Baggage and Aoveiues MAX HEILBROfrER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Ami MODEL A20 WOMEN'S COATS That Top Them All! Il-S Untrimmed - Sport Sizes 12 to 52 Air Supremacy with Radio Reception Round the World For V S 1 (5 AH Colors, Styles, Sizes . . . Economically Priced Mfcil Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Nljht RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" 5 jj THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Thone BLUE 907 .WWWW.VW.VV.NVV.V.V.V.V.V.VVW.'AVVWi $54.95 Incl. Federal Taxes SEE the Outstanding Beauty HEAR the Amazing t Performance of at Radio Headquarters Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish &Cold Storage Prince Ruprrt CO. Ltd. BrltNh n.lnmbl. rwm W 100 Waterfront Whiffs i American total is 5,656,100 pounds 'in comparison with 6,121,219 pounds. Prices held up at a stead i level during the week with the top bid for American fish 12.4c and 11c and the low 115c and 11c. Three Canadian boats landed CUssiFlE 0 FOR SALE FOR SALE Chesterfield, dining and bedroom suites, piano, ra- u PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Season for Halibut Landings Is Almost Over Will He Little More Fish in. The tug Hayak arrived in port his mornlns with another load of lumber for the Ryan Construction Company. John Richardson, local fisherman, left on last evening's train for Halifax. He will spend the winter at his native home In Nova Scotia. 3!ARE FOUR m The County Court appeal f speedin; nex vs. u. ai. Asemissen. invoiv-1 dio, rug, 2 congoleum squares, mg removal of salvaged goods MOTHERS 'Another of Popular series 01 Pictures Coming To Capitol Theatre qyl Latest of the gay, cnarmins i i-Four Dauzhters" series, "Four Mothers" shows next Monday and TiiMdav at the Capitol Theatre With the DOSSible exception of a few scattered but here. It is the warm, human story .vs-.v-vw.--.v.vsAAAr nnpvn,tofi AmpnVnn rntpiP5 whiph mnv vat arrivn nnrllaf a family which knows how to Rupert Peoples Store M re I'some small landings incidental to cod fares, the season! make sncrii.. of a tetor's for halibut landings at. Prince Rupert is practically end- f J" JeSSi oThow ; ed with this week during which the catches brought in, A man5 love ror great muSiC ls jj aggregated 291,000 pounds of which 211,000 poundswerelkept ' alive. J from American vessels and 80,000 ..' ' Claud Rains persuades many of cat UrlnK "e week and all .pounds from Canadian. This Umtaok 0 lnvesl ln brings the landings for the season ,'tl-c"tu property in Florida that his son- up to a toUl of 15,556,000 pounds Dr.,, n tin-law owned. When a hurricane compared comparcu with vmui 16.318,319 loo.oi , , r: ...... . "-. h n comes comes alone along and ana cur devastates thr I as pounds at a corresponding date,' "Jl ".,. '.,,,Ho jarea the former feels as if he ls last year. The aggregate of Am-," '"""lT .ZTn' iresponsible for the loss and sells erican fish for this season is Z ' II T his own property in order to re- together a 1 I o dock yester 903,900 pounds as against 10,197.- friends fam pounds last year while th.rrJZ together to escape disheartening sailed at 2 p.m. on her return to results J adversity romance and Vancouver and waypoints. The'0""1" ue"'s Prinro T?i,r.ort ,it at i n m fnntiveiy interwoven. Ketchikan and Stewart whence' ihe will return here southbound j :his evening. j Besides Rains, the cast Includes the lane Sisters, Priscilla, Rosemary and Lola, Gale Page, May Robson. Jeffrey Lynn, Eddie Albert. Frank McHush, Dick Foran and Vera Lewis, the most of them In the familiar roles which ihey portray so well. UNMINDFUL OF DANGER Up Everywhere in War Effort Needed, Declares Mr. Justice Manson. iiini, R.iu.iicii wuic uiiu irom tne united states Army etc. Apply 735 Fifth Ave. W. transport Kvichak, has been fur-1 speaking of the United States, (226' lh adjourned until next week. ln address before the Prince ' TOR SALE Lumber. 10,000 ft. B. Rupert Rotary Club on Thursday, M. Cull lumber all sizes. $12.00 c- P,,R- steamer Princess Louise, Mr. Justice A. M. Manson remark- A. M. Oana River Sawmill. (227) a- K- 0'ay' lji QUe in Prl ed that, even if the enemy guns - at 4 o'clock this afternoon from FOR SALE 1936 car; house float. Skagway and other Alaska points Lindbergh and Wheeler would not Reasonable for cash. New floats, and will sail a couple of hours realize the situation 223 later for Vancouver. Slowing Down FOR SALE-House furnishings. Nelsnn b"., ' In this country and that men In Fisheries itri Ltd. n can- Phone Phone Black Black 973 973. (225) (223) factories were slowin? down, not the ocean FOR RENT WANTED Experienced girl general housework, full time. Pnone Red 403. uumuiumg lO gel supplies 01 thrlr nwn roiintrvmpn TTnu.-PvPr It Chum salmon from Alaska and was oasv tn h nn nrmr-halr crltlo COMMODIOUS OFFICE ROOM e Queen Charlotte Islands for Much of the criticism was unjus-for rent in Daily News building. Hje. plan1, Pectatlons arc tlfled. He knew this from first including large office desk, cup- .tnat tnis cannery will be operat- hand knowledge. Many imputed board and chairs. Possession ,ng n salmon until well into next disloyalty to the government but montn- Oct. 15. Uf those who did that were the worst . i , kind of snakes. WANTED Thomas Wauaxe, district mana- It was not uncommon to hear it ,777rV"K . ,n7 ",; IV tf u- C- Packers for sald th!t 11 tawwlble for WANTED-Gas boat, 30 to 34 ft fckeena River- operations with Russia to go down. He himself Cash Rcom 41, York headquarters Apply at Sunnysidc, and did not th)nk it possible '.hat Hotel, after 6 .223) Mrs. Wallace; C. E. p.m. Avis, manager RussIa could be beaten but it was Of Nn'th PfKlfl -innar.. - .1 for w . aim not w).o t0 De too sure way - w Miu wi nvf..cAA .u auuaiu me waraena. travpl snH nnnnfnf rtlctrihutnrc ..o auu WLVJiC JOnnSlOnC tn tho tt-ar nc tn t-alrn r,ri v u nu v ai of Inverness cannery were among in the struggle, to make sacrifices. """--T ctiiciais He referred to the need for hold- WANTED wishes and aboard the Cardena this mornln? Lady room tng down on the as for that board in comfortable home. Ap- Sin through to Vancouver to would save the lives of men over- ply Box 155, Dally News. sPend the winter ln the south scas. .. now that the season is pretty well Turning to the after the war AGENTS WANTED ver on the Skeena. Members of Br0blems Jud.e Manson h i i a... u i . wc tannery cannery crews crews were were a also so vivvinvrrtn. i j ... A. . uuycu wcic wuuiu uc a tomorruw. ,After the last war they had mud- 'dIed thfOUgh. After this fnr nlri xtahli.h Vinnco Vnarlv c-' . War It V llAl Hill f M III .1 1 I IM I 1 1 1 1 I I HV TWft A. :iw .nt iwt n. wcc"r ten days aays ls 13 trv try rin.H closed down there would be - o cActicu 10 see an portunlty wrire Dept. 31, Box nerles 32. Toronto A. NOW PERSONAL GOVERNMENT JOB as Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., in Prince Rupert district Butedale and Namu down etc. Six Dominion-wide exams Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAKUKNA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 20 and 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SK, Prince Itupert ,ent. Third Ave. I'hnne 569 would be different. When Indus. salmon Can- millions nut nf pmHrwrnpnt TVio cosed for the season. At present was greater than that of caring seven are still running on fall for the returned soldiers, varieties Lagoon Bav and Pacofl t..j. u . . " J UUcr i. li I l.Vl 1 1 KIII 1 r 1 VlIlTlTTtlTlir is THE TIME TO GET A VlJr, cha,rlotte Wands, up, that the largest number of imycii,, vitssiar ana inver- clerk, men npsc in tv,o Du, J j waciia ivivci aica ana were ln some of the shipyards young men. Young women the would have to take over some of held since the war began. Free coast- Claxtcn on the Skeena closed the work and release the men. Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., this week-end and Klcmtu closed Tne war wa5 not won vet and Winnipeg Oldest ln Canada. No last week. A fair run of chums is would not be unt11 every man dld J! continuing on the Queen Charlotte ?'! Zl ZlX uu nv nun n nwmr. IVINUKK iiu3. garten with our help Canadian , Kindergarten Institute, care M C C. Schools. Wlnnipog. Man IN THE SI HtDMt; f ri;T OF ItttlTlslI COI.1MIH A IN I'ltOltMK 111 the Matter of thr "AdmliiMratloii Aft" Ami In the Matter of the ltate of Severln (Xfuliin, Deceased Intestate TAKE NOTICE that toy order of HI Honor. W. E. P1her, msde on the 19th day of Srpeimbar, A. D. 1941. I wa appointed Admttilstraitor of the E.iUte of Sever!u O'Qulrm. dised, and alt parties having claims against the &ald jctt are hereby required to furnish name, property verified, to me on or before the 22nd day of October. A. D. 1941. and all parties Indebted to the estaite are required to pay the amount I of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 22nd day of September. A. D. 191. NORMAN A. WATT Officii Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. For Gifts and Showers, Dolls and Toys Go to the VARIETY STORE Where Vour Dimes are Little Dollars 330 3rd Ave. W. I'hone Red 120 YES! We Repair Water Fipes, Roofs, Woodwork; Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned .. $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME. AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 BEGINS FRIDAY FOR 2 DAYS CAWTOl A A fAMOUI famous hayui lvr.. 7?. Continuous From 1 p.m. Daily tmiaui DAUGHTERS A. ARE FOUR $&4 MOTHERS NOW.JV ana we , . . marriages plus the carriages bring you a new generation of happiness J mfetob, yes! Tbel &Mf l"r lathers -J 1 4J I ' Uli are with the t j3S PRISCILLA LANE ROSEMARY LANE LOLA LANE and GALE PAGE CLAUDE RAINS JEITRET LTNN EDDIE ALBERT Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents- ON SAME PROGRAM Sport: Comedy "Hows and Arrows" "Love Intrigue Ends Today and women must no longer be Indifferent to their fellows. There had been in this country all kinds of injustices and if they were not more careful the last situation would be worse than the first. The war was not yet won but it was time to begin to seriously think about it and about the after the war problem. The time to do it was now, not tomorrow. Among the visitors present were H. T. Lock, W. M. Watts. Harry Car do "Knock Knotk1 Irene Dunne and Cary Grant In Complete S.ti "PENNY SERENADE" 1 00 2 59 5 C3. (at 1:00, 3:09, 5:18, 7:27, 9:36) 7 17 aoo 8:25 Breen, C. F. McLean of Smi te Rotarlan Morris Oreen ct V torla, Lieut. Monck of Wzzlj-ton. D. C, W. H, Bunker of Sc:.J and Oscar Pearson of Varvouv:- rnvrs tiFiMivi.i.irM MELBOURNE, Sept 2? " -Beryllium, a hard, dark i;re t: ': tie metal, stronger ano RCef than aluminum, h,T; bn tA In alloy form ln the Auz'Ti-sa state and Island of Make Our Store Vour Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY KITCHEN CABINET bottom portion, two large bi w drawers, two bakeboards, large kitchen work table top par hai two drawers, two shelves for dishes, two glass doors Spiendia where space ls limited. QQ7 Price complete Phone 775 fin Your Bin MOW! Arc you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and ad- vice of our qualified fuel experts. We i arc prepared to fill your coal needs now at lowpr prices from stock on hand. j Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay ln a stock of coal now for the winler PHONE 116 PHONE 1"