i SATIN SLIPS Ua Up . white or lea rce, lace 1.00 MOOMERS or PANTIES . bloomers or panties. 2 for-- $1.00 RLOCSES cl'wsc-v assorted colors. Datli $1.00 SWEATERS wool .sweaters, plain or fai:cy I'hoiwi J $1.00 H ORN'S RRIEKS . mesh fabric tea rose. 3 for $1.00 GIRLS' PANTIES t panic.; ,ilk stripe, pink or while. $1.00 SPORT WAISTS i waist in white tirlpc or flutes. 81.00 wiM)()V SHADES . i;aile... 36 inches wide, cream only. 85c MUSLINS and NETS mu . iv and nets, white crnaln and J jt 4 yards $1.00 WOMEN'S DRESSES u dresses, assorted silk pilnts and $1.50, Each - ' $1.95 - W NIGHTGOWNS nt-ae nightgowns, blue or pink, to ?1.3 $1.50 'ilUDLESorCOnSOIJCTTES girdles or corsolettcs, an asMji twent ten- S1.00 SILK CREPE HOSE Pure .silk crepe hose, all new shades, pair 59c RAYON SILK HOSE Women's rayon silk how;, new shades, 3 pairs $1.00 COTTON GOWNS Women's cotton gowns, trammed embroidery. 2 for $1.00 SPORT SHIRTS Girls' sport .shirts and middy blouses, 2 for . $1.00 PLAID JACKETS Girls' all wool plaid jackets; to $2.o0, for- $1.50 EARRIC GLOVES Women's fabric gloves, assorted colors and white. Pair 35c ' HAP.Y RLANKETS Baby blankets, nursery rattmns. 2 for $1.00 CUSHIONS Cushions, crettonne covered, assorted patterns. 3 for . $1.00 TOWELS Towels, white ground, nssorted color stripe, ...... 20x40. 4 for $1.00, ta iile Covers Rayon table covers. 50x50. 2 for- $1.00 . TEA TOWELS Stripe tea towels, splendid quality. 4 for- $1.00 CRETONNES ' Cretonnes, asserted new patterns, 39 Inches wide. 3 yards- $1.00; DRESS SKIRTS All wool dress -kii ts. assorted .vlziw. Each - $1.50 PRINT DRESSES Children's print dresses and.play.suit3. 2 for $1.00 Wc Close at ( p.m. Saturdays Urd and KuKoit GRADUATION CEREMONIES Diplomas Arc Presented to Pupils Of Orade XII. Graduation ceremonies were held In the Auditorium of the Booth i Memorial High School on Wednes- j day afternoon when Department of i Education High School graduation diplomas were awarded to the slu-j dents of Grade XII. who successfully completed four years of work . In the curricula of the High School. I The auditorium was beautifully decorated with evergreens, plants and flowers for the occas.on. The ceremonies, which were religious and inspirational, deeply Impressed the large audience Qtrents and 'friend of the young fradu- ates as well as the students who had assembled to witness and take part In the ceremonies. - I Very Rev. Dean J. B. Gibson of St. Andrews Cathedral concluded the rcUeious service whichs con sisted of hymns, Bible reading and prayers. Dr. J. T. Mandy .delivered the address to the graduating class. It was an insoiriru; and moving address which will Ions be , remembered by the youmr graduates as. an earnest exhortation and a ringing challenge to nobleMiving, high service, and gentlemanly conduct throughout life. Following the pddress Dr. Mandy presented I the graduation diplomas. 1 Ethel Knutson. selected by her class as valedictorian, .pavj the valedictory address, receiving well J merited applause for her clearness of enunciation and for the well chosen matter of her speech. . Musical numbers were contributed by Frances Moore, who play-rrf ns n nianoforte solo "The Dance nf the Golllwa-r," and oy Yvonne Rlffou who san? "We're Proud or ; Canada." Yvonne Riffou also played durtn" the processional march of the students and teacher;. W. W. C. O'Neill, princlpal-of the ifchool, oreslded. Mis Irene Mitchell su'peiVlsed students' arrangements. Following the ceremonies, tea was served in the rooms of thevhome economic department. Mrs. 6'Nclll and Miss Mitchell roured. with pirls of the eraduatlng class servinct. Members of the graduating c'nss are: Mariorie Allen. Ale Hill, Betty Blake, Ada Brown. Helen Brown, Eleanor Clapp, Jack Col-Urn IJIf Doctor. Joan Forest, Joyce Gillett, Marlka K?ewaki. Edith Kecfe. Kosta KlMaS Ethel Knutson. Setsuo Kewahata, Irene Lindsay, James MacKay, Jean Mac-Kay, Don MeCouver, Frances Moore, Kayzl Nlshlo, Dave Oland, Janet Owens, Astrl Petersen, Anna Mae nvinv cTrAMKIIirS LTD. Ul in- j Evening Dance Cruise i.v u s. ''IJAMOSUN" II 1 - iMONDAY, JUNE Kith having CN.R. Dock 8:00 p.m.-Rcturnlng 11:00 P1". by 1st ?, "ocky Mountain Itangers 7-Piccc Dance OrcbeMra CRUISE FARE $1.00 (MusTax) ft'Mre ;hmenU served aboard - Accommodation comfortably hi i imniti SIX-Pli:CE IHiDHOOM SUITI- .Runolal ... -nre:riiTniMHlMMMMi $109.00 "' Vanity, lpholstered Bench, Full Size Bed, Chiffonier, Cable Spring, Inner Spring Mattress S1X-PIIXH IHNIXrE SUITE-Buffet, Extension v QAQ 50 Table, 4 Upholstered chairs. Special Elio's Furniture Store Moose Building, Third Avenue Telephone Green 91(5 Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Ream, Koichl Sakamour, Ruth Scherk, Magnhild Storseth, Jim Stuart, Sachl Tsumura, Jack Wearmouth, John Wilson, Anne Wlnslow, Emily Yamanaka. Steamship Sailings I for Vancouvci- Tiiesdav Catala ... Thursday S.S. Prince Rupert 11 Friday Ss. Prin. Adelaide Cardcna 10 Saturday S.S. Prince George 11 June 11 S.S. Princess Louise June 14 S S. Princess Charlotte June 21 S.S. Princess Louise June 28 S.S. Princess Charlotte From Vancouver Sunday- ss Catala Wed. S.S. Pr. Rupert :30 p m I " ! ,30 p.m.j , I 10 p.m. ;30 p.m. :30 p.m.' .. 5 p.m. . 5 p.m. .. l p m. .... 5 p.m. p.m 10 a.m. Fri, S.S. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. SS. Prin. Adelaide 4 pjn. S.S. Cardena .. p.m. June 6 S5. Princess Louise , -a.m. June 9 S.S. Princess Charlotte a.m June 16 S.S. Princess Louise a-m- June 23 S.S. Princess , Charlotte a.m. . June 30 S.S. Princess Louise ' a.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.ru Wednesday SS. Prince Rupert 3 p.m. Friday S.S. Prince . George - 3 p.m. From Stewart and ' Premier- Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am Thursday S.S. Pr. Rupert 3 p.m. , Saturday S.S. Pr. George 8 pm. For Alice Arm. Naas River and Port Simpson: SS. Catala. p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 R.m. FADE -inwr 4Y, HOP VmjJIW wmTw, . - - S- "f ' "" i !! I HMliliUUL ! I m-WwaMaHg!,MWtwMWWW,aMtt5Bg I ri w-aw 1MIIIII III MgM-Ul jllllHHMW . . gpBBBHIgggiPpPPH ' CANADIANS ON MANOEUVRES IN ENGLAND I 'mjmh ! W G JOHNNIE I 1 -Epl I WALKER I , '' ' ( . g I .!...... ... A: .... . ! IMT V "Itt Pi I1 I P HUMP1!1 I I 1 UK-". kt,, -ii iTiiHtiiivui. i'""""" "j int' i.omor I'Kiiiro no;iru or iiv inn uovernmem I v (H.. rst w nf mai.imiiWMr" I I I' - JBk M M A M. 'TO.atfW I rantB T IT t m,W : WALLACE'S SMfP1 111 Mid-Month Specials FRIDAY and SATURDAY HOUSE FROCKS :5i.., aborted, sizes and patterns. $1.00 Communications are set up between two gun troops as 1st Division artillery takes its position durlnTnianvres Gunners B. Hugbres Saint John N.B., and Al Armitage of St. Catharines. Ont., take a message as Captain R. A. Murdoch of Ottawa looks on. C.N.R. Trains For the ICast Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays , 6 pm. From the i:ast- Tucsdays. Thursday's and . 8aiurdav - 11 pm. Bfiekels for Freedom or Shackles for Serfs Buy Victory Bon til' Never Say Die -Say Buy Vlc- jtory Bonds! Listen Tonight Conrad Nagel In 'So Ends Our Night' STATION CBU 6 p.nu P.S.T.' ACK THE MEN behind the Guns! DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED