THE DAILY NEWS. ————_— CERTIFICATE oF ; MPROVENENT * al taal as | W. L. BARKER se eee THE DAILY NEWS BEST WAY TO (os . ARCHITECT iat HOW MANY firuitcds THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Workingman’s Home Three different sizes of wood hoists VAAL oft Published Daily and Weekly by PLAY REAL BALL Free Labor Bareau in Connection Phone 89 nt ter oe THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Phone 178 lst Ave. and 7th St, | Alberts Block Second Ave. P EO P L E DO Ulicate No. 3 f Oe ee en 72 corde nd . GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: © thé. pur 8. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailes + ant f ; he TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | Fred Clarke, the Famous Veteran) - Y U KNO r of tt on application. | Manager of Pittsburg, Preaches ad a NRO & LAILE : ‘and in Sermon to Youthful Baseball! THE MU YO W under SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaILy, 50c Aeol ‘ i Architects, provemer is : per month, or $5.00 per your, in aivance. Wuaehy, $2.00 per year. All a ae Westholme Lumber Co. Stork Building, Second Avenue. sae la pranks Dated this 1st yuyin Y bay Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, 5O r ar, strict] Pence o have lost money in advance. ’ ee y, $2 “sseogg 4 Fred Clarke, th® famous vet- —LIMITED— Mipert real estate? | eran manager of the famous - How many people do you know HEAD OFFICE world’s champion. Pittsburg Na-| C O A L i STUART & STEWART who have Jost money buying stocks, Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. Real t baadé Sears, hes post d ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS ee ra hay oe a $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered | Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 H few: Cee test of Mother N.. OTK BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES the following code of rule fort that Brown, of Port Essinst. ; : t layérs during the 1912, sea- 5 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 851 [3 arin Ce ont for a licetise to tak ne ee ee are Mere NOR LEEK Bn which a give herewith as Lumber and Mouldings oe ad ie a atabie at vahueela for one’s 1 and “A 2,0 , is Ree Comet Neen 5a a matter of interest to or pattern| . ‘ ; ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. Tee I Ri empties tuto” Hove Lonpon, ENGLAND—The CloughefSyndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | for other team managers: All Kinds of Building Supplies of B=tish Columbia fatchewan and At se eat te hast eiceiht to b=" isan. ‘The wate and Mavitoba Bars. Browns Lak« j *t smoke cigarettes yw in its infancy. It will con- cc, a Square. i. Don't smoke cigarettes. If Bars. now. to grow. and develop all dusttial : vou must use tobacco, select a + Lo t Phone 186 RSS ENN. : ; . , Susscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | 5 gi ty ae B anaes ge eae ali a tae colar’ te non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. ood: Pittsburg stogie or 6° Dips: seine vested now will bring you hind plication 2. Don't drink. Alcoholic LINDSAY’S . CARTAGE and | Uffice—Albert Block, Second Avenue. yee returns in the future plication wilt be = , : in moderatio $$ Objections stimulants used in moderation STORAGE oan sa s Sates Meterdnn DaILy EDITION. 1 Bay, May 6] may do a little harm; they can do | WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. 0.5. ——————— f Water —_—— ~ —__. | no good, and they are dangerous. G. T. P. Transfer Agents | DENTIST. Victoria, B Better be a tee-totalier. iaamagie: 10 d Bridge Work a Specialty. Orders promptly filled. Prices | Crown an Z HOW ABOUT A GARDEN CLUB? 3 on’t eep late hours. " All dental operntions skilfully treated. Gas and ‘ be my i? : i oe e aviv. tocriae® OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone i®, | local anasthetics administered for the painless one i 3 LAN a Early to bed.and early ris Consultation free. Offices sAND LEASES i i | Hlerson Bock. Prince Rupert. Hi-12 ? Prince Rupert has now a parks commission, and one of the —————_—_—_—__————- uy Skeena Land Distr §. Don't gamble. Worrying } ’ ny most important, if not the principal, amongst the duties of the about an ace full that was beaten e's ency Alex.M.Manson sa, W.E.Williamsp.a,U.L.0 | q fake potice that 1 Au; f Prince Rupert, Bb new board of commissioners is to do everything possible to pre-|),.4 night or wondering how the WILLIAMS & MANSON \ acting 4S agent for serve and increase the beauty of Prince Rupert's park lands as} horses are ae play is| Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers ree ete. VA : tend to ks aay fe I. opportunity offers, and as funds are available. More power to/in progress are alike distracting, ’ artis ' | : TAS" aluiineetne oe the park commission is the wish of all who possess the mind-| 5. Don't be a grouce, “ ee ee — 7 aad ee ay most norther picture of a beautiful as well as a commercially prosperous voeeranesdarten-aawer as. GT.P. WHARF | p:0. Box 2 cansie nureas | List Your Property With Me worth to a. Prince Rupert. ticular. Sharp answers and dis- 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert aul portherly follow! But while some citizeus are wishing, others are working] plays of temper on the field inter- JOHN E. DAVEY and Sete e's 7 ‘ oa isiand to for a beautiful Prince Rupert, not necessarily beautiful with] fere with successful team work TEACHER OF SINGING cana By parks, but certainly beautiful with private gardens. - Private and often cause enmities. inencement and citizens take pains and spend nroney in the laying out of|bad example. Meets in the Helgerson Block and Insurance is still a good maxim. ' Wailnright, thenc @ east : : 6. Don't procrastinate. If . arden space collectively far surpasses in area even the lavish : Prince R 1.0 OF 6 I ) Pp $s area e 2 the ls I anything interfere with report- upert e, . . PORPOISE HARBOUR | | " | PUPLL OF WM. FOKON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON., ENG mark, thence westerly | | park space belonging to Prince Rupert, and as the city grows} ince eut it out. Tardivees sets" a No. 63 | JOHN DYBHAVN ; MINTED. < | I. | | iowing Ligt water mark | Real Estate — Loans | Dated April Sth, 1912 gardens the result will be immensely effective 7. Don't be a backbiter. If ee : 7 Every Tuesday Evening you have an idea that the club is Range How much can be done with the garden spaces of Prince niiuéted. praperty, tell All members of the order in the} 319 3rd Avenue Phone 384 | notice that 1, A not Ine conaucres “oOperiy, vel 1 r e , f Prince Kupert, | Rupert may be seen at the government buildings, where un- mii city are requested to visit u : the manager about it. If your cieciodre scling 43 agent inviting muskeg is being laid out in lawns; at Dr. Eggert’s resi-| suggestions are good, he'll ap- A DOUGLAS N.G | emoncs, 302 P.O. BOX 804 lene sit f ence rhic s é orfect oasis ander “ee atie yreciate em. . aR ent wiowing described | dence, which is in a perfect oasis of tender green patiently} preciate them W. G. BARRIE, Sec. | PONY EXPRESS nei raised from swampy ground such as can be seen all about it, and} 8. Don't be a quitter. If you Skeena Land District ay . ad “ea } > =| SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE on Fourth avenue, between Dunsmuir street and Agnew place.| getting a bad break in the ai : ; luck, brace yourself and fight all | Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. . yutherly fol Here the residential jots are_richly improved with grass lawns sx. tidied: r Rigs or Motor Car day or night | FOR SALE. * j 5S. 8. Dotes due and forthcoming flower beds. Isolated throughout the town- 9. Don't sulk. If you've been Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301} ee at a Rage een ina ae 0 hi site are other vastiv creditable garden plots, given over both to] ealled down, the chances are that} Ss ae lS | ce, $2,50 chi % cash, 1-2-3 | 4, asierl “p iP int ‘Puls flowers and to vegetables. There are Mr. Jarvis McLeod’s garden| you deserved it, and you'll gain} r QU t a 22 ck 22, Section 5, stl LIMITED ; g gar¢ | | THE IRO OIS SOs Soe Se ao eg le » 1012 across Hays Creek, Mr. S. Mussallem’s on Fifth avenue, near ee isc gett haa — Sas | " fot, ot , Section 5, $700.| Dated April 6 : : : - mp 0 yon t ait the umpire.| = 325 h, 1 nths Pub, April 8, the hospital, and Sheriff Shirley's on the winding curve of Taylor Hawnhali. law him th a HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER-| POOL ; 31 Gada n 6, 9th Ave eae mn. ; 7 - aseDali [avy / © aUu- me 10 2 e, x , *| Skeen aD street. And there are others besides, both made and in the vantage over you at all times, ; MERE English and American Billiards fer ere tite se deat o) aie oa asi | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE and Hays Cove Ave., with Dullding. . : : : T : ai atte ; and information apply ; 200, half cash, 6-12 months. Some day soon citizens of Prince Rupert should get a good| him. The captain will attend t “pp! —_—_—— 5, Block 39, Section 7, $685. $310] ‘ ¥ > ‘ ll necessary kicking + eash, bal. arranged. arden club in operation to set the pace for the parks commis-|*'' . a . oa ” Foti g: I ey I Seip Rochester & Monroe - Agents ren gh tO: OLT00. cash 6-13 | mies , sa, eis high i f > € 2 f sue > » wr é a ore ore P| o - t : Ave., $3,206 +700 sion. The v alue of such united effort may be gathered from the Very large stock of general Siocnd. Avinus Hote) Central Cor. First Ave. eae ! experience of Seattle, a city which rose as Prince Rupert is| hardware. Sole agents for Sher- . - - Lot 20, Block 10, Section 7, 6th Ave., ry on Cake Wai eo... . : . ¥¢ Deedes —— — uropean merican plan, steam #800, % cash, 6-12 months rising, from wet bush and muskeg. Here is what the Seatue| win & Williams paints, at Howe Bheated, modern conveniences. Rates hae a d Minek 48° Section 7. chemer | eusterey . Tollo day. Lots 1 and 2, Block 42, on 7, corner 4s point due making. so that it does not pay to oppose] 48d all interior points. For rates wi . - e $l. 2 : ; tt ve 2,000 % cas Post-Intelligencer says of the work of the garden club of|& MeNulty’s. tf ..We Offer For Sale.. Beers ; Sth Ave., $8.00 6 cash, 6-12-18) Proprietor Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1. Price an 8, SS. alee eke | , a Seattle: . i : : erly bid $0 ry : : 00 < - ¢ , ’ . = * water mark 0 “Of course, it is not yet possible fully to estimate the value ROYAL BLOOD Tea te tee ee months. | PORPGISE HAKBUUR ‘ : ; ots 16 7, Block 17, Sectio ae ere eee or Lots 9 and 10, Block 27, Section 8,| LIMITED the Seattle ar Club, and J Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, Gestion 5. Price Sherbrooke Ave $800 for pair, “tasb. | Per Augustus W ‘ } oh > of the campaign launched by Garden in $2,100. Oné-half cash, balance 6, 42 ; ! a Dated April Sth, 1912 which the Heaith department has been playing an important Lel'd, Baek at tebibien: 6 with: been FOR RENT. | Puy. April 8, 1912 art For > th y it j t be ble ate the v: 2 house worth $900, renting for $20 r| HAYNER BROS. Stores in Hart block, corner of 2nd Ave.| —e = part. or one thing it would not be possible to state the value month, Price $1:775. ferms, $1,475 | SeatinearPAac meas wichit muh and 6th St of the work already done in terms of money. There are value cash, balance $25 per month. : ee ‘ LAND PURCHASE é ad) ! 5 y- are values Lots {5 and 16, Block $, Section 6. Price Funera! Directors Sarma ora ae } , which cannot be measured in dollars and cents. The work of Unfortunate Little Spanish Prince snd 18 sogutie t* re nee Sad Ave, name eh Oe: Phene No. #8 . |Skeena Land District—t the garden club, the improvement and beautification of vacant] suffering from an tncurable|“$, 2.3% 4) Block 5) Section 8. Price Jeremiah H. Kugler, Lid. | Take notice 1, W and 18 months. ch us oa ee ee ee . . , and burning sig Jean f 5 i — — Jots, the piling and burning of unsightly and unclean rubbish,} Disease May Be Deaf and), ind. '%, monte. section 7. Price $960. whideth: aie | intend t > telling assault > , » fiers ee ‘ 2p Dumb for Life. $450 cash, bulance 6, 12 and 18 months, | the telling assault on the habitat of the fly and the rat, and other Lots 33 and’34, Block 46, Section 7. Price $1,600. One-half cash, balance 6 and Baa anes EE ag ieee ee E. L. FISHER “y th Na’ (SH. &EFJES almost immeasurable in its magnitude. eet in ahiha Winierend Cnet seach . (and 8 prec) °° BE Funeral Director and Embalmer ainalla’ oO i thence “Seattle really is a great big garden, and as we have here) of Spain, is st der treatment | Let 19, Blo , Section 7. Price $450 CHARGES REASONABLE (SCANDINANIAN SocteTy gg : ' le Lt a THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. | Meets eve j 4th Taesday at 8 . ‘ * conditi s whie mi: > it ssible yy > care i by rr. Revmond : ribo ‘ n ° *k 31, Section 7. Price eets every 2nd and 1 Laesday at climatic cond t on hich make it possible to grow flowers af 3 I ae nate cash, ‘balance 6 and 13| OPEN DAY AND NIGHT p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. ‘1 many kinds-all the year round, there is no reason why an or-| Switzerland. It is feared that his months, | Dated March 5, 1912. : ' ‘ , , :.| defect is incurable According t ee ri Zi ’ > > garde c > ul¢ o Pork . ars ganization like the garden club should not work from year : aner.> the ' Continental Trust Co., Ltd. WATER NOTICE i Land District Rs ee a Swiss ngwspaper, dastee! Skeena ork end to year’s end, has declared that the royal in-| Second Avenue it neers | ange * “Probably continued activity would make an extensive] fant probably will be deaf and|Real Estate insurance FLAND | AUNDRY FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND| prints Rupert aay spring wholly unnecessary. The city|dumb for life. The child has al-| Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent | USE WATER | ihe Tollowing described la: ; i I we are. re ‘ oO « *leg , ¢ 23ai r ST ee , cing would m@re carefully guard against unclean accumulations dur} WA* suffered from a chronic | Hand cleaning and pressing.| NOTICE is hereby given that the sede eiey qrent ond icomplaint in the nose and throat, | Best eare of silk dresses. Orders| Queen Charlotte Fishing Company, | south from End Hill, Bat | ng the winter ntonths, and Seattle would enjoy an additional ; , pS re eae : Meee sp atitie sR eg tee |and during the last -few Senet Prince u 0) er G2 !eft at Knott's Bakery will have Limited, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bidg., | north 40 chains, thence distinction in the fact that the city would be spick and span/). underwent two operations. |prompt attention ; Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a li- chains to-point of comme uM ré I pl é ‘ cence to take and use four cubic feet] ing one hundred and sixty at all times, . Don Jaime was born June 22,] “In any event, in the campaign the garden club and the! 1908. Lot 31, block 16, with house and barn} Creek, which flows in a south-westerly ‘ ‘ - FENUNE $100.00 Per MG, $9,000.00 ; | emer _ o : } I roe es Fred Dav direction through unsurveyed Crown Dated March 5, 1912 | | _ ams ‘ > > ; y cork. a es -ork —_ half cash, lance 6-12- : Fi ; i a . Health department have been doing good work, and it is a work f naif cash, balance 6-12-18 months, 7 lands and empties into Two Mountain} pub March 23, 1913 1 such useful achievements, will do for Seattle an amount of good clean-up campaign each SECTION 1 j Capt. Joseph Janders per second of water out of Edward | jess. sono; se : e : POACHER TURNED HONEST ea vannt a> elas a aie piggies which will tell during the summer. er Yen ae tine #8 cash | B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE eat pe diverted ot tint Fei cad ein Skeena Land District 7 oe aed @ nae ie = = as 30 and 31, block 97,94 0,000.90; Rall | i be used for industrial purposes on the TAKE NOTICE ; i ; j cash, balance 6-12 months. i White Fishermen Only for Edrie, Lots @ and 10, block £4, $15,500.00; equity} }land described as shown in sketch at] of Prince Rupert, n i i i 0 ee I Mi ht St t | Now Doughty’s Boat. softs, Balance 6-14-32 months, | Water Recorder's office, Prince Rupert, | !0, 8pply for, perinission, 1g a e | i ny cash, ' balance yn aranene j and situated on the East Coast of Two Commencing at the ‘ | i i CANADIAN | Mountain Bay. of Lot 5127, thence east 2 T 2 vi > Ceo} bi , = of | - The British Columbia Fish j SECTION 2 PACIFIC This notice sree posted on the ground | south 20 chains more I have opened a real estate office jeries, Ltd, which is recruiting | -o! 1, block years” re cr-wente a RAILWAY jon the 10th i April, 2912. The| thains more or less 10 ti at 343 Fultan Street. If you jfishermen for the northern fish-| Lot 25, biock 20, $1,400.00; 9458.75 cash, rag dees be filed a the — of | of Lot b127; thence no i i 2 : i leries and is “ngaring’o a balance 1 %. 3 years, 6 ithe Water Recorder at Prin upert. j or less to the point ¢ ' want to buy or sell see me_ | eries and is “ngaging only white! jot 91, piock 20; $1, voeder si sass. 50 cash, . Objections may be filed withthe said | maining 40 mere DORA : as signed ion about 5 2n,| balanee 1-2 y : “EN j men, has signed on about 50 men, alance 1-23 years, 6 per ce Ss. S. PRINCESS ROYAL Water Recorder or with the Comptrol- Alfred E. W “Verbose Major i ol 13, block 14, $900.00; $100. 0@ cash, ajor Peuchen is Said) wi. wii) be sii north on the! baldice Es years, 6 ‘per cent. —for— ler of Water Rights, Parliament Build-| Dated April 22nd, 1912 HH. DOUGLAS P.O. Box 606 | song to Have Done Himself Out a company’s fishing vessel Edrie, SECTION 5 VANCOUVER, VICTORIA © || ings, Victoria, B.C. Pub. April 24 =| Promotion by His Voluminious! .),\-) js beinz made ready to} Lot 1%, block 2, $3,500.00; arrange for AND SEATTLE Queen Charlotte Fishing Company, | sxeena Land District—Dist! Accounts of His Doings. , terms. | Ldantogs Applicant Take notice that Lottie McTavish, 0 McCaffery & Gibbons 8 | start north from Vancouver early | ot 3, block o4, #500.00; $250.00 cash, Every Sunday, 6 P. Mm. : Dkapuel A Moulton, Agent. | Vancouver, occupation ma wotnal —_— | vy. The ve any is > ' valance 6-12 ion ths, 7 per cent. J. @. MNAB, ad So , intends to ply for permis Ottawa, May 2—As a result of} in May. The vompany ie offering} 10 11, Block 32, wilh -room house, my Rantoel. Agacit Pub. April 16, ehase the rollowing described Lot 4, Block 27, Section 1, $2,500. Terms. eee a S70 per montl: and refuses to en-|} $1,000.000; $500.00, 6-42 mmoptbs. ee at @ post plant Lot on Market Place, $3,100. Good terms. ‘the adverse criticism advanced} gage Osiatics Phe. Edria is atl and 10, . Bors 43, 9800.88: $400.00 SS TE” non I north Bnd 40 chains east ron E bi 5 & ‘ “ S 4 cast nee 6-12- oo :. SSS ee . ; in a a 6 ary Lot on Eleventh Street Tor $2,800. Good/against the utterances of Major} is 16 and 17, block $7, "$2,100.00; For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse | fs! SoVner o' Range V. ue terms ithe Turpel ship yards being over-} tt Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Section 2, $2,700) Peuchen of Toronto, in vonnee- | hauled aud: will «proceed, to. All cas pee ee halance, 6-18-18 ‘months. >-+--9—-» — © -©- 6-4 + e) east, thence 60 chains, nor ; t o comment ement, T eee eats cane tion with the Titanic disaster, 12 months. 4) + of wo lots s it A ; ) e anic er ai a ae OR f 5-12 mol 0st oO Easy hermes re ee ee j b ll $ fo e Bay, prey . Seereacre™ | Salento nay Gaei ie coms, FRED. STORK } i30 acres, more or less Lots 23 and 24, Block 19, Section 5,|'5_U2¢erstood that he will not be| i feet in length is being construct..| Palance 6-12 months, ew 1,000 each. Half cash, bal. 6, 12 and/offered the colonelship of the! oq > oe SECTION 6 | General Hard 104) i salt u Pi ed fo > eompany ro 5 to s - ware—- 5 2 18 months. ,ed for the mpan) From 75 to} blo 10, Bie -300, 00; $800.00 cash, I ae a ' Dated AD oe seis Lot 11, Block 32, Section 5, $1,000. Easy) Quen’s Own Rifles, as has been} 4o9 men will be engezed. The pain e 6-12 s 27, $1,650.00; equity cash. SECTION 7 ck ‘ terms. y » ~—" ot 6 f Lets 21 and 22, Block 11, Section Nhs ge sol it 1. Fdrie, when operated by the » block 4.5 ir. 5 sh. ze. - Low it, ts ina’ 16, Block 38, Section 5.| ce ere ee certain Oren-!Chlopeck Fishing Company, was t c, block 5, with a caliz, $550.00; cash ; Ss $2,100 all. ; jlo newspapers that he has not} @, nfiscaied and sold by auction}. $8 66. kas jance. fates Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves House and lot on Borden Street for $3,500.) been consistent in statements | after = ’ : the! A 36, Dock 7, $110.00; cash $375.00, Graniteware Tinware Terrace Land Co. EE Buiiders' Hardware write or call on the pe ————— Good terms. being captured by 6-$2 montus, Low 13 and FF »Plock 18, Section 6,, made to tue press and before the| eryjser Rainbow in protiibited | 3 > pose 6, $1, ieee. 00; cash ,000 pair. a cash. > ie > | $500.00 alance 12 mon } lols’ 17 and 18, Block 28, Section 6, Senate committee at Washing- ars | Lots 38 and 39, block 6, $1,800.00; cash SECOND AVENUE TERRACE, 6. C. New Welli Coal Best on the 2,500 pair. Good terms. ton. A considerable amount of 559.09, balance $50.06 per month. ° U ew Wellington “ Lot on Eig... Avenue, Section 6, for $95 FE EET EINE block 10, $476.00; equity cash or | — “= — Coast Lot 6, Block 27, Section 6, $1,650. Wood | feling has been engendered in 2 . j °5 438.00 all cash. This is @ snap. o-oo — o—e—_o—_0—@— ) terms. ithe Quen: Gite Bian x oee| Warm, clean rooms at mayor. | SECTION 8 ; o— Phone 116 Rogers & Black Level lot on Seal Cove Circle for $635. | wuen Aly in consequence j _——— | Lots 50 and $4, block 38, $750.00; halt| F. S ] Ch ol on Sixth Avenue, Section 7, for $800.;and as a res s state 1, eee OY a “00; iz ——— — } Lots 13 and 14, Block 48, Section 8, er06 " " a result it is stated that! Gift from France to U. S. ee penenee 6 $3 months. 00 half | or a e eap * Ow 44 ’ 00; j pair. $100 cash. }Major .Peuchen will forfeit his] New Yor ; nets. t Lots 8 and 9, Block 20, Section 8 750! promotion. | iy ” York, May Be A motabl date cane +e te doubt corner, NOW Teeter. KS Half cash. gift from the French nation to Shalt 7 alan, 7 ee eeee IMPERIAL MA pair. 1 50.00; half cash, balance 6-12 months ee ne ihe people of the United States! Le 2 and 4, block 15, $500.00; half on I oe Aled ta cash, balance 6-12-18 a See P That we have more from on 2nd) fiasoline boat, 26 foot, 10 h.p. pert and FARM LANDS. Parm lands in the Lakelse, Kitsumkalum and Bulkley Valleys, in Blocks of from ss Jedar Flakes at 25 cents the! delegation of distinguished! ,,°"% ‘2 yee $600.00; cash $200.00 ture and some of ovr tee! > 0 0, & « 00; 0 } #.000 acres of “land at Francois Lake for Ai age from Orme, the Pioneer AA hmen arrived in charge of| balance 6-12 mouths. curtaing, drapery, ete. Sue aur | fit, includinw ranges Up- to-Date Equipment. oe ; cruggist. tf the bust of “La France,” by} Th PONT Store. een Mikes eee WRITE Prices Right. Engine \ Se , ) a ts sf . COLLART m on the 6th h 4 as spairing Auguste Rodin, which is to be Grechers and’ ktekin. cate and General Repair! Shop, Hays Cove. Everything for the launch or ; placed at the foot of the Cham. Sole Agent ae ee ere ee McCaffery & Gibbons boat at Howe & MeNulty’s, 2nd/plain memorial light house at|_ Mature! Resources Security Oo. Lt. TERRACE LAND COMPANY) agents for imperial Gasoline Moc’ Ave ; at | Insurance Third Avenue! “Venue, Hic ‘trown Point, Lake Champlain oon oer mn G'S. Saupe 60 F. W. HART Terrace, B.C. Phone Blue 259 - P. O. Box 957 To destroy those moths get war brought to this coun try when | Lot 8, block 10, $450.00; Balf cash, bal- avenue, we are able to Convey ou ge@ stock of beautiful oa ueni- ne e, a@iso0 resté < ; ° > Pr } lar: iful k i i engine, al restaurant oul H. R. Lov > Prop., erince ‘ j Bankers: Union Bank of Cenede CORNER 6TH ST. AND 2ND AVE.