PAGE TWO JULIA ARTHUR and TANGO PUMPS New Foil Designs Just Arrived! "GIANELLE" PUMPS IN HIGH HEEL, LATEST CRUSHED KID, SOFT DULL CALF AND SUEDES Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR MKMHKK OF TIIK CANADIAN TliKSS The Can ad Inn Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of speotal despatches therein are also reserved SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Odds Against invasion . TUESDAY, NOV. 1, Gasoline Problem . . . Canada must have crude oil, aviation trasoline. licht and heavy fuel oils and motor gasoline. A small part of IX Canadian used gasoline is produced at home and this isf severely restricted. Why? Seventy-four percent 'i in Dy tanker but many ot the tankers are now carrying " " 3 147 139 73 179 87 782 97 121 133 59 G7ii 200 159 150 121 7a 812 Modernism and Fundamentalism 227 IX Till: MTKKMK COI'KT OMllllTlxll ( Hl.l MISIA In the Matter ttt the "(JnlethiK Titles Ark" ami In Hie Matter if u I'nrtton iif acre of Lt .VI;. Itiine .1. f;it District. I'.rltMi Columbia NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Usk Mining Oomnuw LJmiteri iNnn. Personal liability), a .body corporate Angerbauer navmg its registered otflce at Usk. B.C. has made appllcatjcn to the Supreme Court of British Columbia lot a cer- THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4. Women's Five Pin MONDAY'S Bowling Results BOWLING Composites Cowglll 109 Robinson 165 Sarglnson . 85 Aengs 97 Warren 123 Lawford Totals 682 Scottish Rees . 121 Carter 75 Davies 78 Park !... 97 Jones 65 Totals 625 102nd R.C.A. Petersen 263 Norton 129 Owens 222 Webster 83 Johnston 32 Total 825 100 Kilowatts Defeat Pry Dork Draft-143 em Three Strairht Take 95 Leadership in League. 163 Results of scheduled games in Totals ttrlfate of title .to portion 17.22 acres .... Am 102A 1175 116 Dry Dock Drafters 1 193 McCormlck 113 170 Crowder 212 71 Boyce 148 8C8 Wh'te 90 Tobey 130 Handicap 117 Totals 810 R. C. A. F. 1 Drake 239 Were Discussed Z : : !S A discussion took place at the Ministerial Association meeting yesterday between proponents of the modern theology and those upholding fundamentalism. Rev. J. H. Myrwang read an in- Crapper .211 Learn 208 Handicap 70 Totals 1077 Sav-Mor 1 Mickey 195 Carl 148 teresting paper on the Sacrament Paul .. 180 of Baptism. Beyond that there Art ! 176 was no business of importance jack ... 121 before the meeting. , Handicap Ill Totals 931 Steelworkers 1 Drage 201 Carr 210 Cymbal , 168 Arlington 188 ...163 Handlrap 96 of th ab;v mUned ipraperry un-. Lawn Bowlers 1 tttr the "uaeiUng TlUes Act." and has McMeekin 189 produced evidence whereby tt appears Armstrong 1Q0 to- be the owner thereof In fee simple; -rmsirong lyy AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY Paul GIVEN that pursuant to an order made Davis '.herein the 20th day of October, A. D. 1 1941. a declaration or title pursuant to igl 'Section 24 cif the aajd Aat J1 be ' n"wi to ne ta ixanpany alter three- weeks frcm .the date of this notice and due publication heref f. ' DATED this 31si day of October, 1941. A. M. WHITESIDE SlicVtor fcr U?k Minim? Ccnlpany, xjuiuito iNcn-Peraanal iiNcn-reraanal Llaww the You cannot land a force with merelv rifles and hnv-liict! ui.cis tu laue an me artinery ana tanks available in rrdnce, saui L.ord Moyne in the House of Lords, sneak- ;.ve LlabtlOy) i TIIK NlTKEME (OI KT OI IWIITISII ( Ol.r.MlllA lii I'rnliuip Matier of Hip I Act" mid AtTTION SALE ter a terrific defeat to the Nazis hpSp nf f I, n nifZ SSri AilmlnMralloii rro1,, :i f U rr.... on . l- te M John tounijc ui uil 1UI IJ1C UI. 1J1U1K IS Z percent COmilllr, "'wim Deceased Intestate in Dy pipe line and tour percent by rail. Why not use more Of the hninP nrnrlllfwl nil nnrl thnc envn imnnrtoHnns Tate Notice that by Order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 25th day of October. A. D. 1941. I was ao- MU i' .l ' .pmixea Aamintotrator of the estate of i i . . Alberta supplies almost fifteen percent of the nation -s Jtlltun wmiam wii, and an needs. Tiv not more? If it is not eennnmi! tn ,,p it 'ZLSffi1 up too fast, the probability is that long before it is used , up, the war will be over and we can get our gasoline from1 EL1941, 1,11 pflrtles Jited to' the plsPWhPVP are reciuired to Pay the amount: thlr '""tnew to me forthwith. Of course we must economize in our joy riding butKy " 2,. Wwfif' wny nut produce more at nomeT norma a. watt. Offial Administrator Tlinlier Sale XJfifiTS of November. 1941. in the office of th I Porester. Marine Bulldlne. t in(T tnr tha nnvaimmonl ..,K i il. . An t ' , i the Licence X28878. 1 t. b. m. of snruee '. w tv. v,i iiiijciiL. dLLin ill 1 1 1 ill i riM i irrmvn .inmno cefiar A.nrt hmu.t . . ., i r To land an expeditionary force with enough men w.iSt5d nSSt and enough equipment to defeat Germany's waiting ar- yfan wl" 'or mies is to accomplish what is almost the impossible. yelm'i?Sidit rt 5i unabi tq attend ' have been hoping to see Germany try an invasion of! f&S'ZJEri Sf, Jntrland. Confident that Rvitnin'o fnwoa ,1:,,:, . aucon and treated against the seaborne attacker. How much greater are S c.? ! uic utius. Liien. HiHinsr. thp cnpfooa nf i in;in ..t..i.! ' - ' n ui iI!LrtUl ItJiclUIVtil sum i aim jjroDaoiy relatively ill-equipped army against the land might of the Hun? As Lord Moyne has said-, 1 cannot imagine anything which would suit Hit- Al'CTION SALE Thnlier Sale XJll'JiS There will be offered for sale at Pub lic AtvttiMi. t won on th 23rd December, 1941. in tlie office of the 'V ft "'ve ueuer tnan u we adopted the Chinese method mrlZt 01 COintlllttirnr ClllPlrln nn irnn .1 l ,i couvcr, COUVCr. the Llrnnra. TCOtmn . ... t Dollars for Freedom . . . Finance Minister IllsW i n ItffrJnnr tlm ..,...,,1 .. -""tn "-""' v vjui ciieiiiv s i ni'srpn " !,.,., . . i. ib. m. cf fpruce, cedar and m.jiuock on an area crmjrliliig part f'f the eas; side cf Huxley Island Qtieen CTwrliytte Islirxls Lad D:tri'3t! Tv.x f2K years wild be allowed for ronoral of timber. rrOTwea omyone tina:ble to stterut War SavintTS CertificatPS ava i,o n L S! Person may subinit ten- CateS Will nrnrllirp thrpo imnAftnn ....U. M-n and treated as one b'd - 1 It l 7U ' ""u,ua '""'l: I Further part-ulars may be obtained 1. 11 Will aSSlSt in CarrVintr nn Hip tun.. n,T UMrcm tha Chief Forester. Victoria, r rr most convenient way to put your dollars into the f i-,t' SSa-ST-SSS:. "" I tor freedom. " 2. It will curb and) t,J unnecessary spending, so IipIm avert disastrous inflation. Sl f; tt! 3. It will provide a nest egg for the inevitable period' of economic readjustment after the war. I When Vo. Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24-nour Service at Regular Rates of auc- The EAST SIDE COAL CO. will appreciate any patronage given . . . with prompt service and clean coal. G. B. CASEY, Mgr. Phone 755 or Green 527 .203 .162 2 148 192 137 159 177 117 930 2 191 162 156 169 173 70 160 192 206 112 114 111 3 105 147 196 215 156 117 175 239 70 921 1073 885 1273 2 199 254 256 354 202 96 Totals 1026 1361 2 194 166 187 120 3 172 248 242 275 225 111 202 286 171 143 96 1192 Law Score 163 Handicap - 23 Totals - 939 Lipsetts 1 Colclough 169 Snellenberg 167 Hanson 162 Wight 121 Moser 1W Armours 72 the Men's Five Pin League played DflVis 729 last night at Max's bowling alleys Laiirient 141 145 55 165 77 resulted as follows: Kedtly Kilowatts 1 Klmlor 178 Saville 135 Staan 182 Coniadina 226 Kellett 277 Handicap 41 2 163 174 229 150 263 41 1 143 129 Bob 149 j Cowan --. 220 239 Max -.219 107 Handicap 44 , 283 Totals 909 26C 257 Royal Hotel 1 41 Tubb 174 P!h reefer 191 Cymbal 210 MeAdam 181 Low Score 148 Berry Handicap 22 Totals' 926 Albert & ASfCaffery i 935 Wick 188 McCaffery 148 3 Stiles 159 25i Hall - 191 214 Gunderson 216 on s Handicap 9 R. C. O. S. 1 Coomb; 153 Sa,rginson .. 102 Kievill 70 Roy x.,.192 Lawford 172 Handicap 157 Totals 8M Fitters 1 Osterberg ,174 Camell 148 Davis 219 3 OTowd 171 29- Trout 170 Handicap 120 Totals 1002 LT.-COL. AT 24 19? 23 889 2 201 237 l',2 139 253 130 150 233 202 204 44 ' 963 171 159 281 169 213 201 133 144 152 222 157 1017 2 175 156 163 185 129 120 922 143 23 985 1 3 165 191 244 135 ! 215' 3 161 165 240 143 931 ; 22 22 998 1009 2 249 216 209 155 219 9 3 215 172, 227 396 Totals 911 1057 1167 3 199 183 167 169 120 898 LONDON, Nov. 4 : f Geoffrey Keyes, eldest sen of Admiral Sir! CRIBBAGE Fa icons 6. ?ml!es Cate 12. Piji.ecrs 10. Eagles . Operators 9. Cttrradtan 'Lpjfon 9. Old Empress 4, Savoy Howl 14. The standings to date: For Smiles Cafe .....27 201 -Pioneers ...23 44, Eagles ;.J19 savoy Hotel n Old Empress 16 3 Operators 16 227 Canadian Legion !4 248 Falcons 12 -Rich American 143 13 IT 19 20 20 22 24 LEAGUEL SPORT CHAT uascDail's Q following ire me irwDage M-orcs Cobb, resigtud .Aiaae L.asi ,-ignt today, c.b l?t. Hks d;bu; -rt:, wrajkins . j ftrat aopear. harbinger of 33 in 1928. 19 Hob Fltzslm:n 16 round decision 16'ner for the i 14 boxln chrmp.r: U-38 yers ago ; ,: tok rhve at p.. wai billed as tithe title In ih:i' u-araner miianthronist policemen held nfc 1 a rr -a . itii ti x wiirv iiiiv. i iir 1 1 14 i.i i uvua tatii. w n c d it - occurred yesteraay oi ti.non uug- uit iM. kjooos diamond r.,1 9 27-ed with the PhS.ea. wen genhe'm, President of the Ameri-, uone with ;hi Wind' can Smelting and Refining Cor,-1 Crocs benefit rxrakm which included the op- eration of eighteen of the larseat smelts-.s in the roumtry- Guggenheim was one of Aiuerl- Uvea's richest men. He donated the iajlsum sum of of 135 search. He wwi born in 1867 and his father came from Switzerland. He married Olga Hirsch of New York and lived a good deal of his life at or near Denver. Colorado. SOVIET IX BRITAIN LONDON. Nov. 4:0 The i Koger Keyes and at 24 one of the Soviet school In Britain i only one 181 youngest officers in the British : conducted for children of rnem-183 army holding the rank of lieu- bers of the Russian emba-ssv and 219 tenant-colcnel, has been awarded of the Soviet Trade De'egat.on. It 231 the Military Cross. is attended by CO boys and plrls Athk- Da ti , far 1 "'jit;, ci the lv a At' n 1 V . 1 vraruner won won C. ;. , - meet I esteraay :rJ;; .earlier. 'mow. Simon Guggenheim, Head Of Ilijr, Smelting Company, Was STOCKHOLM HOTEL ARRIVALS I'rincc itupert K. H. DeNlkp Mt L: three million dollars to m MacKay. H. jn'i-M v the John Simon Qiiaecnhpim iver; L. M C r (' r, nT. isi;n , . . .. 7 : ' - ircunacuon. later oaaeo anotner "IUUI. " .se m b; e i nil f .... ... , l . . "" minion, to provide for deserving Bnni, Juneau T h 3 students in the United States and Georse Skarbo Sea .ie in Latin-American cnuntrips Th 157 beneficiaries have to show creative . -, vtlMf IVI ,C RELIEVE YOUR COLD NOW l With fast-attlni ASPIRE. Millions now use it WARNINGI Every Aspirin tablet Is marked with Oils cross. Look tor tt.