PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Til V- VJ3 m V It's Time to Select Youi CHRIS CIIAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry V y Repairing. Hand Engraving Visit Our nascment Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, uaggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Accessories Make the Woman . . . AND PEOPLES STORE HAVE THE ACCESSORIES Just Arrived! FINE IMPORTED KID GLOVES Wc were fnrtiinnti In tprtirin -1 , substantial stock of imported S Gloves. Don't miss this opportunity . . . Styles and sizes for all and at last year's prices too. You'll Find What You Want Here: PURSES - HANDKERCHIEFS - FLOWERS HOSIERY JEWELERY - SCARVES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE i I Ik. II- A - V.- iii me ncai i oi rrince ituperi ' THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 TMAS CAR DS BUY IN QUANTITY HOX E D ASSORTMENTS 12 FolcJers paintings of F. H. Brigden, A.R.C.A., O.S.A., box S1.00 Ermine Crystals 14 etchings; box SJi0 The Family Box 21 beautiful folders ; ?1 00 Coutts 'Special Value' Selection 21 cards 75c Coutts Fine Folder Assortment 22 cards .. eOc Cards in Packages and in Bulk 3 for 10c 8 for 23c I Special Cards for Special Friends We have a really beautiful selection of outstanding' Cards to meet every requirement of the Christmas Season, from 5c,50c each ' Come in and See Our Displays. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Lid. British Columbia MEETING OF MUSIC CLUB Presentation of Cups to Toronto Conservatory Students Feature of Proceedings Yesterday. Meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. G. Largo, Fourth Avenue West, with the vice-president, Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr, in the chair, the Ladies' Music Club continued study of the works of Frank Liszt. Another feature of the afternoon's proceedings was the presentation of cups to students winning highest marks in Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations. There were short readings on Liszt subjects by Mrs. Thomas Dixon and Mrs. Shelford Darton after which the following program was presented: Piano solo, "Lake Wallenstedt," Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr. Vocal solo, "Thou Art So Like a Flower," Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby. vfiano duet, "Rakoczy March," Mrs. T. A. McWaters and Mrs. E J. Smith. . The presentation of cups to the Toronto Conservatory students was I made by Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. The senior cup was won by Jean M.:-Alee and the junior ciip by Gwendolyn McRae. They keep the cups for one year. Smaller cups to keep permanently were presented to Joyce Gawthorne, Janet Rochester, Betty Charstad, Norma Watt and Horika Shimizu who had highest marks last year. As each cup was presented, the student responded by playing a piano solo, the numbers chosen being as follows: Jean McAfee, "Valse" (Chopin. Gwendolyn McRae, "The Swallows" (Mullen. Joyce Gawthorne, "On Wing3 of TREAT CONSTIPATION THE "BETTER WAY" Stop "Dosing" Yourself! Get at the Cause Instead LONDON -anadarMaybeyourconsti nn 1 a tU ' . luj.Mion Kina, caused by lack of the proper "bulk" in your meals. If so, try the "Better Way'' to treat it . . . by 'eating ;a crisp, delicious cereal regularly-KLLLOGG S ALL-BRAN. Eat ALI..HRAV ..,. j... - v.tiv my, as a , . cereal or in hot muffins, and drink plenty of water ... and you'll see how easy keeping regular can be. But remember, ALL-BRAN doesn't work Air h takes t'me. Get ALL-BRAN at your grocer's, in two convenient sizes, or in individual wiig pacKages at restaurants. Made rwcuugg s in London, Canac Canada. itKaS3SEHBBBCffiBai. The EAST SIDE COAL CO. will appreciate any patronage given . . with prompt service and clean coal. G. IJ. CASEY. Mirr. rhone 755 or Green 527 NOTICE Those desirous of PREMIUMS for CHRISTMAS GIFTS w.i! kindly leave their orde:-. wit'i us on or before Nov. -?oth. Alter that date wc can guarantee Premium: Christmas deliver.' MUSSALLEiM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" v-'t for THE DAILY NEWS WARNING! Be sure this Bayer cross Is on every tablet you buy. II it isn't there. It Isn't Aspirin. Music" (Mendelsohn i. Horika Shimizu, "Soldiers' March." (Schumann). Norma Watt, "Allegro" (Haydn). The meeting opened with "O Canada" and closed with "God Save the King.'' Tea was served by the hoste-:es. r- Whiffiets From The Waterfront J The B. C. Packers plant at Na- mu has been canning a few herring recently from the west coasc of Vancouver Island, but the majority of fish has not been large so far. The Canadian Fishing Co. plant at Butedale is also ready to can fish but has not received any as yet. Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. cannery at Prince Rupert, as well, will be canning herring as soon as a supply of fish becomes available which, under normal conditions in local waters, would not be until some time around Christmas or later. Port Edward and Tucks Inlet reduction plants are expected to be operating on herring as usual during the coming winter. C. P. R. steamer Princess INbrah, Capt. William Palmer, on a regular voyage to Alaska, arrived In port a few minutes before 8 o'clock this morning and sailed at noon for Skagway and other northern points whence she is scheduled to call here next Manday afternoon southbound. With a light list of passengers but substantial freight cargo, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port at 10:15 yesterday morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocetn Falls, sailing at 10 o'clock la?t nigh: fcr Ke.chikan whence she will return here this evening southbound. Sou:'ht?ur.5 iru.i Stewart and ether northern points to Vancouver, Un'xi -rT.:r Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 6:45 Tuc "iiy evening, sailing a couple of hcurs later In continuation of he vcyag south. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. T. Fairey and W. G. Swan, Victoria: F. W. Matthews, J. H. Wilkes and George Sangster, Vancouver; Robert S. Fells, Houston; Martin Miller and Bombardier Gordon Letnes, Prince Rupert Herbert L. Randall and Elson IDalnes, Alaska; Lieut. G. Lacey 1 victoria; l,. Sidem. Stewart v.n. ley. ! OF MANY PARTS A Hawker "Hurricane" is composed of about 25,000 parts. COAL! COAL! Oneki'nts a enouai fnr sin weare It is only natural that a man should want to hang on to his money as long as he can, but when It coafes to. the coa' b u? n 8 question J-ou should pari with some of your cash at this time while the autumn coal price rules. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PIION'K 631-FOK COMPLETE SATISFACTION (552 Catherine Mary ! Barry Marries! .Prince Kupert-Born Girl Is Rridc In Ww Vnrlf i NEW YORK, Nov. 13: Miss Catherine Mary Barry, 26, formerly of Prince Rupert, now of 3157 Broadway, New York, and Charles Josh Smith. 26, of Kew Gardens, Long Island, were married last Saturday in Corpus Christ! Church here. Mtes Barry was born In Prince Rupeit, the daughter of Michael and Annie Hayes Barry, having left 'there when a small child. She is the niece of Mrs. Peter Byrne. Mr. Smith, who Is the son of William S. and Mary Carolan Smith, was bom in New York. CANADA'S EXPORTS Canada's domestic exports in the first nine months of 1941 aggregated $1 ICD.960,929 compared with $S60,908,914 in the corresponding period of 1940. When you feel weary, tired, cold, hot BOVRIL is very comforting. Its rich beefy flavor is delightful. Why don't you try itl You will enjoy a daily cup of delicious , THURSDAY THEIR THIRD AND FUNNIEST PICTURE! You howled at them In "Buck Privates'! You roared at their antics in "In The Navy"! . . Here they are again In their newest and craziest laugh riot . . . at 1:31, 3:35, 5:39, 7:15, 9:49. NOVEMBER u 1). - - Tomorrow AND SO ARE ABBOTTaCOSTELLO (hi le laaainl nil ob Ihi icnta t, HOLD THAT GHOST lmvtui mctvii witr Richard CARLSON Joan DAVIS Mitch AUER THE ANDREW SISTERS TED LEWIS EXTRA 1 Canada Carries On presents "Tale of Two Citirs" ifY., NEWS :-: CARTOON ENDS "UNDERGROUND- Complete Shows TODAY: at 1:10, 3:15. 5:20, 1:00. 2:45.4 a, 7:25, 9:35) 7:00 and 9 00 CAPITOL A MMOUS UATIIS IHI ATM PRE-XMAS SALES With EVERY SUIT purchased at De Luxe Tailor you jrtt one SILK CREPE SHIRT to your own mcasuiemcnts FREE. HART. FREED MAN ii GABBK CLOTHES TO MEASURE DE LUXE TAILOR Continuous Daily a ' "m.O 4B 'D t: D : :B ; a ; :z : . a : 1 9 n . 11, , 1 1 NEW COATS Twice a Week. ALL NO. 1 GOODS' Inspection Invited Than Elsewhere 3l - ; business here .aid plains GOLDHLOOM "The Old Reliable Wlltl'll'B:ilB'Aa-.;a. ,a'.,B .B.I GURVICH CONTRACTORS Houses Moved To Any Location BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATED AND ERECTED DUMP TRUCKS AND COVERED VANS For Hire By The Day Or By Contract Rock and Soil For Sale When Available OFFICE: EXCHANGE BLOCK l'HONE K ISlt