PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE X s s Spumed Quitting Lost On His Ship would never have been written Due to tetlre last year, Capt. Oray decided experienced men were needed to keep supplies flowing across the Atlantic to Britain and remained at-his post aboard a merchant vessel. I': CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties t MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Quits Home Guard I NoTa Scotian Stayed to Help Britain Whitten-Brown, Atlantic First Flier, Win Wir snit Ist His IJt I To Tn llav Hoc. o CnUI Crrat P RAP 4 F Ink Ink i I Unit NEW GLASGOW. NS, Aug. 19: Oi LONDON, Aug. 19 Had Cant John Gray. Pictou Office announced that Sir Arthur County mariner, chosen retirement I Whitten-Browri, a lleutenant-col: instead of continuing the dangerous bnel and battalion commander, in . . . . , ill.: tr. n 1 . I if . 1 uie oi a mercnant seaman inis siory ne nwne uuaro, nas resigned nis nearby village of Grahton that the it is understood that he will be en UlUCUVOC O&lTl WCiil, Willi. 6&IU 411 Haiii& tCKOIUl his. ship after it suffered two Nazi dive-bombing attacks. Severely wounded In the first, attack. Capt. Gray had no chance to escape when the second ripped his vessel to pieces under him. MORE FINE GOLD Gold receipts at the Royal Can-' adlan Mint ud to June 30 totalled commission T rTTSA.Y A.. ft . 1 rm ii. nus, i. uc. frce tun subnets before their appllca Belgian agency says a Belgian railr jions can be accepted, though spe-way employee at Antwerp was (toed claJ qualifications may persuadt $90 for calling the Germans Boches the Admiralty to waive this condi-and eaying Great Britain tion. The age limit varies between the war. ' i 117 and 45 years with further ex- - - -. v Iception In special cases where it ANCIENT HONEY-CHILD ' may be Carried to 49 years. ine ancieni r,?ypiians leo noney Cover Wide Field 2,539,879 fine ounces compared with cakes to the - . sacred crocodiles of. trie VAAZCIA (n 4k. mm : i- , ,n ""i"" " "c same itu penuq. ixne. Pioneer of British flying, he.. jras one of the first men to fly the 'Atlantic, with the late Sir John Al-cock, in June of 1919, from Newfoundland to Ireland. He .was recently eazetted as act- Package for Package Sweet Caps are your best cigarette buy! I kilOW they are my bestbur! How do I know? Because I Ve tried other brands and found that invariably I get more pleasure from Sweet Caps-Since I emote lor pleasure (and who doesn't?) I claim that the cigarettes wbich.give the greatest pleasure for the money give the greatest Talue. So try Sweet Caps: They're definitely milder and they have a personality you're bound to like. SWEET CAPORAL Cigarettes "Thtpurntform in uhich tobacco' can b mW I Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smokeli Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage P?lnr Itupert Co. Lid. RritNh DISCIPLINE FOR WOMEN Colored Nails, Umbrellas, Jewels And Furs Also "Out" In Service By GLADYS ARNOLD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA, August 19: tt "We're in the navy now" will soon be chanted with complete assurance by women of Canada. The envied song ceasea w oe tne exclusive property of sea-going males with t.ho ftnnniinrmpnt hv Rar AHmtr. Fnr Air Recparrli al Percy w' Nelles Chief ot Nava" 1 Ul rill IVCOCdrCll Staff, that the navy, like the arm and the air force, Is creating its own own official woman s auxiliary 1 Though plans are rt,Th..war preliminary stages, lng Pilot Officer in the RA.P,' and phaslzed TATirrn tad t r Vt v I.. still In the Canadian ! "Tr n o" infAman'o Pniral Mow Service), are likely to have much In common with -the sister British organization, which traditionally takes seniority over army and air. In the office of Admiral Nelles is to be found complete Informa tion as to the setup and require ments of the British W. R. N. S These will be used as a guide ir. formulating plans, it was stated a headquarters, though it was em- that Canadian need would necessitate adaptions which would preclude any copying. Details of preliminary qualifica tions Include that women be not already engaged In "reserve occupations" (other war work). Medical .examination must show good health and teeth, while a oersonal interview with naval authorities Is necessary before final decision. British women may Join In one of two categories. As "immobile" if there happens to be a .W. R. N. S. In their home town so they may live at home and work. Otherwise wo men musi De prepared to go wherever they are sent. ( After a 14-day probationarj period they are posted to theli rtajlons. Only in certain reserved categories' Is ptciul aaanng giver naablt in cooking, where recruits special aptitudes are sent to fooklpg schools. For transport work women must already hold their driver's licence fu've "several years experience, shov. a clean licence, be prepared to d a more , than amateur job at repairing a truck or car and capable of driving a lorry in the darkne&i A special post which has attracted tataijy iwcjnsn in Ensland is 4hat oi dispatch "rider. Women who for-;merly belonged to the popular , motor-cycle clubs In England were quickly worked into this phase of the work. A field which will not be open In Canada In the beginning at least, Admiral Nelles said, is that of communications which include wireless, signal work graph wcause of the need of train- itn j men for the sea. But in tht3 ,cu i a iimm many women are I I! field already employed on land with notable success. ) Officers- are promoted through we ranics in accordance with the rule- T?hleh now exists throughout the, three iscrvices In Britain. The Duchess of Kent is the hon orary as well as active head of thr British "Wrens" whose' sWan "Join -the Wrens and free a man to Join the fleet" hn noon o liar one since the outbreak of the war; Risid Discipline In this,, as In the Other servient women leave behind many aspects of civilian life when they Join. In their conduct they are expected to fiVintur tVi.U . . . -..w icojjct iar superior 01- fleers,, salute the senior officers oi I their own units and fhow a simi lar courtesy to other units. Mdch emphasis is placed on the respect, owed to the uniform. "Women ratlnesand officers must i.. i charge their duties with zeal and aiacriiy" the Instructions read. "They must be conscious that the uniform is conspicuous and their behaviour should therefore be above reproach.. They must not walk arm-In arm. n trn rro In tiAlotf or fowdy behaviour, but maintain orner and discipline." In. Britain,, the regulations InHl. cate clearly, women in the tor. vices are encouraged to devote memseives , to public service. "Think, tot She comfort and the ,nnv'h!'"".f of the nubile and be ""4Ya'Yr'c" fbr ar advised .pearanct the uniform (decided by . 4 THE PAID? Tuesday. mni i k LEAVE FOR GIRLSCAMP Boys Home After Memorable Ten Days' Outing On Queen Charlotte Islands After a memorable ten, days spent under Ideal weather conditions and suberb surroundings generally, twelve local boys, .who have been In summer camp of the local Religious Education CouncJ a. Sangan River near Massett, returned home last evening on the steamer Camosun. The outing hau been only too snort ana the unanimous wish was that u might have lasted much longer. The camp was conducted under the usual Religious Education Council routine which combines oqOi the pleasures of ou.uoor me on m-beach and In we woods wun u certain measure of useiui instruction and discipline. Tonignt unrty-tour girls leave oy aie camosun io lake up camp at, the same- puce. They are all loosing forwara with keen ant.apatlon to their outmg. ta uy xvev. . E. Brandt, pastor of First Baptist Chuicn, Lhe returning boys were baly Sneddon, Kenneth Brocklesby, Krank Clapp, Donald Hartwig, Harry Calderwood, Gerry Woodside, Pat Wilson, Jack Breen, James Dugan, Barrle Wln-terbottom and Jack Oawtnorne. With Mrs. Carleton Boardman as director, the Misses Kay Watson and Phyllis Hamblin as leaders, Mrs. O. L. Murray as camp nurse and Mrs. Harry Calderwood, Mrs. Coley and Mrs. Douglas Storrings as cooks, the girls' group consists of Pauline Ohnesorg, Betty Mac-Kenzle, Mary Baker, Betty Allen, Phyllis Jenner, Gwendy Jenner, Joy Berg, Ann Haudenschlld, Inez Berg, June Berg, Mona McRae, Gwendolyn McRae, Genevin June Morgan, Marie Mlchaloff, Patricia McClymont, Jojxe Gawthorn, neane west, Marjorle Eby, Patsy Moore, Patricia Brocklesby. Audrey Green, Dorothy Green. Jean Smith, Gladys Foster. Jean Calderwood, Isobel Mackenzie, Peggy Large, Mavis McKinnon, Lois McKlnnon, OI. ga Zabudney, Bonnie Perkins, Helen Green, Louise Marguerite Leav- itt and Ruth Vivian Leavitt. the Admiralty) Is of dark blue, double-breasted Jacket with brass buttons and .soft blue felt hat. "Jewels, furs, hand baes. limnrel. las, scent or colored hails are forbidden" is the statement, "and hair must not touch the collar." For Olfenders Superior oificers are addressed as "Ma'am." Punishment fnr in subordination, neglect or absence witnout leave ranges from discharge down throush disratlna. suspence from duty without pay, reprimand, pay dockaire. to small fatigue duties, or restriction of privileges. While these rules will nnt. annlv directly to the Canadian W. R. -N, a. something similar, especially ar ranged to nt Canadian naval needs may be expected. Perusal of the rules which are followed In similar auxiliary ser vices in south Airica and New Zealand show that thev are verv similar. Particularly In New Zea land where naval personnel is of particular Importance, women have been encouraged to fill every sort of position in the civilian shippins services in order to release men ior active service. If yOU Want gniiM.niriis artio. Use for It. Hundreds of people ge wnai tney want that way, m Notice of Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that an Auction Sale of the hereunder described properties will be held by me at 10 a.m. on Saturday. August 23rd, 1941, at the Government Agent's Office, Court House, Prince Rupert, at the upset price as set opposite each: Lot 5, Block 3, Section 2, City of Prince Rupert 150.00 Lot 6, Block 3, Section 2, City of Prince Rupert $150.00 Lot 17, Block 18. section 1, City of Prince Rurjert $1500.00 Lot 18, Block ,8, Section 1. City of Prince Rupert $1500.00 Lot 92, Block 39, Section 8,;City of Prince Rupert $300.00 THE TERMS OF SALE to be either all cash or on terms of, 25 cash and the balance In one, tw0 or three years with In-1 terest at 4i'a, plus- Crown Grant Fee of $10.00, . NORMAN A. WATT, i Government Aeent. I Dated at prirjc Runert' B. C. this 5th day of August 1941. A 1 rri . v Norway's Youth Whiff lets Dislike Nazis From The Waterfront Union steamer Camosun, Capt. James Watt, arrived in port at 8 o'clock last evening from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return south over the same route. Having made up contlderable time on the voyage to Stewart, Un ion steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard. returned to port at 1:45 this afternoon from the north and sailed at 2:30 pjn. for Vancouver. Canada At War 25 Years Ago August 19. 1916: Allies attacked on an eight-mile front from the Anore to the Somme; advanced near Gulllemont and GInchy and raptured a large part of Maurepas village. Austrians shelled Italian positions on the Trentino front. THRIFTY SOLDIERS LONDON, August 19: O Police constables rushed up when they discovered four soldiers holding a fifth by the ankles over a drain. They assured the policeman that nothing was wrong: they were only trying to retrieve a lost coin. ,Even School Children Co Out of Way to Show Dislike LONDON, Aug. 19; O The Norwegian government Information office says that even chool children In Norway go out of their way to show their dislike for the Nazis: 1 The information office tells this story: In a town In northern Norway, a large picture of Hitler was oasted up on a wall one day. Short-' ly after, a grouD of school children goose-stepped up to the wall in military formation. "Haiti Left turn! Spit!" commanded "a serious little fellow. All spat, turned and marched off. OFFICERS' CANTEEN LONDON, Aug. 19: tt The Y.M. C. A. has opened a new round-the-clock club and canteen ln.'VVhlte-hal for officers of the army, n'avjt and air force. It Is called, .the Queen Elizabeth Club for.offfcers. TWINE WAS TOPS Binder twine for use.. In .Canadian j wheat fields made up 59 per cent of total value of rope products in;'l940,., SILVER CONDUCTOR Silver Is one of the best conductors of heat and electrlcy known to science. OVERWAITEA LTD. Phone 813 m m I CASH SPECIAL B.C. SUGAR 10 lbs Free Delivery 80c First Grade Butter Q-f Off Black Pepper ff 3 lbs. $1.&D Per lb. ltfC Libby's Baby Food OETp Tomato Soup 1 Q 3 tins Campbell's. 2 tins Lobster IQp Asparagus Cuttings 4 n Per tin xax' per tin JLJLj I CASH LYNN VALLEY PEAS fin SPECIAL 16"oz-sizc-Per tin xvc innnHniiiinaaHnHMHMiaMi Bleach rjp Rich Fruit Cakes 7Cf Large bottles About 4 lbs. I OK Tea RZo Chow Sauce "I C Per lb Per bottle -iPl Odex Soap A Qn Ritz Biscuits OOrt 4 bars XtJi 2 pku I CASH HANDY SODAS OtZn d5c SPECIAL 44 oz box Grapefruit Juice- OO-, Coffee 6ft 50-oz. tin "uyj Per lb. OVC Toasted Marshmallows Off 0 Licorice Delights Off Per lb. "Oi' Per lb. &oC Wasstaffs Jam- OQp Oxydol- 0ff 2.ib. ,ar zyc Largesl2e 25c CASH SPECIAL VEIS NAI'THA SOAP 3 bars 20c Fresh Corn- QQp Seedless Grapes, Off Per dozen 2 lbs. : 2&C KZT- 5c i7c T 25c ' 19c Trade In Your Old Furniture Help lo Pay the New During August Furniture Sale! SALE VALUES AT ELIOS 4-pc. Bedroom Suite , $79 oo 2-pc. Bed-Davenport Suite . . $8150 6-pc. Dinette, Walnut Finish $790 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hour from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CAPITOL , ,lM( TODAY and WEI)XESDv Continuous Dally From i po Complete Shows start at 1:00 3:09-5;18 7-279.j8 Edward Small Pwm MONTE CRIST0 ttarrini LOUIS HAYWARD JOAN BENNETT (At 1:27, 3:36, 5:45, 7 54, tO:0Ii ADDED "International Forum Cartoon, "Windy Woodpecktr" NOTE Matinee Prices Prevail up to 6 p.m. Make Our Store Vow Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Ouaranteed-PHONE 547 Tom Lee & S "HOUSE OF FINK FOODS' SAvoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 ',(), Bui 5H KltASEIt STREET Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclli Proprietor "A HOMF. AWAY FROM HOME" Kate 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot it Co.d Prtnce Rupert 8.c Phone Jgl p.o. r,0 W VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at ll-onable Prices. MUSSALLKM'S ECONOMY STOKE Phones J g & 19 r.O. IVn 57S YES I We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stores Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $150 Chlmnejs Swept 120 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Tbone BLACK 735 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only wlmB cannlcj company with an u Uii year round payroll hi rrince Rupert