, PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE V CHAS. DODIMEAD ffh ,ytl l" Optometrist In Charge i I p J Watch, Clock, Jewelry X J Kepairinj, Hand En&ravlns Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT GLAMOUR IN EVENING GOWNS JUST ARRIVED at The People's Store Our new Fall FormaLs and Dinner Frocks are grand examples of the "Who's She" fashions you want for Important evenings. Fluttering chiffons, nets, shadowy marquisettes give you a wide selection of all that's new and smart. FIGURE FLATTERING . . . BUDGET PRICED Mail Orders Promptly Filled OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" 5 THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 Valentine's (Glasgow) BEkMm CALENDARS FOR 1942 A Beautiful Range of Finest Quality, from 15c to $1.50 This year British fancy goods are made up for export only. Send them back overseas. They will be doubly appreciated. Help win the war. Buy British for all your Christmas giving. BE BRITISH . . . BUY BRITISH FOR VICTORY R1 Your Bin MWf Arc yu burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and ad- vice of our qualified fuel experts. We are prepared to fill your coal needs now at lower prices from stock on hand. .. J Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. I Importers or Cement, Lumber and atl Kinds ot I BUILDING MATERIAL rnoNE'ii? la '" a stck ' coal "" " ae "lnlcr PHONE 117 CAPT. HARRY NEDDEN TO RETIRE AT END OF MONTH tContlnued from Pa?e One) was made in September, 1910 Finishing twelve months as third mate of the Prince George. Capt. Nedden was transferred to the old Prince Albert as second officer and it was not long before he became chief officer. A good part of the First Great War saw him roaster of the Prince Albert. Taeri followed command of the Piince John for four years. It was during these years that Capt. Nedden became particularly we'l known on the Queen Charlotte Islands. In 1921 Capt. Nedden went to the command of the Prince George and a great deal of the time since . then he has been associated with that ' ship. . Interludes, however, included return to the old country in connection with supervision of the steamers Prince Henry, Prince David and Prince Robert at Birkenhead on the Mersey. In 193C he brought the Prince David out to this coast and in 1931 was away again to fetch the Prince Robert from Halifax. In 1932. with the death of Capt. Dan Donald, he became commodore of the Canadian National Coast Steamships fleet, serving as master of the Prince Robert on ihe Alaska route during the summers and back on the Prince George during the winters. With the commandeering of the Prince Robert by the navy two years ago, Capt. Nedden returned permanently to his habitual command, the Prince George, from which he will retire. Capt. Nedden will make his home in retirement in Vancouver where his wife and daushter reside. Mrs. Nedden came out from Glasgow in 1911 aboard the steamer Prince John which was brought out from the old country via Cape Horn by the late Capt. A. M. Davies in 1911. Still active and able. Capt. Nedden Is already wondering how he Is going to content himself on shore after these many years for, if there ever was a confirmed salt, it Is he. Fond of sailing, he is an ardent yachtsman, never happier than when the "gun'al's under." Capt. Nedden's successor as commodore of the Canadian National coastal fleet will be Capt. Nell McLean of the Prince Rupert. Capt. Edward Mabtis will step up from the chief offlcersliip to take over command ;of the Prince George. A "spot" costs you only half a dollar. Try it in the Daily News classified column. .f) When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 T axi Proprietor - O. Kildal KB CB m !" KB :' Zi. H S iKfWSWt Ehfc JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone f57 J I LEG OF PORK Per Lb Phone !)5" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SPECIALS BEEF- STANDING RIB 110 AST Ck .O n Per Lb. dir1' SHOULDER STEAK Per Lb. RUMP ROAST Per Lb SIRLOIN STEAK Per Lb ROUND STEAK Per Lb. ..: POT ROAST Per Lb BABV BEER SIRLOIN STEAK Per Lb STEAK AND KIDNEY 2 lbs STEW BEEF & KIDNEY- ' 2 lbs. VOKK PORK CHOPS Per Lb : SHOULDER PORK Per Lb 35c 25c 25c 25c 15c 30c 45c 35c 30c 20c 30c PORK '"' SPARE RIBS K"'s- It'sintcrestinirtnknmt-,,.1,. :::.. .?1A"E 9.So that the people of the whole district are doing b the same aMlW' BBJ fl.faEI.BJLB KB Ml BJCB JIB j:BJKB.CB THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY Reidun Kildal Becomes Bride of Wallace Seymour Picturesque Event With Number Of Men From Navy Taking Part At Lutheran Church At the Paul's Lutheran Church a beautiful wedding ceremony took place last Thursday, when Reidun Henrietta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Kildal, Ninth Avenue East, was united in maxri'.'ge to Wallace Edgar Seymour, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seymour of Edmonton, Alra. Young Mr. Seymour is serving as wireiess operator in the Navy. Rev. J. H. Myrwang. the pastor of the church, officiated. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Miss Lillian DomreJs, foimerly of Edmonton, now of this city, was the bridesmaid, and Harry Irvmg, also of th; Navy, was ih bes man. The ring ceremony was used. The bride was attired in a blue velvet dress, with turban to match rnd corsag of roses. The bridesmaid wore blue with a corsage of roses.' After the ceremony in the church the invited guests assemb- led at the ball room in trie Commodore Cafe, where they waited! for the bridal party, and where' the tables were beautifully decor-j ated under the general management of Mrs. Chris, Jensen, who' served as the hostess of the eve-! nlng. During the wedding dinner, in which fifty guests took part, the toast to the bride was first proposed by the pastor, who - also served as the toastonaster during the evening. The youth and happiness of the bride and bridegroom created an atmosphere of joy and refined jubilation during the' entire course of the dinner period. Informal talks were given by the best man, Mr. Irving, as well as by the young bride and the bridegroom, who revealed that in spite of their youth, they are possessed of much common sense and determination to shoulder the problems of life with courage and definite purpose to build on a firm foundation. Briefly appropriate talks were given by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kildal. and bv Gun- nar Selvlg. and Mr. Underwood, a 'friend of the bridegroom, also in the Navy. I A large number of useful and ( valuable gifts to the young couple i had been brcueht bv mmst anA friends, and were on display during the evening which was devoted io r--;1al enlovment JOHN M. S. LOUBSER B.A. (Cantab.), B.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 57a Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legloni MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORK "Where Dollars Have More Cents" We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladies' and dents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl, Ladies am Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 52? Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office War Services Fund Questioned Chamber of Commerce Would Have Full Statement Issued to Allow Any Public Uneasiness. After hearing a letter read In which it was suggested that the War Services fund to be asked for in the spring would amount to from Seventeen to twenty million dollars the Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution asking that a detailed statement be issued for the purpose of allaying any uneasiness in regard to how and where the money was bein used. It was pointed out by the secretary oi the Red Cross Society that so far as his organization was concerned he believed all the money was needed and was well spent. The amount to be asked would not be so very much riore than that collected la year. ClASSIFItO FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT A f unequipped confectionery store and light lunch counter, formerly known as Dominion Dairy Store. Easy terms to reliable party. Phone Black 608. FOR SALE 100 chickens at bridge, new road. Apply Box 169, Daily News. '259 FOR SALE Quebec Heater, brick-lined. Phone Red 976. 262) BABY CARRIAGE, half price. Mr. Seal, 513 East Eighth. (259) WANTED WANTED Two single rooms for two working girls, close in. Apply Box 172, Daily News. (258) WANTED Five-room house, close in, immediately. Reliable party. Phone 51, Len Matthews. (259) WANTED Girl to do bookkeeping and typing, position temporary. Apply Pioneer Laundry office. GIRL wants housework. Sleep out. Apply Box 171, Daily News. (259) EXCHANGE WANTED To exchange rental of house in good location with 2 bedrooms for one with three or more. Phone Red 403. FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT, close in. for Dry Dock worker with good ref-i erenoes. Apply Box 170. Daily j News. FOR RENT Taxi stand on corner of Second Avenue and Sevc itn j Street. Easy terms. Blue 163 LOST Phone 25D) LOST Long black zipper, zips up side. Finder pleasj leave at Dally News. (258) FOUND i FOUND Soldleis cap at end of Ave. E. Owner can have same by calling at Daily News and paying Tor '.his B. C. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE. 10 STUDIO SETS 3 pie.ces, in latest models and $QQ00 $QQ50 colors .... OJ? to 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced $Q0O $4 rtff from . I 7 to A.lO 2 USED CHESTERFIELD SUITES ST.... $42V49C0 50 MATTRESSES priced $Q00 $QQ50 Irom i to Mi 2i HOOKED RUGS $4 25 at 2 ENGLISH CHINA DINNER SETS $fi)A50 $ft50 at JVand U L PHONE BLACK 324 Better Service At Post Office Another Helper to He Engaged and a Second Wicket Opened During Busy Hours. As a result of a protest from the Chamber of Commerce the local postmaster reported yesterday that he had orders to put on an other helper and to open another wicket when necessary. The question of having a mail delivery around the city was dis cussed but it was pointed out that as long as there were only three train mails a week from the east it was not very feasible. On some davs the postmen would have nothing to do while at others they might be overloaded. 98. Classified ads. get results. Phonf RONALD BRIDGETT English Singer and Broadcaster for BBC and CBC is open to Coach a few pupils In SINGING AND KEPEKTOIKE Phone Red 921 TODAY AND ". A new hit wr.h c , Rosalind c a mance on utCLr ' flih PETER LORRr ,,. at 1:22. 3 26 a a . EXTRA March of Time Drue-!. "THUMBS IP TEXAS' "or pups and Pi-2nL. "ZIEGFELI) GIF Coming Thurs. Frl Sal A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 15 BEDS Complete with All-Felt Mattress, Cable Spring cj Walnut Finish Steel Tubing Bed $90 pa Stead. Price complete 0iuU Phone 775 327 Third Canadian National Railw Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver ays Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Pol uiver. Saturday at 11:15 p.m.. calling at Ocean Falls, Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservaun; t:t call or write It. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Ave., Phone 2C0, Prince Rupt Agents for Trans-Canada Ad tinea USED FURNITURE One Cot and Mattre. One 4-6 Coil Soring One White l)m:r One Drop-Back Couch, One Drop-Side Couch. One K'hhtn Cabinet, One Bed-Side Fc-cen, One Circulator Heater One OA Burning Gurney - Oxford Ranse, Sewing Machines, Radios Gramophones, Enslish Prams, Recoids, Dishes and Elios Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours Horn 8:30 a.m. to 5 30 p.ra THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day thou:'" THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Ktunpapet It records lor rou the world i cln, eondrucllvt dolnit Th Monitor ion not ciplolt crlmi or tenutloa; neither doe it ljn-n 0 but dcaLi correctively with them, reiturei lor bui nea no the Umilr, Including the WeeMr Mlne flection. The ChrlntlHn Bclenre Publishing Eoctett One. Norwejr 8treet, Bolton. MMetchusette Plre enter m subscription to The Christian Sc'.enee Monitor for s period of 1 rer 112 00 months .00 1 months IJ.00 I month U M Wednesdsr Issue. Including Msgstlne Section: 1 resr II eo. 1 lssae 1mptt Cnpf o Jfff COAL! COAL! Onehi'nts a enouah - jfts-teSTir'ft, na weare sure Ae aets SUMMER COAL PRICES v A It is only natural ?hai a n-2 u should want to hang his money as long as he can. but when it come to '3" coal buying quotum should part with some oIJ cash at this time while e autumn coal price rules, HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE C31 FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION 652