Friday June TSS.HUCI HEW I t AO! TWO. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE P.CPERT - BRITISO COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ! ' . Dally News, Limited, third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Member of Audit bureau ot Circulations EDITORIAL The Housing Question such recommendations to the board of directors as may be deemed necessary. That housing is needed badly is abundantly evident. That private enterprise is making no adequate move to meet the need is almost as evident. We do not know what the investigator proposes. to recommend but it would appear likely that some move will be made by Wartime Housing Limited to provide houses here to rent to industrial workers. Thus at least part of the present difficulty may be met. The Bentinck Case - - - In commenting on the unfortunate Bentinck tragedy, in which valuable lives were apparently lost, no object is to be gained by this writing to attach blame to any one for what happened. It is not within our competency or our function. A little moralizing might not, however, be out of place. It is all very well to talk now about how the Bentinck tragedy might have been avoided. In fact, some people who are most loud in criticism now may have been the very ones who railed in the past about the undue stringency of regulations which might have prevented or inconvenienced their own plans some time in the past. We can remember the hue and cry which has been raised nn past occasions when the enforcement of regulations prevented to Ketchikan, a camping group going to Porcher Island, in fact numerous such incidents. Who knows what trag' edies might have already been prevented by such enforce nient of the regulations as was imposed? And there are il 1A? it a ii II to. 1 Discussing who was to blame for the Bentinck affair will do little to help. If there are to be any sequels to that, they will not be decided by a lot of talk among' people wfio are not in any particular way concerned. The profit we may gain from the Bentinck affair is to be more willing to submit ourselves to regulations designed to safeguard us and to insist upon and co-operate in their enforcement. Lord Bennett - We may have our own ideas about the necessity of a house of lords and some of the stupid usages in regard to' it We may even have been unkind enough to suggest that ' Mr. Bennett may have had ambitions to become a Lord. I In fact we can remember having forecast that he would ultimately go to England and become Lord Bennett, which has come to pass. That it is has hannened mav he in sr. nn-' ure and gratification at this time at Mr. Bennett's eleva- tion. The former Canadian Prime Minister's capacity and ; ability we have never Questioned. In fart, we pnnnnt thinly at the moment of any more able and certainly no more sincere and conscientious public man than Mr, Bennett., He is a good Canadian and a good Britisher, even if, like Julius Caesarj he is ambitious. We are glad to see Mr.1 Bennett get hlS earldom. As Inner as enrlrlnmo txva rrnlnrr 1 such men as Mr. Bennett should receive them. The British House of Lords certainly loses nothing in the way of prestige and ability through acquiring him. If there were more Lords like Bennett there would be less fault to find with Lords. So we are glad to join with other Canadians in saluting the new Lord Bennett of Canada. May he long live to grace the Chamber and serve not only Canada but the bmpire of which none can gainsay he is a distinguished and courageous if ambitious son. Canadian Wheat To Japan - - - The action of the federal government in permitting shipments of Canadian wheat from Vancouver at this time is much under discussion and certainly public opinion is most condemnatory of such action. Even if the shipments referred to were purchased before the permit system was invoked, the general view is that the government should have refused to permit the shipments to go through. That would have been easy to do, k is felt, in times of emergency such as these. Because Japan might not have liked it is not accepted as a valid excuse for preventing b the shipments 1 from leaving. Certainly a time like this is not one to take chances on goods getting through which mav be of assistant tn enemies real or potential. Surely we are reaping now! ouiiivicuujr ui uic wmnwinu wnicn we sewea years back when we helped nations Which even then we were warned of as being potential enemies. This shipping wheat to Japan looks like taking chances on helping the enemy and there should be no more of it under any pretext. Tournament Is Being Resumed Prince Rupert Tennis CluVs Competition Under Way Atin After Rain Postponements Miss Berner defeated Miss Thom son 6-1 6-2. Men's Doubles Forrest - Cruickshank defeated Schwass-Black W.O. Borland-Lamble defeated For est Cruickshank 6-1, 6-1. I Bellamy-Mellin defeated Noble-. unnecessarily unnecessarily "Dawson io-b, 6-3. 1 Mixed DouDies Bellamy-Mitchell defeated Lam- bie-Evitt 6-S, 6-2. Norrington - Bemer defeated Comadlna-Davls 3-6, 6-2, 6-3. The draw for today: By arrangement Lambie vs. I Gladding. 3 pjn. Mrs. Tinker vs. Mrs. Brit ton. 5:15 pm. Borrie vs. Kensington. 6 p.m. Bellamy vs. Britton. Bor land vs. Borrie or Kensington. Norrington vs. Hetherlngton. 1-nn nm Ml TlAvie rs Mrs. a basketball team going to Stewart, a baseball team going 'cladding. Borrie-partner vs. mc- Cormick-Hume. 7:30 pjn. Bottom half second quarter of men's singles. Norring- ton-Mlss Berner vs. Bella my-Mit- Ip Viol! oiner regulations Desuies inose pertaining 10 me sea wnicn g:oo p.m. Hetherlngton - Ken we are inclined to kick about and resent havincr to adhere 'nineton vs. Borrie-partner or mc Cormlck-Hume, FOR SALE Piano. Miss Mitchell- Phone Red 433. (138) Jqj " " n tools, 2 cross cut saw.?, a Kem- Anything ve may have said in the past, however, we do. not think is inconsistent with an expression of pleas mgWJU lypewiiwcia. avuuiu couches, chesterfields, unpalnted chests and drawers, beds, springs and mattresses at. very low prices. Phone Black 324, B. C. Clothiers. FOR SALE One 20 h.p. marine gas engine, medium duty, 24 inch propellor. 3 blades heavy duty, propellor shaft and stuffing box's bronze, with clutch. Everything complete to set in boat. Made by Gray Motor Co. In good running condition. Price $150.00. Apply to J.J R. Stanyer, South Hazelton.) FOR SALE 28-foot model A Ford engine. Apply Box 107, Daily trollinsr boat. News. (143) FOR SALE Machine Shop equipment, whole or part, all In good condition. Our mechanic Is called to -the service. Inquire, Mrs. C. A. Blue, 2nd Ave. West, Prince Oeorge, B.C. (139) WANTED WANTED Neat, efficient girl to do light housework. Must be able to cook. Phone Red 923. (138) WANTED Housekeeping position Immediately. Box 106 Dally News. (139) schoolscolo:ttes MRS. N. B. HILL'S night classes In shorthand, typewriting and high speed typewriting will commence July 1. For full particulars phone Red 923. (138) i FOUND FOUND Child's red purse with sum of money. Owner can have! same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf). rnATDAii " I FINE GAME TOMORROW AFir.fTXOON DRY DOCK. vs. f.?-.T... With an Improvement in weather HAfnilpfl RpSlllh; covprai rfnv of nost.Done- X-'CIUIICU ltCSUUO ment owing to rain, the Pilnce Ru- fe TW1 OT.j -lDert Tennis Club's annual champ- UI fUIlc OnOOl lonshlp tournament got under way again yesterday afternoon and last evenlne and Is to continue loaay. We are gratified to see that the federal authorities, v Mtav. rfttulu were u follows are moving expeditiously to relieve the housing situation Men's singles the renresentative of Wartime Housing Britton defeated schwass 7-5, e- Limited to conduct investigations with a view to making 2. Kennlngton defeated Fulton S-2. 6-1. Hetherlngton defeated Mellin W. O. Hetherlngton defeated Piers C-3, 6-2, Ladies' Singles Team KodjmilSivry. I llow MarksmeruKared in Prince Rupert Rod aml'tiun Club Event phllUpscn. 35; 43: IndependenU Win 2 to 1 Over Rocky Mountain Rangers Last night football fans wit-, nessM one of the finest football matches played thus far this sea-'son the IndependenU finally registering two points in the stand-; ing for the Mobley Cup by virtue -i . .., r nnp win over the Rocky Mountain Rangers eleven. The game was started with nom The detalledSesults of ih Prince teams ai wu -- the nil In the r Rupert Rod ami Gun Club's M-rltle dependents haviftir shoot Wednesday night were as fdl- favor. Play was Keen ana u.c As a result vhe( lowinir ers were on edge. - Rest referee was forced to caution both: Team Nl-Etson. 50. Parker, teams against unnecessary rou h-49; The first goal came a fto f-tote.1, HalkswS, 50; . Hanson. 50; ness. 199. Jftu . . teen minutes of play when Walter Team JftCS-Brackir. 48; Ddfar, Ferguson skilfully sneaked the ball 49; Cramp. 48:;Rid 47: total. 192. past al e Edwards of the R MJ Team No. 3-Canilry. 45 Ecurne, s. uiwucm-.., - I 37; Sandahl 38; total. 155.. first game oi ine wasvu - i ,jj ikt nr ro nnnrh ' seemeu vu viu r- ....i- whiih has been lacklns in the; 12ol$1.20. 25oz.$2.30. 40 25: Astorl. 50?Armstronfr. 50; total, cenire-iorwaro . i states won the Westch&ster Cup ln- 174. " dependents u-ara. ternatlonal polo series two years -jam wo. 3.-uouia. : ae. u. - - - - i ago ago yesterday yesterday by, by. defeating Great Rirkt'tti S9- Morrell .SO: total. 177. EOiril OI ine n. Team No. 6 Collison. 50; Ourrie. 48: Pearson, 50; Fortune, 49; total. 197. Free- Hand Team No. (l-fiElscn 32. IMrkln, 40; Halkswdrth; 40: Hanon. 45; total. 157. Team Nn.5 JMorrell. Se, 24: Rlcketts. 38 f Gould. 37; total, 156. fought viciously for an equalizer but had to be saUsfied to finish the half one goal down. Second Half After the breather both teams Team No. 3 Cromn. 33; Kdjrar. that they had to De coniem wiw m icw w.wc iu win me unuca 39- Broehu 44- Reich. 41- total. 163. a goal apiece. The R. M. R.'s scor- States Open Oolf championship four Team No. 4. Fortune. 43; Currie. ed first and tied the game up at years ago today. 32; Pearson. 44; Collins. 36; total, one all, centre Scott being resDon- , 160. ble lor tne goal, adoui miuwuy Team No. 5. Cahllty, 44: A?rori, through the second half Henry 28: MarUn. 37; Copeland, 41; total. Dlrkens was banished from the 153. , field of play. Up to this point ,, "Hank" had played an Inspiring RHODESIA'S BOOM brand of football. This setback to Tobacco and minerals are bljj the Independents seemed toln-nroducts of Rhodesia, in Central crease their will to win and rnorc Africa, and the outnut nf this Brl- power was added to their nlav by I itlsh war. territory is booming with the Miss Vance vs. Miss Berner-Mrs.! There's Safety in Numbers Buy Cruickshank. Mrs. Tinker - Miss more Bonds' Thompson vs. Mrs. Evltt-Mlss Dav- J Is. I If you want snrmetnmi!, adver tise for It. Hundreds of people get what thev want thnt way tfi tUSSfflE FOR SAL. other testimonial to his enancitv and abilitv to things .M-Blue mecnuues This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government .of British Columbia. ? 3 We need your co-operation to give you belter service. Please put out our milk bottles daily as we need '.them for tomorrow, Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 the remaining ten men. With about nine minutes of play left youna Dickie Cameron of the Independents received the ball well out on the right wing. Immediately he started off up the field and, after a snectacular run, he centred the ball which Billy Gomez In turm drove into the R. M. R.s goal, nils gave the Independents a two to one lead which thpy held until the final whistle. ( , A feature of last night's game was the superb goal tending of goalie Edwards for the R. M. R.'s Referee for last night's math was Lieutenant Spiers who proved himself quite capable. Saturday afternoon the Dry Dock will meet the Composite 8ervlces team in a postponed game. Try a Dally News Witnt-Ad. SWEDEN'S NEUTRALITY Speaking at a Children's Day and Heme Defence celebration, King Gustaf of Sweden proclaimed his country's "conUnued neutrality." BASEBALL Sunday Acropolis Hill :30 p.m. Composite Services vs. Dry Dock 3 p.m RM.R.'s vs. City Locals Admission 25c SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 641 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert Suggestions You want to gain Hie Victory so buy Victory Loan Bonds if you can. You Ulll can save for it by dealing at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 West 3rd Ave. Phone Red 120 P.O. Box 757 I wnen vou oz. rid $3.40 ThU advertisement is not publlsned or displayed b'j Ltquot Control Board or by the Government of British C .lumbh .SPORT CHAT pro posted 281. 3ne bett. '"er.rd made by Tonv m 1936. A -spot" coats yju onl halt Decisively outplaying its rivals in dollar. Try it In ihe Dally New the closing chukkers, the United Hasslfled column. (tf) Britain 9-4. It was the second straight victory for the American team and reduced the third game to the status of an exhibition. entered the field with firm deter-1 minatlon to virtually riddle the Ralph Guldahl, Chicago profes-opponent's goal. However, thelsional, blazed over the Oakland learns were evenly so matched Hills course at Birmingham, Mich., The Texavbcrn No Spraying No Stickineti KILL ANTS. ICO! Sold Iverywhtri You SAVE e a C.C..M. Bicycles Ride Better Last Loiter and Are Guaranteed Quality C.('.M. Rambler Motorbike Double bar model C.C.M. Rambler Single bar .model, men' C.C.M, Rambler-Ladies model C.C.M. Juvenile Girls' or boys' .1: $47.00 $43.00 $43.75 $37.50 Made in Canada Quality First Buy Victory Bonds And Wear a VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Lid. British! Columnu PAINTING I J. H. BULGER- Decorative Kalsomlnlng lwirf lorne Cornell Uptometrist Gordon and Anderson's j al Uank nidr. Phone 48 ' -