gays} |Linlative Library gays | The says ! News Ie the paper to buy ' THE DAILY N F planed The Prince ast ee INDIAN TRIPLE MURDERERS ARE RGE —— 1 y 4 nee ; aon Patt nth Ree WOT PURSUMT | ae ce ome HIGHEST PRICE IF NURDERERS 7” =" MARVELS OF THE SOUTHER 2» con me (Special to pea : (Special to grid ane a , May — r a suc- Well , New Zeale ’ ay ae mgaEES ao indians Who Shot t Constable Dead cessful flight across the English | Lake eis have be oa Inside Lot on Third Avenue are Still Fleeing Through the/Channel, Aviator Hemel, carry- |eiected for Wellington and Christ} rings Largest Sum Yet— Brush with Posse on the Trail/ing Miss Davies as a passenger, | Chureh through split votes. The Spokane Investor the Pur- at _Fugitives Are Dead Shots. passed over Dover this afternoon retiring mayor of Auckland has| chaser. } =e —— on his monoplane at { rreat a “e_ele . y¢ eitw ¢ height, fvtie steadily 1 “the at Missionary Lecturer i in McIntyre. Hall | Last Night Holds Large ~ oe * ae DY Kee 2 On Saturday, McCaffery & Special to Daily News.) in the di- nearly three heroft, May 6.—It is feared] rection of London. vesentative of the Socialist, Fed-| Gibbons sold lot 20 in block 34 ish Sante Audience Spell-Bound With Wonderful Word-Pictures of aoa Labor ofioh Rhaclons| for 926000; This’ ia: kie tush. 2 at Sy ue that before the Indian Fy. aesineninntietenteneeeitinan ye finally rounded up more lives I'ry the Royal Cafe Merchants’ ' v1 Bt : been fomenting trouble between/est price yet paid for a single in- to be sacrificed, as the} lunch, tf Wealth Amidst Spiritual Darkness Rey. G. W. Ray 1S ce Tee teers and ee side lot in Prince Rupert, The « likely derers are not only expert —- a Fascinating Speaker With Wide Range of Subjects 7 abba Mig 2: akencas rk yoodsmen, but excellent shots. ee cin it repli Aas FUNERAL OF BOF Ove: 9 HORE Sie half| A Savage Welcome. ° eee statement. That on SHACKLETON | facing Third street, E, J, Clay- the best riflemen in the Cariboo in MeIntyre Hall last night the Amongst these savages as self|the surface of Brazil, supposing ton was the owner and a Spokane , e ly of Constable f ‘hurch congregt f 1 investor , country. Th or ‘ i ght doser Baptist Church congregation and) supporting missionary, Rev. Mr.|every other land in the world was t lanege tox SOS DUrene ner Kindness arrived tOnng .- fs ihe many who crowded to hear| Ray labored for years until he| submerged, the entire popula- Pr baaias | x, of R and We 8. y the Rev. G. W. Ray, F. R. G.8 the 8 . Fraser i, 8.) knew their ways and their lan-|{jon of the globe, including the The Spokane is the next Ameri- he care Ritchie fhe remains will be ities lecture on missionary work] guage well, and was received into| millions of the -Chtekea carina can boat due. She is expected ent to Vancouver for burial, About Two Thousand Attend—|@#mongst the savages of South)one of their tribes as a blood} find place and auppbrt toe ite Great Antarctic Explorer Thinks next Friday. rhe two men report that four-) gageball Cheers Interrupt the| America were simply spellbound.) prother with a native name. He! was annie ae tiitcal way of Deck of Liner Best Position ———___—__—_— , men left Clinton this morn- Services.—Remains Are Beside Rev. Mr. Ray had something in-| found that the simple gospel was | putting it. The StiiGsHARLA kab from Which to Sight Icebergs. Meeting of Tennis Club ng, seven in one direction and| those of Mother. tensely interesting to tell and he| warmly welcomed by minds that er oe heehee Rae ees A meeting of all ladies and the others taking up fresh tracks told it in a manner as intensely| had never heard its message be-| Pack st received f A ] go to stamp her as a great emo- ing a moving picture show here . s loday when the flood rushed - Lang oun wus eee the Deputy Minister 0 gricu ture tional actress. In the softer|threw the audience into a panic ' i 7 at Scott, Froud & Co.'s, 3rd ave, sin-| and was followed by aymad stam through broken levees, Twelve : : » the , les from the Ind mly all farm produets and mar scenes she is gentle and win-|! ; i 3 bodids have beer ah@amaneee amine Of the districts visited: by the} five mile s rom the Indian re-,only a a pre Bee are! ning.” pede, in which a score of persons viv hat tt | | ‘ “4 Deputy Minister of Agriculture | serve at Gitlakdamiks extends the ket garden stuff, dairy produce were injured, survivors declare that the tota : A ‘ or ror , ‘are s i . “oduce cé be sue te , : and Agricultural Expert Mr. J.} ground for the presemptors. It}and poultry produce can be suc- Women and children were inber of deaths it » district] | THE WEATHER. Ans oe HAR AR VAT Ae ca aa na keys é , nig Sill keanh a ine eee | Carpenter during their present] is not all of su h fine quality as cessfully mad profitable on the TONIGHT’S ATTRACTION trampled in the mad rush of 4 women and childret bon ti fain sedi Sait i va ending | °xensive tour of the country|that on the Indian reserve, but Naas, bul also that avery kind of — frenzied men -and=women {rom 3 ordi i e ts For twenty-four hours _ n M 8 around Prince Rupert, the valleys there is still plenty of good soil] hardy fruit-—apples, pears, plums, Baptist Brotherhood Social the theatre exits, and hotels and hr; aL a ee ie 5 a.m. May 6: Bar., 30.154; of the Naas River seem to have} for pre-emptors. The land ex- peaches and all the berries from in Mcintyre Hall Espe- stores in the neighborhood of the ne is estimate i ) { . 9.0; amp. , 1e “AC “awberries rineberries——¢¢ k eames: Bigs: ~ “ tf ae max. emp, 49.0; ri temp., very favorably impressed them. tends two miles deep on each| strawberries si wineberr ane can cially Good. theatre were converted into Ap | { 1 millions] 44.0; precipitation, .13, At present the party, including| side of the river, be grown here successfully. pe emergency hospitals to which the 4 Mr. R. O, Jennings, has just con- Fruit Orchards. New Tunnel Boat. Tonight in Mcintyre Hall | injured were carried, Three Weinail hae a cluded a successful examination Mr. Carpenter believes that not Access to these fertile lands is} the usual monthly social of The failure of the electric & Gilbert M: ; of the upper Naas valley and ex-| . as yel attained only by canoe, the Baptist Brotherhood will {lights in the building and 4 ie, Mass. May, S-— cellent accounts have been given Sem The deputy minister went there be held. The social this {throughout the business section of the district, by canoe. But this summer there time is designed to attract of the town cause someone in the Excellent Land. Westholme Opera House will be a Hine boat in opera- and detight the widest pos- | iheatre to strike a match to light His report on its prospects|= tion on the Naas. The order for sible circle of patrons, and a gas jet. A spectator in the gal- agriculturally will be very favor- it has been placed, and it will ply will be a good time from the lery immediately shouted fire, and Three women were burned to ° . te and sixty were made home- d pS lk Ad e "Ss and $30,000 damage done When a s x storey tenement was Bulled here last night, Gommencing tonight able indeed, He regards the Naas with others probably after June 1. word go. With the hall the audience immediately strug- — eee ere monthly valleys as the natural agricul- | t t Another interesting little mat-| brightly decorated, an abund- | gled to their feet and fought in } en ‘ . ° 7 { | feeder for Prince Rupert. mpor an ter mentioned regarding the dis- ance of good things provided the darkness toward the doors. ae a Gold . Prize . Drawing eat ne: which in the Riding trict is that there is a good gold and any amount of pleasant ‘ AMUNDSEN’S GOVT. BLOCK. for means “Oh, how lovely,” is a ® prospect in sight in one portion recreations for young and i — fitting name for the opening dis- otice of the valley. Ore samples| old, besides a bright enter- FREE! FREE! FREE! a The Continental Trust $100.00 trict of this fertile valley, Here brought down, to Rupert this tainment program, tonight's Company are in receipt of a <<< = - during the past few years farm-|_ c set _jtrip for assay are certainiy scheme for eens A big beautiful 88 key 4 a telegram from the owners of dat Prize ....seeeee $50.00 ing work has been begun and the me promising, ap ne See vis — - electric player piano, worth s the town of Amundsen stat- Ori DPISA >... <¢oeliet $25.00 results have been excellent, The To Our Patrons : SR ever eet ntyre . B a oe we $1,200 given away to the , ing that Block 3 in- Amund- Srd Prize ....++++es soil is rich, a ae loam Dollars for Doughnuts ao ent ae Ey pool players in the Base- sen has be a POM CRT RR ol 6h ys ps4 mab $5. with loaf mould in it 1e very} . _ That's what you will get if you ment pool room, Empress he Clusively for @revnaeraee fit BrigO ..cccectses $5, finest growing stuff imaginable. ‘THE BAILEY STOCK CO. take up a pre-emption now in it . oer er we Theatre bullding. ot ernment purposes, Rin PIS og cease $5.00 All kinds of garden and farm| the Naas valley, Let me show there. 8 too 90 miss. hs produce flourish, DISAPPOINTS you the way. W. A. Myers, Hotel! , —_—__—_ = iz PSS —————— No Muskeg. Central. it -_ er eT eee te “There is no muskeg on the} oy the arrival of the stock company Sees & Naas,” is a statement worth not-|pooked and advertised by us as the Batley Park Board to Meet fee seee : wh : : » find that the original : r he ice eis , 8 t , a} Stock Company Wt fine a & on , went : vey ae we ei yng hide B alley Company did not come, but in their rhe Prince Rupert Board of las spe yo years)" ‘ ok: 7 man who place they sent an unknown company of Park Commissioners will meet PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO there, ‘ et whose me Ba, * 20 eee on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in One Week Commencing As for the climate, it is CON={ the circumsti janiaietaneehiiehenrieignmapenamne siderably drier than that prevail-| in presenting this company and the en- ee a A teen ’ dpi ,| gagement has been OBE Gui . - Mayor re plenishing council board lighis with midnight oil. ing close to the coast, As Prince CANCELLED. dertakings proposed. Proposed that Park Commigsioners should commence op- Rupert people know, panies vio Our policy is to give the people of rations by av > R ty , be grown very we iIn-| p ‘oe Rupert a square deal and no com- 7 ayi > ince upert's duce can be ere Prince Rul , . se Sena i A : Gardens,” PAYIDE: G_HaetnOR sumpeouion 0 2s tut onder conditions in the city| pany wil be allowed to play at the Wost-| It will pay everyone interest ETHEL TUCKER AND COMPANY IN FOUR ACT ; : 2 ; ng -|holme Opera House under false pretenses,}e@d LO look Over the arge new ais { nee bird of season flits across the townsite, itself, Conditions on the nen while it is under the management of theleonsignment of ship chandlery COMEDY DRAMA ‘lastered: Jack Hilditch's new post office. are also well adapted to the Needs | \Westnolme Opera House Co, at Howe & MeNulty’s, 2nd 6 +9 ““perintendent Matthews turning on the day load: More of agriculture, dairy farming] moving pictures will be presented as 2a: ueena Power to Prince Rupert! and gardening. vsual with regular amateur performances . Fridays until we shall be able to seenre @ For row boats and launches ‘ : Prenemption: Gpaee {frst class stock company of whose merits] telenhone 320 green. Davis boat Change of Play Nightly 50c., 75c. and $1.00 There is space and to spare}). 7. js no question, when further an- een, Upward for twenty-'pouncements will pe made, house, i rely Mabel suggests that they should open the new ‘all with a dance , and have a roof garden on top. More eee there still. Cll