Monday, January 20, 1941. It is a Clearance Sale With "Reason" A GOOD "REASON" 1-piecc Bedroom Suite Keg. $79.50. CO ffA Clearance $14.DU 8-piece fining Room Suite QfiQ CCA Keg. $87.60. Clearance ?JiJ0J Chesterfield Chair Reg. $25.00. C-f Q ff A Clearance Ihiffcl with Class Front Reg. $27.50. 20.00 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSi: MIILMNft THIRD AVENUE MacKenzie's Furniture A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 1011 Patterns Linoleum Just Arrived , 400 Sq. Yards Inlaid Linoleum 400 Sq Yards Printed Linoleum 300 Sq. Yards Feltol Sec Us For Your Floor Covering ivl 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert B.C. WcbouRht three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in 1 liujr iiik" 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with comfort Call us at THREE-TWO PLEASE' J I RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave P1UNCK RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Falls and Powell River Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean nd "' WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER OO? AA Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th. mi. tfrOO.UU Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Full Information and Reservation, j etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines . , ..xxi.Ximiiitl UNION STEAMSHIPSim SPECIAL REDUCKIl WINTER EXCURSION FARES including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETUItN From PRINCE RUPERT 36.UU FromPort Simpson $M.M i. . Vancouvei (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to from intermediate points.) of age and under twelve) Half e -(Five years 1941 28, 1910 to February Ticket, on Sale from November 1st. dood to return, up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Jhutsday S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:3 MM Tjgn I. S.S. CARUENA v.vcry Friday 10:30 pm- 1 i Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert ASen (FRANK J. SKINNE 0 1M t J Fhm If Convenient, Please Piircmcw- Mrs. C. Christie of Beattle An chorage, Queen Charlotte Islands, Is navlne a brief visit to the city. having arrived on the Cassiar yes-terday morning. Thomas Panrosky. for driving an automobile while intoxicated, was sentenced to seven days' Imprison ment without option of fine by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city po lice court this morning. John Liersch, superintendent of the Cumshewa Inlet camp of the J. R. Morgan Logging Co., returned to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Cassiar at the end of last week after a trip to Vancouver. After mier jiavuig having spcii spent the me past cou- Mrs. Russell Smith Passes Widow ol Fornuc Agent litre Union Steamship Co. Dies, ol Mrs. Russell M. Smith widow of a former well known agent here tnr t.h Union Steamship. Co, pass ed away Friday evening at Van-couver after having been 111 tor some time according to word re-oivh Sv local friends. Mrs. Smith ihad many friends In Prince Ru pert who will learn with regret 01 her passing. FUNERAL NOTICE Th funeral of WlUlam Ward Way will take place from the chapel of the a a Undertakers, at 2:30 pjn. Tuesday. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be- charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian 5 January 21. Anglican Tea, January 23. 1 tea, Mrs. Lakles'. I "Tn2 DAiiyirsTra 1 - ,JJ -1 '-m,!m 1 l- -. -1 ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just ay Three Two please.; 1 Just say "Hires Two please Mrs. E. Saunders, whose hus band Is In the service of the Royal Canadian Air Force here, Is leaving by this evening's train lor Reglna. Mrs. A. M. Beattle, 846 Taylor Street has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital ror the past lew days' but Is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams re turned t othe city on the Cassiar yesterday morning after spending a couple of weeks at their home at Massett. Douglas Edenshaw of Massett arrived in the city on the Cassiar yesterday morning, and will be spend Ing some time In town. Mrs. J. N. Burnett left last week on her return to Vancouver after a visit of a couple of weeks here with her husband, Col. Burnett, officer commanding of the Irish fusi liers. For Relief of HEAD COLD MISERY Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril . . . ( i ) 1 1 shrinks swollen mem- hrmn' fl RmthM Irritation'. (51 Helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin of Massett arrived in the city on the Cassiar yesterday morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail tomorrow afternoon oh the Ca- tala for a trip to Vancouver. Sauadron Leader L. A. Hobson, chaplain of the.Royal Canadian Air Force, arrived In the city on. the Cassiar yesterday after a visit to Allford Bay air base and will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Car dena for Vancouver. Yesterday he visited the Seal Cove air base here Cassiar yesterday morning from the Islands and will said tomorrow al ternoon on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs., Simpson's son, Gene, who has been In the city for the .w past couple r of weeks, , will ..- sail H. F. Sllverthorne. after an In- I - L SDectlon visit to the progress of con struction work at the Allford Bay air base, arrived In the cltv on the Cassiar yesterday and will sail or the Cardena tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver. He Is accompanied bv Flvlnir Officer H". B. Lone of the building department of the Royal Canadian Air Force. SEAL COVE MAN DIES William Ward Temple Way Passes Away in Prince Rupert General Hospital Following an illness, of about a .7. riinte only, 50c. Scotch orches-lthe Isle of Wight, England, June . rn I " I w ' w w..v "ov ... 1 'l' I i . . . i Aji ri 1 - -1 syears, ne came iu muvua, uuu 102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories', tiomcsteaded at Carberry, Manl-inuary 31. ' tbba, where he was. married two . years later. From Carberry he re- Masonic Telephone Bridge, Feb- moved to Broadview, Saskatche- ruarv 4. kwiw. wut w ,ci6.6vv ... February 5. Catholic tea, Mrs. R. E February 6. Hospital Annual liall, February 7. General Hospital. Mr. Way had . been a resident of Prince Rupert T Tj,rineislnce 1925 heing an Ice-maker for o Bartieus Mrs. R. CanadIan Flsn & storage Co. He was quite wellknown and basket social, January 24, his death will be regretted by 80N friends will extend their ,rk, baskets nu free. free (many who with LnHi ladies in h termed. . . nnH linpe JanU Tha'faf Mr Wnv was slYtV.nlnp - - - Burns Dajniuc 6:30, tickets . of been born In nrv arv 24 24 Moose Moose Hall, nuu, u.uui .jcoio years vi age. or, nauiia having ukh wm m - - . i t . . . 1 J Orange tea, Mrs. ruwvsKy s ne came to trince uupen ana uaa since maae nis name nere. i Predeceased by his wife several Moore s vears aeo. the late Mr. Way is sur jvlved by three sons, two daughters and seven grandchildren. The sons Ball, Moose are Fred T. Way of Vavenby B. C, Bernard T. Way of Prince Rupert land Harry Way of Winnipeg. The WO.T.M. tea, Mrs. s. uaugans daughters are Mrs. Jonn mua; ohniiirv 12. Proceeds War. Relief. Saint of Dubuc, Saskatchewan, and v . .Mrs.. E, J. (Patricia) S mlth of Presbyterian tea, Mrs. George Prince Rupert. Dcceased'3 eldest Mihdv February 13. 'son, Edward Richard Way, a vet- oron nt tViA Vlrcf flrpa'fc War ftnrt Basketball Association Valentine (6ne time officer of the Royal Ca- Party February 14. Cambral Hall February 15. 'nadlan Mounted Police In .the Yu- i . tkon, died in Vancouver in 1926 VnVntlne Tea. . Lesion I ' The. funeral will take pi Tuesday afternoon. CHRISTLIKE ACTS URGED Rer. J. C. Jackson Advocates Practical Application ! Christianity In mernlng service at First United Church yesterday Rev. J. C. Jackson spoke on "The Character of James, Son of Zebedee' and in the evening, from the text "Whjc call ye me, Lord, Lord, and da not the things I say?" The latter question must have been an embarrassing one to; those who heard It when first said. It must have been ambarraslng to Christians of the middle ages but it was far more embarrassing to the Christian today. Today there was knowledge that the early followers had not possessed. In the middle ages the Jesus of history had become the Christ of theology and a supernatural being. Today Jesus was known as the- Man of Sorrows Inspired by God. As a result of that knowledge must be seen the need for action. There was plenty of expression today but much of it did not answer Christ's challenge to action. Mr n r. T. McColl of Queen I 4, i ,i,i.k ...... - i were mice ways m wn- ivuanui-n; Charlotte vitj City arrived nini. in the city j mignt mignt carry carry out out the tne implication implication 01 of it.. rAa(n vrOctavrl yesterday 1 V Wl morning Am T O I . . . . . 1 1 l w-m . & it. ... wu- pie of weeks, in the city, Mr. and 0n the Cassiar J question in the text. First they Mrs. A. Ostrom are sailing by the for a brief visit and will be return-1 jld pay the homage that wasre- Cassiar tonight on their return .to th Oueen Charlottes Islands. Mrs. lOstrom was taken HI after arriv ing here and had to spend some time in the Prince Rupert Genertl Hospital. Peter Sunderland returned to the city on the Cardena. last night from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. Sunderland, for some yeara Ider.u- fiori with the staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, will be leaving shortly for Vancouver to Join the service of the B. C. Packers. lng to the isianas on we same ves sel tonight. served for Christ alone. It was not nnneh. however, to rjav homaZC such as was celebrated at Christmas If it was not translated into Christ like action. Secondly an emptiona'. response might be given that was not given to any other. But men failed unless they listened to "is demands and carried out His in structions. Finally, an Intellectual resDonse might be given but men fell short unless they vindicated that belief by action." "If we are to make Christianity effective we must nrove bv practice that all its demands can be done," declared the pastor "If we try them out we find that they can be done, in Anintr en TLB hpln nthprs iind at the ....o. p. . - i same ume Duua up m oursejves an Massett arrived in the city on the assurance that wlU inspire us to-do tne things unrist aemanas. place At the morning service the Junior choir sang a "Morning Hymn" by Haydn while, at. the evening, srr vice the senior choir sang "Come and ana Let L.ei us us Return neiurn unio uiuu.wie ine . imvu 1 by the Cassiar tonight on his re- (W Jackson). with fine effect. "Build B.C, Payrolls' British Columbia Milk Bg The mild climate with Its .open winters and pleasant salt breez-p makes Fraser Valley, a fine winter place for the production of eood milk. Cows require comfort, and they get it here, never oppressed by extremes, of heat or cold. Pacific Milk Is fortunate British Columbia is its home. .ween the death -or wmiam ward t firim HII V Temple Way occurred at 9:15 Sa- PAl IhlT lYllLlv Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Nursery Stock FREEr-40-page catalogue. 32 colored Illustrations. Full of valuable Information. Complete list of. plants for the home. Latest plant novelties. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardls, B.C. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Uldg. FRESH SHRIMP Daily After :30 pjn. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK , CAMPS ARE REOPENING Sevei Hundred. Loggers to Be Em ployed on Queen Charlotte Islam) This Season Following a curtailment of oper ations since late last fall, logging camps on Moresby Island of the Queen Charlottes are now reopen ing. Loggers are flocking back to the islands and it is estimated that some seven hundred will be em ployed in the varloujf camps -during the coming season, la addition to regularly scheduled voyages, the PAQTHRSl. steamers. Cassiar and Camosun are making special trips north from Vancouver to the Island with these loggers. The T. A. Kelley Logging. Co. Trill Ka AnArafinff ro mn. tdfr vof ht : Beatty Anchorage, Limestone 'Bay I and Cumshewa Inlet. J. Rv. Morgan i Logging Co. will be running cateps I at Cumshewa. Inlet and SewelPIn-I let and A. P. Allfeort Logipg Co; at j Cumshewa Inlet. The logging cdjup 'of Pacific Mills at Ccean'.FaJls that ' has been operating in- Skldegate InV let for the past year is alto starting ud again and. fifteen men, ar rived on the present trip of the Cassiar from Vancouver. . i The demand for airplane: spruce for war purposes, as previously pointed out, Is the reason for the Increased logging acflvlty on the Islands at this time. . ' ' A SPECIAL SAVING ON Highest Quality Autograph Albums MADE BY COLLIN'S OF GLASGOW Full Pearl Grained Leather Hainbow-Kound Corners Gilt Edges Gold Lettering 3.',x5 (approximate size) Reg. 65c. Zfip SPECIAL 4x6 (approximate size) Reg.. 75c ((o SPECIAL 41x7 (approximate size) Reg. $1.00' 75C V SPECIAL These albums are wonderful value at the regular prices.. A large shipment was. received too late for Christmas. Hence the reductions to reduce our stock. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable v m PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkiey Valley Alberta Minehead Sootlcss "BVM "Tin ! -II T1 It Pays tc Always Buy the Best Fuel i Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. $ PnONE 116 ruuiic a "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. " Obtainable at M STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. . . RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Bostbn and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Store Packed By Canadian Fish&Cold Storage - a, m ll Prince Rupert I h I ffl British ColUmiU VUl UtUi