i 1 I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boarol or by the Government of British Columbia. Timely Recipe 5 Ms cups sifted cake flur 1'4 teaspoons double-acuns baking powder Vi cup butter or other shorten- lng r 3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted ' 1-3 teaepoon cinnamon 'z teaspoon soda T cup sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 1 tablespoon cream Sift flour once, measure, cinnamon, baking powder and soda, and sift together three limes. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add eggs, chocolate and cream, and beat well. Add flour, a small amount at a time. Beat after each addition until smooth. Roll into thin sheet on slightly floured board. Cut with floured cooky cutter and dredge with suar. Place on ungreased baking sheet and bake in oven (350 degrees F.) 9 minutes. Makes 2 '2 down 3-lnch cookies. WHY "DOSE" CONSTIPATION? There's a "Better Way" Than Harsh Purgatives! LONDON, Canada :"Dosing' 'constipation brings only temporary rcficf, at best. If yours is the common typedue to lark of the right kind of "bulk"-in the diet, try correcting it instead. Eat KLLLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every dayl t This crisp, delicious cereal it's good m muffins, too) supplies the proper 'bulk" to help keep you regular . , . naturally. Hut it must be remembered ALL-BRAN doesn't work like purea-tnvs. It takes time. Eat ALL-BRAN every morning, drink plenty of water, and see if you don't look and feel worlds better! At your grocer's, in. two convenient sizes. Or in individual serving packages at restaurants. Made by Kellogg s in London, Canada... VANDERHOOF L. it. Dickinson has built a fin new general stire at the new mining camp of Pinrhi Lake north of Vsnderhoof. It is a two-storey structiure measuring 80 by 80 feet including living as well as business premises. The construction was carried out by Samuel W. Cocker well known Vanderhoof ' The majority for M. M. Connelly, Liberal, in the recent provincial election in Omlneca was 285 over acld William David Menzies, the C. C, P. candidate and runner-up. Release Anyone Who'll Take Job Germans Offer French Prisoners j Bribed For Freedom 'But It's Unpopular LONDON, iNov. 27: tt French prisoners of war who accepted a German freedom bribe to work for the Nazis were ostracized by their fellow Frenchmen when they returned to the prison camp, a French soldier who escaped to England said. The soldier told how the Germans, who, he said, "must be very short of skilled labor," said any men who wanted to leave camp could do so provided they took Jobs in Germany. Eleven of 300 ' Twenty -Five Years Ago j November 27, 191G Halibut landings were light to day, only 13,000 pounds were in. The price was 12'2C John Wayne of Prince Rupert is listed as wounded in the latest casualty list from the front. Ed. Cridge. former purser of the steamer Prince George, is now on active service ovsrseas. ' i SWEDES WARN FINNS STOCKHOLM. Nov. 27: 0 Swedish newspapers reflecting pol itical opinion warn Finland agaias itical opinion warn Finland accepted and four returned a few weeks later. "They were shamed and dis graced," said the soldier." They had betrayed France and the cry of traitor followed them wherever they went. One night there was a quarrel. A big fight began and these four men were In it The' guards came and took them away to the camp hospital. Two, I think, were very damaged. We never saw them again." GURV1CH CONTRACTORS Houses Moved To Any Location BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATED AND ERECTED DUMP TRUCKS AND COVERED VANS For Hire By Tke Day Or By i . Contract Rock and Soil For Sale When Available OFFICE: EXCHANGE BLOCK PHONE 32 Saguenav was brought safely to port after being torpedoed Is a further testimony of the resolution and skill of the officers and men of the R.C.N. who have car ried out their tasks to their ut areas." At the outbreak of war there against abandoning Its "strictly structiofy aeren6lve role" in the war but recognize that role is "one of its own defence for the future." I trained or being trained under the National Resources Mobillza tlon act. In agreement with the New St John's, and "the strategically important air field." Forces were: sent to Jamaica, Bermuda and Iceland. In late i940 a mobile force comprising a complete division was concentrated within the Atlantic area of Canada. This required the urgent completion of a large engineering program involving an expenditure of $6,772,551 which covered the clearing of about 1,280 acres of timber land, the con-structign.j.;qf,ViiSi miles of new roads, Saif ftewy- ewef pipe and 61,840 Ijmlmmve.. New permaiwV miiloutgy erectedi,pum-bered 570. The close of 1940-41 found Canada, In addition to her troops overseas and at home, with "her east and west coasts guarded by fixed fortress defences, rapidly reaching the ultimate plane of provision and fully manned; her coasts and beaches watched by Canadian coast defence battalions, and with strategically located units throughout the country available for Internal seculrlty; training centres throughout, the country busily engaged In provid ing the necessary reinforcements to our forces abroad, and a grow-. ing reserve of trained manpower uvuuuuie lur luiuie uiuunus. "In the dlfflmlt days ahead, I the battles of the new Canadian army will be fought," the report continued. "To the successful Issue of those battles the Canadian soldier looks i or ward with commence a confidence that will be strengthened as his fighting efficiency Ls Increased by the addition of each new weapon, each round of ammunition and each new piece of -rr-.-T- PAQE FOUR fTHE DAILY NEWS THUR8DAV Novi- IE: WILL NORMANDIE UEC0ME U.S. AIRCRAFT CARRIER? u , nere $ rand N WORRIED! III Now Yie,d to miK; V Tl Ir.-.-t . Aircraft Carrier The French luxury liner, Normandle, which has lain idle in New York harbor since th? outbreak of the war, may become an American aurf: currier if reports that the United States government is contemplating conversion of the hup- ship become true. Aircraft carriers require avo years in building. The Normandle could be convened into one in six months at the comparatively small cost of five to eight millions of dollars. Photo diagram above shows how the vessel would be virtually rebuilt. CANADA'S WAR EFFORT (Continued trom Page One) equipment that Canadian factories rose from 1,570 to 10,979. win provme. Courts-Martial j Air Force Increase No court-martial was held for1 The R. C A. F. report said that the trial of any officer or rating1 a 400 percent increase in the of the r.c.n. during the year The, strength of the service took place army had 417 courts-martial 383 during the year and dealt with of whlch involved private soldiers' wic uu.tiiu. ui ana convictions numbered 376 expansion which had been solved, only one general court-martlai Effective results from the for an offcer WM held and fe. siuaies oi me committee on avi- .suited In a conviction. most credit in many different atlon medical research associated; : , ii . . i i i i , Flight Training I Army's Progress 1 As to training operations, the On April 1, 1940, the Canadian service reported the supply oi Inactive army forces had 76.C00 men structors Improving. The capacity: at home and overseas. On March 'r the central flying school had 31, 1941, the total strength was Deen xea 10 Produce trained 375,000 including the active army, "u,s instructors, a situation corn-reserve army and reserve recruits P'lcated by the shortage of twin- engined aircraft. The earlier plan of qualifying service flying instructors on both single and twin engine machines had to be modified and now thev strengthened defensive measures at ar,tmined 0n one or the other 1 i . ,.,L. I Civilian nersonnpi m iUo no,.. t jumped rrom 513 at March 31, 1940 to 1,073; army. 21,385 to 203.468 and air services, 697 to 3,641. Skilled and unskilled labor in the Dominion arsenal In Quebec and in the dockyards and air services ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie XV. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience in the trade lie knows how to rebuild your shoe riRht. Let him do it for ' you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. .LING . TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. Four general courts-martial wiw uic luwuuai itstarcn council were held for R. C A. F officers were reported as follows: and three convictions ur r,i.., TVfurmlnfitlnn rvf ,mfw4t,n1 o , . ... were 13 ships of war in commis- y'""""""" i ....., .t-erea. .c- xerea. Eignt tignt convictions convictions were ob quiremenis ior ,v" aircrew ana suo- talned tainea slon in the Canadian navy, on against, non-commtssloned March 31. 1941, there were 344 s?,unt sf,ttlnK ot new standards officers and aircraftsmen and one ships in commission or under con-i1" J111 viallow enlistment of was acquitted, On April 1, 1940. the ixwu- tobil nV.nihor on nrtive service was ills toulu "ol mee- Previous 939 officers and 6.528 ratings aeulrements- , . . total which had increased to 2,030 J Development of a technique u Xor officers and March 31. 17,036 r atings on ucictuun oi potential epiiepiics: inquiry into cause and prevention The report said "supreme sac- ' , -i", rifice" n,T had been made 343 men of nolse ani Z . vibration ,i T i in airplanes , , th "Tt, nri f :r r ' , 'r1: and uie anauian nuvui service uus means of minimizing their ef- proven itself equal to the glorious :7," ,:,. . T : , f. . . tramlng In the use of oxvgen b traditions of Its mother service t . . , , .... equipment and low - pressure the Royal Navy, In the grim reall- chamber. ty oi war." WSfr IN QUALITY Vi f& IMPORTED SI ALES 5 JburtonL -p TVPC J 1 NOTE: 25c DOZtN PAID FOR BURTON typ ALE EMPTIES PHONE for FREE HOME DELIVERY G51 Thu advertisement fs not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia xi THE SEAL of QUALITY cms? GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company w.ftji.an all-the-year-round payroll in Prince Rupert. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A Good Place to Iluy" CHRISTMAS GIFTS COFFEE TABLES Walnut, at . ,, MAGAZINE-RADIO : TADLES at SMOKERS-Wlth Cabinet,. Ash Tray, at 7. s V 2S'5? ?lM With Maeazlne Rcks-from w END TABLES- Walnut w finish 5,33 Buy Early and Lay Away. Phone 775 on. m. . , . "6 1 1 1111 11 iwv. 3iY f9i 41.11 8ucl.!y- .... oiih. ..... . 1. rtn.t,0t.,i,.,.; "wJ 2. CnfCta h . . I 1. lim.,l.. ... '-':"at'.Vl ,; , .. . "" I i. Or Vow Men., ftk, ,. M kurt-ilve mi... . .... ' MAKERS Of I 'aiil 1GRT 5CIUN I a;.' HERE'S ATI If you want the moJ for your money, here a up . . . Buy a Good Coal . . . the kind that AlbcJ & McCaffcry sells, fj Greater Heat Lonper liurning Greater Economy For bost rr. ults consult with ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD Phones 116 or 117 i LADIES! You are l v f over our stock NEW COATS Good Discount Off (0' Ciii Now Is the drat- c:- "1 GOLDKLOOM "The Old Reliable" BlB.;81i I !.;:: I : l SAVO HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. PhoneSl P.O. BoxWl FRASER STREET Prince Rupert All Canadian tnlon Amalgamated Huildinf Workers of Canada J Prince Rupert, IU I nit N M K K T I N 0 S First and Third Wednes&l of Each lonlh METROPOLIS HAU" Phone Blue 113 f O Prtnre RUP Steamers leave for Vancouw T TLF.SDA( CATALA EVERY 1? so p.m. J Tnur r- Due Vancouver . rninAl CARDENA EVEIU 10:30 pni. Due Vancouver! - Tickets and Reservation from FRANK XSKKSEJ Prince hup -Third Ave. - rhonej