r ft- paqk ers 4. - Expert Optical Service Prelate Stayed To View Flames Archbishop of Canterbury Declined lit Take Shelter from I'.omtis i LONDON, June 13: CP Dr. Cosmo Lang, 77-year-old Aichbish-' op of Canterbury, was badly shaken ' by Wast when Lambeth Palace, his London home, was bombed and set on fire in a heavy May raid on the capital. But he refused to go to a shelter. People from nearby Lar.ibeth Walk sheltering in the chapel crypt had to be moved when the w?ipht of water used to fight roof fires caused ceilings and floors to collapse. A high-explosive bomb one of six which fell in or near th Palace grounds wrecked pumping ap-paratus and enabled the fiie to gain a bl; hoW. It was then the butler .suggested the Archbishop would be safer in a shelter. Dr. Lang refused to go. When the fires were burning fiercely in the chapel and library he insisted on getting as close to the flames as powlbie to see what parts of the txriMing were being damaged. Firefighters were constantly endangered by streams of molten lead pouring from the roofs of the '3th Century buildings. A Clms. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watclw Clock, Jewelry Kcpairiti Hand Enj,'iaviiin VISIT OUK MASHMKNT STOKK For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, HagKage and Novelties Max Heiibroner JKWKLKIt DIAMOND AI KUCHA NT LOAN FOR FREEDOM This war is no Joke, not the imst bit funny Wc have the men. we 'need the money Tc buy the planes, the guns, the boats. Thc-w things that fly. that thoot, that float Ft Hitler's working fast and frantic Tr win the war !r the AtiantJt Wf do not awaken here,with fright To hesr th- tcrrc of she Uhl Nnither d- we work each day k While cur loved ones stricken lay Oews like the Jenrts and Hoed What-they rave Is undent ood f They gave what all they had to give Their lives they gave 'Ma' we mirht live ' And have the freedom or our ways i To live in for " " peace KVC IV'i endless VilUICKI days No matter how much you rinse your white wash needs blue Contributed couver, B.C. ii you want democracy to win you must do your share Invest in Victory Bonds. to- prevent clothes from turning yellow They will turn yellow with repeated washings-unless you remember to add a swish or two of JMuc to the lost rinse. That's the one way to keep your white clothes m WHITE. THE DAILY HffWn If Thev Could Speak nOOK-T c vnU you - r ROMANCE OF DULL GREY SHIPS TOLD Crews Of I-orl Arrivals Know And Say Little But Orim Experiences On Every Trip 1y Jack Braylcy r. iVr-n.an Pres. Staff Writer AN KASTFUN CANADIAi rOTtT. June la: 'CP- A ring of armed "t rd ;. rirrb blotches of dirty col-rod paint, a show of passes, hio employees who "don't n ' a l; : x" and a maze of rcs-r i'?:ons add up to a big headache f"r Canada's wartime ship news a rort that U further obscured by relEnter a label tuhl dateline. uatciiiic. to Vu v.. UlUUjUItU So let's all work with on acenrd baov thal had cn trapped in the Let's beat the Hun's io7ding norde Let s make old Hitler, gi$p r,nd groan That we won the war through Our Victoi..' Loan. WJLLIAM LEVtUETT II II PfcllW I II Hi the Victory Loan Campaig n by Jack Boothe of the Vancouver Province, Van- GOT BABY OUT ALIVE ; LONDON, June 13: iCP Wriggling through a small window ait., debits of a bombed bu.lding three This is a war to thu death. 'A war between savagen and demo-racv f)rrirH'iu ly a secondary steel cell in the .oridgchoute w.iich in peacetime 'afforded privacy to the second 'wireless man. The crew are doubled up and the passengers, leas important in the voyage, arc tripled up. The freighters are shared out to the vaiious lints iq compensate for the requisitioning of their proud liners, now operating as armed merchantmen and troo,i , transports. And the British seaman has become a grim guardian. His face In ihc past bespoke free and easy tolerance. But that was before he was subjected to treacherous machine-gunning In an open boat and bifore he was fired upon while clinging desperately to a life raft. fco;nc Experiences Now he is angry. Take one chief steward of a Dassenacr-earrvlni' This normally miid- manncreri and harrt.tn.mrrin rn . w BM..,v uih,- n.i it.. i .t j. . t 1 . hir.an Waj: thn varv cnitl nf Mlm Kill iliT UlilUr Ol IMC -w.j apwM. va solid guard of veterans, and behind and reasonl coolnew until a Tew the dirty grey paint lie more thrilX nicl ns .a8- Yot H wai he who ihc and romance than ever put Into olher said: Monrel or Victoria or Saint John "lnc 8ioves are off now. Then. In tie glistening white and gold was a tlmc 'nen wc P'ck ,braiq days of peacetime. ,hcm ,Nazl submarine and dive I Th! war has changed all the bornbcr crews) up, wrap them In spictynnd son efficien-y of those ol8nkp,s atd give them hot drinks easy i'days of passenger list hand- and smokes treat them as wv . . . . ... n'nillrl n V nn n 1 1 . ', auts ana long neraided arrivals; of nofab'es who talked freely and skipners who related minor ad-ven'nres merely for the listening. laday drab . and diriy, their numu hidden under a grey ( j.ii..-unae aiiu revealed oiiiy on uuiu expect ui De Lrpatrd nnr selves-but no more of that." An he wharked his tlst ion the coni-p"anlonway wall. He told of seeing German -run crews shelling open boats and German stukas spraying struggllnc teamen with marhlne-mm rir in asiukjiiy, uie nncrs plod . ninv-(4uii un m.j pori at ah hums, unspoken ,ey ave btcn iven ma"y P ...j DOrtUnltiME Inn 100 man.. In .. ?f , f,ties' n my way of "u mi weicomea. li ik take lanea much mucn 'niiU of .dcntiflcation cards and rr.uui persuasive argument to teat H their war-scarred sides. Suc-oevc rings of veteran's guards, police, customs, and lmmltrration efficiais have to be passed. Officers Wary The purser who used to meet newsmen with a broad smile, a pansenger list arid ..a, ,fie"lpful Up jnow shrugs an applogy and looks ;as though he were guarding the crown Jewels. J But" both passengers and crew. the; strain of a hazardous ocean .crossing behind them, are usually In tlkatlve mooj. And from them come the stories of adventure on the high seas. They recount chapters in the vital battle , of the Atlantic, stories, of running fight with raiders, of thrilling- rescues, and of tragedy. Passengers, most of whom are on pcrrmient business and In official capacities, come dribbling In yy do?ens on freighters bearing hjvw fla, which in peaetime re-res-nted the ultra deare of r-,rrf"-t n fiptvin nsiunur in. I i f 't Cabin eiass now means mere- - uicy snow no compassion. I'm not saying we should retaliate, although I've seen the Old Man have a time restraining his gun crew jusH, recently, but when they come Into our hands well have to treat them In future like the swine they are " Central Hotel Central Hotel Arinrx ISO Heated Room Hot Water steam Haths Dining Room In Connection Mm. C. K. IllMtk. Proprietress t.v . YES.i We 1Uvir Water PlrVn. Iln..r. Wo.Mlwork. Stoves Connected. Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned U.50 Chimneys Swept $jsi, HANDY .MAN HO.MK SPJtVICE Phone BLACK 735 DICTATORS SATIRIZED Lung Awaited Chaplain I'icture Finally Arrives on Screen of Capitol Theatre j ' The much discussed satire oji Ih present-day dictatorships. area! Dictator." starring Charlie j Chaplain, as at least reached the i screen or the Capitol Theatre here. after having been long awaited. It (was featured there before a large ! audience last night and will be re peated tonight and Saturday. Charlie Is seen in this picture not onlv as the little tramp with the I derby, the cane and awkwatdly flt-tintr shoes but in 'another role as well thut of a mighty dictator rf a war-mad power. There are two i iirs that converse, that of the ! Httle barber from the ghetto and tr ttory of the palace. ! Chaplain talks In this nlcture. the first in which he has ever been Hv-a ''nfltlc .frame. As a mild and nathptlc little man. his speech is exactly what mlsht be fxneted. As he mad dictator, he thunders end roar, rantr and crcams in an undesipreable gutturaL In Wte of the dual role wh'ch Chaphln himself has. there Is an Important sunportlng cast. Taul-ette Ooddard Is his leading lady and it Is she with whom he piavs the plennnt romance of the story. Jark Oaklc Is seen as the rival dictator Or courne. Chaplain represents Hitler and Oakie. Mussolini. Welsh Port Plans i Shelter Colonies j Cardiff Lays Ont Complete Up-lo-I Date Kesort for Itomlifil-Out i Folk CARDIFF'. Wales. June 13 CP "Shelter Colonies." the first of what may be a widespread development are being built outside the limits or this Important Wesh port. According to plan approved by the civic authorities, the shelters will be the most up-to-date vut. for In addition to providing spacious sleeping and sitting accommodation they will be served by lighting, heatinjr and drainage facilities. Attached to each colonv will be a canteen and recreation room, and baby carriage and bicycle sheds. Built of reinforced concrrtp nph buildlnc will accommodate 48 persons. They are so self-contained that thy will be used temporarily for housins bombed-out persons until new home. arc found. The shelters will be camouflaged and will be at least 100 lect apart to avoid the Possibility of more than one beln" hit at a time. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 15c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold V atcr Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Hot l!r, Matinca f - - Teatu r? nuniir . CHAPLIN Talks !,. it ft fc.k. . . . ' e- r0,J llGRJAll uiLlATOR iiilril ine l or a I.;,.. Wurld News ,rw,7w Cumin ' iVtn Victory Loan Show To Be Held Sunday On Sufifl arranaed . tory Loan : Theatre irr y. couple of w t number wii r Women's Scrt; Next Turj , a demonstrav Raid Prote CAN'T STOP Haw. I'm en my wow i ... Quaker Pulled wk..l UUOllf P..A.J B- I - ' 'f ,J THE SEAL ' QUALIH COLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Tink Salmon p..kH hi ihe onlr lc,l mnnlnc romptnjr h n H thr tear round PT'D "1 Prlnre Kupfrt A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A CfOOH PUCK TO Bl V Have You Seen the New FLKXSTKKL ... LIVING ROO.M FL'UMTl . HE i t - i? i single compact unit. No coils.to pop up, no weor strings to break. It is sanitary. Np space for Uncollect and the open bottom makes cleaning easy ly In this city by us. PHONE 775 Trains leave Prince Rupert for (he Kast Mondar. UVHnml. Kridav. G n.ni. Alr-Condltloned SleeDinc and Dlnln? Cx .is. w .to Steamers Jcave Prince Kupcr for Vancouver on Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m.' calUmr at Ocean FalU " i owcii liivcr For Pull Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 523 3rd Avenue Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert. Aeents for Trans-Canada Air Un"