SATURDAY. DBCBIIBfaijk lfn. i 19 We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladies' and Otnts' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Or. 9C0 Of V T G -? & 19 19 19' " Of & 19 19 t 19 i 19 19 - 19 - & - 19 - 19 & 19 - F 19 19 (9 19 .7 f9 OLD COUNTRY ALE from, per 'box. ......... Handbags, from . Umbrellas, a nice selection . . . Padded or Satin House Coats, f tnYl . . . . ..TlieAle yuu kill ak for again and again. Fully matured, riili, inclluw intl full flavoured. Old (Umtitry l -nillie all the ( 4 AC ricliii if llielM-Ht I'.nfliikli tV ' Ale. . , Only BreRDOZ. Wilh tattln Rtuinwd "9 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor I Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rHONE C57 WALLACE'S Some Suggestions to Gift Shoppers van the FAIR SEX: Boxed Handkerchiefs, a pleasing variety. 25c to $1.75 $1.95 Ut $1.75 .$1.98 (o $5.50 $5:50 to $1 1.50 Dainty Underwear m Nighties and Pajamas at various prices. Gloves and Hosiery, all at the price you want to pay. FOR THE MEN FOLK: . foe and S .00 Ties, in boxes Jac, S0J5't 50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00 Boxed Hankies, khaki or white, box 33c, 50c and $1.00 Scarves; wool 'or silk, from .. . . 51.00 to $2.75 Suspender Sets, garters, arm bands and Novelties at various prices. FOR THE IJAHV: Bunny Bags, in pink or white . , iojjjo All Wool Pram Sets Satin Reversible Buggy Covers r. . . . . . . J. Also in pleasing variety Lap IVfe, W .Ron p-ers, Knitted Suits, Mitts, ShAW, Teddies end Rattles. FOR Tllk HOUSE: ' . Towel Sets, Sheet Sets, Dainty Pillow Slips Fancy Lace Doilies, Lace Cloths, Linen Table Sets and Separate Cloths. Store ,111 l.c .pen MlJ and e Tuesday tml JjJ J'ipers. Third and Fullon Phone i) I a a '"2 '2 & 'B B B , B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B SPORT CHAT Joe DIMagglo of New York snatched one highly respected hitting honor away fxom Ted Wll liams of Boston In the 1941 Amer lean League pennant racL. Di Magglo came out five ahead of hi: Hub rival In the genuine honor of driving In runs. Final stall? tics found DIMagglo with 125 runs batted In. His margin, however was mighty slim, as Oeoffrey Charlie Keller of the Yankees was Just a step behind Heath with 122 runs driven home In 140 con tests. Then came Williams, wll h 120 in 143 games. Williams had 145 in "39, and 113 in '40. Others this very Important phase of the game were: Rudy York of Detroit with 111 In 155 games, Bob John- sen of the Athletics with 107 In 149 games, Sam Chapman of the "A's" with 106 in 143 games, Jhn- s my Foxx of the Red Sox with 105 in 135 games, and Jim Tabor, Bos ton, and Cecil Travis, Washing ton, with 101 each in 126 and 152 games respectively. Foxx's total of 105 runs batted in during the season of 1941 mode ' It the 13th consecutive season he has driven in 100 or more runs, which ties the major leagu? rec ord of the late Lou Gehii.?. At the same time Foxx also tied the major league record for the most years with 100 or more runs bat ' ted in with 13, which is held joint lv by Gehrig and Babe Rutn. By 1 striking out 103 times during the I race, Foxx added another year to his record of most years leading the league in breezes. ThU was his seventh, which is a ma lor league record. In 1940 Rudv York of Detroit fanned 88 times, and Foxx 87. j Harland Cllft of the Browns was eernnrl In strikeouts with '.3. fol- ' lowed by Rudy York of Detroit, another lone-ball-hitter. with 88. Joe Gordon, the Yankee World Series hero, struck out 80 times for third. There were 302 iewer strikeouts In the league In '41 i than in '40. Williams of the Red Sox was far out in front in drawing walks, with 145 in 143 games, followed by Roy Cullenbine of the Browns with 121 In 149 games. OtheM to draw over 100 strolls were Harland Cllft of the Browns " with 113 in 154 j 106 passes, and the league rs a whole showed 245 more passes In 1941 than In 1940. Williams, the 1941 leader, drew 96 passes In 144 games in 1940, as compared to his 145 walks In one less game In '41. Although there were more pas ses In the league In 1941 than In 1940, there were fewer hit bats- aien, the totals showing 151 men plunked with the pellet in 1940 and 148 In 1941. Frank Crosettl of the Yankees had led the league for five straight years ir. taking way. It somewhere on the body untilt 1941 when Dominic DiMaggio of the Red Sox was rocked 'seven times. Taft Wrieht of the White 'ij j Sox and Roger Cramer of Wash- ington failed to get out of the way of 6 wayward pitches. In 50 games in '41 Crosettl was hit 3 times. Grounding into Infield double- plays picked Up In 1941. In that season there were 943 instances of this play, as compared to 923 In 1940. Peter Suder and Frank Hayes of, the Athletics each hit Into 23 double-plays, equalling the league record set by Loulj Bou dreau of the Indians In 1940. The other end of the league record in this feature also was equalled by two players in 1941 when George Case of Philadelphia and Geoffrey Heath of Cleveland each hit Into only five double-plays in the full season. The Ath letlcs hit iiito 141 double-plays in 1941, while in '40, the "A's" were Just one behind Boston with 126. Cleveland, which hit hi to 112 double-plays, had the best record In the league In 1941 with only 94, which replaced the record of 110 made by Washington in 1940. Rev. THE DAILY NEWS SMITHERS The marriage took place quietly In, the United Church Manse here last Saturday night of Mrs. Mary Taylor and P. Berg. Rev. C. E. Motte officiated and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gould : were witnesses ragTtiiregy srthe- TagrKatn- lyn airport now completed and tne arrival 01 tne nrst airplanes Is being awaited. Work on con struction, of staff residences Is be ing flriished and the building of Heath of Cleveland was only two airways structure, radio beam sta- behlnd him with 123. However, jDiMaggio drove in his runs in 159 games, while Heath had a shot at It In 151 encounters. Hank Green- berg set the pace' in 1940 with 150. tlon and power line Is also under On the casting vote of the re turning officer, O. H. Gazely was elected village commissioner over L. H. Kenney at the annual municipal election In Smlthers last week. Mrs. A. Hemstreet of Walcott, is who passed the hundred mark in I reported to be doing well In the Smlthers Hospital following a cent major operation. re- R. H. Vaughan and Robert of the Provincial Depart ent of Public Works have arrived home from Usk to spend the Christmas holiday season. Judge W. E. Fisher of Prince Rupert has been here during the past week to conduct a session of County Court. 11:00 a.m.- Pasting Your Own? Lots Of Folks Are It's Fun And a Bit of Work To Make Your 'Xnias Cards Yourself Making your own Christmas Cards is more fun and more work and geta more appreciation than you realize when you start out Here are some of the things folks are doing this year. And it's time to get going). Glazed chintz (using the chintz left over from the new upholstery In the den) Is being pasted on brleht pasteboard square In fam ily silhouettes. It's sort of a calico cat and gingham dog effe?t. Then there's the laay bones who Is buying Christmas seals and bright wrapping paper and putting the two together for clever paste-on cards. You could do the same thing with magazine cut outs. It's an easy trick if your children are eager to make cards. Family photos might hi more iin-tn-rlnte nn rsirrln If thev seem TURKEY WINNERS Jack Paul and Harry Lee arc winners of turkeys lor making high scores at Max's Bowling Al- (leys. Paul made a high of 235 in Classified ads. get results. Phone i ten pins Wednesday and Lee 20C !. 'and 207 in five pins Thursday. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fourth Avenue East Rjt A. F. MacSween, B.A., Minister CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1941. -Public Worship.' Carols by the Junior Chor: Happy Morn," "See Amid the Winter Show. Pat McClymont. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P. II. l.inzey, Sunday School Superintendent Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. "O Thrlce-Sololst, Miss ?:30.pjn. Carol Service Senior Choir: "Greet the New-Bom King, "Let BeaslRmg Everywhere." Carol"0 Ya Oulet .Ommripr" Christmas .C.mEfttn "Tlift Peace' STolsts: Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, Miss flll.y Wood Mr. J. A. Tcng. Sr. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th and 9th Aves. East .J. II. Myrwang-, Tastor. Res. 1077 1st Ave. W. Mrs. I. Feness, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 11:00 am. Divine Services in English. All are invited. names ana cnarne r.eiier oi new - "j ...w ....... .v.-v. Thonc Rlk. 888 . :". ". la-is Ti m . Thn filiinrlof StVirv,l mAnf-e frvr final TriMien V,nfrvw PhHst-. York wth 102 111 140 games. That . .. cmiureu anu n.-auiiers must ou pitwiu uu nine. little wilder, I uiimsrMAS uay staiviuha the pitchers were a or more cautious, in 1941 than in ruve owvices. ' The Varden Singers take part. services conducted fay varden sin8ers and the h :20 a.m. Sunday School will present Christmas program, after . which gifts will be presented to the children. It is hoped that all parents and friends will attend this service. 7:30 p.m. P. H. Linzey will bring a special Christmas message. Spe ' v . cial music by the Junior Choir. Everybody Welcome FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Miss Swanna Ola f son A.T.CJNT. Leader Senior Choir i. S. Wilson Leader Junior Choir H. T. Lock Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson Sacrament of Baptism In the morning. "And They Brought Young ; Children to Jesus." Special Music in the evening by the Senior Choir. Carols and selections from the sacred cantata, "Bethlehem" (Maunder). Wanted -Raw Furs I 9 1 2. HIGHEST MAKKET PRICES PAID Rcprcsentinff-HUnSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship to J, E. OKMHEIM, Prince Kupcrt, B.C. Please order your Delnor Frozen Fruits and Vegetables for your Christmas before December 23 to avoid disappointment. ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Co.' THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST STREET PHONE 343 FREE DELIVERY Classified Ads. IX THE SITHEMR COl'Ilt Of BfttTffl! ! I COI.rMIHA IX PROBATE In the Matter of the ttatr 6t Join Soren XelMin, Peceased 5 taxtv nnrrt'err. tmi. Icibtera of An- mlndat ration were issued by the Sij- reme Court of British Columma, ranee Rupert District Registry. In my raw on November 4th, 1941 to the Estate of ifce late John Soren. Nelson, late ox the Olty of rrtnee Rupert, Britum, Columbia, contractor, who died a Prince Rupert on June 18th, 1941. All persona indebted to the said Ksiate are required to pay the emenmt of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims ajfaJnwt the said RstattA are recurred to file ttietn with tne projierly verified oft or before the 3lst day Decemuer a u. inning which distribution will toe made hating regard only to auch daunt Of which I shall have been notified. DATED aft Prlnee Rupert, B. O aii? 17th dft-y of Novwrtber A D. 1041. JOHN A. NELSON Administrates of the Ewtate Of John Soren Nelson, Deceased. All payments and claims should be sent to the above in care of his Solicitors, Brown & Harvey, Be&net Block, Prince Rupert. B. C. IX THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COI.UMMA , ' ..,, I IX PROnVTR to pe iramea. ,n Mal, of tj,e -Administration And don't ignore the boy or girl ) Art and Who suggests that you use lino- , In Hie Mailer ot the F.stnte of Christina .? , , . . . nurvlrh. Deceased leum blocks in homemade card I TAKE NOTice that by order or nis printing. ; Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on he 8th rvf niwrnhrt- A. TV 1941. t Wnfl '&f- pointed AdmtnlB.tra.tor of the estate of I Christina Gurvtoh, deceased, and all 1 parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish Mine, properly verified, to me on or before the 9th day of January. AJ. 1943, and all parties Indebted to ittie Estate, are required to pay ithe amount of heir Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED ait Prince Rupert, BC, this 9th day of December, AD. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. IX THE SUritfiME COritT OFBMTlSn COLVMliM is ruon.iTE In Ihe Matter of the "Aflminlntratlon Art" and In the Matter of the Estate or Mike fiiirlcli, Deceased Intestate TAKE NOTTCE that toy order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 8th day of December A. D. 1941, I ns ap pointed Administrator of the estate of Mike Qurvfcffl, deceased, and au parties having claims e&atnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or he-fore, the 9th day of January, A,D. 1943 end all parties Indebted to (the Estate are required to pwy the amount of their Indebtedness to tne fortnwlth. gels," ZQ.A 9th day of JJeoemibar, AU. .1041. Kmc rit JfOHMAN A. WATT Prince Rupert, B.C. LAl ACT Notice of Intention to apply To 'iirhap I.anrt In Telrtgraiph Cre?k VanA Beoordlnc DiBtrtctt ofC'OoRelar ntid BituaKe Mrproxl- mately 0 nvUre North Ennt if the Bat tlement or Tplegroph creek and ap proximately 4 miles South East of T&hltan Indian Tlllacy bin. the'' North Wank of the Stiktae River at the con fluence of Nlh Mile Creel: und the SMtatne RJvfr. Take notice UtaX William Ckurypbell of Telegraph OrpeJc, oocanpaftton. Trapper, rntends to apply for peimtaBlcn ibo put-rtisse (the following described lands: Oommenctag at a pbut planted' at hig)h water mark of tlhe SUXtoe River 200 feet East of the confluence of Nine Mile Greek and Stdklne. River thence North 1043 feet; thence West 1670 feet thence South 1043 feet; thenoe follow ing Stiklne River ibsiinX to point of cammencemenit and cojibatolng 40 acrea. more or less. WILLIAM CAMPBELL. J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' arid GENTS' Best Materials Workmanship Second Ave., two doors 'from Broadcasting Station AH Canadian Union' Amalgamated Building: Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C;, Unit No. 1 M E E T I N G S First and Third Wednesday of Each Month METROPOLE HALL Phone Blue 113 P.O. Box 577 FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 fogging Jackj;;'l3f0 ft. V cable, windows all size. 2-inch soil pipe, black pipe up to ti-inch, swam pipe exu . heavy 2y2-lnch to 3-inch Just like hew. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture. (tf FOR SALE Ford super DeLux Coupe. Evenson's Ideal Cleaners, Phone 858. (it) FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue 805. WANTEI,. WANTED Room and board or room only In private .family for gentleman. Apply Box 184 Dally News. v WANTED Bedsltting room, i but light housekeeping room or apartment preferred. Miss Barker, Prince RUpert Hotel. two air FbRCfi couples; want room, and board or light' housekeeping, rooms. Apply Box 185, Dally News. (2981 WANTED Part time help or by hour. Phohe 640. (302) MALE HELP WANTED CALENDAR AND ADVERTISING' specialty salesman full or part time for twelve months, highest commissions, start immediately. Apply Box 521, London, Ont. (300) LOST LOST In post office, black Mor occo biUfold, Initialed E. L. V.. contalnlhg valuable personal papers, money. Finder please mail P. O. Box 1375, or phone 845. Reward. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET . A GOVERNMENT JOB as Cletk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc; Six Dominion-'wlde exams lieTd slnce the war began. Free Booklet. M. 0. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools. Winnipeg, Man. SCRAP FOR WARSHIPS LONDON, Doc. 20: Enough scrap metal has been collecttd in Britain In two years to furnish material for two cruisers, 10 of 12 destroyers, 10,000 anti-tank guns, 15,000,000 shells and 10,000 tanks. s.s. mm SPEC I A L N Of I C E ! "CATALA" will JPrince Rupert leave Monday, December 22 12:00 p.m. (Midnight) and will arrive Vancouver Wednesday, 3:00 p.m. NOTE! This special Christmas sailing replaces and cancels regular sailing Tuci-day. Dec. 23, at 1:30 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via. Ocean Falls and Way Points SS "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS "Princess Norah" Dec. 8, 18, Jan. 2, 15, 29 A A Winter Etcurslon Fare Vancouver and Return tfOVV Tickets ou Sale Nov. 15, 1911, to Feb. 15, 19l2. Pins Tax Final Return Limit March 15, 19 1 J. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services. Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.