PAGE SIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE B CIIAS. DOD1MEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, naggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT GLAMOUR IN EVENING GOWNS JUST ARRIVED at The People's Store Our new Fall FormaLs a;id Dinner Frocks are grand examples of the "Who.-She" fashions you Important even .irs Fluttering chiffens. : s shadow) marquisettes :,:v you a wide selection 01 ah that's new and smart. AJW 5: FIGURE FLATTERING . . . BUDGET PRICED Mail 0rder; Promptly Filled OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Kunert" 1IURU AVE. Next to Heilbroner'h Phone CLUE 907 TOO GOOD TO MISS Any way you look at it the RCA VICTOR RECORD PLAYER DEAL is too good to miss! Here's What You Get For Only $16.95 The new improved Electric Record Attachment (value $16.95), And $5.00 worth of Records (your own choice from the complete RCA Victor ,m If-u-b'rd catalogue of recorded music). Artuaiiy this $5.00 worth of Records costs you nothing. RCA Victor Record Mayer can 1 e attac'jcl to any radio plays records through your radio with greater brilliance than ever before. Evcryie ;-....oy thce aiodern musical instruments--and who do-ari S5.UU worth of new records, especially they don't cost you anything. Only RCA Victor Makes This Outstanding Offer! NO OBLIGATION FOR A DEMONSTRATION diftaMm.JM Rupert Brand SMOKED LACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish &Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia Attended St. Andrew's Cathedral Yesterday And Heard Sermon By Canon Dixon Of Toronto Girl Guides were on church par- THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY New Guns 5eak at Petawawa y Major-General H. D. o. CRERAR, D.S.O.. Ihe Chiei oi the General Staii. In the Great War an officer oi Canadian Field Artillery, journeyed to Petewawa recently to see the new 25-pounder guns firing live shell. Present on that occasion were officers and students oi the Canadian Junior War Staff Course. The pictures show : In oval. General Crerar bringing a new type anti- ank gun on to the target : centre, one ol the new 25-pounders about to fro : and at bot om. part oi the group oi visitors watching the fail "oi live shell distant about five hun ?ed yards. General Crerar is seen In the centre oi the gicup and beside him is Brig. Gen. M. H. S. Penhale. Camp Commandant a former officer ol the Royal Canadian Hor se Artillery. Girl Guides On Allison Logging Church Parade Company Active In Causes of War o The A. P. Allison Logging Co. and its employees In the camps on the Queen Charlotte Islands Grade 8 Party jade yesterday morning to St. An- r Tr" lT Memorial BLANKETS FOR BRITAIN I As you look over your household stocks of winter blankets, see if you can spare a new blanket, or one as "good as new," or a new i quilt for those In Britain who have lost everything In bombing raids. If so, send these at once to your local Red Cross branch headquarters. If you cannot spare a blanket, the appeal will be helped by a cash donation of $2.00 which will buy a new single wol-len blanket. Prime Minister Churchill has; warned the people of Britain to j be prepared for heavy Nazi raids! durlnsr the ion? winter months. That is why the Canadian Redl i-uo 13 aaiu uj-fJJcaiillg lu tilt; Canadian people for these articles of bedding. Donors are asked to sew on one corner of their gift blankets or quilts a label about 2" x 4" and mark on it "new," "used," "fumigated." "washed," or "cleaned." RED CROSS CARNIVAL Pentlcton Reft Cross branch, made almost a thousand dollars' at a successful Red Cross Carnl- val held recently. Features of this. were a "hot-dog" stand, booths, managed by ten various local or-J ganlzations, a merry-go-round and I 1 other special attractions for chil dren. THANKS FROM CHURCHILL Prime Minister Churchill, through Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald, high commissioner for Canada, has sent the following message to the Canadian Red Cross Society, this central mm -i . being Lrcuig read icau at tit the uic recent iccem ecu mum IVIlirn j-hijujcu rnifWPn council committee in Toronto. rae Canadlan Red Cross s, Soci ety has won the gratitude of many ne Hundred Pupils In Attend- thousands of people in Great Brit- ance At Jolly Afiair Saturday ,an f0r the energy and devotion N'eht with which It has worked on their behalf. The quality of clothing Grade Eight pupils Of Booth gent from Canada has bppn unl- Htgh School to the versally admired and its auantltv 4Atro . 1 : rtl,-JBl TT- J v-W1t A VUililVVWUli mill YV ai , - , . , . , - ' nu5u"u wiucum waua caiBej and have been iiumuer 01 auuui, one nunureu en- has been remarkable. Civil de Mrs. K. Maughan, who Is now In qulte co-derab sums or joyed a delightful party Saturday fence workers and the fire fight vuaisi- ui uic vjuiuea, tuuuu rvn v, n r. j Uigur, in uie Auaiwnura oi uie ntr .witi pm hive shnrprf w th In twenty-five girls fell In and u. yvj WUU wC MV. Vil O i UliU , , ' i w for bombing victims. ' Three mov school. Games and" dancing were numerable air raid victims and marched single file into the Cath- , n,Mra cV,ro , the order of the evening between 1 wimn,PH nnniiP nf rinthP hian- edral. Very Rev. James B. Gibson. u "..u 7 " JTT ": ""u 8 o'clock and 11:30. Fine music W s s 1-1 .1 Terrac show, thr- aial cost, borne by spoke brlefly Thcre WM a brief work. the J,ruram 10 wnic some 01 e 1 company, being $20 to $30 A pool room h?s been fitted- up" at ?uplls contribuhed. Mtes May t;hp Aiiiiin imn onH v, Jones, Mtss A. McKenchnle and ...... Ull. . guest or Mrs. E. T. Kenney: queens anna. 77,1. Ii ? w. r of Miss Young with the assistance f hme economics Mrs. C. W. Arnett, who has been !f nirnv,v rnn R BR,TAIN n,Tv the guest of Mrs. George Little1 nJ for the past week, left for Van- ..I?D01!' f .Octobfr 27:. - Two. couver on Thursday with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. Arnett and the latter's baby son. IV UIC rmiPTii ii'in mo ,Tikiv 1 LONDON, October 27: 0i Frederick Cranham, accepted by Home Guard at 79, has donned the army uniform for the fourth time in his life. He served In the Sudan in 1884-85. the Boer War and the First Great War. cAut-nmeniai siauons navp been ruu opened in England for the pru- The town of Windsor . N. S.. was duction of digoxin, a medicinal 1 originally known as Plziquid. product used in the treatment of. i heart complaints, and formerly imported from Hungary and British Columbia. COLD ENOUGH A temperature of 66 degrees zero has been reelstered at I Yellowstone National Park. 1 Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled Into Ladles Alterations, Repairing, Cleansing and Pressing "Quick Service" K'aturing Freedman and Oabbes, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladles and Genta Suits and Topcoats to measure. DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Phone 307 Box 725 RED CROSS AUCTION The Duncan Elks' Lodge had a Today and TUesdaj Jr-UOME KEItVs v.. Topping hi, .shub0Jl. "Roberta" Always Rich, Top Quality 1 . . inik. IN THE TROPICS" with ALLAN JONES NANCY KEU.Y ABBOTT and COSTELlo KOBT. Cl'MMIXCS MARY BOUND I n . 1 .in n 1 n . . " 0 u a 40 7:40 ( Added - A Merry Melojie: "FARM FROLICS" "DOC. IN THE ORCHARD - - . . - 11 "Build 11. C Payrolls" If W "It's aiway r 1 r flavored. irrJ t ty." Mrs R M T on lis uniinrmiTy oc 1: Milk lb pai: w.'lh : patrons PACIFIC uL0.11 u. w.c bau.cuidi. woo ill r.u... u , , iui ujjil-.iih was uiuviueu uv me ih.t ...... ." Miutva nave on several int iitm; iwu.tu siiuico. , occasions " , ... . . . . . - charge and Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx , u , Zt . Junior Hlch School Orchestra. . T t .u.i. .u . ii n u.rhn.. r, r rv nnn A j ni i . t,r it. r r 1 1 1 . - u. 1-1. . uiauuu oi wuiruuiiid. 1 cau -n..i. ,i . n . j i, . rimuiuiii y . w. o. J infill was i ...v, u-.. ..i.iu..i.j .itu ui . . , . icvciwj jju id uie ncu vruss. iniS . , 1 wnu nac iuuii'u wiui sutu i mm the Scripture with Canon L. A Dixon of Toronto giving an appropriate sermon. g:oss na: been $40 to $80 per 7 " " . a""""1" tireless generosity to this humane waves, skates and bird cr ; auctioned off FINE RECORD Since the ws c:;' Tr. from this, as well as from the "0,"d th hl"g recent auction sale which cleared I Cross workers .if machines n.j stall were e In cnaree. " Refresh- 1 ' . . r.j.-f c. Mrs. John McRae of Prince Itup-slot supplied by the , g,t ,'$500 for the Red Cross. Evcij- Red Cross ar-.:ur; D;i ert is visiting in Terrace as the Rotary Club, are going to the njf ow5? JfT-J? 4Vf mfiC thing from live stock, permanent were quilts "Sorry I can't take a message 'for flffeen minutes, The colonel's listening, to Superman!" 4txrsEmmzKttrftir,-imi'Mi air. THE SEAL of QUALITY 1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon I Packed by the only salmon canning company with an I all-the-year-round payroll In Prince Rupert, A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 15 BEDS ( THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SJIELTLVj COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED .Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Hrand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium S u 1 p ha t e. Sup phosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADA.N AC Brand Metals . Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth am Antimony . . . Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trait c complete witn Aim elt-Mattress, ta -n Walnut Finish Steel Tubing Bed Q.t Rf on1 Piinn nrn-1f r Third n Tl nnr COAL! One hints d enouah far And we are sure Ae aets SUMMER COAL. PRICES s xv ires . ...... that - It 13 oniy ' MCS ".. shnuld wan' his money il,ns . . ., ,-nmes but wnen " pi Cal bUyi" should part with sme . tmp cash at - ! autumn coal price rules. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE fim vnn rmiinuTD SATISFACTION ,nv.