id The Daily News _ —=—_—====— = = Trot Along, Scoop—It’s Moving Day | “ tH : —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” ne GUESS TELL TusT WALK SHooT ae GETTING ON A VESS THEY THE SMALL. nee THE Finsic| | VAN Now— ri MOVING OUT OF IN AND SAY — STUPP wie HERE -TLL Go |, MADAM- WHAT Is ~s, vr OF May, SCooP= FOuLow iT UNTIL. AND SEE THe FUNNIEST Mike! | I You cant DIG- | | (T BTBAS— AND You BVER Saw, al EE: UPA RUNNY Peet Sty SveRY You Were MOVING ; at Mov ine Dax C. = . ; o ai ; i LOCAL JOTTINGS | MARRIED ON SATURDAY = | -~ ~ $B} A local has ——___ company been ae e formed to go into the brick manu- A wee Reg , | facturing business They pro- ! j sie Mr. and Mrs, McKay came|@rown-Hoyt Muptials” Quietly 1 6 99 a p to establish yards near he re G ose te Sle Ss t s ae are ral ; down from Hazeiton yesterday.| Performed - ; , 3 a : : i . om properly purchased today and f ‘ cee: ware tomuerly repinenss OF) ° x tt lace their product on a > i . e wc 0 lt ‘e ; 5 wie Prince Rupert. Mr. McKay was} On Saturday Miss I. Hoyt be- Aeglonri ai ri een ns ee itis ie a I al iek enaheak kh heel cplanednt ' "e . " y “ince yer arke é é é smergzen meet ) " , ¥ connected with Foley, Welch and} came the bride of Mr. Austin M. e = ? ‘i I : eae D.. AJ . ‘ B of Tyee f - ver j : °e. at fe, iJ. Ir ( \ j 1 2 Stewart here. Brown, Rey. Father Bunoz per- yeas iain ery low gut held in the M M., will be wl et pcioere eit 1 > mason emt 1 i, j Bi i pe Seaeee ee Corer aie, Bro i? onary ne en or or C se on== 1 | Tuesday M th Soe ; nce wit : ate IN THE MATTER OF the Land Registry esGay, May ith, at 8 p.m D. A. Rankin, contractor, was| sence of only a few intimate Act and IN THE MATTER of an @ . ’ ’ : haeee ’ ’ Me " 1 ~ ‘ 3 f et ; an applica Visiting and sojourni ret ie among the arrivals by train yes- friends. Mr. Geo. Tite was best ee cae ee tion for the issue of duplicate Certificates ren . vil ee gies if ek: eit eine : ; “a . “ides f Title in the name of EDWIN G. RUSS-| re iviled, it terday. Mr. Rankin is en route | nan and Mrs. Mullen, brides- i 8 ELL Fon the following lands namely, the IAS. ( + ; to his work at the other end of} maid. one Teontrthres (48 “ ‘Yowtius Wratten ee AR MICHAEL construction, near Fort George.! Mr. Brown is a pioner in Rup. |. —-—————_—_- [ere eeatets ae meme meme mt mere ere res 12), Range Five , Coast District; the secretary jert and conducts a harness and LOCAL JOTTINGS. ‘| I For Rent Pourteen Chay Township tweive Cite ee k | suddlery business on 3rd Ave. t nsurance °o Range Five (5), Coast District; the nortil. | a pa ae a Cenkey, s akeper : | ] east rte N l ff Section Seve a Mr. L. J, onkey, store eper! Miss Hoyt is also very well- C. W. Reid of Prince Rupert is|¢@ fesse arse rs ers mt ee L quarter (NE. 4) oF Section iperen| i 4 for Foley, Welch & Stewart at known in Rupert She is sister|registered at the Washington |OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just| FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave.| Section Eight (8), the southwest quarter | Peat Hazelton. formerly in the same * . . : 7 ; settiements. We write every haown class of Apply Phone $13. S.W 4 of Section Eighteen (18), i , shed ’ R ° i of Miss Edith Hoyt, formerly on] Annex. Mr. Reid says the prep-| ‘Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. FOR LEASE—Melntyre Hall; well heated Township Eleven (11), and the northwest ¥ ; -anpac ‘rt. aprived ves- : 5 , : yo | ered L.EASE—Mcelnty ; quart N %) of Section Thirteen} {| s atte ve ae eae altence ain jthe staff of the Daily News, who|/arations of the Grand Trunk Pa. jee and lighted, J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116.| ‘\4)\' rownship weive (18), ol ‘in| if 3 rday en Foe e to Cailfornia ¢ n} is now in Saskatoon, on the}cific for the provision of ocean] Wanted Se re kang ive 5 ; Coast Distri ts the west| Ss { i acé ; I. ” | Ma 4) of Section enty-Six (26), | Qi i! i annua vacation j Phoenix staff. tefminals against the comple-| Miscellaneous Township Twelve i2), Range Five 5 | ! —_———— | . ; et ns emer es mt me eee oast District; the east half (BE. %) of] , ¢ 0 ne tion of the main transcontinen- » (2 t | >, j i } . : | WANT girl attending school to help mind section Twenty-three 23), northwest} q ~ Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Leslie F. Martin came down} tai line, some time next year, are|” baby en on td erate what awe. fp ss rs se ss - quarter N W . 4) and east alt E | Lots Block Si Price rpas X 5 Ws ’ Section er yur 2 » eas alt) ~ a te Phone 4. from Hardscrabble yesterday. well in hand, and business is im-| . Address X 15, News. FOUND—A Yale lock key. Owner can] /} a Of Seation Twenty-pient (98).1 47 16 $1.050 ¥ . cae aoe Already et eee errr have it by applying to The News office] east hair (fh %) of Section Thirty-three! o- 9g {6 a rs | a eaeaoe ee feaie FS = proving in consequence Pes i] { | and paying cost of this advt. 3), west half W ly and northeast| ~/7~* ) 1,100 é Will the party who picked up} Hear Rey./ Mr. Ray, F.R,G.S.,}/the opening of the line eastward j Wanted Houses iin feats oan Saket Quarter CN. oS teot Section Thr fous 57-58 12 2 50 - | % Lae > S © more men needed 4 oose 1 Oo ship elve 2), Kange € . or 9; } . a shoe on the walk beside Kauf-} in the MeIntyre hall, Tuesday| from Prince Rupert on its way + existe tashonsoratitnsemeser~mertnseiansiy farther matte’, The Granby Magolis 5), Coast District; the northwest quarter| 6-7-8 0 : man’s music store please leavgit)/evening at 8.15 p.m. Subject,|to Fort George has helped in the) wanrep—targe store with sone show OT et ee Tet fowuship twelve (12), Range. Five (3), O79 6 : vUN Te i - sally he ay be ae] sh : Bea aed pis er eee ge ae ‘ . » hac 10 , windows in best business locality. Wi @ kale . ” a8 strict and the’ northeas uarte ; tg at Kaufman's or News office. 3t|“Life Among Savages in Brazil,” |development of the back country} Windows good but not exorbitant terms. | PUR. 5 pe Ne MS rT oauesere re ey Sh Rectlon ce Thirteed eae), oe aw i doer aya jillustrated with curios and cos-|and of the port itself in no un-) Box 217, News Omce, tf =| wire rope, ete. Apply R. Cunningham | southwest (S.W.) quarter of — Section 3-4 an / 1 | : The Woman’s Auxiliary of the|tumes. Admission— Adults, 25c.,|/certain muuner. Mr, Reid looks | qm , & Son, Ltd., Port Besington, B. C.| Twenty-four | (24);, ON Drier Tonk ee 21 8 100 : Hospital Board will hold after-| tildren 15 cents. tf j|forward to a large increase in e n the Province of British Columbia 11-12 26 8 1,350 3 Seed Sa : yo } hil . | ; : city } sity and the Business Chances MARRY—Why remain alone? The Ideal NOTICE 18 hereby giver: that it Is my|49_ 44 6 Rg {on noon tea in aid of the Hospital’ | business between this city an Introduction Club leads to happiness] intention to issue, one month after the) 4%-44 mY too 5 Fund on Thursday’ afternoon,| Mrs. A. J. Morris will reeeive! Northern British Columbia port, | Qe comers mere sneer eile and home. Strictly reliable; absolutely! first publication hereof, a duplicate of| 17-18 28 8 {.00( * . ¥ ve a F P 2 : : : } 8 cn | WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially private; highest character, If you wish} these A ertine ates of Title to the above 14 t {7 ed g nen 9th inst., from 3 to 6 p.m. in the} on Wednesday, May 8th, {Seattle P.-I. | "" Tange, also bedding and cheap furniture} rst class, dependable service send 10] mentioned lands which CertiNeates of} 14 to 47 47 85 } » : ; . mnt. 2. | ; | } “ cents for full particulars. State age.| Title are issued in the name of Edwin G 3 > as t 3 for about ten rooms. P. O. box 105 ‘a Knights of Pythias hall, This| PT o-tt ; oi f Mrs. Wilson, Box 1776, Vancouver,| Kussell and dated the 28th day of July, : » attractiva.s , i | ‘The Che 4 s Te g 3c 1905, and the 3rd day of November, 1905, t will be an attractive and popu-| Full and complete consign-| The Chelohsin is undergoing | WANTED—To rent, furnished fat_ ror | ead respectively) and: mumbered:.4 ana ¢5 ¢ R. Naden Co Ltd ry I. lar social event worthy of every|ment of ship chandlery at Howe/repairs and will not be on the sumiIper ane at May 1s races gy ten syed Jay Sane a eae, WILLU.M E, BURRITI "9 e Zi ¥ m : ' in amily ply o : Ox a3. ’ ate family, cooking or ousework,. aleh te , 4 support. 3t | & MecNulty’s, 2nd Avenue. tf | regular run again for some time. | city, 107-8 Box 12, News ‘OMice. at District Registrar of Titles. SECOND AVENUE ie J Remember Every Little Dollar Has an Interest of its Own _ pay off your loan and the payments are less than the house will rent for. 1. Do you loan money? Yes. 2. What interest do you charge? 5% on yearly balance. Sec. E. 3. What are your terms of repayment? You pay back $7.50 per month on each $1,000 bor- rowed and 5% interest per annum payable monthly. This gives you ten years and six months to Sec. E. 4. Have | the option of paying off my loan before ten years? Yes, yu may pay off the entire balance at any time and stop interest; you may pay faster than $7.50 a mionth and reduce your in- terest. Sec. G. . 5. Do! have to pay any bonus if | pay off sooner? No, you simply pay the amount of principal and interest you owe, no unearned interest or bonus to pay. Sec. G. 6. Can I get the money at once? Wo, you cannot borrow money immediately from any com- pany at 5% interest. It is only through our plan that mcney can be loaned at 5‘ interest and such easy return payments. 7. What is your plan of loaning? Our plan is a plan of accumulation. We accumulate money through our Investment Home Purchasing Contract for the purpose of loaning it to our Contract holders, at a lower rate of interest and on easier terms than they can borrow at other places. Those who wish to borrow can borrow on our terms, and those who do not wish to borrow receive a higher rate of interest than they can get at any other place. &. What is the necessary procedure to get a loan? As each Contract is entitled to a loan of $1,000 or less, you should make application for as many Contracts-as will cover the amount you wish to borrow, you deposit with us $6.00 down for each contract and $6.00 on or before the 15th of each month thereafter until a loan is ready for you. Sec. A. 9. How long will | have to pay in before getting a loan? The company begins making loans in each series in six months’ time, and yours will come due in its regular numerical order. By tak- ing the-past eight years’ business of a Company using exactly the same plan as we are, we find that the average time for making these loans is a littie less than sixteen months. 10. What determines when I shall get my jo an? These Contracts are written in series of 100 and numbered consecutively from 1 to 100. When your application is made you are given the low- est number possible at that time. The loans are granted to the Contract holders in their regular nu- merical order. As loans are made or vacancies occur from any cause whatever, each series is filled up with new business and never allowed to contain less than 100 paying Contracts together with the return payments from all the loans granted. Sec. 1 and 3, 11. Does the Company get the interest? No, the entire return payment from a loan including both principal and interest must go back into the same series to be used to make loans for those to follow. The profit arising in each series is continually increasing and making the loans faster. Sec. C. 12. What becomes of the $6.00 a month | am paying in before a loan? When your loan is granted you get credit on your loan for all the money you have paid in dues, after the third monthly payment, together with 3% interest added. Seo. F. 13. Suppose | cannot make my payments after | get a loan? IN CASE OF ADVERSITY THE COMPANY GRANTS SIX MONTHS’ GRACE ON YOUR PAYMENTS. Sec. 8. if you cannot make your payments at all the Company must foreclose the mortgage, sell the house, take what amount of prin- cipal you owe them and the balance must be paid back to you. 14. Do | lose my turn if I do not take the loan when it is ready for me? No, you simply pass your loan and hold your first position for the next loan. 15. Who holds the title to the property? You do. The Company holds a first mortgage on the property. This is a much safer way than buying on an agreement of sale or a real estate contract. With us your mortgage reduces as you make payments and we can never collect more than the bal- ance due. If you cannot pay for your house you can rent it and let it pay for itself. 16. Can I resell my property? Gertainly, at any time and to a better advantage on account of it having a 5% loan on it. Prince Rupert Branch, McIntyre Block. F. E. IBBOTSON, Supt. The Canadian Home Investment Company’s Plan of LOANING MONEY The Following Explains in Detail_.—— 17. How heavy a loan do you make? The amount of the loan is limited only by the probable income value of the property. The Company would be safe in loaning up to 75% of its value as the return payments are so small that the rent will pay back the loan. 18. Can I pay in a certain amount of cash and get my loan at once? No, you must wait your regular turn. The man without money has the same advantage as the man with money. Sec. 4. If you wish, you may make application to buy a Contract that matures for a loan prior to yours and the Company will make every effort to buy it for you. A great many Contract holders do not want to borrow. In such cases the Company will buy these Contracts for people who wish a loan prior to their own Contract reaching one. 19. I must have money at once for my purposes. If you borrow money immediately you will have to pay a higher rate of interest. Then it will pay you to carry Contracts and when they mature for loans, use the 5% money to pay off your loans bearing a higher rate of interest. 20. “I can buy a house at once on monthly payments, get into it at once and stop paying rent.” If you do, you will be compelled to pay frora 25% to 40’. more than the actual cash value of the house. Then you must pay 7% to 8% interest on the balance due. So your house will cost you more in in- terest alone than your rent would amount to while waiting for a joan. Then you have no title to the property and should you fail to make your payments you lose the property and all you have paid on it. We show you by figures where we save you $495.37 in interest on each $1,000 borrowed. Suppose you are buying a $3,200 house from a contractor on long, easy payments similar to ours at 8% on balances, you must expect to pay $800 for the easy terms as against a cash price. You can take $2,400 cash and buy the same house. Now you save at least $990 interest. Thsi sum added to the saving of $800 makes a total saving of $1,790 if you buy through us. Remember Every Little Dollar Has an Interest of Its Own Does it pay to buy a house at once or wait until you can get the cash? 21. +1 cannot make my monthly payments to you and pay rent at the same time. If you buy a house you must make a first payment of some kind, and this will necessitate saving up the money. ou can carry our-Contracts easier than you can save up the money to make the first payment on a ouse, 22. | am not settled and may move away. You can borrow from us at any place, so if you are not a our Contracts will put you in a position to own your own house wherever you do decide to stop. 23. Suppose ! do not wish to borrow any money? Then we will pay you 20% profit for the use of your money. If you do not wish to borrow when your loan is ready the Company guarantees to buy your Contract from you, pay you back all the money you have paid in on it, and in addition a bonus which amounts to not less than 20% profit. Sec. 1. 24. How can the Company afford to pay such a profit on money? The Company sells your loan to some one wishing an. immediate loan. For the privilege of getting a &% loan this immediate borrower can afford to pay for it. The Company simply sells your loan for a bonus which is paid SAFE -- SOUND -- SURE A home seeker or investor should at all times be positive that the place they put their money for the purpose of purchasing a home or as an investment is one that is safe. And that the Company that is to be responsible for the care ‘taking of the savings of the home seekers and investors is sound. Your introduction to the personnel of our Directors and Officers should be sufficient guarantee that the carrying out of every part of the Company's. contract is sure. WHY? Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings 7 to 9