PAOE SIX & Iff Iff wc. e Cut Rate Shoe Store CARDS AGAIN (ff Iff iff iff Iff V o Iff Iff iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff c 2? 1 y y y y y y y y y y x y y y y y n R H R 6 is is a Iff & iff iff Iff Iff Iff Iff ; Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff V J? Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Expert OPTICAL SERVICE NOW IT'S and CHAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties, MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT The The Perfect Perfect Gift Gift ... jp HOUSE SLIPPERS for Mom, Pop and the Kids! PECIAL CARDS Christmas Thank You W Happy New Year Contt's Canadian Canls of course, in 4 assortment . . . Csitis that are jttBt light for any occasion, up from 0" . Say It With Cards From When It's Smoking Think of. Th GROTTO p and Cigarettes and Other Sundries WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE THE BEST YET IN SPITE Or THE WAR. at Wedded Quietly Here Saturday Miss Annie Macdonald Becomes , Bride of John Calkins. The marriage took place quietly on Saturday at the Mense ot First 'United Church of MLs1 Annlf-Kathleen Macdonald, daughter Mr. arid Mrs. R. A. Macdonald of St. Paul, Alberta, and John Wll-lett Calkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calkins of Rlmbey. Alberta. Rey. James A. Donnel offic- & iated. 4S residence in Prince Ruperi 4? at at 4? at - 5? II SnccKT WAK-IIMt THOUGHTS (Irismas is the time to forget our troubles and to remember old tcetes.odjriends. old happinesses? Another cheery thought- BE WARS OLD SCOTCH WHISKY DISTIllia BUNDED AND BOTTUD IN SCOTLAND i BY DEWAI yg7 ! 1 a? y y y y y i 11 R R R R R R R R R R R R R iff Iff Iff iff & Iff iff iff Iff Iff Iff a iff jf iff iff JT Iff j; Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff v a lffK Iff Si Si 1? IS Si c Iff St tff a) e si e St St a CI Gt 5 2SVj oe. V2, S4J0 ; f adt "isev. er.. noi puo-ished or iispiavpd by the Li-ouor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY COMEDY IS SPRIGHTLY Ronald Colman Stars in Uay Film, "My Life With Caroline," j Showing, at Capitol ffe une. pl Uie.brig comedies of the',, .year. ightesl Life With Caroline." starring the popular RonaM Colman. shows this Wednesday and Thursday as the Christmas feature at the Capitol Theatre. The story revolves The couple are taking up around the casual romance of a I neglected wife and the ingenious strategy by which her husband ! thwarts her intended elopements and holds his home togethe.-. Anna Lee, lovely and vivacious British star, heads the feature, cast as the wife with Charls Win-ninger as her self-indulgent fathei and Reginald Gardiner and Gilbert Roland as two of her Because, of the pressure of bus- ! mess, the husband cannot spend as much time as he would like with his wife. She, living at vur- ( ious resorts with her father, finds I herself in love with handsome young millionaires who have m ! trouble in convincing her that she is unappreciated. She is planning divorce when the husband arrives on th? scene He adroitly brings his wife to see the light and there is a happy reconciliation. The gay comedy is played against a glittering background ol luxurious resorts and millionaires homes. Timely to the present war situation is the "Canada Carries On series instalment. "War Clouds in the Pacific," showing on the same bill. It deals with Japan, her war with China, her powerful navy and turns to Anglo-American preparations to combat the Nipponese menace. Hong Kong. Singapore. Manila. Hawaii, Guam, Wake Island, the Alaskan bases and the coastal defences of British Columbia are shown. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Colliaon and daughter, Miss Muriel Collison, will be leaving the city In January for Kerrisdale, Vancouver Island, to take up future residence. Their daughter. Miss Joyce Collison. R.N.. will be leaving towards the end of 'this week for Vancouver to Join the staff of Shaugh-nessy Military Hospital. Capt. and Mrs. R. M Yerburgh are taking the CoQison house on Sixth Avenue at Hays Creek. WALLACE'S Some Suggestions to Gift Shoppers FOR THE FAIR SEX: Boxed Handkerchiefs, a pleasing variety. from, per box 25c to $1.75 Handbags, from $1.95 to $1.75 Umbrellas, a nice selection 1.9S to $5.50 Padded or Satin House Coats, from $5.50 to $11.50 Dainty Underwear Nighties and Pajamas at various prices. Gloves and Hosiery, all at the price you want to pav. FOR THE MEN FOLK: Ties, in boxes 75c, 85c and $1.00 Sox 50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00 Boxed Hankies, khaki or white, box ... 35c, 50c and $1.00 Scarves, wool or silk, f rora .... $1.00 to $2.75 Suspender Sets, garters, arm bands and Novelties at various prices. F6R. THE BABY: Bunny Bags, in pink or white . . $2.25 to$2.95 All Wool Pram Sets $3.75 Satin Reversible Buggy Covers $2.95 Also in pleasing variety Lap Pads, Wool Rompers, Knitted Suits, Mitts, Shawls, Teddies r.nd Rattles. FOR THE HOUSE: Towel Sets, Sheet Sets, Dainty Pillow Slips, Fancy Lace Doilies, Lace Cloths, Linen Table Sets and Separate Cloths, Store will be open Saturday NUht, closed Monday Xirht and open Tuesday and Wednesdav etenints lor the convenience of ercning shoppers. Itane9 Third-and Fulton Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID RepresentingHUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship U J. E. OR.M11EIM. Cow Bay. rrine Rupert, BjC. at ct at at at at a) - at. at. at at at at at a-1 g! a iff iff iff a a Of a ; is &BI Tffl 5? 5? t i v" IS: & Iff Iff IS HUDSON'S R 11 Bf This advertisement is no' published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or t- the Government of British Columbia The giraffe is related to the camel and is sometime known as the camelopard. Begins We DECPXrc a rAMOut rums thiatm ut 5 44 Major J For., last ever.xnc s Campbr . ru.n to: ' Th w icV F J. se.i k"r,tHnu hklwinu CO.LTD., VANCOUVER B.C. for 2 Da y7 1 EXTRA' 'War Clouds in the Pacific' News and Cartoon CAPITOL ENDS TOM ,U.f Complei- s.. 5:00 W C FiciJiu "THE BANK wT:e is advert1sement is not Dub shed or disolaved hv tK 1 .n, rootroi Rwd c- HANDBAGS in Genuine Morocco WRIST WATCHES in new models of distinction. CAMEO BKOOCHGS AND PENDENTS BRACELETS, PURSES, PE.V'SETS DRESSER SETS to sterling silver, erotue tooe and vetra pearl. Govemment of Br tish Columbia. For the Ladies i For the Men i For the Home WRIST WATCHES in the newest models. WATCH CHAINS ZIPPER SETS with chromium, non-tarnisha&e fittings. TOBACCO POUCHES LEATHER BILLFOLDS CREAM AND ST i. M BEAUnrVL TE V MTS ENTREE D1S1H S BAKINCi DISHES CASSEROLfS PIE PLATES LARGE W ATI EES BON BONS FLOWER BASKETS CENTRE PIECE"? MANTLE CLOCKS and hundreds . article R. W. CAMERON lit TUE PIONEER JEWELER Third Arenue, Neat R Bi a 'a - - - 'e - - 'a - a ff - - - "a - -