r; - s n t 1 "J PAQH TWO This advertisement la not published w displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia THE RIGHT PLACE To Buy THE RIGHT SHOES Onyx, Plio-Pedic and Tango Pumps, Miss Atlanta and Vanity Maid For Women Hartt, Scott & McHales, Grebb and Campacs For Men Jack. & Jill, Hewestons, Sismans For Misses and Children PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUFERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except. Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES Subscription Rates In City Pex year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall. $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion , .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion .02 Advertising and Circulation. Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations MEMBEIi Or TUB CANADIAN IMIESS The Oatuull&n Presa Is exclusively entitled. to use Tor republication of all news flMpatdiea erUtd to It or to tin AMacUtaa Proea In thla paptr arm aim the local newa published therein. All rlKhta of reputllca.tlon of SDeclal depixLtohea therein are also reeerrod DAILY KDJTION Thursday, July 24, 1941. Must Be Prepared Despatches indicated that trouble with Japan is in the offing and in the meantime we have no highway to the interioiv-no means of making a quick getaway such as may be needed for the women and children and no means of moving troops rapidly and in such a way as to prove most effective. We are not likely to be given due notice of an attack on the port. What use will the hiVhwav age is done It seems to most people here that the time!?; " w(c iunwrtjr 4 xjgniy nuvv so mat it win ne ready for , use if required. A. mere three million dollars is not very much for an important defence project such as this. If Prince Rupert is worth defending, and it seems that the government, thinks it is, it should be worth defending well. . It looks as if it, might be the old story of t This week-end there is to be a demonstration of air is very important but we doubt if it is any thmg-hke as important as the building of the highway. Unfortunately, the highway is bovond the Mr. Hungerford Resigns - - - The resignation of S. J . Hungerford, president of the Canadian ISiational Railway system, announcement of which was made yesterday, is to be regretted. Mr. Hungerford knew Prince Rupert well and was keenly interested, not only in railwav affairs her hut in n10 i,fi comwodation and general progress of the city. All peonle who knew mm spoke well of hjm. Any who did not speak well of him did not know him. We hope Mr. Vaimhan will get to know the city and its affairs and needs as well as p his predecessor, The" Daily News is a memhpr nf fVm Pnn,i: n.-i.. r . ... r uinuu noiumg mem bershin -iamV in these organizations. i iV nr -"vwwuii, ui me vuiimuii rxess anu oi the Audit Bureau of C Circulations. It is.the only north' paper nf VMnfnuuPf onl;W0f VX?A i i..i.i...J l'"l'f uiiu. T23 DUE? Thursday, July 2J, J94I, nm. UJJi Tin.. ftffa TRIBUTE '4 5.,,dfi4 K MOM-ZtSiJUSrWHAT "Step Out in Style" IS PAID want, jts M swear DELUXE TAILOR ! Statement of C.N.R. Board Lauds S. J. Hungerford Lary an4 affiliated companies, and (the appointment of R. C Vauphn, now- nice-president in charge, of purchases, stores and steamships. jas president and chief executive officer of the National. Railway Company and Its steamship and rail subsidiaries, the following statement was issued on behalf of the board of directors: "In submitting his resignation to the board Mr. Hungerford stated 'the responsibilities and activities of the Canadian National System are continuously expanding and the war has brought many new problems affecting the whole rauge of the railway's work. I feel that it is advisable that we take step at this Mme designed to ensure continuity of executive. Judgment and action not only through the present times f stress but also In the years thead and this can best be done in my ppin!on by the appointment now cf a younger officer to be chief executive of the system "The board accepted Mr. Hunger-ford's resignation with regret but was gratified that he would remain a chairman of the board and that would therefore continue to have the benefit of his great experience and knowledge of the affairs or the system. The board recognized that the expanding actlvlUes of the railway, resulting from the war. had added greatly to Mr.'Hungerford's already heavy duties and that, freedom of some of the duties, he would ibe enabled to devote particular at-jtention to the railways' war work In many and growing fleld3. In isuch connection It Is noted that he will continue as president of National Railways Munitions, Limited. The board record their appreciation of the debt of gratitude which Canada and the national system owe to Mr. Hungerford, vhose outstanding constructive and operating abilities has played so Important a part in the development of the system." "The. directors of the national system are fortunate in being able to announce the appointment to the presidency of an officer having, the exceptionate qualifications for the post passessed by R.C. Vaughan. Mr. Vaughan's railway career extends over some 42 years. During 39 years of service with the Canadian National Railways and predecessor companies, he has occupied many! responsible posts and Is thoroughly iaminar with all phases of the ac tivities of the organization he has been a vice-president of the railway since 1920. In appointing Mr. Vaughan to chief executive office a 1 J i a me aireciors look forward with confidence to the continued d ejopment and success of the nn tional system." Steamship Sailing For Vancouvei Monday S.S. Prince eTc 4 P-m. Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Friday s.S. Princess Adelaide 2 nm itraena 10:30 Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert 5 p,m S.S., Princess Louise 6 pm ma FOOTBALL TONIGHT C:4S P.M. DRY DOCK vs. C.S.T. i MONTREAL, July 24- Associated with announcements air the resignation of S. J.. Hungerford as president of the Canadian National system, Including Canadian National i West Indies Steamships Limited,! Canadian Government Merchant Marine Limited and other subsidi-i Delicious Nourishing QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT and QUAKER PUFFED RICE THE ORIGINAL "N r CEREAL I Letter Box APPEALS FOR HOUSES Editor, Dally News: There Is a possibility that the Rocky Mountain Rangers will be leaving this area In the near future and. presumably such a departure would, result in the vacating of many houses and apartments which are at present being refied by the wives of many of the men In this unit "" 4 the Canadian National Railways',. us- and apartments in this city and the situation Is likely rto remain acute as long as the war lasts. As Auxiliary Services Officer In this area it has fallen to me to do You can win your family praise every time when you serve Quajicx Puffed Wheat and Quaker Puffed kite. You will find these two tempting cereal ace "tops" with your children and with grown-ups, too, because they, are so much to tat and so good for them. Each full ripened grain of wheat and rice is actually, "shot-from-guns.". Thus unlocking the tiny food cells . . . making it easier to get food energy more quickly. Treat your family to delicious, nourishing Quaker Puffed Wheat and Quaker Puff J Rice tomorrow morning... lh're extra delicious with fruit . . . get several packages of each at your grocer's today I me know either by phone or in writing I should be very grateful. It Is essential that the citizens of Prince Rupert should co-operate in this way if at all possible so that no time be lost in securing this assistance for the men in uniform who will no doubt be replacing the H,M.R.'s when they go. It Is encouraging to feel that one can count upon the support of your paper at all times when matters slst me in performing a definitely service by making them available. heeded war-time service In this con nection. I If the owners of houses, apartments or rooms, furnished or un-! furnished, who are expecting to ; have any one of those facilities va- j cant as a result of the possible de-1 parture ol. the Rocky Mountain i Rangers from this area, would let R C. II DURNFORD, Honorary Captain, Area Chaulalu, Prime Rupert. Twenty -Five Years Ago July 21, 1916 At a meUng of the school board Miss Jpsephlne Eason, who has been engaged as a substitute for the past six months, was engaged permanently as a teacher, and Miss Genevieve Macdonald, of this city, was appointed on probation, in succes- slon Moore and Mr. Ander mnrprnina fh ifn f t,nn. . this town are under consideration. ! T reSp'Ctl,!f'y ?hQ haVe rnet It would appear to me that those!" enT' what i can in the way of flndlnglwho have facilities for housing the1"' SeieTSUS?'? rooms furnished or unfournished ;Wiyes of men in uniform who from A. was appointed mathematical and! fox the wives of the men stationed I time to time are stationed in this science master in the High School. in mis area and I am hoping that in city should feel It their opportunity j publishing this letter you will as- .for doing a piece of real war-Umc I Advertise in the Daiiv km llIWlBI.1ffijlllJdtlil(frf Get your paddle arm back in lis old Lublca,e rioh, ' P-m. .umrr U; .... ... .. . I - ""ntlv, ' I ' putt-putr as little as possible. That's uJ'p. one easy way to support your 5050 Fr p Pt pC crk I Pledge to share gasoline with our Fighting T?" ofc.,0";; ' Forces. Thcv il. ..... 3 f Z'" .l '. 'nla .""Una. I I i . o na-z: ss , s?0v V NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FHOM HOME'' Rates 75c upp, 50 Rooms Hot & Cold ater Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 817 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Ueas-onat)le Frces. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE rnonesi8&19 P.O. Kn, KM Opposite Commoclo! " Cafe P.O. Box 725 Phone 307, Alterations, Repairing Cleaning anil Preying A Speciality Owing to the unusual hot summer weather think it would be better to deliver our, milk after undnvn. therefore, ypur, ijttWc will ue four hours Later tlua uual. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 15U tlratrd lUium Hoi Water Sleam Maths Milling lhom in Coiine cliun Mrs. C. K Mark. Proprietress savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Hot 541 PHASER STRKKT Prince KuM-j-t .PV " II fXy tfl alt oimSDmSBSSf'mKiiKSm II YES.' We lie pair Vatcr Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stove Connntrd, lHc. Oil Iturners Cleaned 1J0 Chhnneya Swept 2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SKRVICE Phone ISLACK 725 Variety Store Smallwares - StaUoncry Kitchen Tools - 3hclf-Hard-ware - Leather nill.olds and Coin Purses. CHIROPRACTOR, Stanley W. Colton, Il.OPh.C Wallace Mock, Phone CIO Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY P1IONEGS7 J. H, BULGER Optometrist Koyal Itank Hldf. Reamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. uecn Charlotte Islands Leaving July 8, 19, 29 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Hupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 508