PAGE two LINE UP ISPORTS ARE Step Into Style With ROOKIES COMMENCING Connie .Mack Lilies His Cut-rent Baseball, Football and Softball Team But Says Watch 1942's ; Competitions Arranged for Carnival Week PHILADELPHIA, August 19: Oj Rookies helped so much In the in With Navy Dlaying Scottish Athletics' drive toward the Ameri AiniMII nf ik iamivillc It 111 DAILY EDITION Y SHOES Do you share with many the habit of cataloging people by the appearance of their footwear? We can think of no better way to spruce up for early fall than to buy a pair of Hartt's Shoes. Exclusive at Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE HUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVERTISING KATKS Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations Tht local mt pal All MEMBEB Or THE f.'AIADIA fKESS Different Ways of Life An article renrinted in "The Labor Review? makes it clear that the war now being waged is differenfrom any. M'OV 4M1rrV.f in 4-V nr.r.4- T. 1 1.1.1. 'L 1. .IS yrf S ?MJJSd SePy, ,f-e meets .KXC. ArHerre LL ti. tK- a' t . and Signal Corps tase wtArmy Ser- LONDON S MEDALS 500 gallantry awards have been j25 made to members of the Port of 02 London Authority, for their conduct during German raids last fall. to or lo h4 Mttxistal PieE hi this pMr antl Alas Uw D'' iivy, 13 Qaa. ttereia. Tuesday, August 19, 1941. Stalin Is Ready - - It is evident that Josef Stalin is ready to meet British and United States representatives with a view to arranging complete co-operation both on the eastern and western fronts. Possibly by the time this is in print the delegates will be on their way or in session. At any rate the Churchill-Roosevelt meeting seems to have started a very important movement in the direction of real collaboration which should have beneficial results. . No Fear of Collapse - After reading or hearing some of the Nazi statements in regard to the war in Russia some people begin to fear that Russia is nhmir in onWanp nnrl thnf. thp war in thp! east is nearly over. There is no need to fear anything of this kind. Russia has been forced to retreat on part of the front but the retreat has been carried out in an orderly fashion and each time there has been a retreat there has been a masterly counter-offensive that has been? very destructive to the strength-and morale of the enemy. FRIEND OF LOWER DECK PORTSMOUTH, Aug. 19: (CP) J. E. Lane, city councillor for 14 years and a founder of the Lower Deck Welfare movement in the He was 54. WE'LL STOP COUNTING Almost 4,000,000,000 cigarets were ! vice Bill Park in Corps at the Oyn 7 " The 78-year old pilot is enthuse "rir" !. . iastic stic about his current team-the J ??l first had necuon wun tr.e wvic centre cat invr ovarii Aiigitbci iiv w . ... . . wlU et under thb eTen wa? ,nlval in eight years-but he gets more excited prospecU. about next year's ing. The winner in tonight's football This might be called the first p me will play the Aiyansh native season Jri which the Athletics have ieam' nwa"s or uw ne ww gone seriously into the farm busi- trPny- Thursday afternoon. ness j Entries in the softball teurna- "Father never believed in farm ment are r Signals. Can-clubs before." exDlains Earle Mack. adlan Scottteh. HMXJ.S. Armen- Connie's son and heir-apparent to tierrea' Naval' Headquarters. Army the Athletics. "Now he's con- vrce corps, port Simpson and vinced you have to have them to Qrotto. Grotto, last year's winners. get the ballplayers. You can't find Set a bye and will play only In the-I them anywhere else." .Iinai. To that end the house of Mack Baseball games will be played has taken over a couple more Thursday and Friday evenings with minor league teams and they also Canadian Scottish. Dry Dock and have working agreements with Commodores entered. - UsssSte Published Every Afternoon,. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor UP-ohe Jntomlional and--J'ifJhL .'I1 ..v- irn. r :"TriVIdthgr1minorieague'''cluba,ln- the possession of the Athletics are Newport News in the Virginia league and Federalsburg in the Eastern shore league, as well as Wilmington of the Interstate cir-1 cult. SPORT CHAT .i Hopes of a royal Derby winner, in 1942 have been placed in Big Game, a handsome two-year old, who has been the pride of this LONDON, Aug. 19: -Altogether land. J? racln.B season ta Eng ada during the first half of this Minoru ta 1909. He wns the last of l VtnfT TTH Txrn rrl TTTTV V-.AA rU.. CUS3IFIE Unbeaten in five races, this fine colt, leased by the King from the National Stud, has shown his heels to all opposition and in the opinion of his riders hasn't yet been seriously tested. The unbeaten Bahram sired this popular youngster and the dam was the flying Myrobella. He' Is bred to stay and his prospects for the future appear bright because horses of his size normally improve with age. VUAQ VillCC UVlUy winners, "Tfolffiwing Persimmon in 1896 and Diamond Jubilee In 1900. The present King George had n. horses in this, year's classics but! seems certain to be represented next year. In addition to Big Game, King's Scholar, not yet seen in public, has been entered in the Derby, while Big Game is ,on the list for the 2.000 Guineas FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be 1 and the St. Leger. Sun Chariot, received by the undersigned up an unbeaten filly whose recent 10-to noon of Saturday, August 23rd, length victory in the Amesbury 1941. for the purchase of Lot 19, stakes gave the King his nlnrfc Block 8, Section 1, City of Prince win of' the season, and Starling Rupert, inclusive of building and were accepted for the Oaks and contents, situate at 1008 2nd Av- the 1,000 Guineas. Air Raid, an- enue. Highest or any tender not other of His Majesty's horses, also necessarily, accepted. Terms: is in the 1,000 Guineas. uft.w i.i tiic paou iv ia a snuyyie uiaweeu uvu uii-i ress was awarded the O.B.E. for ierentwaysof life and its purpose; two ways of regarding sale used toivsafe. j. &iSkin and determination in towing cniorir rwn u-niii! r.f .wn,. . 4-u ... : A : c ii r.i:j uuv,v- naya ui cstllliaLlllg llie pu&llIUll Ul LUC lllUl Noto vidual fn society; two ways of assessing the meaning of human life upon this planet. And between these two ways there can be no compromise. One or the other must triumph. One or the other must be destroyed. For they are. not merely mutually hostile; they are mutually quite incompatible. While among the Nazis the state is everything, in the democracy the individual is everything. The Nazis control what the individual shall do, hear, read, how he shall worship, if at all, even what he shall think. Everywhere is repression. In our country we have the largest possible amount of freedom. In many respects all men are equal. They have similar rights. While we may differ in our views on many subjects, we agree that every man has a right to his opinion. In time of war there are restrictions but normally we are willing to fight to maintain our right to express our views. Ours is a growing constituti6n, a changeable constitution, an improving constitution, never regarded as perfect but expected to improve, and each person is expected to do his part in bringing about that improvement When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nLikir t Service 21 nour Service at; Regular Rates Strictly cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Roger F. Perry, deceased. special $7i0, 6 unpainted chest of drawers, dining room chairs and bedroom rhairs. hprts unrinps and snrinefipld mattrp.p. stnriln .staging a tank fund. couches, chesterfields in the latest patterns, household doors, sinks, wash basins at low prices. . ' til. A -k -m n for $40.00. Also 2 billiard tables worth $1000.00, now selling both for $80.00. Anyone wanting to WANTED 3-room furnished apartment or small house. Apply Box 138 Dally News. (tf) WANTED Girl with' typing and bookkeeping experience desires position. Apply Box 138, Dally News. (194- GIRL wants work. Preferred Housework or Hotel Work. Phone Oreen 894. (195) WANTED Man, young man prefer-! red-General purpose. McRae ' Bros. tf. WAED--- Young man' for day work; Apply Chris "Mill. I ' (tf) - -i whhted Furnished suite. Phone Red 378. . (195) LEICESTER SQUARE TANKS LONDON, Aug. 19: W Some of FOOTBALL TONIGHT 6:45 Composite vs. City All Stars Prepare for Fall and Winter Featuring: Freedman and Gabbe, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladles and Gents Suits and Top coats to Measure 10 off Continuing till End of August Alteration Specialty, make Appointment to your house Phone 307 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Di:, cj 'Fin If'ahkifS time 1SS7 .7r wp . ii 7 VIMJfVfi . .JJ rMr fMJiKJst k II JOS. E. SEAGRAM V SONS LIMITED WATERLOO ONTARIO & fjwi&nj. innut ii J" Plainiwater isfylaintspoken isVnflxtd with whisky. Only the smoothest, kindest whiskies dare submit themselves to the challcngo of the water test. Every drop of Seagram's is distilled, aged and blended to meet this one all-searching test. Seagram Whiskies demand nothing more than plain or sparkling water to give you a truly delightful drink. X Seagram s Famous Brand tucstm tutUMt suEum -V.0." "KING'S PUTF "OLD RYE" 11 OIS. . . . 1 .25 It OZS. . . SllS 11.78 K OZS. . . 11 35 S2.CS Jl 35 40 02. - - 4 05 11.55 Baseball Standings ( Baseball Scores National League W Brooklyn 73 St. Louis 71 Cincinnati C4 Pittsburg 59 New York 56 Chicago 49 Boston 45 Philadelphia 31 American League New York 80 Chicago 02 Boston 60 Cleveland 59 Detroit 53 ""VL streets e Philadelphia 5i driven through the of Lon GOOD OLD ENCHANTRESS LONDON, Aug. 19: Lieut- , Phone Blk. 324. B.C. Furniture Co. , Commander A. E. T. Christie of the Taylor iajriui made. uiauc. Worth nwui $251.35. . for $150.00. 1 ice box box worth worth $100.00. now selling tf, lamous Admiralty yacht Enchant- a damaged ship back to port. BOMBERS vs. STEAM ROLLER Manchester, Aug. 19: W The driver of a steam roller was killed .Grey, Hagwilget. New Hazelton. , pant, of theZ?lerl Sed TO RENT Bright bedroom, choice localion. Phone Oreen 830. (194) WANTED Washington 48 don on their way to Leicester ,st Louis square ior aispiay ouisiae a tneatre 47 L 40 41 47 51 50 65 67 81 39 55 55 55 63 63 65 65 BUILD A HOME Like This Pet. : .648 .634 .577 .536 .500: .430 .402 .277' .072 .518 .522 .530 .457 .447 .425 .420 i National League Pittsburg 5, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 13-5. Philadelphia 5-4. ChicaRO 4-1, New York 6-7. I Amer'can League Washington 4, Cleveland 2. Only games played. J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and CENTS ISest Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two door from Broadcasting Station Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Kivfr Saturday at 4:00 p.m. I'.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.S.T. ALso Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Air-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 260, Prince Riipert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Get Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter j PHONE 116 PHONE 117 ciuinim mj This advertisement is not published or displayed by' the Liquor Control Board of by the Government of British Columbia CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJ'h.C. Wallace Block, Phone M Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Roomi Hot Water Steam BtH Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, rroprietrtM J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Blif- 1 Rnw antl 'Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Steamers Leave Prince RupeH CATALA EVERV TUESDAY. 1:30 D.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. P-i CARDENA EVERY FKlDAfi 10:30 n.m. Due Vancouver, Monday Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Ausf. 19 and 30, September 9 at 10 P ""- Tickets and Reservations 'rom i -i FRANK J. SKINNER, f'10" Rupert Agent, Third AT. Phone 568