PAGE SEC Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and .Novelties MAX HEILBRONER ' JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT iff Iff B at at ex Ot at .- si B B B B B 2? You Can't Fool Santa! B Headquarters 29 B WOMEN'S AND APPAREL. 29 how to please a lady, Ot the Rupert Peoples B display of Rest assured & will come like magic. 2? Gift FOR CHILDREN'S To learn just visit Store's large Christmas Finery. Inspirations RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ?74 ff Last-Minute Delivery JUST ARRIVED! GIFTS of Ot !B i iur men AND COMFORT English Leather KEYTAINERS at 23c, 50, $1 00 ZIPPER BILLFOLDS $1.25, $1.73, S2.50 PIGSKIN BILLFOLDS $2.50 to S4.00 ZIPPER CHANGE rURSES 15c FLAT POCKET CHANGE PURSE : 25c MONEY BELTS, Army Tan or A. F. Blue $,:.23 SPECIAL! KEYCASE AND BILLFOLD ENSEMBLE, $ gj Boxed Set Jli Select Quality Only Limited Stock Available. ' T.1....1 n:n c tr TO meat YOUR HEALTH . . are of paramount impoi-tance. Don't live In a cold, draughty house this winler-there's no necdl Insulate Now With FIREPROOF DRY INSULEX DRY -INSULEX keeps the wanted heat inside in winter and the unwanted heat out In summer. DRY INSULEX makes it possible to produce an even temperature throughout your home, thereby preventing draughts. SEE US ALBERT & McCAFFERY LIMITED PHONE 11 AND 117 i i lit i kc as I THE DAILY NEWS Waterfront Whiffs Fisheries Experimental Station Doing Good War Work Rounding Up Japanese Boats. ' FIELDS IN "BANK DICK 7? Great Comedy Coming to Capitol Theatre at First of Next Week. W. C. Fields' latest picture, "The Bank Dick," is coming as the fea- jture offering to the screen of the i Capitol Theatre here on Monday land Tuesday of next wek. It is said to be the most typlcaliy Fieldsian picture that has ever been made. Fields appears as a special guard in a bank and his droll adventures as such provide a great line of acceptable comedy entertainment. The comedian has plenty of opportunity to play his I own particular type of ad lib com-: edy acting and has made the most 'of the opportunities to indulge 1 himself. Aiding and abetting Fields is a least which includes Una Merkel, i Richard Purcell, Shemp Howard. Franklin Pangborn, Grady Sutton, Jessie Ralph, Cora Wltherspoon, Dave Oliver and Harlan. Briggs. Presbyterian 1Xmas Tree Is Happy Affair The annual Christmas Tree entertainment of the Sunday School of First Presbyterian Church was held last night in the social hall of the church. There was a good-sized attendance of young folk with a few parents, all enJoylng an acceptable program presented by the children. John E. Davey acted as chairman and Mrs. E. J. Smith presided at the piano. G. R. S. Blackaby acted in the role of Santa Claus, distributing gifts of books and sweets The program was as follows: Carol, "Holy Night." Piano solo, Kathleen Hill. i Chorus, "Away in a Manger," "Jingle Bells," "Merry Christmas," Mrs. J. A. Teng's class. Recitation, Shirley Hougan. Recitation, Ethel Moorehouse. Recitation, Mary Strachan. Carol, "The Wise May Bring Their Learning." Skit, Miss Ken Thomasson's class. Song, Kitty Dixon. Duet, Yvonne Morin and .Barbara Flaten. Song, Margaret Strachan. Carol, "Noel.' Recitation, Helen Hibbard. Skit, Miss Eileen Feasby's class. Recitation, Jean Calderwood. Piano duet, Patricia Brocklesby and Gwen McRae. Carol, "Away In a Manger." Doxology. KEEP LEFT IS RIGHT KETTERING, Eng., Dec. 20: Q) This Northampton town, safest blackout town In Britain, has been named "Keep Left" because inhabitants walk left on the pavements so they will face oncoming traffic and no pedestrian has been killed in the blackout during the last two years. K heir tho I arJjfte n m i m a Iff HANDBAGS I in Genuine Morocco Iff WRIST WATCHES in new models of distinction. CAMEO BROOCHES AND iff PENDENTS Iff BRACELETS, PURSES, PEN SETS Iff DRESSER SETS Iff In sterling silver, crome Iff tone and velva pearl. e, R. THE PIONEER JEWELER m ! t i .1 Much of the general el'Iort of the Prince RuDert Fisheries Ex perimental Station is concentrated these days on research work having directly to do with the war and this Is particularly t r J e in regard to vitamins in connection j with which field many valuable j new developments are imfoidinu j Subjugation of Norway and other vitamin-producing countries has made it necessary to look elsewhere for certain supplies. There is also the importance of devising foods for Great Britain which have as- much concentratal nutritive value as possible. These . are among the consideration which j make the vitamin work of the lo-' cal station especially valu?.b.e at j this time. It is a service me esr sentiality of which has been demonstrated by war. The scientific staff of the station- are among the busiest men in town these days. Movement about of Japanese vessels in the course of inicin-, ment operations has caused qi'lte I a stir around the local waterfront ! during the past week. Evidently, it is the intention of the authorities to keep these vessels in very safe keeping throughout the duration. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, arrived In port at 12:45 this morning from the south, sailing at 3 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and' waypolnts. The vessel was late this voyage north on account of calling at Kitimaat on the way. Comes the time again- to wish our good friends along th 'front Thank you for your H co-operation during H the past year ... Every H Friendly Home Gas H Dealer in the Province H f joins ua in expressing Ml deep appreciation. H Our Pledget R Service to you in '42. I HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS 1 LIMITED m Tht Indcfttfufene 100 B.C Cmmpmnf W I lL m w m mm mm WRIST WATCHES ia the newest models. WATCH CHAINS ZIPPER SETS -with chromium, non-tarntthable fittings. TOBACCO. POUCHES LEATHER BILLFOLDS the compliments of the season and a very merry Christmas. What with wars and rumors of 'var, these are strenuous and uncertain days for us out here along the Pacific Coast which, conceivably indeed, might soon become part ,of the far-flung battle lines. There is much reason, however, to be of good cheer and, compatible with carrying out the duties which the crisis demands of us, to enjoy our selves this Yuletlde season. There is nothing subversive about being happy. To be glum, indeed, only helps our enemy. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Dec. 20, 1916: President Wilson addressed notes to the belligerent nations suggesting -a statement of the terms on which they were prepared to make peace. New Allied note to Greece demanded inquiry by' mixed commission into Athens "disturbances." PITY NAZI PRINTER One German word for tank is' 'Schutzcngrabvornichtungsauto-moblle." Something New for the Holiday Season 6 THREE GOLDSEAL Sandwich Spreads "SPICED SALMON" "SMOKED SALMON" "BLOATER" Made by the packers of the well known "GOLDSEAL" Brand Fancy Sockeye Salmon ; notice! Deliveries throughout the city have been reduced to two each day as follows: Morning Delivery leaves at 10:30 a.m. Afternoon Delivery leaves at 3:00 p.m. You are asked to please cooperate with us and leave your orders before these hours. Orders left afte.- 3:00 D-m. will be delivered the following morning. Thank you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 - 19 P.O. Box 575 Opposite Canadian Legion ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we arc now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Chatlie has many years' experience in the trade lie knows how lo rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 640 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Wait. ! For lL the U Home l m u mm u CREAM AND SUGARS BEAUTIFUL TEA SETS ENTREE DISHES BAKING DISHES CASSEROLES PIE PLATES LARGE WAITERS BON RONS FLOWER BASKETS CENTRE P1LCES MANTLE CLOCKS and hundreds of other articles. Third Avenue, Next Royal Bank W. CAMERON Mrs. Bartlett Is Honored Presentation Made by St. Andrew's Woman's Auxiliary Yesterday. The postponed St. Andrew's Woman's Auxiliary meeting was held on Monday evening at the home of Miss R. M. DavlesV.O.B.E. After the regular business meeting, Mrs. J. B. Gibson, on behalf of the members, presented Mrs. Robert Bartlett, who Is leaving shortly .to take up residence in the south, with a gift of souvenir spoons in appreciation of her valuable work. Following the presentation, tea was served by the members of the auxiliary. MUSCADEL TWOWINtS or tXCUUNT uui;v AND FLAVOR ; I ii Thli advertisement Is not published or displnyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 'B & SI 'B B B an B B B B B B B B B B B Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calllnr at Ocean Falls and rowell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return $36.00 Plus Tax CHRISTMAS SAILINGS DEC. 18 AND 20 Returning from Vancouver Dec. 25, 29, Jan. 1 or any Monday thereafter. For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write It. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 I'rince KuPert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Send a 10 lb. box of "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD $2.00 Delivered. To our many customers who usually send a box ot K m"' to their frlen'ds or relations at this time of the veu express our regrets we have nofyct been able to seem Herring suitable for kippering. Rather than disappoint our friends in the Interior ui 1 the Prairies, who really appreciate a taste of smoked " direct from the Coast, we substitute the offer above For $2.00 we will deliver a 10 lb. box of Smoked Black ton to any express point In B. C. or any Canadian Natl"na' Express point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, MaU your order with cheque or cash to: CANADIAN FISH ii COLD STORAGE CO. LTD Prince Rupert. B.t with name and address of consignee. We will enclose card with name of sender. i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage RINCE RUPERT Co. "Winning MoI)AV Continuous Daily fro .' ' - - The GIRIirHJ nt MAD Check-Appall Until they found out lit occount wq$ III U no-occounll f III (at 1:44. 3:44. 5 41 s ENDING TONIGHT Complete shows x f, 9:49 Cary Grant - Martha Scot! in "THE HOWARDS Of VIRGINIA" (at 5:36. 7.54 GIVE GUT BOOKS OF TIILVniE TICKETS FOR CIIRISTMY When You Want GOOD TAXI SLRVICK-Ofl 235 Taxi Proprietor Kiidai calling at Ocean Falls. Tickets on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb cm 1942. Final return limit March VM 1912 Ltd. numsl1 cohvmlx