i fa TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1941. 8 8 8 sift 1 1 B si 8 If Hi 1 t FOR THAT CERTAIN PERSON Something he'll appreciate and find useful Well finished Capeskln, Fleece-Lined, brown, grey, black, blue and green. Per pair. Capes and Pigtex. Per pair Shadci of 175 FINE DRESS GLOVES ' In. English Bucks,. Mochas, Goatskins, Peccaries, 1.75,04,50 Neckwear New shades and patterns, by Arrow and Currle.! Nicely box ed.' $- Each .' 1.00 Elio's Furniture Store PHONES 116 OK 117 ia."?,tri.-;i'a'i!'i'i.-a'i!'l5)' f CHRISTMAS GIFTS ? FUUNITUKC-Chesterfield Suites, Dinette Suites. Bedroom jj I SsSWf Tables End Table, RadU, Cedar Chests. Han iTee. 5 . pflrnPts Mln(l t Axminster AXMINSTFR CARPETS and Linoleum Rug sizes from 15X27 to 9x12; Jaspe Inlaid Rugs. Linoleum Bug-. Congoleum Rugs. Inlaid, fnniea umuicuni, , BAOGArfSlTravelgard Twin Sets. Fitted Ca WJJ Gladstone Bags, Trunks, Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Suitcases, T(,VL?S WELnooSM Prams. Doll Convertibles Fibre Ca r ages Wagons. Kiddle Kara. Scooters Veloclpidcs Baby Walkers, Children' Rockers, Baby Swings. Baby High Cnalis, Automobiles, Wheelbarrows. V 1MMNTF. KUPERT X t It is Really B.C. Keep in a Good Stock-pf Albert & McCaffery's Coal VANCOUVER ISLAND TELKWA Oil ALBEUTA The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This SLIPPERS He'll be comfortable in a pair of soft-soled Footguards, Romeos or Cork Soles. We have a complete range, priced from, per pair 2.50 ,$3.95 AND AS A GIFT FOR THE FAIRER SEX We Suggest A TWIN SET . (AEROPACK AND DRESSING CASE) Well built in attractive modern tweed coverings. Most are leather bound and some have attractive leather re-inforced corner trim. Priced from, per set '. 13.75 to $20.00 DRESSING' CASE Nicely finished Store Hours: Wc close at 6 p.m. Monday. tssu- slb jb itaL- $6.00 and $7.50 Watts & Nickerson V: ? i Open until 10 p.m. Tues. and Wed. I? Mr cam mnmta mmmtammm JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 BEEF ROUND STEAK per lb SIRLOIN STEAK per lb. T-BONE STEAK per lb SIRLOIN Tipper lb. RUMP ROAST per lb. TENDERIZED STEAK . per lb. rhonc 957 Specials For a Very Merry Christmas Open Saturday LAMB AND POUK LEC.S OF LAMB per lb LEO OF POK IC-per lb. SHOULDER OF PORK per lb. VEAL VEAL STEAK . per lb. FILLET OF VEAL per lb. ROLLED SHOULDER VEAL per lb. RUMP ROAST VEAL per lb POULTRY GRADE A TURKEYS per lb GEESE l per lb V DUCKS per lb. .j CHICKENS i per lb I FOWI per lb. 25c 25c 25c 28c 25c 25 c 30c 30c 20c 30c 30c 25 c 40c 32c 35c 35c 30c ' . . ... ... AAA inctiiaaKiiiiiriiii THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE3 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. P. M. Ray sailed this morn-1 staff Sergeant A. C. Peardon lng on the Catala fcr Vancouver. 1 sailed this morning on the Catala M j -Tbi., ! irnlm in u 'r iQT Vancouver to spend Christmas Si A Boilermakers' Local No. 4 will leave. ft i hold .a .Danc,e,,in, the MetrppQle r 'Hall at 9:30' p.'m.. Dec. S3. Price Sj? ' 50c. Everybody welcome. t ' W S. O. N. Xmas tree Oddfellows' fft Hall, Dec. 26. Children 2 pjn., pro-fa gram 8:30 p.m. followed by dance. Aflm. 50c. Keiresnmenis. ivery- 1 Charles Dolg of W. H. Malkln W Co. staff, sailed this morning on fr the Catala for Vancouver to spend & the Christmas and New Year hol- iday season. 5j? I Canadian Legion Christmas M Dinner. Single ex-service men Legion Clubrooms to obtain ticket I m are invited to call at Canadian for Christmas Day Dinner, A Christmas treat for the chil-dren of the members of , the Boil- ermakers and Iron Shipbuilders jrt Union, Local No. 4. will be held S Dec! 26. Metropole Hall, .2:30 p.m. srL Everything free. - ft On Christmas Day, Thursday, the post office wickets wilL be open W from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. The $y lobby will be open from 6 a.m. un- 0 til 6 P.m. ; w I t pit For your greater ' Christmas shopping convenience the follow-lgn stores are open Tuesday nitjht and Wednesday night; Rupert Peoples Store, Cut Ra.te Shoe Store and Rupert Men's--and Boys' Store. , . . Xmas Greetings Captain R. C. H. Durnford to extend Christmas and New Year greetings- to his many friends in Prince tlilpert. He will be unable to contact them in any other way this season. Gillette 2S f BLADES j; MUSCADEL and PJURL TAWNY I I Bonit TWOWINtS Of txctum QUAurv AND riAVOR This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ON THIS WELCOME GIFT! Every Man Wants the Now Economy Pack with Usecf-Blade Compartment. 25 Blue Gillette Blades Regular $1.25 Value for only $1.00 O It's rare, indeed, when you can get a bargain in a Christmas gift. But -this new Pack of 25 Blue Gillette Blades is a genuine $1.25 value for $1.00. These easy-shaving blades are made of diamond-tested steel . have the sharpest edges ever honed. And with this plentiful supply, hell get morlths of unequalled shaving comfort. What a wonderful present for our men in Service or at home . . and a grand gift for", any man to buy for himself. Supply is iimiteti so ask your dealer for this perfect gift today! Ijillette RAZORS AND BLUE BLADES e s? I CHURCH NOTICES S7 PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Cofner'8th andjith Aves.'East RVr,M'M lst Ave, w. s Phone Blk. SSS CHRISTMAS SERyiCES, 1941 ' CHRISTMAS. DAY. DECEMBER 25 11:00 a.m. Festive Services in Norwegian. Special music by Varden Singers. Festive offering, 2:00 p.m. Radio Broadcast, Varden Singers and the pastor. Sponsored by E. Evensen, Ideal Cleaners. Christmas Tree Festival Sunday, Dec. 28. ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO OUR CHRISTMAS SFUVICES AND MEETINGS. 5 w For Gentlemen! Will he be one of the fortunate men to receive one of these practical I GIFTS IN LEATHER? 6 65 Zipper Brief Cases, Zipper Portfolios, Billfolds, in black or brown Top Grain,, Seal Grain or Walrus Split Cowhide. Acceptable Beautiful Practical A Gift for Service Men, Professional Men and Business Men. PERSONALIZE your Gift to HIM . . . INITIALS Stamped In GOLD on any of the above gifts FREE OF CHAROE. Dibb Printing Co. PHONE 234 "headquarters. BESNER BLOCK If you lose anything, advertise for it. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "Heap on more wood! the wind is chill! . But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still." Scott. Wish you all a Happy Christmas and may you realize your highest hopes for 1942. Christmas Specials on Glassware Here are some things for your every need. We have what you want. RIake our Store your shopping FINE GLASS TUMBLERS, for every-day use 3- for f.5c HEAVY GLASS TUMBLERS, for every-day use .... 2 for 25c CUT GLASS SHERBERTS 35c to 40c GLASS WATER SETS, Jug and 6 Glasses; per set SU5 WINE ANt) WHISKEY GLASSES 10c or 3 f6r 23c PYREX OF ALL KINDS AT THE OLD PRICES FANCY ENGLISH TEAPOTS -93c ENGLISH CUPS AND SAUCERS, in beautiful patterns, selling from, each 95c tt $1.75 SERVING SETS WITli TRAYS . - . . TEA SETS DINNER SETS Call and see foi your satisfaction at ( Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 Third Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O. Box 757 IriKiMfflAS For Her: W Adrienne Toilet Sets $1.15 to $11.75 ffi Jasmine Toilet Sets 85c to $11.50 Gardenia Toilet Sets 85c to $1.50 Evening in Paris Toilet Sets $2.00 to $14.00 Houbigant Toilet Sets $2.00 to $3.00 Cutex Nail Sets 35c to $12.00 Revlon Nail Sets $1.00 to $1.50 Woodbury Toilet Sets $1.60 and $2.10 Fancy Stationery -10c to $3.00 Also Colognes, Perfumes of Yardley, Lucien le Long, Lenlheric, Houbigant and Kubiri-stein. For Him: Bachelor Shave Sets 75c to $8.50 Yardley Shave Sets $1.25 to $7.50 Woodbury Shave Sets $1.00 Also: Purses, Tobacco Pouches, Hair Brushes,, Key Rings. Fancy Christmas Wrapped Chocolates . . 60c to $1.00 Christmas Ciirds;, Seals, Taps, Ribbon, Paper, 'v ' Crackers and Tree Decorations if? 9 'B 'B B B . B: B B B B B B B B B B B. ZtiiA Pioneer Drut&ists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 to-Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Q Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-9 p.m. S