PAGE BIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE FT rrn CnAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCllANTp f SHOP NOW! You'll Profit by Buying Early! d Rupert Peoples Store Rupert Men's and Boys' Store Cut Rate Shoe Store COME IN AND SEE P Where Most People Shop Most Of The Time mSBBBHHHHBHSBBIHiBBBBIBBBBBBBiBliP IGIVE..., I i Stationery Attractive, Useful and Appreciate Gifts Fine papcteries featuring Self -Seal Envelopes, Lined Envelopes, Deckle-Edge, Plain and Fancy Boxes, Cedar Chests, etc. A big assortment from 25c. $3.50 (1 Wanted -Raw Furs It is Really HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAH) Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. ,..4.4.t4,4.4,4.4l Keep in a Good Stock of Albert & McGafierlFtoal VANCOUVER ISLAND T TELKWA OR ALBERTA The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This :f PHONES 116 OR 117 c PROBLEMS OF SOCKS Ottawa Research Expert On Con-sumcr Welfare Has Full-Time Job OTTAWA. Dec. 5: O Back of every bag of Canadian laundry successfully washed, bleached and ironed stands the figure of Colir. Bayicv of the National Research Council. -tf eight years Mr 2ayey has probed the problems of faded shirts, torn sheets and shrunken socks. In charge of the laundering and dry cleaning research labora tory at the National Research Council, ho is responsible for mos improvements in this line of nro- cessing. A native of the Barbadoes he came to Canada in 1921 as a scholarship winner from Harrison college, to attend the University of Toronto where he took the de grees of M. A. any M. A. sc. Keen, alert and interested lr ponsumer welfare. Mr. Bayley said in an interview, "thousands of dol lars are lost every year in Canada nrough the promiscuous use of household bleach. During the Das 10 years there has been a definite improvement in the standards of laundering and drv-cleanine:. Launderers and dry-cleaners have oecome much more scientifically minded, and our own records are a proof of the improvement in quality." The laundering and drv-elean- ng research laboratory was or ganized in 1030 when a grouo of launderers and dry cleaners ren- resenting various sections of the Dominion, came to the Resenrch ouncll and asked that a labora- iry bi established to investigate 'mjr problems. Besides its research work, thp laboratory is able to investigate and give an unbiased nnininn in fclaims regarding gocds damaged n urc-p'ng. The launderer nr dry-cleaner is told whether the damage was caused through a fault of the manufacturer, through circumstances of use or through faulty cleaning or laundering. Tes hundlrs are u-d annroxi-matelv every twn months to check 'n "--p-sps of the various firms. In the case of laundries, the test bundles are required to b? put through 20 vaVs and then re-tiirnpH to th li'vira'-'v-v for testing. Complete information regarding th p'inf nf bleach used, type of washing given and tem-,r, "f the water, is also -barfed with the returned bundle. Frrm test of efficiency of dirt removal, icolor-fastness if a dved material, for whiteness of a white T"ater(i and for tensile strpnath he lobi-nt-vy i, abie to suggest lmornvempnts. Dv-cieanlng piant are similarly tested. Resigns From School Staff Mollv Wins low Lcavin mi Account of 111 Health An- , other Appointment. M'ss Molly Winslow Is resigning from the staff of Booth Memorial inpr High School on accoum of her health. Her successor has not yet been named." Miss Elsie Hill of Vancouver has '''en appointed to a vacancv on Borden Street School 1 4taf f .Instead of Miss Violst Thome of Sandwlck, Vancouver Island, who had been appointed but has asked to be relieved. THE DAILY NEWS r Whifflets From The Waterfront -J C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil MacLean, arrived In port bright and early at 8 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and Is sailing this afternoon at 4 o'clock for Ketchikan and Stewart. The vessel brought in a goodly number o. passengers as well as a large freight cargo. The sailing of the steamer Ca-tala from here for Vancouver hristmas week will be at midnight on Monday instead of the egular time of 1:30 Tuesday al-ternoon, local offices of the com- any announce. C.P.R. steamer Princess Ade-'alde, Capt. R. C. McQeichy, is due in port at 3:15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 .m. on her return to Vancouver ind waypoints. BIG STORE OF WHEAT Visible Supplies In Canada Now Largest On Repord Canadian visible supplies of wheat have set a new record at 503,700,000 bushels, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics states in Its monthly bulletin of the wheat situation. 'The rising tide of stocks has been a feature of the wheat situation in Canada, more than half a billion bushels showing up In the visible supply to establish a new record," the publication said. "Actual figures for the week to November 14 were at the peak level of 503.700,000 bushels, this total representing Canadian wheat in all North American positions except for stocks still on farms," Government officials commenting on the heavy visible wheat supplies fea'ld the condition actually is much better than was thought likely some months ago, when a total of as much as 1,000,-000,000 bushels was considered possible if the 1941 crop were heavy and overseas shipments ' ' limited. During the latter part of the :rop year ending July 31. wheat shipments overseas increased and the 1941 wheat crop showed a heavy reduction from that of 1940. The wheat review said that most of the 1941 crop has been threshed and while grading has been affected by the unfavorable harvest weather the percentage of crop grading No. 3 Northern and better will again be high. "Inspect m returns to date appear to indicate that while a smaller percentage of No. 1 Northern wheat will shop up compared with 1940, there will be a larger percentage of both two and three northern than was the case a year ago," the review said. "From the standpoint of protein content the 1941 crop sets a new high point and quality appears also to be satisfactory." The review, referring to the agreement for the sale of 120,000,-000 bushels of Canadian wheat to the United Kingdom announced by Trade Minister MalcKinnon said: "This wheat has been sold for future delivery but when added to the sale of 120.000,000 bushels made last May, It cuts deeply Into the Canadian wheat surplus." and her slstcr lt,s wonderful what a little i, Mrs H. Stanley railed last evening classified advertising may do for on the Prince Rupert for a trip you. Most people read the classl- to Vancouver. fled ads (tf) Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m.. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return f&&fS ft(fl T1"18 on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. 15th, V V 1942' "n1 relurn Hmlt March 15th. 1942. Plus Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write It. S. GREIO, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, .528Jhlrd Avenue Phone 260 prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines BAZAAR OF U. CHURCH Annual Affair Yeterday Afternoon Is Colorful Success. The annual bazaar of Fitst Church was held yesterday af ternoon in the church parlors which presented an attractive Christmassy appearance with j streamers of red and green and the pouring table centred with a Christmas" tree adorned with colored candles. Many ladies called and the affair was the usual success. Mrs". R. G. Large, Mrs. Frank Derry, Mrs. J. T. Mandy and Mrs. Meggs presided at the tea tablis and servlteurs were Mrs. O. C. Young, Mrs. O. L. Hall, Mrs. W. Lang, Mrs. LaFlamme and Mrs. J. Clavrin?. Mrs. James Krikevsky was cashier. Other ladies in charge were as follows: Fancy Work Mrs. T. Petroff. Mrs. D. Santerbane and Mrs. E. J. Clapp. Novelties Mrs. Fred Rogers and Mrs. T. Fraser. Fish Pond Mrs. G. L. ttorleand Mrs.. George Ciccone. Home Cooking Mrs. R. Vebber and Mrs. E..P. Jenner. Girls of the Junior ChoU-, under leadership of Mrs. -M. G. Foster, were in charge of the candy sale Hockey Scores Detroit, 4; Brooklyn, 3, Montreal, 2; Chicago, 9. tm- arc; T-n n e John Bulger Ltd. JEWELLERS Our Christmas StocU of Table Crackers Have Arrived. Reasonably priced, from selections. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Opposite Canadian Lesion 45c and up See our Window Display for 3 : , I m. THE HOLISTIC. THRILLING STORY OF ni.,T HEROES . . . THE "SO FEW' IN CO.MMat 1. N'S A'R OF DUNKIRK RECREATED IN ALL ITS Ftnv THE THRILlgH OF THE YEA The aerial battles in "A Yank in the HAF."are authentic, and were filmed over Germany.Franceand England with the full cooperation of the British Air Ministry! Hi M' J' X TYRONE POWER v aii rat JOHN SBIION miNltD SlROINEt 'MUCH II OARRYL F 7ANUCK Extra . WALT DISXEV CARTOOSI XD NEWS TODAY and SAT I nwn n waa manager u. . Bl:.:i a Ter-1 ICliatC ia-c O. R. S. Blatokaby. manazer of wep sncm- :.. nunc the the Bank of Montreal at Prince local sawmills A.; r r vrr re: Rupert, spent Tuesday of this dercd lmpussabj o-. :r week- week in Tprrnri. nn nffiMii H.i. ena oy a ran oi iw i of hvy W n ness nnd whn hr " " "v ",c u" came frozen and , the portunlty of renewing friendships difficulties of :n .-rjr.d made during the years when he snowplouhs. 1? I a nrac I ouitable ror uitts nc liavc received a shipment of Table Lamps 4iio lice! i ,, ... . . . ... .-.i.iim i-umpieic Willi corus and globes in differ.-m de signs and colors. So wc arc selling these Imps ai SPIXiAL I'RICES to clear them out to make room for othoi goods V Table Lamps with Silk Shades and Fringe QA v Special to clear. Reg. $2.D5. Special JL O O H.v.iitibu, . j 1 1 .i 1 1 il y Ti V Retr. $1.5fl KnoMii tn B C II il - .1 J-i I . , . I I ncu Liumns. i.iimnifip uiih Kit k mt.i cnX-.i va tm "i Reg. $2.25. Special J. Ut) V i v tiecinc iiuids, irom 15 Watts to 100 Watts SlSln U Each Vl Sj Electric Fuse .llu. 15 tn Unii. il Each JP it 1 ilUSS TI11.SK HAKliAlftS at il It XT. Oi ) fWlfT 'ft- -V "X il v w gr if . i I D d c" il " w Ml W II ' "Where Your Dimes Are Utile Hollars' I', 330 Third Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O. Itov T5 - . i$ 1 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL I Send a 10 lb. box of K 4 "Rupert Brand" I SMOKED BLACK COD I Delivered. To our many customers who usually send a box of KP j to their friends or relations at this time of the vca fa iJa vAnicoa uui icHit-ub we nave noi yet oeen aDte 10 sew r-i Rather than disappoint our friends in the Interior un l the Prairies, who really appreciate a taste of smoked ui"'- iivm mc iuask, we suosiuuie me oner aouvi- r. For $2.00 we will deliver a 10 Hi. box of Smoked Mack oil to any express point in IJ. O. or any Canadian National Express point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba tj M.I 1 1 vnnr nrrlpr n;lfh Vinn... i . 'A j .v.w ...hi ,.itliuc VI UiUIl lu. K CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO, LT!. l-'v-.itji'a! wince uupc- wurr name ana aaaress of consignee. We will encios;- ft fa., 2 : wlthhame of sender. J? i Canadian Ficli Rr CnU Riarmi m n is i i VIUNVK RUPERT yfl imiTISH COI.UJ'" W '