PACE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist In Charge 4 J Watch, Clock, Jewelry . Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MEKCIIANT RIVETT IS PRESIDENT Only Nominee as Head of Junior Chamber of Commerce During the Ensuing Year. Alfred Rivett is the only nominee offered by the nomination committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for the presidency of that organization There were 166 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Louise which was in port Saturday afternoon southbound from Skag-way to Vancouver. Fifteen persons disembarked from the vessel here. during the coming year so it is; me route. probable ne wiu oe eiectea to neaa the chamber at the annual -general meeting to be held on Friday evening of this week. Robert Parker is nominated as vice-pres- Unlon steamer Camosun, Capt. James Watt, is due In port at 5 o'clock this evening from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will be here until 10 o'clock tomorrow night when she will sail on her return south over the following have been nominated: G. L. Rorie, Bruce Stevens, Ross Ingram, William Noble, T. N. Vniinss J d fiillcpr A C If Rlnan ident; Clifford Ham as treasurer, Gavin Hume s Nicker50 L- and T. J. Williams as secretary. For six seats on the executive All Colors, Styles, Sizes M. Felsenthal. Colin McCarthy and Paul Stegavig. Rupert Peoples Store WOMEN'S COATS That Top Them All! Trimmed - Untrimmed - Sport $ r&L Sizes. 12 to 52 Economical! aiiil Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night 1 s y Priced ?l D1IW7PT DEftDI FQ CTADD 'i 1VU1UU 1 till LLiO OlVIUi i "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroncr's Phone BLUE 907 Air Supremacy with Radio Reception Round the World MODEL A20 ITS For $54.95 Incl. Federal Taxes SEE the .Outstanding Reauty HEAR the Amazing Performance of at Radio lleadquarters eMaMvs.JM s RELIGION 1 IS POWER Has Done Many Great Things for Benefit of World, Declares 1 United Church Pastor. Using the words of Jesus when He said, "I am come to bring fire J on the earth" as a text. Rev J ; A. Donnell gave another of hu( thought-provoking sermons to a large congregation in the Firs'. United Church last evening. Thy previous Sunday, Mr. Donnell had spoken on what religion is a con , sciousness of God. Last night sermon dealt with what religio.i i does. Some would say that democracy was a failure because u . had faults. It had its faults but. the speaker claimed that under no other system had so many been i supplied with so many of the' necessities of life. So some would say that religion was a failure because sin still exists in the world. But the worst enemies of relis- 1 ion were those who could see nothing good in It and those who. could see nothing bad in it. Religion had its faults. But r ' had enabled persons to bear what , otherwise would have been intol erable burdens. If It was true that It was a defence mechanism It was a mechanism that worked It gave courage, strength and cheerfulness. It had redeemed the apparently unredeemable. It had given the world the great majority of great men. It had been the motive power behind most of the world's reforming activities. It had kept the light of education ablaze. It had encouraged the best in art, literature, music and architecture. It had its evil side. It had been responsible for much fear, cruelty, torture, bloodshed, trickery and tyranny. In some cases it had been opposed to reforms. But, like the fire that Christ mentioned. It had done far more good than harm. Il had 'been a tremendous power I for God in the life of the world and it was the part of men and I I women to make It even a greater' power. SDCCial music was nroviriprl in . J;a vocal solo splendidly sung by Miss Rose Hartwig and an anherr effectively given by the choir. ur. liuen uoDson was n mnst. impressive speaker at the morn- ing service at which the junior choir sang "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," in a very pleasing manner. Parliamentarian From Norway Is Invited to City Konrad Knudsen, prominent Norwegian newspaper editor and member of Norwegian Parliament, vho escaped from his native land after the German invasion last year and reached this country by way of Sweden. ' Russia. Turkey, Syria, Iraq, India, South Africa, South America and New York, has' been invited to visit Prince Rupert n the course of a tour of western nnada on which he Is now engaged. Should he' accept the Invitation Prince Rupert, Mr. Knudsen ould probably be heard In ad-''pcspi both in Norwegian and English. ASH FOR BOXWOOD CANBERRA, Sept. 29: Vith imported boxwoods cut off, ustrallan exnerts have developed mmature ash previously useless xcept as pulpwood with easy-working qualities for box J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up '50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY SEPTEMBER LETS ALL SPEED UP THE JOB! DOUBLEMINT HELPS YOU STAN OWE PACE! When working at high pressure, chew a stick of refreshing Wri&ley's DOUBLEMINT GUM it helps keep you alert and feeling fit makes you more efficient. And the delicious peppermint flavor helps keep your mouth and throat cool and fresh. CHEW DOUBLEMINT WHILE YOU WORK millions do! Carry a package or two with you. Remember, it's only 5i! RUY SOME TODAY ! United Church Tea and Sale Successful Affair at Home of Mrs. M. F. N'ckerson. The Women's Association of irst United Church held a very successful tea nd sale of home :ocKing at the nomc of Mrs. M. F.. Nickerson, Atlin Avenue, last( Thursday afternoon. . The spacious 'rooms were tastefully decorated with a profusion of flowers and, In spite of inclement weather, many ladies called. The guests were greeted by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Andrew Thompson, president of the asso ciation. Mrs. 4ack Chrlstensen, Mrs. E. P. Jenner, Miss E. M. Earl and Mrs. O. L. Hall presided at a TRIAL IS FOR SALE Chesterfield, dining and bedroom suites, piano, ra dio, rug, 2 congoleum squares, lamps, kitchen table and chairs, etc. Apply 735 Fifth Ave. W. (226) FOR SALE Fawcett range with De Luxe Silent Glow oil burner. Highest cash offer. Phone Blue 588. (229) FOR SALE-Trolhng boat "Atlas," I 36 ft., 20 h.p. Regal engine. Tied up at Lipsett wharf, or phone : Red 838. FOR SALE One brick-lined heater. In good condition, $12. Apply 207 Eighth Ave. W. (230) FOR SALE 193b car; house float. Reasonable for cash. New floats. (228) FOR SALE House Phone Black 973. FOR RENT furnishings. (225) COMMODIOUS OFFICE ROOM for rent in Daily News buildhn;, including large office desk, cupboard and chairs. Possession Oct. 15. ,;fi WANTED WANTED Gas boat, 30 to 34 ft. Cash. Apply Room 41, York Hotel, after 6 p.m. (228) WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, full time. Phone Red 403. PERSONAL Get your silverware, watches, rings, etc., from Peoples Credit beautifully decorated tea table Jewellers on easy terms as low as which was attractively centered 50c down, 50c week, or $2.00 per with a Jow bowl of sweet peasimPntn- Call District Manager A. flanked with electrically illumin- B. Boruck for appointment, Red ated glass candelabra. Servlteurs 69 (234) were Mrs. Gordon German. Mrs. . " W1LL tne Person Who took C. Boardman Mr n r. V the and Mrs. GeorgL Ciccone. Mrs. Clapp ami Mrs. N. G. Foster were in charge of the home R. C. Webber was cashier. Steamers Li-aye Prince It u pen For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAKDENA 'EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 20 and 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J SKlNNLH, I'nn.e Rupert Agent. Thlid Ave. Phone 5G8 blue coat from the Boston Cafe Sunday night please return It to The Dally News. cooking. Mrs. D. Santerbane, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. E. L. Hartwig were 'is Tin; hi nti:.MK nii iu 01 iikiii-.ii In charge of the kitchen and Mrs. ... .. t'J!,-,'MmA, ' I"katk Act" And In the Matlvr r t lie IMute of St-wrln I OIJiiIiim, in-iTUMil Jiitftutr TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hta 'Honor. W. E. fUster, made on the lth day at September. A. D. 1941. I ww, j appointed Admknlalrator of the Estate of Severln O'Qulun, deoeaaed, and all parties hawing claim agarfnat the said estate are hereby required to furntoh 'name, properly verified, to me on or .before the 22nd dy of October, A, D 1 1941. and ail .parties indebted to the esute are required to pay the amoflnt of their irulebUedtke to me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C thi uki aay 01 Beprmoer. A. D. 1841 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box p75 Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOKE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" IYANKEES GOING ON FAVORED Second Hearing of W. F. Behnke Baseball Observers Believe New Is Under Way J Yorkers Should Easily Win Today. I World Series. The second trial of William NEW YORK, Sept. 29: New Frederick Behnke, charged with York Yankees rule two to one fa perjury, Is proceeding at the Su- vorltes to win the World Series, nreme Court Assizes here today which oDens on Wednesday with before Mr. Justice A. M. Manson the Brooklyn Dodgers represent'. and a jury consisting of J. W. ing the National League. The Scott, foreman; Sam Currie, Wll- most of baseball experts believe Ham Lambie. G. J. Dawes, William that the Yankees should win in C Bacon. W. J. Wakefield (Stew- four or five games. The Yankee art. George Ross Christoff, J. W. stadium, which has a seating ca-Adams (Smithers). Roy Doll (Kit- paclty of 74,000 fans, is already wanga. James Duffitt (Stewart), reported sold out for the first Samuel D. Reid (Big Missouri), game. and John Forsythe .(Quick). When noon adjournment was taken today four witnesses had been heard H- B. Campbell, government agent and court registrar at Smlthers; Mrs. C. F. MacLean. :tenographer; David Murray and Herman Johnson, Francois Lake His Papers Oniy Ones So Far Filed farmers. in Provincial Election A "spot costs you only half a dollar Try it in the Daily News classified column. FOR SALE PATTULLO NOMINATED Here. Up to early this afternoon the (tf) papers of T. D. Pattullo, Liberal, were the only ones so far filed for the provincial election In this rid ing, nominations for which close tomorrow. W. M. Watts proposes Mr. Pattullo and T. W. Brown seconds. Those assenting are Mrs, T McClymont, Mrs. N. Arnold, S. E, Parker, C. C. Mills, G. L. Rorie, J W Scott. W. O. Fulton, Frank Dibb, P. H. Llnzey. Artrlur Brooks-bank and G. C. Mitchell. Bulletins MrKtKN'nK KTIIIKF. ftVl'lr IMPORTS BANNED OTTAWA All Imports from Japan to Canada have been banned by federal order. CHURCHILL TO SPEAK . LONDON Prime Minister Winston Churchill will make an important speech to the House of Commons this week, detailing ' large scale plans for aid to Rus sia. SIR HERBERT HOLT DIES MONTREAL Sir Herbert Holt, prominent Canadian financier, is dead here at the age of eighty-five years. He passed away quietly yesterday afternoon and the funeral will take place on Tuesday. I 29. CAPIT01 A FAMOUS PlATtlT TODAY AND TUESDAY Complete Shows u , 03 j 0, 5:08, 7 12, 916 You knew them when tjidn't have a beau' the, They've come a long . ;.u, b,it m cll.'rm"iJ "FOUR MOTHERS" with - PKISCILLA LANE KOSEMAKY LANE LOLA LANE GALE PAGE Jeffrey Lynn Claude Kains May Kobsort Frank Mcllugh (att 1:39, 3:43, 5 47 7 5li8 :5:, ALSO -Comedy: "Love's Intrigue-Cartoon : "Knock Knock-Sport: "Hows and Arrow," GENESIS IN MILLIONS MADRID, Sept 29 s?r. Ish geologists and miofyr some of them havp aRi j-m days of The Creat;-v., ocatj4 represented 1.782,CO0.00t v ar tri the seventh Is the prescr. i" say 8,000 years so fui ST. CATHERINES The strike 'Classified ads gc: rr-snu ffsu in the McKinnon plant here, which tied up General Motois at Oshawa, ended today. The employees have agreed to arbitrate. 08. Ladies' and Men'i Tailored Clothine Made Locally or Away Price to Suit Ar.y Pune M. T. LEE, Tailor Itox 95 Phone (ircen 960 Make Our Stole Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS' THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates. Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Iti-smuth and Antimony Al o Sulphurir Acid and Sulphur General Olfiii- and Works Trail. B.C. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY KITCHEN CABINET bottom portion, two large bins two drawers, two bakeboards. large kitchen work table top part has two drawers, two shelves ?or dishes, two glass doors splendid where space Is limited. CQ7 0 Price complete ' $OtOV Phone 775 1 Fffl Your BiH NOW! t Are you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and advice of our qualified fuel experts. Vc are prepared to fill vour coal needs now at lower prices froifi stock on hand. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds vt BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay In a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 PHONE 1 .,r..,,... m w wwwl,-mlrn 1 B y 1 r riTtiwr - - - -