PtSURSDaY. NOVEMBER 27, 1941 i t I K3 SAi'" :.3 A- C:: drinkinq FOR SALE IWS SALET -SEALED-TENDERS 6? received by the under . HELP WANTED j Ej-P Wanted - Apply Central) i279) WANTED Respectable young.' "' couple requires two ''A lieht hoitspkppnincr h'ANTrj. Havt. J?X i); ANTEt Lasted. Dec. l. Not over $25.00 Box 178 Daily News.j (279) , Housekeeping position, 'rt under thr. Apply j Daily News. Purnishpd rr nnfnr. -d nouse. Phone 947. (278) Wanted Housekeeper for small' nnuse. Phone 741 Mechanic's tools. PERSONAL Vllr.. t u uri'ORTUNITY sr.4 Oldi Phone RANGERS IN LEAD (231) Service Examlna- follows: I ar" announced for men I w;mcn for positions as G)-ade 1: Clerk. GrnnV 2: W Lettcr Carrier and ii t, 16-00 1102 nc- f Annflpntlnn fnrms rt m Ottawa. Age limit l!s Initial salaries ,$66 1 1 hand ' and Typing iv Our cnnrrilnir Yns. Clcrt: undrls to get jobs as - "cu, oienos., eic. xn-and booklet Free. M, f nrnln Ltd.. Winnipeg. l Canada, No Agents. BIu Birds, 3: Pioneers, 6. Rangers, 2; Annette's, 1. Big Sisters. 2: Knox Hotel. 1. Lucky Strikes, 2; Optimists, 1. Savoy Swingers, i; Sryfeltes. 1 Bluebirds-Pierce Boulter Jennings MacDonald Keron Handicap Totals Pioneers McKeown Ounn Yager McKeown 1 181 2W ..207 .148 .143 . 39 927 1 ..151 .143 .114 .105 Montgomery 148 ' Handicap 71 Totals 732 Rangers 1 Petersen 288 Robins 120 Kellett 223 ' James 164 Balllnger 182 , Handicap 8 j Totals .985 Annettes 1 Selig ..138 Reaugh 184 Owen .132 TJfckerson ' 1-.277 Dickens 179 I Handicap . 9 ' Totals 919 I Knox Hotel 1 sea until noon on Thursday, 4-i , ao . ui ...7- izt 2'. for the purchase Zellsko 81 e '. o; arm 'LIEF 31x3x3 V,;. BaasM ZZZ 77 v ... - a 15 hp Sterling BrflseU : recently completely Over- 83 : ... six including spool Handlcap 88 8"- r curdles, anchor Tolals 548 v iiihors and chains and njf sRters- 1 r -.: :car The boat through- Gomez ...192 1 Jod condition. May be j rjickens 83 Milan's Seal Cove jiothwell "! hcst or any tender M Bond i ' t arily accepted. Terms Alexander 151 ' "h- Norman A. Watt, man Bond , as: -ator of the Estate of Handicap 133 JtonM K Svendsen, deceased., xolafs 821 I'Urf SALF 7-rnntn fnrnlshprf L.:o j on same lot 3-room ton 'a shack. Phone Elu6 in FOR .', r 7 1 ;. Optimists 1 Postuk : 125 Timmermelster 130 Bourgon 184 ff ' air furnace pipes, Damjanac 153 it registers; breakfast Eastment 156 p Phone Blue 562. . (tf): " K.irhen cabinet, table' dresser, chiffonier. ' 179. Dally News. I 2 172 157 151 124 164 39 80? 2 140 126 126 95 118 71 c;c 2 211 111 165 146 218 8 859 2 187 122 184 249 167 9 918 t 2 121 150 100 153 75 88 696 2 133 75 143 149 154 133 791 2 107 108 132 112 92 SPORT CHAT The JlOM) Diamond befeteTiT . ,t;r" J - - , . jnree teams Tied Fof Knnner-J eniea to jonn i,. Buinvairoy an-.. Up Position In Ladies' uWin " pteciattve citizens of Boston cm Learue 'Jul 4, 1887, wag sofld at au:ttori Un New York for $5,900 38 years Rangers arc st.fU in the leader"-1 ago. ship of the Ladies' Bowling; r-Ltague but now by the margin of ; Queen's University, winner of only" a- single point over three fhe Intercoilegfete rushy title, nlnner-up teams Blue Bftrds, Op-'handed Toronto Argonauts their .imistg and Svv wirt?reTs. This first defeat in two years and won is the position following the1 pfry- jthe Eastern Canada rugby final Ing or the regular weekly fixiurevt Tor&nto id years ago yesterday. Tuesday night -which resulted as The eofleglarr won 12-11 on a last minute field goal by Pep Leadley. ' Steve Donctghue. famous jockey, lfOde the last race of his great career at Manchester ffmr yev ,ago today. Donoghue. 52 at the High single scorer was B. Peter- time, retired to launch himself on sen with 288 while Kay Nlekerson a career, as a trainer. In his time had the high average of 231. the jockey booted home six Derby! Individual scores Tuesday night winners, were as follows: i 163 'Brockington to !?r Make Talk Tour 203 39 Will Sneak (n fireat Britain and S61 ' United States on "Canada 3 at War.' 99' 123 OTTAWA, Nov. 27: -- L. W. 99 Brockington, K.C.. is relinquishing 156 his nresent .wcial duties with the 114 federal government in order to 71 give a series of addresses in Great 662 Eritain and the .United States on the subject of "Canada at War 3 193 uoid'cap 83 83 137 Totals 831 634 132 Lucky Strikes 1 2 132 Menzies 129 176 Hague 127 8 Warren 122 "79 Cameron 204 3 Peacock . 100 140 Handicap 48 196 Totals 78 139 - 167 Stylettes 1 134 Bury - 175 9 Clccone 189 776 Nelson 171 Turgeon 162 3 .Vorton 130 70 Handicap 20 121 Totals 817 138 Savoy Swingers 1 157 McLeod 1077 83 Bapso-Bert 164 88 Wesch 162 657 Croxford 179 3 LaBelle 210 149 111 105 83 HandJiap 21 Totals 813 148 195 69 238 113 48 811 2 226 114 177 122 116 20 775 2 191 170 185 148 215 21 930 The league standings to date: 100 n.c. ritODUCT J ROYALS RED PLUMS TI Hie popularity of RfiVALCiTY Kl lums is due to their taatiness ami Koodneas tliry turn out nnrac tlvelv and offer u fruit for many recipe as n9 for n si,,,Plc el nppreclaieu n-strn. 71 Answers to "IT'S TIME YOU KNEW" by Lawrence The world-famous playwright, Sidney Howard, wrote the original play, "They Knew What They Wanted." The Horned Toad is a lizard The hardly-audible "ticking" sound in a Bulova Watch is caused by the pallet action in the escapement, that is, when the pallet is struck by the teeth of the escape wheel. These impulses cause 'the pallet to transfer intermittent controlled motivating power to the balance wheel. Only 40 to 50 of all the mustangs captured each year are wild enough for use at the Madison Square Garden Rodcol 3 I 268 J 122 196 140 161 48 935 3 156 141 141 191 122 20 791 3 157 185 105 232 129 21 829 W L Pts 120 Rangers 5 15 133 Blue Birds 4 2 4 656 I Optimists . 4 2 4 Savoy Swingers 4 2 4 3 Annette's 3 '3 3 118 Big Sisters 3 3' 3 120 Lucky Strikes 3 3 3 117 Stylettes 3 3 3 127 Knox Hotel 1 5 1 94 Pioneers 0 6 0 THE DAILY NEWS V m m m . . I . . ta ian "Conch TAT K MAY' LIvTnj See ( L ji iar i T li n . Tin PONTNEWYDD, Wales, Nov. 27: ? Angelo Fulgonl, 19-year old Italian, was registered unconditionally as a conaclenfioiK! nhw. Says Nazis Stop Surdcal Needs LONDON, Nov. 27: (CP) Charges Germany was holding up urgently needed medical supplie- and surgical equipment for Nor wegian hospitals were made in a broadcast by Dr. Karl Evang, Nor wegian director-genral of publi health. Supplies were collected in Cana da and the United. States. Ger many -was asked, thrmteh 't-Washington embassy, to guarantee the supplies would not be confiscated. Berlin agreed to admit trv 83lsifts provided they included noth- 659 1 ing that could be purchased in Germany. Berlin but two and one-half months later no reply had been received. miaous Mtirwious Silver Spring IMPORTED QUALITY Only 20c More Per Case Than Beer NOTE: 25c DOZEN PAID FOR BURTON type ALE EMPTIES PHONE for FREE HOME DELIVERY 654 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Rritlsh Columbia 7. NOTICE After Nov. 30 the 'City Transfer (V. Menzies) will not be handling any coal orders. J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station LARGE G HOUND FLOOR SPACE . . suitable for shows or dances, corner of Second Avenue and Seventh Street. C. E. BLACK, Central Hotel 'f: tn m mm ira rot an rata For Complete h g Table and Red Lamps Call at the If ; VARIETY STORE MMM msmmwawmm BIB STANLEY W.COLTON CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone CIO m tr wr I jeuswurtMy jSELp gUN In Wales He Wculd Like To Britain And Italy Allies CanadiaTS National Railways Urges Employees to Be Careful What They Say, i SONTREAL, Nov. 27: The Ca-: nadian National Railways have tor after he exolarfted to the tri- tefcln sieDS 10 co-ontratc with the I ounai that: uepartmem oi nuuunat war oa-. He won't fleht for Britain hp- vices in the campaign t6 warn the cause it would mean -fighting public against careless faU which against his relatives, and he won't might aid the enemy, according to fight for Italy because it would an announcement made" today at mean fighting against his friends, headnuarters of the National War! "But If Italy and Britain were Ssrvlces. allies then I "would fight." he Ea'.ir; read cafdi hiv said. b'-'n pr pared in eye-catching style anil will be placed in censpicaotn positions in every sleeping, par'.nr and dining car-and every coach oper aisd throughout the Canadian Na-ijonp' Ra'lway.s system. The message, which is adapted ficm one of the posters issued by the Department of National Defence, is Norwegian Physician Talk Of t,nef md direct GMds Prcm Canada And U. S. "WarninR," . calls the notice "Cateles' talk may help the en- pmv Do not dismiss shin move ments, defence plans, munitions factories, troop movements, har bor facilities, aircraft production supply stores. Be on your guard." United States . Armv Will Take Planes Across WASHINGTON. D.C.. Nov. ,27:- It is expected that the United State; Army itself will soon be A list of supplies was sent to erry!n& ,btomber planes dlrect to Great Britain. ITAIIAN TOO BRITISH BERNE. iN'ov. 27: O Because he litsened to a B. B. C. broadcast an Italian doctor, Tlcozzl Novara was sentenced to two months imprisonment, finsd 4.000 lire (prewar $800) and had his radio confiscated, says a Milan message. ix Tin: sriic.ME rnt'KT nnnuuMi mi.l.MlUA IN I'ltOHUK In Ihp .Mailer of Hip Administration Art f And In the Matter of Hie IMnte of Joseph Peterson otherwise knonii as Joe i Peterson, tleieiised TAKE NOTICE that ,by Order Of His iro'jor Judg Fisher. Local Judge of the isupreai Ccurt of Briuh Columbia, I on the 21st day of November A. D. 1941 sppo'ratfd Administrator with the 'Will annexed of the Estate of Jpn Prtereon otherwise known as jJt Pcbsrean fcrmerly of Tl-etl; Queen Ohartot,te Islaaids, British I Ctliuntta, decfBd. who died on or abtnrt the 10th day of April 1041. All "persons Indebted to the raid Estate are icHuirea u poy ttte amount of their itdtbtedncss to me fcrthwlth and all I persons -havine clann mltnt th Estate are required to file them wlttt e propeny verified on or before aay ci December A. mti laaing which distribti-t!nn will be made having regard only to such clwtms of which I shall have urroi nouiiea DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C thl-22nd day of November A. D. 194t NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C I IX TIIK Kt PIJKME Cm'RT OF HltlTISII C'OM.MIttA IX PltOIIATi: III the Matter of the :it ..r ji... Soren Xelsnn Dereased TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration were Issued bv ith. Run. .rraie Opuk cf British Columbia, Prince IRitpsrt District Registry, In my favor ion November 4bh, 1941 tt, -the EsUte 'cf the. late John SowAi Neii lat t t!;e City of Prinre Rupert, Brrtisn Columbia, i-ontraotor. who aied t PriAce Rupert on June 18th. 1941. Alt. persons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount erf their Indebtedness ito me forthwith and all person havlawt claims Asraiin.rt titw, I Estate are required to file them with !md prvpetty verified oil or before the ,31st. day cf December A D. 1941 falling which distribution will be made hav-lln? regard only to such claims of 'which I shall have been mortified, DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this '17th day of November A, D. 1941. I JOHN A. NELSON I A etm.ii Mra tor of the Estate of John Soren Nelspn, Deceased. Alt payments aiKl cialma should be sent to the above In care of his Solicitors, Brown A Harvey Beefier Block, Prince Ruoert, B. C. IX Tlfi: St PHKME t Ot KT OKimiTISII coi.t .MiiiA ix piton ti: In the .Mutter of the r.state of Peter AnitreHs Lorenzen, llerensed TAKE NOTICE that Letters Probate were granted to tis out of the Supreme Court of British ppnnnbla Prince RitlxTt Dlstrlotr' jy-itsitry -m November 6th 1941 to the E.-rta,te of the late Peter Andreas Lorenzen late of ithe City of Prince Rupert, British Col-lunbia, Engineer who died near Tt-ell, BrlUsh OoJiunbla, on June 1st 1941. All ipericoMA Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay ,tlie amount of their Indebtedness to us forthwith and all penuin having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with us properly verified on or before the 31st day of December A. D. 1941 falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which We shall have been notified, DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 19th day of November A. D. 1941. OLOP HANSON and JOHN DYBJIAVN Executors of the Estate of Peter Andreas Lorenzen All payments and claims should be sent to the above In care of theJr solicitors. Brown Si Harvey, Besner Block, Prince lupert, B, C VALUES CONSERVED You'll PiikI iherrV a worlil of enjoyment in iikm-i(, rnrltovr, fiilT'lxiilii J 'V.C" Lager. lirrHeil liy an rtliiIe pfoV'fB whirli -onrp llie tltal valncn fir breer'n jrntt. Tliaf' uliv H'n u naliiral, C.MI'LKTK li-er wlnllorj.r airul ilcli-iuus. (iti the Ix-rr that civt-H you more at no extra -ot. "In B.C. it's V-C" CAPILANO BRtWtNG CO. LTD. VAMC.OUVEf. 6. C. A UNIT OF ASSOCIATED BREWERIES OF C"' oa uTO. Lager This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia MALAY'S 1 1TH LIGHTS OVER 22 MILES Trengganu, in the Malay States, I Naveslnk, N. Y. lighthouse's has sent to London its 14th fo? beam is rated at 9,000,000 candle-1,000 (about $4,450) cheque for power and visible 22 miles at. sea, jSpitfires. the most powerful in the U. S. GOING MODERN CANADIANS 'TION Land tax in the Chinese prov- Hong Kong's first communal ince of Kwangtung is being paid kitchen, where rice will be s&ld fn kind for the first .time in the cheaply, has been opened In the history of the region. Chinese waterfront. . . Canadian National Railways gp WMHMMBMBMM MwawMmMaMMaal Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return 36.00 Plus Tax TAXI Service Tickets on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. 15th, 1942. Final return limit March 15th, 1942. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write n. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 538 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatani . Ladies' and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office We Also- Carry BELMONT CO. Ladies' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure, M. T. LEE, Tailor P. O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 13 21-Hour Service at Regular Rates COAL! COAL! Its cemorfnp to mow ' TAeprvper or cod! ffet i fte&tsyozisd. We make very sure that every ton of coal that is sent to us from the mines has the proper heat-producing qualities. We're particular about the kind .of coal we buy. In this way we make certain that our customers will be pleased. Place your order now. We'll be pleased to serve you. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE G52 .BBF wP'vJiaBflkV' V1' nBBBsBsa2LaEB .',1 tit' A'