PAGE POUR PROVIDING SHIPS OF WAR Prince Rupert Plays Its Part In Important Naval Building Program on Coast of Pacific , 'waves, they have their deadly Corvettes and Minesweepers Turned Out to Help in depth-charges. Battle of Atlantic New Tvpe of Craft for ' Minesweepers, too. such as have Fishermen's Reserve. buIlt at Prince Rupert- m equipped to deal death to the ;the Paeifie Oppan on tripir first nlnnn-P tn rVio con u-oro - ARE DOING GREAT WORK enemy as well as to sweep death ?seen to be breasting the combers of the North Atlantic, m one of the west coast yards .Minesweepers followed in their T Iwas born an idea which, in addi- 'wake "ry was the work they m-iiinn from the a, launchine iuik slics 3iiui 'tfon tn tn spptme -tim n a nrpiw. nrpppflpnt in' fnr th. deitcok. ... 1;cok' that thaX the needs needs of of the tfre ... . . . ... of Briah Columbia, they steamed E also ve of One .of Canada's new rnrvpttps slim r,ainrtim..vM.nt ., .ii.u . war service but they did the job. enemy which flies. For the sub- ANCHORS AWEIGH! me w taice ineir place in the eastern WC1C "'""'jpride which the men who build 1 consideration when new ships seaboard. Submarine chasers and sW fee, m their to motor torpedo boats, small but a"d p Canada's naval strength. When H. ImporUBt units in a fleet-m-bemg. JJ shlp' flgned this time, M c g Vancouver laun;hed. were part of the Dominion's mam- ff f ?nd " for!the men who had built her. and moth,. $120,008,000 ship-building ff lng. Built on Norman yarrow of Yarrow's Yards, program in toieh British Colum- e 90"1' mannedEsquimalt, where she was built, bia iftrtlchtlng to the fullest 12.1 felt that they wanted to forge a extenW its jhfeyuds' capacity L fiht?s ca" 10 ssr" strong link between themselves and r hiP-builders' skill. ce cameJ" th e days of emerg- and the shl TVi,.A i encv are now nn integral twrt nf ... ,r o u.,u.Si CIH3b ox snip ," ; ""- - made that; instead of the wife of built a sh for that part of the top al Cafdian Navy dlgnatory, as has bn the "'" n ntr which 15 aimosl ex- ..v uo joiuo, chisiveiv British n.iinmh though, are the corvettes which the Fishermen's Reserve. --- At the - tnev - nave built. The - efficiency of custom, the wife of one of the men should be chosen to sponsor the mc ship amy and uuu preside picsiuc at ux iiei her chris gjiris- outDreak or war the Fishermen's these warships . in - miniature is.tening. Lots were drawn by the '' ' "i ; 1 . A long line of Canadian corvettes heads out Into the Atlantic from an eastern Canadian port These trim, speedy little craft are doing fine service with the Royal Canadian Navy in iU heavy ta k of helping Qieat Britain guard the sea-lanes. ffHE DAILY NEWS Monday oc CORVETTE HEADS TO SEA Watchfu) seamen scan the ocean from a corvette of the Royal Canadian Nuvy as the craft heads out Into the Atlantic on patrol duty. Had Operation In Open Boat SAVED SHIP IN BOMBING Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Calala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in nortl at 7:30 this morning from the south and sailed at 10 a.m. for Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. Aboard the steamer Princess I Louise, which was In port this j morning northbound from Van .couver to Skagway, were onl; (nineteen tinsspnpprs t.T-irp n whom disembarked here. A larg-J .er list of passengers is expected on the southbound voyage. Big Bay was the scene over the week-end of a good deal of bird hunting. A number of ducks were taken but, evidently, no geese. One of the Dartles was that which Bill Richards took out on his pow-1 er cruiser, those making the trip .besides himself being W. O. Ful-iton, Sid Hunter. Dan Krlstmanson and Alex McRae. j The last salmon cannery in this district to close down for the sea-Ison, Nelson Bros. Ltd. plant on I the ocean dock here finished up salmon packing operations the lat-,ter part of last week. During the winter the plant will be engaged in herring packing. WARTIME HAZARDS i LONDON, October 27: O A 42-year old sailor who accepted a "safe" shore lob after he was tor- Shin's AI.llo With Plnnbnifi Tnnlr 'TWHfwrt t'lr wo Irillori n nwlr Shrapnel From Sailor's Back. .Delayed Action Bombs On British later when he slipped off a glass 1 rnf . . r m. . . ., LIVERPOOL. Ootober 27 0) A .delicate operation, ' performed in ... a ! wan u4tc urtw ui Anion IUU1. ALNWICK, -. Eng., October 27: ... Q) w. ' I. . . .onnn MOVTII sujrm-ioseea open ureoqat with wnen a German aircraft drop-l .. . : " ' " out anaestiietic or medical instru- ped three delayed-acUon bombs', .Jr' ' , otrtoDer 27: v mente, to save the life of a wound- onto a ship off th British coast ontnly rate oi recrui mcnts I ed seaman, has been written into It looked like the end until Jimmy f !' 0'the Indt?n, , y 'the h'.ory of the Battle of thejDowie and his pals went into ac- tcchnlca and non-technical. Is Atlantic. - 'tion. .approaching 50,000. I Seventeen men, huddled in the Two of the bombs crashed into "" ' Iboat after their ship had been ,the hold. The third, which fell on ' OLD LEGAL TOMES torpedoed, unanimously decided to deck, was Hhrown overboard. Nova Scotia claims to have the ;risk the make-ahift operation onl The crew, with the exception oldest law library in the Domin-jJoe' Wilkinson, 18-year old stew- or the captain, Jimmy and a pal, ion, dating back to 1797. ard, who had been peppered with 'were sent off in a boat. ..w "'""o, uiie oi which naa i -umuy, u traiimn irom AinwicK, lodged in his back near a lung. ;and his friend went below, dug I The se:ond mate agreed to op- out one bomb a 250-pounder erate. A fire was started in a'and began hauling It up on a pul- stove and a claspknife cauterized I y- The rope slipped and the, ,in the flames. Then, as the sail-bomb dropped right alongside ors held tthe patient down so he!J1y. Nothing happened but "it Twenty -Five Years Ago T. D. Pattullo, M.L.A.-elect, left on the Princess Maquinna for Vic toria. It is understood Mr. Pattullo Is to be Eiven a seat ln tho Brewster cabinet. LONDON, October 27: W For' better health "wash your hands 'before handling food of anv kind. ' me coai Darge uonaid u., own-1 ujc ur wno Reserve, oreanlzed in the smw.n -7 ZT" -1 Storage Co., which piled up on the ade of.. s'r William Jameson, 1 v"uus" 1Ui ucuu- juurrieu men, ana waiter Ayton ,... , . JSf year wasTced attack uPn enemy submarines, had the proud pleasure of asking mediately i into service. It brought ,and with a cruising range which his wife to fill the role of spon-to the Navy proper some forty of permits hem to keep the seas for !sor the sturdy, deep-sea fishing boats long .periods, they have played a! This example of the feeling held S tZZZ J", ValUtb1 bls Part ln the Ba" the At- by the builders In the work of the ad eir service as en wrote seamansn p was oi tne raV- 1 A"e'r iguns And, equalling this pride is that highest and whose knowledge of are heavy enough to engage the waters In which they served ja submarine which dares to come ;r .I .I ,to the surface and their high-craft, It is true, were designed for , . , peace-time nursuits and not fr angle armament is ready for the felt by the whole province for. its men who .today, with these ships, are making good the navy's traditional phrase of "being in all resrjects readv for spn nnri tn n. So well did they do it, and so 'marines which lurk beneath the gage the enemy." rocks in Codfish Passage near Bella Bella some time .ago, Is now reported ,to have broken up with no chance of salvaging her. Word has been received that George Kerr, recently reported wounded, in action, has died .....Hbu..i, nvj.i, ao micu ui. of his ins chief medical officer of the Min- I lstry of Health. ' AVOID PARATYPHOID LIVERPOOL, October 27: W The Ministry of Health has ad-'t vised that paratyphoid renorted iry n vitl.4 9 n. .... I A 1. 1 . i r j juiiu luiiii m tuib exxy anu in Injuries. He was a brother of Bristol. Birmingham and LeWstor t rciKi ana wiuiam K.err, Doth or, ana parts of Scotland "can be whom are on active service. Mrs. Kerr is at present vlsltine with her sister, Mrs. William Robb on Eighth Avenue. avoided by careful nersonal hv. giene." NORSE GOOD-WILL HELSINKI. October 25: tto Children of Sweden, by donations irom their ration cards collected In one month and forwarded to Finnish children about $7snnn worth of food. Early Copy Requested wouiani.De wasned overboard, the gave him a bit of a turn," said , "surgeon" slid the blade into the;hls fatlier who told the story. ' Those who wish the publl- ( wuuiiu, xouna tne niaden metal' Ane pair linally got the bomb i T cauun oi reporis oi meetings or f and with a few defc strokes re-! on deok and heaved it overboard, l other events are reminded that ' covered the shrapnel. iThey did the same with the other C0PV should be in the office one. But first they each cut a fin earlv- wherever possible the , 'off as a souvenir. j evening before publication. ; I Copy for advertising changes I 1 4 chnillrl oil. Kn In hA nffl.. V jL I ! v til biic Vf 1 1 tvU 1.41c WACII vnilf., wU annua nftrnnrn nrlni- fr. nMIMtl.n J. Just arrived, TS Prices to w ev - Remember ,oB, . V.W "CU'"N win:fr,r " Ml For Your Hallowe'en Novelties VARIETY RtZI 330 3rd Ave. W Phone Central Hotel Central Hotel Annei 150 Heated Roonj not Water steam Batla Dining Koom In Connectin .Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprittm, DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatani Uic:aa! Children Altcraar.i rnone isik. 52y. 572 Fulton St Satisfaction Quirantetd Cleanlr. and Pri 1 B. C. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE 10 STUDIO SCTS- 3 piece i;; . .: r.: and S90 JQ0 colors Ot t vil 3 CHESTEKI'IELD S11TE5- prlced $ from 2 USED CHESTERFIELD SUITES ST !42:"4!) 50 MATTRESSES-priced SAi from O oiiil Z HOOKED RUGS at .... FnYourBmmw! Arc you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and advice of our qualified fuel experts, Wc are prepared to fill your coal needs now r 2 ENGLISH CHINA DIXXB sets- $20$21 PHONE BLACK 321 at lower prices from stock on hand. 1 Albert & McCaf fery, Ltd. J Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of ? BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 110 PHONE MMMKMWu,.uUww.. . - w M K New 1942 Models DODGE and PLYMOUT Now on display at RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products PHONE 566 EMERGENCY NIGHT SERVICE CALL COLIN MILLER, BLUE 805