SEPTEMBER 23, 1941. THE DAILY NEW3 MONDAY RAINCOATS THAT ARE . . . Smartly Styled . . . Light in Weight Made in England of Fine Thread-Proofed Egyptian Cotton. Sizes to 42. Specially priced at 10 Others at $12 to $19.50 MASSETT MAN PASSES AWAY Dtath of Kobert Bennett Occurs Sunday Morning at Prince Kupert General Hospital. Robert Bennett, one of the lead ,rj men of the native village of Massen. passed away yesterday moniics a' the Prince Rupert Gener..; Hospital where he had oeen a patient for the past two ueete The remains will De ior-vsrdeo tomorrow night on the camosun to Masse tt where the iisnsra) will take place. Deceased was sixty-four years oi ase Besides his widow, he is crvived by a son, Wilfrid Bennett, and u daughter. Dorcas Bennett. BRIDGETOWN, Barbadoes, Sept. 3: r Another shipment of Ca-tidun nunter-type horses selected by 1 o e Canadian Agriculture Watts & Nickerson 532 Third Ave. MEN'S AM) HOYS' CLOTHIERS l'hone 345 Hotel Arrivals Prince Kupert C. S. Rankin, H. Wilson, F. Bvrne. J. O'Connor. B. Watson Dranment for nollcc mounts. and Mrs. oscar uamDnage, ixim tat have arrived safely. Bella. Please Note . . . DAYTIME DELIVERIES for the present will leave the store at 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. The difficulty of obtaining a parcel boy has made this arrangement; necessary. Your co-operation will be very much appreciated so that we may continue to give good service. Evening Delivery Service 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. as-usual tt Pioneer Druqgiat DRESSMAKER Mrs Nakatanl, Ladles and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St, Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office For Gifts and Showers, Dolls and Toys Go to the VARIETY STORE Where Your Dimes are Little Dollars 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 120 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 JOE LOUIS- Mrs. LOUNOVA Heavyweight Title Bout on This Evening at Madison Square Garden Bomber Favorite. NEW YORK, Sept. 29: In his last title defence before donning a United States army umiorm, Joe Louis will meet Lou Nova In a 15-round bout at Madison Square Garden tonight. The Brown Bomber rules a five to two favor ite to win. A crowd of fifty thou-sond fans Is expected to pay a eate of $600,000. The fight will be broadcast at 7 p.m. PST. Shower For Miss Carmichael Held O. Anderson and Miss Jose- pine Gay Hostesses. On Thursday evening Mrs. O Anderson and Miss Josephine Gay were joint hostesses at a miscel laneous shower at the home of Mrs. O. Sorenson in honor of Miss Dorothy Carmichael, whose mar riage is to take place shortly. The evening was spent in play ing bridge and Chinese checkers Prize winners were Mrs. H. Hel- land and Miss D. Carmichael at bridge, and Mrs. K. Laird at Chinese checkers. At midnight delicious refresh and R. Barry, Vancouver; G. A. menu were served bv the hostesses Allen. Dawson; M. Zonlch, Ket chikan; T. K. Willis and Capt. H. Chase, Allford Bay; J. A. Smith, Terrace; S. D. Mathews, Houston; J. S. Gerans, Edmonton. Central D. Sinclair and J. Morran, city; R. Campbell, Smlthers; G. How ard, T. Cornelius. A. Erlcksen, J. Lallberte, G. Walker, city. Engagement Notice Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace. Dryad Point Lightstatlon, an nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Margaret Jessie, to Kenneth R. Slater, of Ocean Ver. Falls. The wedding to take place October 7th, at the home of Mr. after which a beautifully decorat ed basket of many useful gifts were presented to the bride-to-be. The tic guests 6us included Mesdames son, G. Pettersen, H. Helland, K Laird, E. Glover, O. Anderson and the Misses D. Carmichael, Nellie Anderson, Gladys Johnson, Elsie Glske. Beatrice Most ad, Irene Gamula, Nola Dutton," Fanny Col-breath, Rose Wynne, Asbjury An-tonson and Josephine Gay. Mrs. W. E. Collison and Miss Joyce Collison, R.N., re turned home on the Catala this mornins from a trin to Vancou- Dr. and Mrs. J. C. S. Dunn of Massett, who have been paying a visit at Vanderhoor witn a aaugn-ter, will sail on the Camosun to morrow night, returning to their home on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Herbert Hampton, who has been visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. James Hampton, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday night for 'Vancouver enroute back to her home In Tllsonburg, Ontario. A former resident of Prince Rup ert, Mrs. Hampton was greeted by many old friends during her stay here. CIGARETTE PAPERS 1 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black,. Proprietress When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Klldal Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled Into Ladles Alterations, Repairing, Cleansing and Pressing "Quick Service" Featuring Freedman and Gabbes, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladies and Gents Suits and Topcoats to measure DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Phone 307 Box 725 LOCAL NEWS NOTES John Bulger sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Miior J. U. Coneman has ar rived in the city from Victoria to assume command of the Second Searchlight Battery here. Tnsnector . Ernest Gammon, pro vincial police, returned to the city nn the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon from a trip to Atlln on official duties. . T.pslle E. Cook, one of the best known commercial pilots of Nor thern British Columbia and tne Yukon, and Mrs. Cook were pas- L. nV.nnr4 tht PrlnpKS TMllse Charles Tltcomb, who has been spending the summer at Dawson, arrived in the wy on the princess Louise Saturday afternoon and will proceed on this evening's train to Terrace where his family now resides. Mr. Tltcomb formerly orwrated a confectionery store and tearoom here. Ole Rollag, who has been spend- in?? a month on the Yuson uwer below Whitehorse in' connection with the development of a tungsten and gold property for the Armour Interests, returned to ths city on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon from the Yukon. Ian MacSween. who has been spending the summer engaged In Presbyterian missionary wors m the Nelson district, arrived In the city Friday on the Princess Ade-lniriP from the south and Is pay ing a visit with his brother and sister-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. A. F. MacSween, before leaving for Tor onto by train Wednesday evening to resume his theological stuaies at Knox College. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 102nd. Women's Auxiliary Dance Armouries, October 1. St. Andrew's Mission Kindergar ten opening October..!.. Eagles Bridge -and Dance, Oct. 1. Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. Novelty dance Oddfellows' Hall. Scotch Dance Oct. lows' Hall. Adm. 35c. 24. Friday, Oct. 3. George Brochu sailed Saturday nigh ton the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. 4, Oddfel- Presbvterian Tea, Mrs. McLeod's, Sixth Avenue West, octooer a. Orange Bridge, October 9. Navy Tea. Oct. 18, Legion Hall Anellcan Tea, Mrs. J. R. Morri son, Oct. 16. P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, Oct. Lutheran Bazaar, Oct. 25, ropole Hall. j Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 5. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. W. A. Nov. 19. George Gray of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. cannery sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday night for Vancouver. KiiBwa V , .... . Saturday afternoon going tnrousn to Vancouver. MAGIC o'vti lioht, tender texture Aubrey Simmons, collector of customs at Whitehorse, and Mrs. Simmons, together with Mrs. -...w-J rfiPnrprs O. Sorenson. P. Anderson, H. Knut-1 : """ , , oil UUVtliLL 1"V- ...ij - urday afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. cess Louise saturaay anernoon going throush to Vancouver. iago, arrived in tne city on ine j Catala this morning from Van couver. He is contemplating run- Met- Canadian Legion Bazaar Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. fit. Peter's Fall Sale, Nov. 27. Mrs. Ross of Minneapolis, who has been visiting here with her brother-in-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Donnell, sailed Sat urday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver whence she will proceed to her home In the United States. William Stapleton, general pas senger agent, Canadian National Railways, and W. H. Fogg, sup erintendent of Canadian National Steamships, were passengers Sat urday night aboard the Prince RuDert returning to Vancouver after making the round trip north. mmimmmimmmwKmmmm "Build B. C. Payrolls" Nice Things Said .tVAPollATtJ, A user writes, "Pacific Milk Is eood irt cakes." Then she strengthens her statement, "it alwavs makes delicious pas try," and strengthens It again, "It Is good for all puddings and desserts." It Is quite wonderful to have a milk so good so many people can say so many nice things about it. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed IIXKXWM'J'U! BIBIB'IlifKIKMa Household Furnishing SALE 12 3-Pce. Chesterfields of the finest quality at very low prices. , Enamel Two-Tone Coal Ranges from $81 to $99.50. Studio Couches can be made Into a double bed at $39.50. 18 Springfllled Mattresses, all sizes. Special $16.50. Chests of Drawers from $6.95 to $7.95. B. C. Furniture Co. Phone Blk. 32! 3rd Ave. Miss Helen Hampton will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Charles Graham. Inspector of mines, returned to the city on the j Catala this morning trom a trip to Surf Inlet on official duties. Arthur Healey of Dlgby Island wireless station staff, ,retumed to the city on the Catala this morn ing from a holiday trip to Van couver. Capt George Black, M. P. for' R- M. Wlnslow, assistant gener-Yukon, and Mrs. Black, after, al manager of the Canadian Fish spending the summer in Dawson,, & Oold Storage Co., returned to were passengers aboard the Prln- the city on the Catala this morn- lng from a business trip to Van couver John W. Nolan, well known mine i Brigadier J. T. Gilllagham, dlvl-operator of Spruce Creek, and slonal commander of the Salvation Army for Northern British Col-aboard Mr '.Nolan were passengers the Princess Louise Sat- umbla and Alaska, arrived in the urday afternoon going through city from Wrangell on the Prln- cess ixjime ouiuiujj uitciuuun, v. v T.lnrr who was eneatred in Mr- an V,o olonlrlml Vmctnoce hprp vpflrs -.2nd little bill; j w Mrs. Frank Skinner daughter, who have been spending a vacation In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Catala this morning. Harold ; iof onHiHatn Crompton. who has been relieving In the provincial election here. I" Union SUamship asent here ! Murine Mr. Skinner's absence, win ' bv the Catala tomorrow after-, and,1" Mr. Justice A. M. Manson ! Harry Langley, court stenographer. ;noon on his return to Vancouver. ! after spending a week here In (connection with the local Su-Ipreme Court Assize session; will lleave on Wednesday evening's train for Prince George. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Johnson of Los Angeles and Mrs. Belia Foss of Vancouver arrived in the city at the end of the week from the south to nay a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Even Evenson, Mc- Brlde Street. All formerly farmed at Provost, Alberta. Irani Won j tamps! When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 1 3 24-Hour Sen-ice at Regular Rates NEW ENTERPRISE RANGE SALE WHITE ENAMELLED RANGE S74.00 Sale price - Waterfront - - 7-00 $25.00 allowance for your old stove You pay only $56.00 for the new range. Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm. FREE FREE For every 3 labels from any tin or package of Dr. Ballard's Dog Food and 5c stamp to cover postage) we will mall you ONE SOLID BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG Absolutely free. BE SURE to print clearly your "name and address" on a separate sheet of paper and mail to the address below. For an additional 15 labels from Dr. Ballard's Dog Food (and he stamp to cover postage) we will mall you absolutely free ONE COPY of DR. BALLARD'S DOG & CAT BOOK Containing a wealth of helpful Information on the feeding, training and care of "man's "best friend." Address all replies to DR. BALLARD'S ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS, LTD., 4659 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, B.C. COAL! COAL! The qre&test Victory Siture won- Was storm f from tie sun f The coal business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy it .and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before It comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE Canadian National Railways - - Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and' Powell Iliver . Saturday at 11:15 p-m., allirig at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Phone 260, rrince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines 11 ' if H- s r