Expert OPTICAL SERVICE A There's a WATERMAN'S To Suit Everyone. Pens from . . $1.50 Pencils from . 75c Sets from . . . $2.25 For BOYS and GIRLS, MEN and WOMEN. SPECIAL SETS For The Army, The Air Force, Doctors and . Nurses, Uusiness Men and Women. An Ideal Gift That Will Last a Life Time CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store Fur Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Itaggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND AIEKCIIANT nnoancing Fashion's Smartest Array of Afternoon Dresses for the Holiday Season. Just Arrived Over 50 Dresses in color.-, and styles to please even the hard-to-plcase. All sizes from 12 through 50. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Hcilbrohcr's Phone BLUE 907 McRae Bros. Have the Sensational NEW J I 1. Guaranteed Unconditionally for 100 years. 2. More gold in the point. 3. Modern balanced styling. 4. Simplest, one-stroke filling. ' 5. Quick stnrt, lenk-proof feed. 6. Writes ?S mile on single filling. 7. Handmade points (through 80 operations). 8. Your choice of 7 quality points. Ejn Waterman! JKHf Pni from pB ,3,00 EnfjSF Hundred Ifff' Yar fen RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets Try Are Still 25c per lb At Your Local Butchers Sole Fillets for Breakfast SAVE Bacon for Great Britain and SAVE Money to Invest in WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ritiNCE nur-i'itT Co. Ltd. IWIITISII COLUMItIA BLOOD BANK LEGIONS HERE URGED' OF LICE Dr. II. G. Large .Makes Proposal in . Speaking Before Prince Ilupert Gyro Club Speaking before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular 2000 times. He had seen new elec- aon microscopic work at the Institute ol lechnology in Montreal. MAY AID U.S. Science Suggests Disease Pests May Defeat Nazis. weekly luncheon yesterday, Dr. R. - By STEPHEN J. McDONOUGH G. Large advocated the establish- Associated Press Science Editor I ment of a plasma bank In con- WASHINGTON, Nov. 27: (API nection with the Prince Rupert The lowly louse may prove to be i General Hospital so that blood lor Hitler's conqueror as he follows transluslon purposes might be the trail ol Napoleon Bonaparte I readily accessible for emergency toward Moscow, use in connection with the treat- Every army is lice - ridden and ment ol serious cases. Such a lice hive been among the greatest valuable addition to local hospi- killers in every war In history ex-talization facilities should be se- cept the First Great War because, riously considered, Dr. Large felt, in addition to forcing soldiers '.o The losal meaical man, in the scratch off acres of epidermis, course of an address on the sub- they transmit typhus fever and jeet of "Modern Advancements In bubonic plague from rats to hu-Medicine. " inspired Dy a recent man beings. By some freak azcl-trip east, on post-graduate work, dent, still unexplained, the dread-mentioned among otffer things ihc ed typhus and plague die not stndes that had been made in break out in the armies on the connection witn blood transfusion, western front m the last war. particularly since the start of the war. Now blood, reduced to powder form or plasma, was being War and Disease Dr. Ralph II Major of the University of Kansas, in his book stored. Many cities already had j "Fatal Partners, War and Disease," their "plasma banks" to w h i c h outlines how these diseases have suitable persons contributed their turned the course of battles and blood. Much blood donated in r.amnaicn.s. innliidiner NanolponV i.his manner was already being ill-fated trip to Moscow, and al-' shipped overseas. Prince Rupert 'tered history and seograpny was one of the Dlaces whinh h;iri thrmirrh tvm nrroc I Continuous Daily From 1 p.m. EXTRA! WOULD NEWS - CARTOON - TRAVELOGUE OUTDOOR THRILLER not yet moved along this line. i in 1915 typhus broke ou", 5n J Other things discussed by Dr. Serbia in epidemic form but it was ubcrt Taylor Stars In "Billy The Large mciuded the new electron brought under partial control un- Kid" At Capitol Theatre microscope by means of which it til Germany invaded Serbia in Oc-1 was expected it would be possible tober, 1915, and disrupted all ccn- to magnify objects up to 200,000 trol measures. As a result more, ,,,, tha ,oetrn w times whereas the ordinary mi- than 300,000 persons, about one-' J11, l?? ra,?c' ccope ccuia only enlarge by 'tenth of the population, died and "'CZZ."" .'"".f' the disease formed a barrier to vih ct, n ,,. i' u. At Ithaca, New York, Dr. Large : Friday Saturday. Bulgarian and Turkish troops and techntcoTor tZZo had seen research work in eon- con now LK.-1UJ nection witn plant lile. Cancer like growth on certain plants was phe 1 T 7 nuU ,.Ulm u Hoodi comln the j . Theatre this and move aguniii uuia. uie louse turp nn PVf.ltino. nH turned this effort into a camstro-. Th rt, o ,k i I wvij UtHN VVlb4t a UlUlUlt Siuaied With a View to The lnuse r-nmp to the nirl of ...u.-t. . . h tt"" S! h!h ,Russia ring Napoleon's invaon S his 30.- ui wi iiiauana, some miuiary surgeons De- er to fire on -an unarmpH ,h lesearcn wa the stuuy ot the de- lieve, will again ally itself with Kid befriends an Fmriish ZZ,-veiopment ot antiseptis from hunger, disease, gold, fatigue and S iSle 5f tcr iSi bpuiLi. 'inoor sanitation to nid Russia i. i 4 .1. . . . peaking of the use of chemi- against the Hitler legions, e v e n bd friend ' cals In tnc treatment ol disease, .though they reach Moscow. The bandit turns on hu o Luige described research work Napoleon reached Moscow over pWrs ranees himself nn Z ?Hn m connection with tuberculosis in'a trail of sborched land, but found ar?d nreprs to buuusa mentioning the a city occupied only by beggars take the law intto his own hind luouiw oemg ooiained from' and released convicts who pro- amid numerous thrilling ' "B encoun-pioncln. Here iay the possibility ceeded under orders to set fire to ters inrlnriirw nn U! levoluciomzing the treatment cverythine everything burnable. burnable. The The Little Little and nrt other h,. adventure. L ti,p J' J vutiuiojioois in humans. Prepare for Christmas Samuel Hart or Freedman & .Qabbe Suits and Topcoats to Measure. Alterations, Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing DE LUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe PHONE 307 BOX 725 Corporal entered Russia with 3G3 - atir riimnv in ,v,iv, v, , inc aojtor also spoke of a new 000 men and the unseen Russian life for his friend is a thrilHncr H'oce i.. connection with bone army corps of billions of lice. episode juawnu ui wic treatment 01 irac- Cold and Tests The cast mrludc mies unu alio the Joints as in ar-' Bonaparte recrossed the border nu-iui. By this process it was be-1 into France months later vithonl" ' cuining possible to remove some a small fi action of that army. Out -a tnu exuang aisaavantages of of one divuion of 12,000 men only uone plating Di. Large mentioned, in opening, vioiis he had paid to Qyro iuds in Vancouver and Nanaimo He had also met L. W. Waugn, a iormer president of the Prints Rupert Gyro Club, now in Toronto. In thanking Dr. Large for his address, President W. F. Stone tendered congratulations on the Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons having been conferred upon him while at Boston. Luncheon guests were C. A. Kel-lett and Rev. J. H. Myrwang. The United States weather bureau maintains about 6,000 posts. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pepless Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The bamiini thine about low blood eonnt Is that you can weiith about ai much u jrou ever diil even look healthy and strong, yet you can feel as If you had lead In your lew, dopey, tired and iwpleu. Low blowl count meana you haven't not enouxh red blood corpuscles. It la their vital lob to carry life-g-ivinir oxyg-en from your lunirs throughout your body. And just aa it takes oxygen to explode itiuoline in your ear and make the power to turn the wheels, ao you must have plenty of oxygen to explode the energy In your body and give you going power. Get Pr. Williams Pink Tills today. Tbey are world-famous for the help they give In increasing the number and strength of red corpuscles. Then with your blood count up, you II fl like bounding up the stairs as if you were floating on air. Ask your druggist orul1" lot Dr. Williams Tink Tills today. 3u0 straggled bazk. On tha 10113 trek they fought lice continuously, froze in the bitter cold, were set upon by wolves as well as Russian guerilla bands and lived largely on the meat of horses which fell in their shafts. One American mill-' tary surgeon remarks that "thist time the invaders can;t eat tanks, unless they need some iron I01 their anemia." Dr. Major says the decim.uU;n ' 01 .me rrench army by aiseas.' was 1 not the sole result of the campaign because "the soldierj re -1 turning from Russia brought back I the same disease that had killed their comrades." Central Europe for the next three years was a hotbed of typhus fever, typhoid fever and dysentery and, as in every war, more civilians died than soldiers. Medicine has conquered or brought unfler control auch diseases as smallpox, dysentery, lva-laria. diphtheria, typhoid, yellow fever, syphlllis, gonorrhea, sctiry, and many others. But the louse and his companion, the flea, may continue to wreck the best of military plans. KACINO IS IIONO KONG War or no war, Hong Kong still imports race ponies from Australia and 96 have arrived to be run in the 1942 season. velocipedes-No. Ft. Wheel 530 13" 531 16" 532 20" Rear Wheel 9" 11" 12" Onhj PER nnTTllD Brian Don- C0lUMMA cAse man MORE THAN Bet NOTEi 25c DOZEN PAID FOR BURTON type ALE EMPTIES PHONE for FREE HOME DELIVERY G5i This advertisement Ts not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by ie Government of British Columbia x NEW ROYAL-HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Hates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot &c Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 81 P.O. iSnr inr. TOYS AND WHEEL GOODS DOLE PRAMS dimensions: .body 24"xl2V4( handle SO nr height 28V2. wheel 8"; finish: Willis blue, maroon; each Q tO& TOY WHEELBARROWS body size 13i2xll4x5": wlWi 0 , pressed steei nanaies -a each Leg Reach 16-18 18-20 20-22 " tW Mm Suit Age 22t0 4 4 to 5 52to7 S..9.75 $10.50 $12.00 " "eposlt Will Hoia Any Article Until Christmas. Save Money! Buy at Elio's Furniture Store THIRD avenue M-G-M's MIGHTIEST TECHNICOLOR OUTDOOR i ADVENTURE SINrr NORTHWEST PASSAGE"! chnntars snJ -1 '-'V levy. Iun Hunter, Mary Howard, Gene Lockhart, and Lon Chaney jr. There are two song hits, "Vida la Vida" and "Lazy Acres." NORWAY TO RISE AGAIN LONDDN, Nov. 27: --Oppression of free pronle never lasts long; traitors will be forgotten and no stone shall ""rk their graves. Id Prime Minister Joh-'n Kv garddsvold of Norway 'in London i In a message to Swedish workers. -a Diampeaes . love and revenge! 1:00. 2:5 FKItOI PLYVV "Footsteps in 1 "t 1:10. 3 : 1 :i. j CAHffOL 'AMOUI PlATUl IHttlM DECLARATION'S OF WAR NEW YORK n cussing Finland ; the anti-Nazi p.w. jDagblndet says : (now hve wcr w. n v, iof war we shall :i. Horn of wur wi iiir,! I I1AI1LY IKOr'L,us it, . i wnrmwTB iwrr ' i iron plntes in '7! ' , p warships were sh In the Srn:h I Brif sh-hold Oibni!-,.- Phones 18 - 19 P.O. Box 575 NOW IS Till: Tl.Mi: TO MAKE . Xmas Cakes We have a complete stock of all your requirements. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Opposite Canadian Lc;lnn The EAST SIDE COAL CO. will appreciate a: ci-"i age given wi:.t orompi service and :ii:ai sai G. B. CASEY. Mpr Phone 755 ot Grren 527 Just Arrived! Gorgeous Satin andTaffela H00SEC0ATS $5.50 to $14.50 See Them At Walla.