1' TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, .1941, THE DAILY NEWS JOIN YOUR PALS! CANADA'S FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE LIES OVERSEAS. THE FOURTH AND SIXTH DIVISIONS NEED REINFORCEMENTS. VOLUNTEER TO PLAY YOUR PART TODVYJ Tlie Army needs skilled tradesmen. Now is your opnorttimt to learn a trade while serving Join your country. up note You our CARD OF THANKS I Mr v P IEpressiot- fthem 't Lap arte and family wish :neir thanks and deep : tr many kind ex-.ii symr. 'hy exronded to neir rc;ent tareavement (SSsPRIllENI Colds Developing put Vlcks Va-tro-nol up each nostril at first tnlffle, sneeze, or nasal Irritation. 1U stimulating action aids Nature' flenses against the cold-and bo helps prevent colds from developing. Try VICKS VA-TRO-NOL J. Bouzek, TAILOR LI)IES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station STANLEY W.COLTON I.C, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Vallare Itlock Phone GO NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 om Stewart, who has been I since the beginning. O C. Derby, provincial Red Cross president, te asking that all Red Cross branches launch their annual membership drive as soon as Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection .Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Due to the Uncertainty of the Raw Rubber Market, We Have Not Been Guaranteed Our Supply of RUBBER GOODS At the present moment we have a Complete Stock of: Hot Water liottles at . . $1.00, $1.50 $2.00 Attachment Sets ' r,,)c Huhbcr Tubing 2r,c Fountain Syringes Douche Syringes $1.00, $1.50 $1.00 Infant Syringes 25c and 50c Hubber Cloves, pair 25c Ice Hags S1-00 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drut&tets HIIJ UEXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7 - 9 P-m. ii ity ICC has lull lnrnrmnt nn r.i:.... trades openings and every branch of the Services. CANADA'S ARMY IS YOUTH'S nppnnTi-viTvi rr-s pos iible. Heretofore membership ifees have been Included in the Qnmi'il nomTvacm f fir funds hut Orange Sale, November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. 'Travelogue', Dr. Mandy, Salva tion Army, Nov. 6. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. Oddfellows Dance, November 7. Bridge, Nov. 14. Scotch Dance Nov. 15, Oddfel lows' Hall. Admission 35c. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. Nov. 19. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. Rebekah Dance, I.O.O.P. Halljw-1 Nov. 21. , Catholic Tea. Mrs. HankinsonJ I Nov. 27. I Masonic Organ Committee Dance Nov. 28. Lutheran Circles Bazaar, Nov'ii United Bazaar, December 4, R SEAL of QUALITY I i iTHE jjjjj'1 H mm ymi I GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye 0 PINK SEAL 1 r' i T V.I- n 1 , M nnK.oaimuu n Packed by the only salmon 1 Irinesi canning company with an n all-the-year-round payroll ln H Prince Rupert. I LOCAL NEWS NOTES , The Chamber ol Commerce last , Mrs. T. Yule, Nkuh Avenue night elected Oiler Besner as a West, has received a cablegram member. - from her 30X1 George who la In the i . navy Informing her that he had Tonight's Utttev due to arrive arrived safely In Britain. 'from the Bast at 11 o'clock, was , , 1 Ireported thfe morning to be on I Th!.re as nlyf n? fthe its County Court at sitting I ' i yesterday and it was stood over! ! it was announced at the Cham- i to next month. It was William J Walnwright, William Waalnwrlghtr bcr of Commerce meeting last; night that next month the supply and George Walnwright versus; it m h th,.h hv Alex Wylle. There were also two naturalization applications. 20 percent. In the police court this morn ing mines they allowed that much off I 'the Income tax. Now if the in-1 come tax was turried over to the federal trovernment and the Drov- Australian jiai government continued to nlloot th? mineral tax it would a delegation of European, h ,it it was now a Malayan and Chinese editors from ,question which would be better the East Indies are touring Aus- tralla. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. ln war time, the extra money collected ln taxes or the Increased production of mineral resulting from lower taxation. That should be a matter for the Mining Committee at Vancouver to decide so it was turned back to them for consideration. City to Build Sidewalk to Seal Cove The city has decided to build a 'sidewalk along Third Avenue I northeast from McBride Street to I Cow Bay. George A. Hood, in- cambrai Chapter Telephone' TlJlsrll recommended that this be done. As there is considerable heavy flow of traffic in this area, quite! a large amount of which is pedes trians, this sidewalk will assist to eliminate the present accident hazard. The Chamber of Commerce last niaht heard a request from the Hrien Syrak was sentenced to Board four months , in Wu r steaung flU the sum of $2168 from the Royal mU3t be llcensed ln orderj IHOiei aie. ana leiwue to se1 mort artl,les of merchan seni aown mi iuui minima ui having stolen money in his pos- session. dise. The department of naval affairs replying to a protest from the Attendance at the Chamber of chamber of Commerce replied Commerce dinner last night was that the naw could not helo 'owing to the fact that the' Red not my large. Those present In- gome interference to radio recep- ! Cress has no appeal this yjar andtluucu riwu:"1' r" ,' uon m ane ouiming m wnicn men- thai it is ioinlng with other war B- - Hopkins, C O. Minns Frank apparatus was located but that service organizations in a finan- j Skinner, Laurie Lambley, William they plarmed soon io remove to Iclal appeal next spring annuai I Watts, W. O. Fulton, James Clarke, place from whlch there memberships have lapsed. British iineo wouari J0"n B would be no interference. They are Columbia has 114,000 members. organ' ? ,& A' now in the Besner Block and It Is No records in the province show Branches are urged to complete ten Roy winslow, T. W. Brown, underwood tfrsy plan to move to the all-out war efforts of B. C. th ,, rir,vp hpfnrp Dbr H. F. Pullen and Jack Baadle. women more man mose oi mei Red Cross Provincial Warehouse. It Is Just two years now since it Uo(, and CtUtx Cib Hcip was opened in the Marine Build- he members puffed away , ing with only a staff of three. To- on corn pipes at a smoker day there is a laily average of 40 meeting of the Aga?siz Harrison i workers, only five being paid. The Rod and Gun Club. It was agreed original space was one room. To- tnat half the proceeds of the an-day It now covers two complete nuai dinner and dance be given to .business floors, exclusive of large tne Red Cross, (storage space In another build-, ing "Tne warenouse runs on ou- prjze packages For Itcd Cross ed wheels." was the tribute paid premier Red Cross branch raised Mineral Tax Turned Back twlur:.:: .I ZZ. ZZ" Percent on me output oi me "-v . Mipfi rjV J IP W HUPn IT! I'HTIIII me tremendous Kea cross pro-i DUTCH VISIT AUSSIES vlncial turnover since the war be- CANBERRA, Nov. 4:0 Return gan is snown oy wie loiiowmg ing a recent visit of latatKIcal highlights: (newspapermen to the Dutch East More man tsu tons oi wooi ana.Tndles 355,916 yards of flannelette have ibeen distributed to the branches, j There have been sent overseas: ,130,000 pairs of socks. 32,000 'sweaters and 18,000 pairs of py-jjamas to the-Services. 400,000 garments for civilian relief, j More than half a million surgical dressings. A win iUnf In tVtA VNr of virVt nv t'Vt A a part or tne city that is net at iprteent used poses. for residential pur- GALLANT SCOUT LONDON, iNlov. 4 Q Kenneth T f E. Seal, 18-year-old Boy Scout who 1 0 V ailCOllVCr rescued three people frona bomb- jed house and gave them first nld, The question of .the tax on the was awarded the Silver Cross, the output of coal and other mines ! Scout's George Medal for sallan-was reported on last night at the trv- Chamber of Commerce meeting. Tf NOT ONE BUT THREE FOR FASTER RELIEF OF HEAD -COLDS ACHES You get the relief yoo wont when yew wont it with Buckley's 3-lngredient Cinnamoted Copsulei. The tint Ingredient relieve! poin and cold misery fast. The second stimulates end refreshes. The third beneficially relaies "erves. Plus Oil of Cinnamon so widely and wccettfully wed in Europe to combat grippe, etc. IS dotes only 35 cents. MADE BY THE MAKERS OF BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. 41 1 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert WIDE OPEN SALE ON 10 s Discount This is the First Anniversary Sale of our business. We invite you all to come and share with us on the profit. It is above board. You know our prices are the lowest, and quality is highest, and when you buy a dollar's worth of merchandise you only pay 90c, $o take advantage and save. This time ofjthe year when you buy for Christmas make everypenny count. Our stock of holiday goods is known as Variety merchandise. Lots of things we carry you require. We do not think it is necessary to list this sale because everything in the store is sold on the same basis.of 10 discount. We take this opportunity in thanking you for your patronage in the past, as well as for the future. The Sale Is Now On! No Exchanges, No Refunds, No Holding or C.O.D. Variety Store M , rSWTO f Package for Package Sweet Caps are your st cigarette hyl It moans a lot - LOST 20,000,000 DAYS LONDON, Nov. 4: 0; Colds, coughs, Influenza and other respiratory diseases cost Britain 20.-000,000 working days a year .enough time to build 3400 Units, 1,000 bombers and 1,000,000 ritles, it was reported at the opening of 1 a nation-wide cold preventive I drive. mHjaKm'jrai!smii,scBiis Attention Ladies will soon be here, WINTER so why not meet it with a FUR COAT. Our manager. Miss Bell, will be back from a buying trip Friday with a large new stock. You are all invited to look our stock over. Prices to suit everyone, and remember your credit is good. GOLDRLOOM "The Old Reliable" ct Biaiixv'irixaxi'i uataxiawj to find a Lrand of cigarettes that is always mllderj always better tasting. That's one big advantage you get from, the famous Sweet Caporal formula which calls for the exact and invariable blending of 38 classifications of the choicest Virginia tobaccos it ensures that every package of Sweet Caps will give you a greater measure of smoking pleasure. SWEET CAPORAL Cifjarcttes "Tlie purest farm in which tiincco can be mot-T BHSBnH Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m.-. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 5C8 VACANT POSITIONS WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD WARTIME PRICES BOARD OFFICER: Salary $2100-5000 Require 10 years responsible business experience or ' the equivalent dependent upon the position to be filled. WARTIME PRICES BOARD ACCOUNTANT: Salary $1800-4000 Require 7 years accounting experience or the equivalent . dependent upon the position to be filled. ' ' WARTIME PRICES BOARD INVESTIGATORS: Salary $1620-3000 R'equire 5 years business experience or the equivalent dependent upon the position to be filled. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS: Salary $720-1080 Require stenographic and typewriting training or experience. Salary determined according to qualifications. Cost-of-Llving Bonus, as provided, is applicable.. Salary deduction of 5 li made for savings for retirement. Applications obtainable at the Post Offices should be filed with the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, POST OFFICE BOX 5000, VANCOUVER. See details on posters displayed . at Post Office or Employment Service of Canada. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia I 4