THE DAILY NEWS. oo Now on “UPLAN .. The - — Mark at Victoria tions are now being received. “Uplands” consists of 465 acres of natural park land well The property has been subdivided and fully improved at a ver the most equable in Canada. Prices from $3000 to $55, British Columbia This magnificent, high-class residential subdivision was opened for public selection on May 1st and has elicited inquiries from all parts of the country. Applications for reserva~ excellent soil, gradually sloping toward the water of two beautiful bays, Oak Bay and Cad- boro Bay, and commanding an unsurpassed view of the Olympic range and Mount Baker. now laid out, ready for building, in 357 lots, streets avenue and parks. Practically every lot has a splendid view which cannot be cut off by neighboring buildings. All streets will be paved with asphalt and laid with cement sidewalks and boulevards. Streets will be lighted by electric globes on ornamental standards placed at Intervals. All wires will be underground and sewerage and water systems will be installed. Street car service will connect with the centre of Victoria in less than twenty-five minutes. “Uplands” is in the best position to enjoy to the fullest extent the Victoria climate, ih aenenaaieinanabarenem: NH oon (em - SO A A ec RSE DS” treed with oaks and maples, y large expenditure and is 000 per Lot Terms: One fifth cash, balance 1, 2, 3 and 4 years at 7 per cent. and Write at once for Maps Literature RODGERS & COMPANY, LIMITED Times Building, Victoria, B.C. Ge Oe ene OSS: —————————S—SSSS Tremendous MARTIN O'REILLY’ SECOND - AVENUE - STORE | | —— Our Fire Sale has been the most phenomenal success ever known in Prince Rupert. . The Sale - - STILL “CONTINUES - - Remember the entire stock, without reservation is being sacrificed at prices never before heard of. .. - Our Fire Insurance Money is your Gain : 0000) fa | Phone ——E——E—E—E—E——————— ee | Best Bargains Foday: |Lot 36, block 22, sec. 6....8950 Lot 38, block 22, sec. 6....$950 | Lot 36, block 7, sec. 7.....4 $750 Lots 35-36, block 3, sec. 8..$700 Lots 3-4, block 6, sec. 7. ‘st 350 | Lot 8, block 5, sec. 5....$1575 7 Room House 8th Ave. Very easy terms. JOHN DYBHAVN 384 319 3rd Ave Savoy Hotel Cor, Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT ..Section Six Snap.. Lot 17, Block 5, $2100. Half cash and balance in 16 months LAW- BUTLER co. Phone 60 619 3rd Ave. SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 p. m,, at 319 3rd ave, All Nor- |wegians are welcome, NOW OPEN PRINCE 3 RUPERT T CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH ST, FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES Williams & Vidak - Props SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office; 8rd Ave, Phone 174 Workshop 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts —_——- PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds, Mai! Orders | Promptly Attended to -: Agents international Stock Food:- —ALL KINDS OF FEED— ees Try a Daily News ‘Nant ad. - FENCING OFF Final Work on Alaska Boundary Line Being Undertaken This Summer by Party Now Going North. Vancouver, May 4,—-The final stages of the determination and location of the international boundary line between Canada and Alaska along the 141st mer- idian as far north as the Arctic Ocean will be completed this sea- son by a Dominion government survey party in charge of J. D. Craig, a veteran surveyor who is here outfitting for the expedition. Mr. Craig will be accompanied by forty or fifty persons, to be distributed into four sub-parties, to be occupied in various phases of the work, A gap of thirty miles only remains to be deter- mined to bring the boundary to the shores of the Arctic. The surveyors left on the Princess May for Skagway, en route to the polar basis. Mr. Craig from Ottawa, arrived yesterday accompanied by his chief assistants. Survey sub- parties will be in charge of Frederick Lambart and D,. H. while .the monumenting work will be entrusted to parties Nelles, under the direction’ of Thomas Reilly anv. KE. T. Docoeli. Twenty- five paek horses will be shipped nort y the Princess Ena. At White Horse they will be aug- mented by fifty other horses which were used* for the work and which wintered River in the lower Yu- last season, in White kon. The Craig party will be ac- companied as far north as Ram- part House by a Dominion geo- logical survey party in charge of Db. D. Cairns, who is now en route from Ottawa. Mr. Cairns will work between the Porcupine and the Yukon rivers, completing the task started last season. RUSH TO ALBERTA Five Hundred Settlers in a Few Days. May 6.—In the last two days upward of five hundred settlers have arrived for various points in Alberta. A large num- ber of them were arrivals on Edmonton, OUR NEIGHBOR | home seekers’ trains from the United States and the balance are English and Scotch farmers. Sixty-five were from the of Iowa and amongst these were T. P. Welch, W. P. Walker and H. Cooper, who are representing |} a very large farmers’ association | in that state, with a view to in-| vestigateing opportunities for a} large colonization plan that their | people are interested in. No petition has been received} against the grading of Second| Avenue and Market Place as a work. of local improyement was the report brought in by the city iierk last night. | state j | Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Company’s Superb Mali Steamers Prince Rupert'and Prince George For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle *Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 A, M. "Effective May 13th S. S. PRINCE JOHN For Port Simpson, Port Nelson, Granby Bay and Stewart % ae i11a.m, Masset and Naden Harbor on aa. ae le aturdass, 7 'p. m. TRAIN SERVICE TO VAN ARSDOL Mixed Trains Leave Pr. Rupert 1 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays GOING EAST THIS YEAR? If so Ensure Comfort, Speed and Safety on Your Trip by Using The Grand Trunk Railway System from Chicago For full particulars, tickets, etc., apply to A. E. McoMASTER, General Agent, Prince Rupert Agency All Atlantic Steamship Lines All Other Queen Charlotte Island Points on SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock’Brokers ; APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Vv. F. G. GAMBLE Prince Rupert - and - Stewart Ee ESS See eas +o set i iL YNCH BROS. General Merchandise - - Largest Stock | Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ndnde rT? <—. ie aiid anictd dakwande ee Bie seth cance, 606 3rd Ave. Phone 379 TRY US FOR Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass- ware, Chinaware Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits SATURDAY SPECIAL Full Dinner Sets $10 Up CARRIGAN & MILLER Always Right We Deliver Prices I oo Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of every description Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 The , Goldenberg, cier, al the at the Hotel the other day appearance prominent dog fan- French bulldog show Astor, New York, created a furore, as his friends had thought him lost on the Titanic. His name had appeared on the list of first cabin passengers still taissing, but it was learned that the mis- take was made in the transmis- sion of names by wireless from the Carpathia, Mr, Goldenberg im- is a lace of Samuel L. DUMB VICTIMS OF DISASTER; MANY FINE DOGS DROWNED PROMINENT DOG FANCIER WAS DROPPED INTO BOAT BY MR. ISMAY—SAYS LOTS OF VALUABLE DOGS WENT DOWN WITH TITANIC—CONFUSION IN NAMES. was one of the Titanic survivors. Very pathetic was the dumb sorrow of some dogs brought to Halifax by persons identify their dead when the morgue ship Mackay Bennett ar- rived, Prize dogs, bereft of initlionaire masters who had gone down with the great ship, or merely the masterless mongrel porter and lives at the Hotel| Whose faithfulness outvies that Savoy. He is president of the|of the ~pedigreed thoroughbred, Canine de Savoie, and own many|the poor doggies mourned tho’ absenee of masters whose non- return they could not understand, valuable dogs. According to Mrs. Goldenberg, many fine dogs were lost on board the Titanic, among them two Airedales belonging to To destroy those moths get Colonel Astor and a bulldog be-| Red Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the longing to Robert W. Daniel| package from Orme, the Pioneer to capture rib-| druggist. tf Mrs. Gold- which was sure bons in this country. It will) pay everyone interest- enberg said so many fine dogs were on the Titanic that a show]ed to look over the large new was being arranged for the last/consignment of ship chandlery day of the voyage. Mr. Daniel|at Howe & MeNulty’s, 2nd “BUT OH! FOR THE TOUGH OF AND THE SOUND OF 4 VOICE A VANISHED HAND, THAT IS STILLI" seeking to. ha Hpi ¥ a Me eF\ i in Oe 4 i ; oe aR) ae ty §- wae §. P ' wel a