1or "Glno PiOiT) mi Classified Ads. I'OUNI) and paying for this ad. ' TOkONTC),' March 26: ' (CPJ The 6i""' w latgely through heavy rains In L.U wea;hsr ihesA dnvs.and the . ' . f . .i, u ' 1, ' aeFiemoer ana octooer. under or- ZJPZ fSZT0 Unary circumstances October .".Wttatlon stands the nest SS 11 tolSldreiSrougt! Tlar matters bciome. fess con trover -Isiai as prepataitions for: spring planting get .under way. ! :$all and - winter precipitation Jacjro&i hjcistpf the. southern... prai-i ; ties. Aaj " been' " well above 'normal 'andi Optimism prevails in those southern Alberta. amounted to 20 ou: ahe winter. August rainfall was mainly responsible for western Manitoba's big Increase. . Monthly Review August rainfall was below normal in Alberta, Saskatchewan and ".2T."iin Manitoba. In -western OV"ihe Y?":t!iJ01 mal suicunt of rain was retorted. year grain tips;' Elsewhere- ln northern Alberta, northern t aT fiaskati:hswan and eastern 'ManJ. ,.m,t - toba September rainfall was 40 to able, but. Jartners rains will create a hope spring -n nnn ynnt th 0v0w rvW orignter .pic- ,the c,h?r side accountf ' -tu;e. . Western .Manitoba, with an Increase,, of 43 percent above the Average, provided the :hlgh spot oh the statistical record prepared soutnem Aiderta chaliced up an excess of more than 100 percent. Welcome October rains' were general throughout the west. Twice the normal amount of precipitation was wai registered " in southern aouuwm Alberta Auerui the northern section of Saskatche precipitation was , - ., - j Ti-tr- , - -. wan. wan. November November precrpi POUND-TWO shoes In front rrirVV ,-r-TB well above normal all over Sas- Rand Block. Owner hiay' )me Tael Tl !T. - ' katchewan and Alberta and normal same by calling at Venetla-OrpV iZVr?i- . in Manitoba. ery and paying for this ddY.. FOR KKNV with bath In excellent condition, , PPMT.Bn(Vm ripnfr&iTvi rrespo'ridlns .iperibd In 1939) and I good rental proposition. $800 cash i nop v " v:-,----v-rj! ;tt4p'''JS:4tidJatea to -record M .NEW YORK SILVER ! or $1000 on terms with $400 cash, i balance at $25 monthly at 6. 1869 7th Ave East, 4-room cottage with two lots. Easy taxes. $500 cash or $550 with terms to be arranged. S12 Tatlow St. (near 5th) 5-room house. Fully modern, 2 bedroom6, n?w -pilings, good residential district, $1000 with half cash and balance at $25 per month at 6 Interest WANTED 537,7th Ave W., 5-room modern ' wmrn rurnlshed rooms Dr house. 3 bedrooms. $1500 cash or i WANTED Woman to take care ot; small house. No chUdren. Apply !i Mrs. Slaney, White Apts. ,(72) J , WANTED Boy. Chris Mill Bakery. room and board, 'Box; 87, Dally News, (77) PERSON,! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Postman, Customs Cleric, Bteno.,1 etc. Five Dominion-wide exams'!, hold since the war began. Free ) Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., i Winnipeg: Oldest in Canada: ; Agenitii. , -SLJ - 1 During the winter months.' of Afanl: imd .slatthew-an .were Decemb 3& aRd Febniary ' FOUND set or false o " 6-room fajse,.ein ,pn tofflT''ii3eb!eil' tovcerrtral'.and fJ"w. Hays Crsek bridge. OwnrCMi .Jjtijehi Al&'rfa 'wh&e-Mei&isei "xutooa ana sKaicnewan -tex-obtaln same toy paying this gffifSJ .S&6SSS-Ct ta the dmuffht arisa'' of .Sas" ' ' W:t9rm.ot,peent F4 - Vjt': katchewan there 40'per-aa. ad Dallv ijuwy News ewi. -. ti. .... r23'.iiereent 23 perceri resWctlvely resaectlvelv. were-fetris-' were fegls- . . . .. . -where ... . was .. ... 1 - -"J- r .5 r '..cieirc aeiiciency. Aioena aivisions J tered;. .'.'V iQenerfil lmproyement oyer the also report figures below the ' : ' the individual provinces. Manitoba NEW YORK, March 26: The T1 shows anl 'SLverat-e Increase overiNew York silver nrlce was un- H3J 'tibrmal.clf eight percent xompared Ichaniged yesterday at 3434c per , with a decrease f 19 percent and fine ounce. ' i; - - . The Wise Person gets a lot of fatlsfactlTO out or -every purchase they make. If ou have an idea as to,what good, coal should he, try t ton of -the kind we tell and you can. prove to your own aatis faction .that the money you spent was wisely -invested. Keep our name and phone number In mind. won- A 1 fuV OF Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. 1PUONE 631 '652