B-BSDAV. NOVEMBER 27 irsetv --"JVi't from elton ...it.'- ,,,.,,-e yesterday 1 Coughing toldslfe I there'i ilrfuA-:;n in UDDer 1941. THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES ol snappy aprons tahlal tubes, coughing, mus-iSit soreness or ttehtness-re- kre such misery. Mother, with lnlmproved"VapoIlubtassage.' Tih this more thorough treat- inent the poultlce-and-vapor ir;a ol vicks vapoHUD more HtcUvcly PtNiTRATl J Irritated air ptxfcj irtth soothing medicinal np.n JTlMUUTtS chest and tact Hie a wanning poultice or i-ta starts RiurvihC misery nthtsTay1 Results delight even cJ nends of VapoRub. TO GET a"VapoRub Massage" with all Its benefits - massage VipoRub tor 3 minutes on IMPORTANT RIB-AREA OP BACK u tell as throat and chest -pmd t thick layer on chest, ttw with a wanned cloth. DC KM to use genuine, time-tested H.M VAPORUB. for j. s. Black returned to the city n, Dollar Store. ,on the Prince George yesterday from a trlD to Vancouvar. vhii , ,n pace, district, organize to the south he attended the C.C.P.! Aut-ncan Federation' oi,.victory dinner following the n, ., visitor in th? City rent nrovincial election ff01 ' orrivpri Oil the r'-'UIli -- .... nn 1 1 1 .ckui u v - w--- 29. Announcements AU advertisements In this column will be charged for a full -month at 25c a word. Catholic Tea. Nov. 27. Mrs. Hanklnson, Orange Bridge, November 27. Masonic Organ Committee Dance Nov, 28. Lutheran Circles Bazaar, Nov. United Bazaar, December 4. Oddfellows' Dance, December 5 Valhalla Dec. 5. Dance. Metropole Hall, 102nd Auxiliary December 6. Tea, Legion Scotch Dance, Nov. 29, Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 35c. CHRISTMAS CARDS Xmas Cards 5c, 10c and 15c Amas Cards, hovod 25c. 40c. 50c. 60c 5J ' ' m and $1,00. & Xmas RJkV. Anias Ribbon Cellonhane 15c Xmas Pannip PnA. A ilianll 1 .P assorted Seals, Tags and Cards, JS 100 for 10c 200 for 20c g Ws Cord 10c l942 Calendar, local scenes 40c m OrmesLtd. yjiA Pioneer Drtu&ists -fa KKXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 0en Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. m Sundays and Holidays from 12 - Z p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. ffl VERY FINE BUpiNG Four Storey Dry Cleaning and Residence Completely, Equipped fat-Purpose lt.lt.fiew. ";: signed to Fulfil. V; ):.. i In these days of efficiency and 'quality products it becomes neces-E. T. Kenney, ML.A. for Skeena,jsary that, to make progress, every will arrive in the city on tonight's business must be well equipped for . Mminjra rrace ana sau on me the work that Is expectea of it. Frank Burling. Anglican Prince Oeorge for Victoria to at-'Good work can only be done in Hazelton, arrive.! m w.e tend tne session of the legislature commodious and properly equip- ne inwriw vu uuj upt-mng next ween i .M1 Ion vn trl. . , VI Till Will tVUIIf - " " - t-i. t.. FOIl SALE ped premises. Recently Evenson's Ideal Clean- The City of Prince Rupert Is"8 fo"nd tlt t0 m0V offering for sale Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, . . A . o. I . - . ... . Fiftn Avenue .and McBrlae Street type of making It possible to stretch curtains to any size or shape wlth- Icut making them. I Below ths workroom Is a hobby room with a workshop complete ! with tools. Each room In the ! cleaning" department Is completely! 1 equipped with the latest meihan- lcal devices necessary to putting out the best work as speedily as possible. The whole outfit m.-.t-h"-' well with the name of the firm. It is "Ideal." The top floor of the building 1 to be used as the residence of ; Mr. and Mrs. EvehSon. The ho 'of the front makes a b;autifu' eeneral livins room, niwly fur nished and with hardwood floo-s ; The kitchen has a large wind-!-,' looking ever thr harbor 'md the i courthouse lawns and Is eoulpncdj with the latest cabinet s'nk and! with electrh range and burner. The large bedroom Is .it the back close to a large and comnMrly i equipped bathroom fitted with the; latest equipment. ; The whole building Is mo't complete and unified in design and, well suited to the nurpesn for which It Is to be used. HOTEL ARRIVALS b W. Page, R. Armour and R. Rapp, ff I'i'-m--jve- ". S. Fsce and A. M. Turner, Toronto; C. G. Amers, London, Ont.: P. Haan, Queen W '.Charlotte Islands; H. Hansen. M Oona River; H. Res, Aliford Bay. CHINA'S FLOCKS . r I Sheeo breeding on a grand scale Ur OCfCCflon Of LardS IS noW complete. m,s carried put in the Chinese We have relation, local scenes and Ordinary Cards. I northwestern provinces Special Bargains 3-rC. CHESTERFIELD SETS ' New; reg,' $100; $7C00 for I 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD SETS Can be made Into double bed; nice looking. Reg. $135; SQQ00 for V7 3-rC. CHESTERFIELD SET Used; $900 bargain price LARGE SIZE CARPETS Used; ' $Q95 bargain price f INDIAN RUG New; Rood design;. $ HjO reg. $35) for 5J NEW CAMP STOVES Solid last tops; $Of)95 large oven. Special fl BUY FROM US AND SAVEI B. C. Furniture Co. Phono Mack 821 Whifflets From The Waterfront M Under a change which Is being made In. the Canadian National Steamships coastal service efftc-i Itlve the week after next, the Wed nesday boat horth of Prince Rupert will make the weekly call at Stewart instead of the "Friday boat. The Wednesday boat will arrive here from the south as us-! ual at 10 o'clock in the -nornlng and sail at 3 p.m. for Ketchika'i and Stewart, returning to Prince j Rupert at 8 o'clock Thursday nlgnt and sailing south at 11:15 p.m. j t The boat north from here on Friday will eliminate the Stewart McCormack of .Van- oiock t, ccuon i. ine nignest mr .... . A icall. noine onlv to Ketchikan. She Jier arrivea I i uw wty .u. w.., d cleaning. This they did andaay mornings, sail at iu p.m. lor vesterday after Rupert, B.C. leted on McBrlde Ketchikan, return here at C o'clock 4FSslons of the uruisn ra(tmpnt ,B 'street near the corner across f rom ' Saturday evening and sail at 11 15 !., v.iod of the Anglican ... " . , nnrrW iizr., Tf u fmir.,Pm. for Vancouver. It is also an- 1 " nounced that the Wednesday sail- - rii vacat'on tr'P 1 Vancouver. storey fireproof building and has train for .h the h interior. ta out 0 Vancouver on Dec. 21 ,vrnms Ton, hts due arrlye a very permanent and artistic ex- . from the east at 11 o'clock, was terior, adding greatly to the gen-; Jan; J wil 1 e b': c" . r iir,nnrH(-ht. n.-hn hni , . . ; ov.a,. v, ,tf day. the boats arriving n here on L M t srcu' n poriea mis morning w De on v Haf i.fo f m... w.tn ner suicr, xvn. on im. n. fnr th-? past few sail by the Princess f moon for Vancou- x her home in Tor- , Hi-.';sr'n MP. for Skec-na, A'n:;i Brookfbank, secretary t pi w Rupert Liberal Asso-, wui sail on the Prince .-a n Bnt h Colu-nbia Lib- A'-nnanon convention 1 1 Thev win next Min. tier T D. Pattullo prior I tie .tsnvention. Monty Vlneberg, lormcrly of the rtunert Men's Rtorp In Prinrp Ttii- ine grouna iioor main cmrance - pn.nn tn o 0nr,i.nffi,o r.innff. Christmas and New Year weeks side a smaller private office, the operatjng one, day later two extending across the whole of i . . . .. ... ithp frnnt PYnpnt. thnt. narr. taltrn muw 'o her home at Oak- J by the stairway. Directly behind1 ap-R' steamer Prlncess Norah- force, writes tnat ne sees and ap- "l"A1" ...iCapt. William Palmer, is due In r: lu" 15 iae wrBe iroms auu will ;-"-- stop off at predates the Prince Rupert papers Dort at 3-30 this ls afternoon afternoon fiom Horn vrsunwrtrrht pressing room, it and the office, P,"al ,,n vlt with relatives. 1 ' Club " 4" in London Ibeinz floored with hardwood to A.laska and wUI' u at 5 P ra- for 'prevent the accumulation of dust. vancouver- imnr.in5 0 nt There 's gd lighting on all sides..- - trip to Eastern Canada and the United States were interestingly told by Col. J. W. iNTcholls, general IUI511. iu ".'" manaapr of h rianaHlan V, Cold Storage Co., In speaking be- Below is the cleaning house with j cement walls, floor and celling. Close to it is a separate boiler house also constructed of cement. The workroom is also on the same ft n . V, A1HnH1H W-...C. V. -, , ' confer with , t lm feature cf which is the absolutely j latest curtain machine P. H. Llnzey was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with several guests. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One oil burner heater. Phone Black 888. tf) Many millions of people have faith in because:- BOVRIL RECRUITING COMMITTEE Local Civilian Body in Session Yesterday Letters to Employers and Employees. Letters which will be sent to local employers and employees with a view to encouraging voluntary enlistment in the Canadian army were approved by the local civilian recruiting committee vhlch was in session again yesterday afternoon under the chairmanship they have found by experience that HOT BOVRIL taken daily, is very comforting when they feel tired, run down, cold or chilled. You can prove this by testing. BOVRIL has been proved to stimulate the digestive processes and absorption of other foods to which it is added. BOVRIL is a fine pick-me-up and is both tempting and delicious to the taste, especially when appetite is finicky. 41 u of Alex MacKenzle. The employ- Argentina produces three-fourth3 ers are being asked to present of the world's supply of que- Usts of employees who are eligible bracho. extract, uszd in tanning, for enlistment men betwesn 18 - -. and 26 years of age and tnese men will be communicated with personally to Impress upon ihem the advisability of enlisting voluntarily at this time. The meeting also discussed other matters pertaining to the encouragement of voluntary enlistment. BARKS AND BITES In the U. S. Navy "terrier" spells "destroyer," that small, swift thin-shelled vessel that dashes in bo'd- ly to root out lurking subs with jdepth bombs. so1 0 We to LOOK FOR THIS CROSS on ever) Aspirin Tablet tf it isn't there, it is not Aspirin. A NEW SUIT GET READY NOW FOR FUN AT THE HOLIDAY SEASON . . . ORDER A CUSTOM-TAILORED SUIT TODAY FOR PRE-CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. Mr. A. M. Turner, Leisknian Representative, will be here Thursday, Friday and Saturday with a showing of the newest patterns and latest styles. Wc Invite You to Call. .5-. 532 THIRD AVE. mi Watts & Nicl erson MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHIERS Phone 315 1