THE DAILY NEWS. FIRE! An 4 SOX EVE RIS ‘ x a! ~ $20,000 Stock Damaged by SMOKE. Consisting of Men’s Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Suit, Cases, etc. This entire stock to be placed on SALE MONDAY, MAY 6th, at 9 A. M. at prices never (@& before heard of in Rupert. We get our profit from the Insurance Co. smoke at sacrifice prices. Yeu can’t afford to miss; remember every article must go, Nothing reserved. You get these goods, slightly damaged by ti The following are a few of our many Bargains : : | i ; Men’s heavy tweed Suits, Regu- Men’s high grade tailored Suits, | Men's fine tegligee Shirts, re- a: : st, lar. prloe $16. and $20. Now Rinne eae. Aha Saraible collars: formerly Stanfleld's Red Label heavy wool ' $2.50; now Underwear; regular $1.25; : now 1 $ 50 P, e @ $ I .00 x Men’s tweed and worsted Suits; Men’s colored dress Shirts; reg- “s ; : si $20 and $25; now ular $1.50; now a re pongee and white silk Shirts nm ie 00 50 4 $ e $ e Men's natural wool, fine quality, d 0 e medium. weight Underwear; ¥ \ Wy regular $1.25; now wd r % rr yy CMR ee as aad oe ee ee: ze Cent Meth ke etek 'S:. z A) oN Men's cotton working Shirts Men’s heavy working Gloves and "gs t . orki tloves; ] k g, Men av) kK a: | Men’s leather working Gloves; Nose d 4 Regular $i; now Gauntlets; formerly $1; now | regular price 50c; now 1 .00 mi as » 4 : Ik c C a] - - + «+ = + + Remember the TIME, PLACE and the BARGAINS Don’t Miss this Great Money Saving Opportunity ax 4 a (yt 9 9 SECOND ¢ ‘ = he AT AVENUE a STORE \S a! .\ 4 Y y eo > 7 a ~ = (SAY PENCE LOTS IS C57) CODE LOE ORDA CON SAE SCN VE AS ACE EN ah — CIE MSARAG POF, ARVO EDA WALT MASON’S WAY | Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Company's FOREIGN PAPER } Superb Mall Steamers I e@w | Put in Breezy Fashion, but the | WAN T E D e Titanic Truth. 2 Prince Rupert’and Prince G N RUPERT Ber a ey uper an rince eorge Knox [ have conquored the Pa We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections or. Vintholivak tari hide ‘and Besttle : |: Man’: CPOs) << MY sPUBEns shall | Five and Six. Submit your listings. o mondadetatin Sekdiibineva at 9 A. BM Long Article on Natural Re-|sweep the skies. And there} t 16 ; x *Errective May 19th sources of Northern British | comes a gale and his levers fail,|] For Sale Lot 40, moot aS Pee re. a cash, balance 0 e Columbia Published in Finan-/and he sinks to the earth and| Y P. S. S. PRINCE JOHN ; a ’ | , ; : cial Paper of Brussels. | dies, Her seerets I'm bound to| (asset and Naden Harbor ch Thursdays, tt p.m. «f|BESNER & BESNER, Proprierors ras |wrest from out of Dame Nature's |] second Avenue TTULI Other Queen Charlotte Island Points on Saturdays, 1 p. m The New Knox Hotel is run on the European In the Economie Financiere of] breast, And Dame Nature kicks Telephone 83 PA 0 & RADFORD TRAIN SERVICE TO VAN ARSDOL | Parovementa rn: AY * BEDS soe UP| Brussels, the capital of the little} as her breast he pricks, and scat- Leave Pr, Rupert 1 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays {seta aine AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER? Kingdom of Belgium, one of the ters him galley west. a have GOING EAST THIS YEAR? ot, : , sfohest. countries’ of Burope, a conquered the sea, T think,” says} e- a 1 —_——_———_— ; , man, with a cheerful wink; re Comfort, Speed and Safety on Your Trip by Using ery long and interesting article) ‘wate ie Fi ' eae The Grand: Mndsie Mia thedl Mieeath treme @hlcane very 1g i Bt watch the ocean wilt! For I've fs is rs y sy 9 8 H De: regarding the resources,| gone and built a vessel that can- Canadian General Electric Company, Limited lars, tickets, ete., apply to | { aia “ig , “a P}not sink! He shows us his rare progress and bright future of M int 4 ‘ A. E. MoMASTER, General Agent, Prince Rupert fy y lNorthern British Golumbia and} design; all perfect his plans and otors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Agency All Atlantic Stesmship. Lines avo 0 e especially of Prince Rupert and| fine, and we softly say as we go Blectrical Apparatus of every _deecriptt 78 ee : : * | Fort George. our way that the sea should take Phone 245 . | Cor, Foeneh nen Sie “ager ee oy Vanes Mr. Th. Collart, who spent sev-|in its sign. He launches his rit Graham Kearney, Mer. om 978 | RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT) ...) jjonihs in the old country| mighty bark, that’s safer than last vear endeavoring to interest| Noah’s -ark; it’s slick and clean| = ” o ee SAMUEL HARRISU: v. F. G, GAMBLE capital in Northern British Co- in its lines, T ween, and swift as NOTARY PUBLIC) | ° ° lumbia, did very good work in-|@ trotting shark, “It simply can't |.Section Six-Snap.. deed. His report in the Economie|}sink,” he claims; “its bulkheads P. O. BOX 67 PHONE 125 e Lot 17. Block 5, $2100. Half cash! Financiere gives complete and and mighty frames will defy the | a mee rae vee 1 Derr taine perth aay = smokes Ghtahehanee aed waals AGENTS FOR Estimates given on all kinds of electrical | 3 | ae ee wo land the ocean's wildest games.” Regal Marine En-| work. Electrical Fixtures & Glassware : northern part of the province, B gine, noted for e LAW-BUTLER CO. and the coal lands, minerals,| He sends it a-sailing, then, ce reliability. Bullt ? Phone 60 619 3rd Ave.| timber, farms and trade, Open-| triumph designed by men; Got in sizes from 3 . Real Estate and Stock 'Brokers roe for industries as well as|gives a twist of His mighty wrist, h.p. to 45 hep. . APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED - railroads and real estate are given| and the sea is on top again, — Perfection oaaeing Princ attention in the article, WALT MASON, with | Perfection El ° Cc Limi d nce Rupert - and - Stewart SMITH & MALLETT The Economie Finaneiere, a Se weet proof. ige ectric ompany Limite ee ee eae paper of some twenty-four pages, U. S. COAL MATTERS ER SETAC a aE _ Plumbing,'Heating Steamfitting and is the leading financial paper of - .. = umbing, ng, : : PNT : ° : ihe stock exchange of Brussels,| Coal Operators and Miners Sign ee ~~~. omer semnalamlaiel Soe rnermernrmels | Office: 8rd sen) Motel er . 4 and is in its 40th year, It gives New Wage Scale. : re Electrical tp sal ifort ee rman esr oe: . ee i nt acco of the stock ex- j |] Phone 174 2nd Ave, bet. 7th and 8th Sts a daily a unt o 0 0 =o 0 Contractors aad Mretrmermermmstn tl General Merchandise { | { { | | Lowest Prices Brann, ee ir ~. tt a eg: TAT tt Yt lls § LYNCH BROS. eens vmsrmmsrees 7 7orr"™* : ‘ Largest Siock in Northern B, C. a | Sadindie Tre eet le tert res rt tet Pert et rere ; PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds, Mail Ontera Promptly Attended to -: Agents International Stock Food:- -—ALL KINDS OF FEED— Brussels, Antwerp, Lille, Berlin, Mos- Petersburg, The read by all connected mostly bankers and well speculators circulates and change in London, Paris, cow and Bt paper is with finance, brokers, and principally as and Belgium as capitalists, * in For men's fine shoes in the latest Scott, Froud & Co., 3rd ave. styles see Best meal in town at Savoy. Indianapolis, Ind., May 6 Representatives of soft coal mine owners of Ohio, Western Penn- sylvania, Illinois and Indiana and of the United Mine Workers of America, of those states, this afternoon signed the wage agree- ment ratified by the recent refer- endum vote of the miners, The agreement will be the basis of contracts to be entered into for the next two years by the bitu- minous minérs and operators of many It grants a wage increase of 5 cents a ton, states. Timer Needed Sizes from 22 to 30 h.p. Naden Block We carry a stock ae F ind It Through a News Want Ad. —— Write for catalogue and prices. 2nd Ave. of Marine Engines on hand. ——— Sie SS autiess = ai til oY . eae. See ak