PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. pkixcc nupriff. British Columbia Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. MANAGING-EDITOR Museum as Civic Asset SATURDAY. SEPT. 27, 1941. The museum is an important civic asset and one that BATTLE FOR THIRD SPOT Interest in B15 League Play Diminished Now' That Pennant 1 Races Are Settled. ADVERTISING RATES I Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 NEW YORK. Sept. 27: With the Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 pennant contests in both divisions SUBSCRIPTION' RATES jnow settled and the Brooklyn nni in oftvPpr vmi- tsnn- Half vir 2 5iv nri- Dodgers of the National League" .w. ka. nn wotr .,. rn t.rf .Tnn-n R,,hc.rihpri hv fii i nrt J matched with the New yonc yan- a Year. Advertising; and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau' of Circulations ME.MBEK OP THE CaJIAWAN fKEAS falls off in the remaining games of the schedules. Chicago White been put in good shape, it being left for the Museum, to figure m the third-place fight. Legg Board to renovate the interior. This will cost a consid-i Yesterday's big league scores: Rhyi Rhynard erable sum but it is worth the money to have something Desuies loiem poles ana gardens lor tne tourists to see. Unfortunately, owing to the fact that the old building was condemned by the city engineer, tourists have been unable this year to see the fine collection of Indian relics here but, if the plans of the museum board are carried out, everything will be in readiness for next season and, in the meantime, the collection will be considerably increased. The heads of big game animals just received from the provincial museum at Victoria Will be a verv valu Germany After Oil . . . Germany's one great need just now is oil and a big'S'gnal cxiuii, is ueniK inaue to secure it irom nussia. it is also expected that Iran may be invaded for the same purpose. In the meantime the British will quite possibly draw on National League Cincinnati 4, Pittsburg 3. American League' Washington 1-0, New York 4-1 Chicago 3. Detroit 4. Cleveland 5-3; St. Louis 6-2. New York 73 able addition to the local collection and will have good Chicago 69 decorative value. This is the first time the museum at Boston : 61 Victoria has recognized the local museum as an impor,phnadelphla 41 110 tant entity tnat is oi service to tne public. If all take an interest in this institution which is now located right up in the business centre it can become increasingly importarit. The officers say they need showcases for the collections artd! several totem poles, one or two for the" outside and others for inside the buildintr. It American League New York 101 Boston 82 Chicago 75 Detroit 75 Cleveland 74 !St. Louis 69 Navy 3 Medical Corps 2 Scottish II 2 Is .2 L. 53 55 65 72 78 83 91 51 69 77 77 78 83 is- quite; possible that one or more of the native chiefs iSadeiphia Washington ZZIlZ 68 no 84 iiuKuu iiKe tu uonaie one or more poies ana nave tneir' National League W. Brooklyn 99 St. Louis 96 Cincinnati 87 Pittsburg 80 rest 01 mem out 01 tne country. LARGELY IN WAR Why We Shall Win The Financial Post has made' a study of the war situation and sets out to show that thirty-two billions of war equipment is to come from Canada ami thp TT K this year while Germany's total war expenditure would! be twenty-three billions. Germany is short of such essentials as gasoline, lubricants; many metals, textiles and fats. Germany has worked wonders with her economy of substitution and use of synthetic products, but the5 methods employed are very wasteful. ; The democracies are making enormous speed in turning their aluminum, copper, nickel and steel into snips , tanks and airplanes. I The British nation and United States are now ap-' preaching the combined airplane output of Germany, I tt d jo. ""V"1- Ui Europe, a year irom now the1 United States output should reach 4,000 planes a month. Air crew training plans of the Empire and United, Mates i for the current year will turn out four times as many trained pilots, navigators and gunners as German v' can expect to turn out. While Germany and Italy lead in the number' of sub-' marines and warplanes iii commission, in all other naval vessel the democracies lead and Britain and the United btates are both building at a prodigious rate. Thd democracies' control the major materials of war' such as coal, iron, copper, cotton, oil. and rubber; Hitler has long been accumulating war supplies, but' the lead is being taken from him and very soon the vast increase m supplies and the ability to use them will place uic uciuuv-irtwes ui a inuui more iavoraoie position. J, H. BULGER 1 Frfh tdcaf Raw artd Pasteurized Milk Optomefrist vaiLentin daiiy Opposite Post Office PHONE 657 Pet. .651 .636 names attached. By doing that they would be helping n ! o. j to perpetuate the native art and, at the same time, edu- DOWlmg otandingS Ltnc me pcupie iu an appi euauun oi tne special worn tne w natives did in the days before the white men came to the! Engineers 4 country. I Scottish I 4 Seal Cove 4 " I Dry Dock 3 GENEVA; Sept. 27: (0)) Cor- SCOTTISH BOWLING kees of the American for the Fourteen Teams it...u. c.., , 407 I rn,t .453 SCOUT BLITZ HEROES' PLYMOUTH, Eng. Sept. 27: ffl) rfpr nnnaM r'umminc Reid Total ( (Oliphant . In Action In weekly League nay wsi Evening- dMimtctiu credttMi to it or to th Associated ptm m this Dawr and mao th tinuin? a battle for third place in Attached Seraeants. Clerks, no. 1 .127 ...... 122 Wilson 107 Eakin 121 Curtis 125 Handicap i 90 Totals C92 Attached Sgl's 1 McAdam 178 Miller 140 169 Barr 83 .573 Kn 161 .526 Handicap 62 .484 TotaIs 803 .454 Jeeps 1 .401 Pollack 93 .275 Bailey 133 Brindamour 114 .663 Rowland .181 .543 Dulder . U35 .493 Handicap 7150 .493 Totals -80C 1 ,.r,5 448 Ackerman 218 275 Sheridan ...r 157 Pts 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 Lawes .131 Hutchinson 128 Handicap 104 Totals 913 Officers' No. 1 1 Bapty 125 Matthew , 54 Stone 75 Jukes 129 McMurty 183 Handicap 90 Totals 656 Clerks 1 F. Stewart 148 F. Keane 160 P. Henderson 116 1 .. 164 i McLean 69 friere del Tivina, Italian language nlet - 85 Swiss DaDer. savi 90 nor rt-nt nf Cameron 95 the wnrlri'.w-rinniilaHAm. ln.iji.n Cann .. (.vjwmnvi, .JJWlUUlllg the United States are really mixed up in the present war. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O; Box 544 FR'ASElV STREET Prince Rupert 2 149 149 154 173 76 90 81G 2 197 152 213 102 126 62 8G2 2 187 115 109 196 155 150 912 2 136 163 153 121 234 104 911 A. 173 110 57 162 176 90 768 "2 119 141 187 na hm hut. if manv tvnnnc nvn wSl,M t r...: m .'ounaea. ln eplc 01 Handicap 150 150 ' .. ... iVT , v, - , 1 .V - " "uooirt,- """"'"i , scoui -wui neroism UC1U13U1 advantage 3 . , will be taken of the-fact to-try to drive the scout Lord somers. rejai related by Chief 916 1034 126 : Handicap ..150 i Totals . C89 i Stores l Hodges 195. Harris 95 Crossley ,..189 Ferguson 178 Turner 117 Handicap .136 Totals 910 I Section l Young 66 ;Dick .106 Carano 115 i Jones 92 tWeldon 145 I Handicap 120 ' Totals .644 2 152 129 150 137 124 150 812 2 ..f46. 143 106 121 63 136 720 117 118 158 136 120 745 3 154 176 165 132, 104' 90 821 3 199 190 177 85! 183 G2 150 886 3 167 192 109 150 831 3 .173 135 140 105 193 136 SPORT GHAT Minnesota's Patty Berg climax "I1 1 ed a burst of sub-par golf to win the United States women's golf! championship at Chicago three years ago this week. Patty won her first national title by defeat-' ing Mrs. Estelle Lawson Page of lDK,St1.n of meui tch thin rrr the American League and arenotr 1 Section and Officers No. 2 won North Carolina to whom she lost tied as a result of the Tigers win- clean sweep three game to nil ; in the final the previous year. White Sox yesterday. Jumpers, Officers No. 1. Hell Div- The New1 York Yankees took crs and sfgnals No. 2 respectively hntH mri'i nf n drtnhle-hpnder from in the Canadian Scottish Bowi ..ii ... . . i, ... . . . .i ona same wein eicvcn uuuu;j w. n importance n it is c ar ei u n y nurtured. !wlth Bob Feller the wlnnin? pltch- inrouen me trooa oinces or rremier rauuiio a Franchises of the Ottawa Senators and Philadelphia Quakers of the Natibnal Hockey League; ! the Washington Senators yester- ing League. Cooks, Stores and En- j were suspended folWwlng a meet-1 jday. while St. Louis Browns and gineers won two games to one ; ing of the league executive 10 rwrfntirf Tnifln snHt The sec- ever Jeeps. PiDers and Engineers ' years ago yesterday. Players from. respectively. . . more pr allowing the Browns onlv one lows- Individual scores were as fol suitable building has been secured and US exterior has .hit. Cleveland still has a chance puddle Jumpers the two clubs were distributed to , every team in the circuit with the , exception of Montreal Canadiens. I I Outfielder Babe Ruth, pitching ' his first game in nine years, hurled New York Yankees to an easy 93 victory over Boston Red Sox ; in an American League game 11 years ago yesterday. The home- run king a great southpaw pitch-, er with the Red Sox in 1916 and 19d allowed 11 hits. t Two ingenious U. S. fishermen have patented a fish "hook" that snares big fish then fires a bullet into them. 89GL . - 1 3 No. I, Section 2 1 157 Roberts 158 112 Joy 83 110 O Hara 187 164 Wilson 71 125 MacLennan 92 150 Handicap 122 818 3 177 186 157 204 125 104 OS ' Totals 713 Engineers 1 R. Taylor 163 D. Oddy 73 Hodge 73 Murphy .208 A. Sage 129 Handicap 90 Totals t..-. 73C Sergeants No. I 1 3 Mclntyre 176 164 Jones 165 84 Stillwell -87 150 Hurd 136 170 Stewart 141 119 90 82b' Handicap 112 Totals 817 Sgt's. No. 2 1 3' MacLennan 124 136 Mcintosh 122 129 Baker , 135 145 Mollison 116 2 109 119 218 108 152 122 828 2 150 126 132 134 108 90 740 2 167 146 117 208 107 112 837 2 100 159 145 115 India for forces with which to defend that country. There i18, as kllled, 'and three others of B- stlles 102 251 219 Giassford ies 215 ic an rui is ui uuslullules in reparn rn a winrpr ram.i . ... r r " "cmcioc u 100 iu Handicap ! 60 60 Totals 722 794 Officers No. II 1 2 Douglas 163 122 Sim'psott .137 123 Lawranre Q9 I7n Nichols 72 151 . Richardson 169 177 Handicap 104 104 Totals 737 917 The standing to date is as lows: W. Stores 5 Attached Sergeants .. 5 Jeeps 4 Officers No. 2 4 j Cooks 4 88" I J " j Pipers 3 3 No. 1 Section 3 119 Sergeants No. 2 3 105 Sergeants No. 1 2 153 '. Puddle Jumpers 2 "71 ; Engineers 2 170 Dry Dock '1 120 Officers No. 1 1 738 Hell Divers 0 Attention Motorists In trier course' of tho Inst- Phone 566 For Emergency Night Service Call COLlrt MILLER, BLUE 805 3 107 131 1 145 57 220 122 822 3 152 131 112 207 89 90 781 3 196 94 117 165 86 112 770 3 67 1 1471 134 105 170 60 783 3 100 211 138 117 120 104 820 fol- PtS 5 5 4 4 4 3i 3' 3l 3' 2 2 2 1 1 0 Zi ft (28 Vt ng . SATUIlr?AY SEPTEMBER 27. tr n 1 n JLUJ Mm TH K SAT) TO PAY YOUR 1941 Income Tax on the Government Monthly Plan You must start at once! Next Tuesday mil be the last opportunity to pay your 1941 Income Tax on the Government Monthly Plan. This gives you the privilege oj paying in twelve monthly installments without interest, instead of by lump sum in March, 1942. Here is how to get the monthly payment privilege! Divide the total of your 1940 Income Tax by twelve. This is your first payment and must be paid to the Receiver General on or before September 30, 1941, You will then pay the same amount before the end of each month for the balance of 1941. When you have estimated your 1941 income tax at the 1941 rate, you will deduct the four payments you will have already made, and pay the remainder in eight equal monthly installments, starting January, 1942. The Government offers the above plan as the most reasonable and convenient method of meeting income tax obligations. Ask your local Income Tax Office for Installment Income Tax Remittance Form and any further information you may require. C. W. G. GIBSON, HinltUr .Vriuiwl tmm' Hartt Shoes C.F. ELLIOTT, Cptfiuiomr 4 Incamt Til Thev tell of an armv sereeant Brazil has bouci 2) wuu gui two leuers in nis man ,as park 01 a civilian one 25 feet long and another on ing plan sponsored by '.hfrr-, me DacK or a postage stamp. ment MEN . . . are admittedly the peak of high-grade shdemaking in C a n a d a. The variety of lasts ensure a correct fit for every type of foot, be it narrow or wide. Ilartt's Naval, Air Force and Military Officers Shoes Are Here. Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes capabfe management of Colin " We ha a e m S 'w ZtWFJTnJl, OI I in a nnaifinn .fn ft, t"V . 1 iJltJK UUOi! 1IHJ1IUUIH3 llllll iUU l,t ? T T- , ,, iZrJT. r"nCe "U'ert in automobile repair service charge' f. stiH ,K,r 5WWffi hm- rat f RUPERT MOTORS service Phone 566 THE SEAL oi QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only if. atl l canning company wn ' , 11. . . .nimr Ilii J 1 IIIO jcai i .. Prince Rupert x t- w