0066O 0HKnKOOtOfl OO OOOCKJOOOCl OCKfCtODCHj QCiOi6HSOiw , , ItUSSIAN OFFENSIVE NOW MOSCOW The Russian Army was reported today to have launched a major offensive along the Dneiper River, crossing at several points north of Rogachev and pushing the Germans back thirty kilometers (about nineteen milesv A dispatch from ' the front, published in Izvestia, government newspaper, said that the Russian drive westward was continuing. It was asserted that Rogachev had been recaptured by Red troops Sunday. The battle for roads to Moscow and Leningrad raged unabated throughout the night, the Army reported today, adding that on the Ukrainian front positions were unchanged. GERMAN PEACE OFFER NEW YORK Mayor Florella LaGuardia spoke yesterday, of a German peace offer which would make South American nations tools of a sugar-coated plan. Adolf Hitler, it was suggested, would call off his armies if permitted to line up a union of Europe under which would be the sinister plan of obtaining economic control. TOKYO WORRIED TOKYO Japanese authorities are not very pleased about a report that the Soviet government is mining waters off Kamchatka and the Sea of Japan to guard against German warships on the Siberian coast. , GERMANY ATTACKED AGAIN LONDON The Royal Air Force struck again during the night a military objectives in west and northwest Germany. The naval air arm also struck at Sicily. On Monday the Rojal Air Torre scored hits on five enemy ships and destroyed nine enemy planes, Twb.IIritlsh planes failed to return. , LOOKING FOR TROUBLE WASHINGTON Senator Arthur II. Vandenburg of Michigan, a member of the United States foreign relations committee, says that the joint occupation of Iceland by United States and IUitish forces may prove the springboard for a United States plunge into war. It is only inviting trouble with Germany, he says. WARMEST PREPARING WEATHER KVICHAK Official Theremometer at Uigby bland Touches 80 Above Japanese To , Thrust South t TOKYO, July 15. The great Japanese harbor of Kobe Is be- lng closed to all foreigners to- day and will remain closed for ten days. The reason Is not given but the action, It Is be- lleved, may have something to do with a possible thrust to- wards Indo-Chlna. Kobe is the principal Japanese port of em- barkatlon for the south. FOR DOCK . i I - It.mnon 4VlA nf. 1 kti.lt. - . f T I . . - C 1 1 1-1 - Eany yesieiuaj uiici"""" --- runner uci-iiis i jiwjuf; ""-i-. tidal theremometer at rrince Ru-, Operation Now Nearing pert touched the high temperature Completion mark so far in 1941 when 80 above was recorded. The barometer Is The Armour salvage Co. is con- ki-v.-n4 .UoHv V!a nro clpar and .. . . .1 .--1. j TtniteH IlIglKLlIU n.vnuj , linUing WOIK Oil W-C WICtKCU Ullliv- cloudless, and there Is prospect of a Btatcjj Army transport Kvlchak, continuation of the fine warm whlch was beached on Dlgby Island earner, .. Monday preparatory 10 oemg mov-j The last previous time that a lnlo rrince Rupert dry dock. Pos-1 lkAM.----.-v rAorllnfr -c htirh AS 80 .... .... 1 .--.--IK1 uitiuiviucici - - slbly"by Tnursaay 11 may uv j"" no. was rnrHil recorded In In Prince Prlnrp RUDCrt Rupert was W8LS . . . I. tv.- dock nnn. lacfe the wreck on lne pon. cordod Conservative Leader Coming course of a tour of the west. Former Officer Here Is Chief At Pr. George toons, thus completing a salvage operation which Is believed to have been unprecedented on the Pacific Coast. .rents In narrow channels 'awkward tow to sheer oH from sice Ito side. The unique voyage was 1 favored by splendid weather con-Iditlons and Capt. Paul Armour commented this morning on the I consideration that was shown by I all nacslnir shlDDlng in slowing MYRNA L0Y IS COMING Popular Screen Actress to Pay Visit To Prince Rupert next nee An Interesting visitor to Prince niinprt on Julv 26. a week from this Saturday, will be Myrna Loy, the noted screen actress, miss iy, mo Mrs. Arthur Horn- blow Jr. She and her husband, a prominent moving picture execu 1 nresent spending a va cation visiting at Jasper Park. They will arrive here by train from the East and sail the same afternoon on Prince Rupert for Van couver enroute back to their home at Hollywood. Vol. XXX.. No. 164. bPIBBB----------8-HB------------------H B-...Biilf3S3.j..if......H---B- -----1------------------ j-Rl---------- -----------FH---lv c7u'.-i' - ''01 CUTTING line and oil to motorists irom . . . - j - p.m. to 7 ajn. wees-aays au all Sundays, will become enecuve throughout Canada when passed by an order-in-councii. ine an nouncement of Mr. cottrene was &JtrJZ with an appeal to citizens l. . . pr"...'.i..ii in ro-oDerate In preventing a serl- eiiminaie exceivc " u .wto i rM C IT VI II 1 I ! I j I 111. 11U iSAIUA WUa 1 nofr.ro thp Kvlchak can be taken Sergeant George Clarke, formerly J0n the dry dock it is necessary to with the city detachment of the reduce the draft of the sunken ves-provlnclal police here, has Just been sel from 35 to 27 feet and that Is the transferred ....0.111 vu from t.v.ti Courtenay, rf 1 Van- - reason . she has been beached at f I Authorization ior an increase ui one cent a gallon In the price of gasoline was also announced, this to go Into effect tomorrow. Use qj of Credit -rean cards caiua is o prohibited. piyjiiu.vu. ThP orders add a further pro hibition against "the sale and sup- . ply of gasoline and motor oil oy: fimsumcr purchasers to motor ve- hlclcs not bearing commercial lic ences to the end that all motor vphleles operated under private licences must purchase their sup plies from a dealer licensed to sen retail." Mr. Cottrelles statement saia that increased demands for gasb- iinp arid fuel in Canada due to the. Empire training plan and the loss in ... wie oswc Ol of tanker buum. tonnage i,vi0. v.. . lng over of tankers to Great Brl- storage. now a patient In St. Paul's H6s- pltal. iAL . War HJWWOODWW? I She Tomorrows Tides High 6:53 ajn. 15.7 ft. r r REAL ALLY Britain is Not Fighting Battles For Communism, However, Says Churchill Significance of Syria LONDON, July 15: (CP) The new Anglo-Russian pact is an "alliance" and the Russian people now are Britain's allies, Prime Minister Winston Churchill an nounced in the - House of Com- . 1 couver Island, to Prince George, to Dlgby Island so that she mayDelGasollne and oil must henceforth mons today. He added, however, assume the duties of chief there. A .worked up gradually on the slne.hp be sold on a cash h and d carry basls basis. that the alliance does not mean companied by his wife and children, At the extreme low tide the deck-flew in from the coast to Prince 0f the sunken craft Is now visible Oeorge. He was recently promoted :0n the beacn from the rank of corporal to ihat nrltaln is identifying her self with "the communist creed" or that she is "fighting the battle for communism." The Prime Minister also told the House that the successful Invasion of the Levant States by ' British and Free French forces "extricated our forces from very great dangers by which they were encompassed In Crete." Salmon Arrivals A..if nnn mnn TJplscn . , , .uui.vcf thP Atlantic and consequent lurn- Brothers: 1.500 red spring, Cold tain made the orders a necessity. Alons, 2,419 coho, Nelson Brotn- .ers. " I Lucky' Boy, 2,506 coho, Nelson T Vi Aspmlsspn. who left Tlrnthprs. dVllO. 1 ! - fnr Vancouver at the end of the ! Leona. 3.839 coho, Nelson Broth- wpek for a visit, had the mlsfor- ers. Itune to suffer a compound fracture Kanawaka, 40,000 red spring, Cold of ankle last night soon alter ar- storage; 87 000 cono, ciaxton uan- rival in tne soutnern cuy. one is nery Prices Mild cure 16c, red spring 12c, white spring 1Viz7- PPvINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1941. SNAPPED ON THIS PART OF COAST BIG AIR PROGRAM Training of Fighting Airmen Now Completed in 28 Weeks By JAMES McCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer nwiWA Julv 15: (CP) The growing thunder of airplane motors signals to Canada ana me paw" that a partnership in tne training of skilled men to "blast Hitler" Is fulfilling Its highest hopes. In Ottawa, where come the reports of progress from far-flung units of the Brmsn uommunwcaiw. Air Training Plan In Canada, there Is the confident belief that peak training arrangements will be y,0j i,vw hpfore the scheduled ICrtWAtV - time and that the growing multl- ha nf trained air crews avauaoie v v- buuv for the Battle of Britain will tut. be maintained. Announcement ot tne air tramms plan, In which Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zea NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER An Interesting air picture of Canadian Fishing Co.'s plant at Bu edalc with steamer Catala Inset. delivery and distribution 01 gaso WLi iyfcvi 7 " OTTAWA, July 15. ine opening Sicily, last night, ,tne uanan I I -n, The im,iv Kvlchak wa. was tawed toea the ne dis- on the ,in tr. nit n oAmrA tn- ""h Lthe day- Meanwhile a Fascist Dlgby Island, at 1 the h? entrance PranS' o! of'oll .0 by y fifty y per v cent, an official urce said that ready the far Italian even- , Prince Rupert "artor- eid' forthcoming regulations, was tual' consequences. of' air bom- Hon. R. U. Hanson Due in Trince 11:30 Thursday noon i,? if, Issued today by G. R. Cottrelle, fed- bardmenU' foreshadowed yes- Rupert This Friday on His Way 6 o'clock Sunday evening The t con'trolier. Restrictions of terday Iri a speech by Prime To Yukon was riding thirty-five feet De ow gasoline are announced. Minister Winston Churchill In 'the surface of the water being Hon. R. B. Hanson, Leader of the bouyed up by four scows and towed t c atlon oI the public. ....4 ' Opposition In Parliament at Otta- by three tugs "cd"JS,S prohibits " It belle ed One one oi of t the the restrictions - wa. Is expected In the city aboard 1300 o 1 400ton. ; and ? , the Princess Alice on Friday 01 ma , to nave oer.. . -ajn. weekdays and on Sundays. II I Vvl A IV week enroute to the Yukon in tne made unacr sucn cu,.u caused ... the The order to prohibit the sale,! sale.) IVUlJOI 1U ; To Blast Hitler- GAS USE Hy LtfV EAJL0F Reduction of Fifty Per Cent In Consumption is Being Sousht For Bombing " ROME, July 15 r (CP) Bri- land are partners, was mauc i December. 1939, and since thenj thousands ot young men from these units of the Empire, from the Un-( uj cMtPs fmm colonies ana iromi other lands have come to Canada; to be enrolled In the armies 01 me clouds. At nearly 100 training establishments, fighting airmen are being turned out in 28 weeics, annouBii ... IpUutpIv times before the iiivi v- f " ...it Low Bulletins CHURCHILL DICTATOR WASHINGTON Senator Burton K. Whffl.r charges that Premier Winston Chunhill of Great Britain is dictating United States foreign' policy. The State Department might as well move to London, Wheeler declares. WARM IN PROVINCE VANCOUVER One hundred above was recorded in the Kam- fall of France 11 was , nMnn .t1v 15: (CP)-The Air 50 weeks were necessary. I. " f,v that 1942. Ottawa offoclals now Deueve thP neak of effectiveness will be reached MSi?r: In September this year and WHAT SHAW THINKS LONDON George Bernard Shaw does not believe that Berlin or Rome should be bombed by tho British. There would be no military object in doing so. he POUNDING hn i n irrv :iiiiiiiini,:ii. When the plan was orgauiiuu, j - . hope was that peak production of thousands of , f 3 trained pilots and other crew mem- ons ow b w hprs would be attained by ApriL.on v uOJcv.u --- iu or itIvpti tralnlnff from the begin- Hanover, nlng to end of required courses. From Across Border Royal Canadian Air Force of-(Continued on haye Three) GERMANY Royal Air Force Continues Heavy Attacks on Bremen, nanoer, Rotterdam and Other Points of Bremen and Hanover during the The Royal Air Force smasnea . 1 " '. i.l 11- 1 IfnFtt .nnnlinl or! the Nazi-occupied malntainea tnereaiicr. nun, ut?"a,vvv.v. . , . Netherlands1 and other points In Ute aald. 2.500 air fighters a month. . . . i i . . j r prman v. Tne training pmu uimso vo i,.ri..j-,f,nmih Tn two German clues large nres aaa pariiany-nauicn uic.i , . at . n-0,.n Bremen partSer dominion, in the scheme were started and dock, ana ncre tney receive cuaiutu v - i ...... - at i ftrnPtlon. while Canadian airmen'metted on Industrial buildings n hnnts helne in with catches, 19:30 p.m. 0:45 ajn. 12:39 psn. Nazis vs. Reds f GIGANTIC ii- - . onio tt hoilhiit on the uicre wuo uu o4, ... . . local Fish Exchange this morning. j 17.7 ft. 7.8 ft. 7.8 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Reds Pushing Nazis Back BATTLES GOING ON Conflict Between Germany and Russia is Assuming Large Pro-Portions Varying Claims MOSCOW, July 15: (CP) Buoyed up by a new mutual assistance pact with Great Britain, Russia yester day announced a series of gigantic all-day battles with the German In vaders In Pskov, Vitebsk and Novo-grad Volynskl sectors, the distant approaches to Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev. The Nazi war machine Is on the move again after a ten-day pause and some observers believe this may be the decisive week in the Russo-German war. Moscow claimed today that Ger man forces had been pushed back by Russian counter-attacks as far as thirty miles across the Dneiper River. Enormous losses In men land equipment of the Nazis had been Inflicted as wave after wave of the Germans were hurled back. Much f ighting machinery had been captured from the panzer units or 1 destroyed and casualties were enor mous. All vital positions had been held without major change, a. Red communique said, and the blltz-kriee had been definitely halted. ' The Russians also claimed an lm- Iportant naval victory in the Baltic ii .... . 1 . . , Kea, inirteen snips in a nazi cun- J voy being sunk and' 'fifteen" trans ports damaged. The German Version Much different, however, Is the Berlin version of the progress of the war. Battle lines have been re drawn on the north, central and southern fronts. German commur.i- ' cation and supply lines having been mended for another offensive. Tne Nazis claim that the. Dneiper River has been eliminated as a major ob stacle, that the German forces are now only 250 miles from Moscow with a downhill road ahead; that Kiev, the capital of Ukrains, 13 under such pressure, with the Ger mans already hammerinz at its tish Columbia experienced ine ;gates, that its capture Is expected I m-I1 A. L.ni heat ...o IT A Irinik Prince A 11... S 1.1- . L T Leningrad I I .r'c highest wave. George had 93 above, Nanaimo, 96, Victoria, 85 and Vancouver, 8L DI MAGGIO GOING STRONG NEW YORK Joe DiMaggio had his forty-fourth game In a row with a hit yesterday as the New York Yankees defeated Chicago White Sox seven to one. momentarily, and that Is being caught In a pincers between Finnish and Nazi forces. Weather Forecast General Synopsis It has been mostly fair and warm with fog patches over the Queen Charlotte Islands. 1 Prince Rupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Light winds with dense fog patches off Queen Charlotte Islands but elsewhere fair and warm. West Coast of Vancouver Island Light winds, fair and warm. BASEBALL SCORES National League Chicago 0. Brooklyn 1. Pittsburgh 2, New York 3. St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 5. Cincinnati 7, Boston 4. American League New York 1, Chicago 7. Washington 4, St. Louis 6. Boston 1, Clevealnd 4. Philadelphia 2. Detroit 4. ' Ship Losses Lower Now LONDON, July 15: (CP) The Admiralty announced to- dav that merchant shipping losses during June were sev- enty-nlne ships totaling 329,- 296 tons less than any month since July 1940 with the excep- tlon of last December and , January. i )