PAGE TWO Repledge for War Savings nam ASA W AH DAILY EDITION TEA EDITORIAL Dictatorship Results . . . President Roosevelt, was visiting Russia recently he noted several times how dictatorship worked. Here is what he says in regard to evacuating: "In Moscow there is no problem of evacuating children and the aged and the sick. They're evacuated. In Moscow every able bodied man, woman and youth has a specific job to do, and they do it and like it. It's somewhat different in London. I imagine it would be differ ent in New lork too d l n j J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladies' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P. O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 I have not in any way changed my ' views but we are not through DOUlDer VsOilinianU ... all have to make greater m, . , , , . , i A . -r, .,, , , , i 'efforts and greater sacrifices than Those interested m the Air Force will be interested lwe made hitherto, and the in the publication "Bomber Command," which is the Air 'sooner we face these facts the Ministry's account of bomber command's offensive 'sooner the war win be ended." nrmiviof &V,a Avio Tf ?c xvnll illnctvnf arl o,l nn,'nc. o In his review of bank figures the vast amount of information in regard to operations of f0ws? "rotai Cdepodts of an the Royal Air Force. It is published in Canada by the kinds at the outbreak of war: yueen s Canadian Fund ior air raid victims and the net $3,095,000,000; a year later $3,142. proceeds will be devoted to the fund. SPEC 1 FY r.. 26Uz.S-l.10 This advertisement Is not publlsi.ea 01 displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Work Boots DEPENDABLE MAKES SUCH AS CHRISTIE'S, VALENTINE, GREB AND TILS ON BE KG. Boots Built With Years of Guaranteed Sturdiness . . . and Priced Up, From $3.95 New shipment of "Jack and Jills" Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" 000,000; August 31, 1941, $3,542,- 000,000 ($311,000,000 of the latter ' figure due to temporary government balances arising from the Victory Loan). Balances with the Bank of Canada, cash and other immediately available assets: Aug ust 31, 1940, $640,000,000; August 31, 1941, $663,000,000 (percentage of total liabUities 17.7 percent, "showing," said the president, ."that the liquid positions of the banks has been well maintained,"' Current loans to the public: at the outbreak, $826,000,000; a year later, $939,000,000; August 31, 1941, $1,153,000,000, (an Increase of $113,000,000 in the first year of ;the war and a further $214,000,000 iin the year ended August 31, 1941). (Short term Dominion and provincial securities (maturing within 'two years) held by banks: at the , 'outbreak, $443,000,000; a year later $700,000,000; at August 31, 1941, $839,000,000. Cash, and quickly available assets In Dominion and Provincial, Municipal and Industrial securities in Canada and elsewhere Increased from 67 percent of total liabilities to the pubHc a year ago, to 69 percent at August 31, 1941. The figure was 70 percent at the out break of war. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peple Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The baffllinc; thing; about low blood coast Is that you can weinh about as much aa you ever did even look healthy and strong. y-t " you can fet-l as If you had lead in you leRi, dopey, tired and iK-pleu. Low blood count meant you haven't rot enouich red blood corpuscles. It Is their vital Job to carry life-givinz oxygen from your ungi throughout your body. And just aa It takes oxygen to explode gasoline in your car and make the power to turn the wheels, ao you mutt have plenty of oxygen to explode the energy in your body and give you going power. Get Dr. Williams Pink Pllle today. They are world-famous for the help they give In increasing the number and strength of red eorputrlea. Then with your blood count up. you'll feel like bounding up the stair, aa if you were floating on air. Ask your druggist lot Dr. William, rink Wit today. Old established Life Insurance Company seeks keenly energetic, well acquainted, ambitious man between 28 and 40 to sell Insur- ailCP nnrl Ppnclnn Plane Pncitlnn I requires man with personality, also rlamnMn . n n al. uiiuuiiuo muie uiun me average degree of hard work combined .with study. Remuneration salary Sand commission basis. Applicant i with educational background, teacher, lawyer or business training given preference. Full lnfor-'mation (in confidence) Box 175. Daily News. THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1341 Canada's Banks j.O.D.E, HERE (Continued rrom Page One) KEEPS BUSY1 year are estimated at $1,450,000,- j 000," he emphasized, "her total Large Quantity Of Goods Sent To federal revenues, mostly from Bombed Out Areas taxes, are estimated at $1,500,000,- 1 000. Thus the people of Canada, The following is a list of par-. .this year, are paying cash on ihe tirulars covering work accompllsh-barrelhead for their part in the ed In the workroom by Cambrai war. plus $50,000,000 more toward Chapter, Imperial Order. Daugh-the ordinary running expenses of :ers of the Empire, and sent to the country." .bombed out areas: The total cost of war-and-non-' April 184 navy sweaters. 8 Air war expenditure this fiscal year Force sweaters. 5 navy scarves. 2 would be $2,820,000,000. of which khaki scarves, 3 Air Force scarves, approximately 53 percent would be 3 pairs navy rifle mitts, 4 pairs w tnvoc onH nthpr fpd- navv 2-wav mitts. 1 pair khaki eral revenue. rifle mitts, 2 khaki sweaters, 2 sweaters, 1 knitted hel- grey -' "---. - gray g-j I Higher man Australia t ft, v,nr imj-40 the met, 1 baby quilt, 1 large quilt. 6 THURSDAY. NOV. 13. ixomlnlon financial outlay for all Pairs Rrey socks, 1 navy scarf, 6 purposes was only 13fc percent ot-P" lts, ' a f00'- the National income-thls year, 47! May 30-1 blanket. 3 dozen dia- percent. Some figures for other . 2 sweaters, 1 dress 2 soakers, When Harry Hopkins, special representative of.j nlgnt, 2 ie .Tbaby lustrative, showed ratios of war c. wraino. expenditure to national income of T. N. scarf, 1 Air Force sweater, 7 about 45 percent in the United jPalrs sock (assorted. 1 khaki u-.,rH,vm rnt in Australia scarf, 1 pair 2-way mitts. ... , . ... ,u nnj "r,rrN.ahlv 9(1 tn 95 nprrpnt In U1J 1 UUA auvci iuu, huiiw, UU. - I the United States." Mr. Jaffray completed his reference to war effort by pointing to the $2,400,000,000 worth of Con or 3 Air Force sweaters, 1 navy sweater, 3 navy scarves, 2 Air Force scarves, old gloves, 1 leather Jacket, 5 leather bags, 2 pairs Stalin Speaks and that's the KUS-I " j nightgowns, 6 baby soakers. 2 baby 1 ti 1 ip 1 1. .i. Munitions anu ouwoiy iu uuc sian law. I have never dreamed of such a concentration! . reatest lndices 0f the magni as I saw in MOSCOW." And again: tude of Canada's wartime expan "When Moscow or any other Russian city blacks out.'sion and concluded: it blacks out. You don t merely pull the curtains. 1 he chances are you won't have curtains in Russia. But curtains or not you turn out the lights. In London if the police or an air raid warden sees a glimmer in your window he taps on the door and reminds you that there's a raid on and that you haven't closed your curtains tightly. In Russia (and I suppose it's the same in Berlin) he taps on your door but not to tell you that he can see a light from below. He's more apt to take you to jail." Confident of ictory 'This is an effort of which Canadians can well be proud. In the armed forces, in manufactur ing and production and on the economic and financial fronts, Canada is contributing heavily to the defeat of Hitlerlsm. A year ago in my address I expressed confi dence in the outcome of this war. vests, 10 baby shirts pers. 1 mzen aia- October 183 baby bonnets, baby soakers, 4 baby shirts. pairs khaki socks, 6 pair grey socks, 2 pair navy socks, 1 Air Force sweater, 4 navy sweaters, 1 navy scarf. 1 pair grey mitts, 1 leather coat, 1 leather jacket, 8 pairs leather gloves, 1 suede hat, 3 leather purses. WHAT SOME FOLKS CALL HIM u. s. Secretary of State Cordell "r'J r ' Hull's sobriquet is 'The Old Man of the Mountains." I,, , much u Don'f Worry Over KIDDIES' cSids Use BU CKLEY'S Stainless WH ITE RU B When ony of your children get a chest cold don't get panicky. Do at thousands of mothers are doing fnoisoge genfy with Buckley's Stainless White Rub. I This snow white, stainless," non-greosy Rub l. r.ntrotti foit.r. JOHN M. S. LOUBSER B.A. (Cantab.), D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block :-: Phone 640 LARGE OROUND FLOOR SPACE . . suitable for shows 6r dances, corner of Second Avenue and Seventh Street. C. E. BLACK, Central Hotel B. C. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE. Used Furniture at Knock-Out Prices BEDS Several sizes; each SPRINGS Good condition $2 $2 CHESTERFIELD SUITE 3-piece. English $Clff00 tapestry M CHAIRS Kitchen, Dining Room, Rockers and Easy Chairs; priced ' rfZJV and' at";" DC-uri MANTLE 8-DAY CLOCK First class condition. Reg. $25.00 $4 A 00 for MATTRESSES New. Special 10 RUY NOW! PHONE BLACK 321 41.14 2. Cn.rotet h.ot and, vaporiiti quicker. 3. Stimutotts circulation, b.takl up coog.s-tion,loosns th. hard racking cough. .ai.i brsathing, helps indue, r.ittul tl.p. Or Vour Mont? lock. TWO SIZES 30c and 50c BUCKLEY S STAINLESS WHITE ftUdS MADE BY THE MAKERS OF BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE CANADA'S 1GE5T SELLING COUCH AND COLD REMEDY. wMmmMXJJjMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DRY DOCK IS WINNER In the Intermediate Basketball game played on Saturday night, Dry Dock Steel Workers managed to squeeze out a 45 to 44 victory from the proud High School squad. Dry Dock was lacking substitutes which was a handicap for ;hem. High School squad led the play up to the last few minutes when Dry Dock came from behind a 42 to 38 score to win 45 to 44. It seems the tussle for the Intermediate cup will be between th Drv Dock and Hlh School. Right now the Barons need some-. iic to strengthen their defence. Teams were as follows: High School Arney 8, Long 6, Ourvlch, Alexander 2, Vuckovlch 4, Lee, MacDonald 10, Santerbane 14. Postuk. Dry Dock Montesano 9,Grimble 8. Pavllkls 16, Sneddon 8, Knut-son 4. Referee was Dominic Montesano. i your nm. rWrt fim. wm n Tf rm-rrrn f v'ta isa sssssit .T tn rri mrn na r mil n Phone 775 t hone 054 ior iree delivery CAPILANO tREWING CO. ITO lx?f 9Srt0 ml Mitr o nnci.iu 111111144 iQLjff iw I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" GOOD ASSORTMENT PULL-UP CHAIRS priced at $ each ODD CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS from, each OF 11" 32M STUDIO COUCHES Well constructed; priced at, si "00 each DAY-NITE LOUNGES First - class construction; priced at, $ff&50 each XjJ 327 Third Ave. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return S2fi ft ft Tts on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. 15th, PluVTaV 1942' rhlal retUm llmlt MarCh 15th' ,04S Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 pm Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full formation, reservations, etc., call or write S' 0,U. CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone m Prince Rupert Aents fr Trans-Canada Air Lines All Canadian Union Amalgamated Ru.hd w. Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, H.C., Unit So. 1 M E E T I 1 G $ First and Third Wednesday of Each Month METKOPOLi: HALL Phone Blue 113 P.O. Box 577 J. Bonzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station STANLEY WXOLTON CHIROPRACrOR Wallace Block Phone 613 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Steamers leave Prince Rupen for Vancouver C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Tliurs p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, Noem-ber 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agrnt Third Ave. - rhone 568 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 snmaBraBbwsisnar ' i HMHsSHMsiHHsHftdSBBsBOiMBB'. THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINlTsEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll in tiittoArt