PADS BIX TO DAILY KTWI Thursday, jmy 31 19 Expert Optical Service frprrl ALASKA IN NO DANGER OF ATTACK r 4n oz. 25 oz. 12 oz. Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Darn, Aiasxan explorer and iec- ner nsula hi too rouh a terrain turer who was here on the North am is 'to 'ormv for military ac-1 .""e k Juneau, -.nwiDragc, ticn. in his opinion. For that rea Fairbanks and other points to con- fpr With nrmv anthnritlwc nn A1 son he believes the St. Lawrence ! askan military matters. He con- is!'nds wou,d bs a better P!ace for tinued north on the North Sea. u- s- bombers to start from, since Father Hubbard, known as the in the Alaska peninsula they would "Glacier Priest" through h's ex- be grounded most of the time by peditions in the far north, will as- storms company army men to areas on the Alaska peninsula airi farth- north near Siberia in connection , ,r .ipt.,.AAn with military possibiliUes, such as VANOrKHllllr ' new outposts or defence measures. ' jJl he said. . I Alaska is safe from attack, he Attorney General Gordon Wis-1s confident, because of weather, mer, Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons, terrain and the distances in- provincial police, and Major S. F. volved. M. Moodie, in the course of a clvil- Xothing To Fear iian protection organization tour, Thoee who get here f Irst have are in Vanderhoof today. i Alaska, and we got here first. The : ' arniv is do'ng a wonderful Job and An Anglican Young People's pa rap with bases already establish"-" -- is now established at Stuart Lake, those under way we have nothing north of Vanderhoof. Thereare to fear " he said. about thirty boys and girls in the An attack from Siberia for ex- camp. , wmmm GILBEYS London Dry $3.10 $2.30 $1.20 GIN Tin. adv : envm s r. ;t publisaca or displayed by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia CE Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensurinj; only low temperature ice througfiout the fishing season Fishermen arc Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadi m Fish & Cod Storage PMnc- Kupert I'.ritish Columbia HMJL PICTURE LAUGH HIT LISTING AT CAPITOL Booking for August at Capitol Theatre are Announced Several Outstanding Features Feature offerings for the month of August at the Capitol Theatre are announced as follows: August 1 Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." August 2 Lionel Barrymore and Lew Ayres.. in "People vs. Dr. Kil- flare. August 4, S and 6. Spencer Tracy and iOckey Rooney In "Men of Boys Town." August 7 and 8 John Garfield and Pat O'Brien in "Flowing Gold." August 9 Ann Sothern, Ian Hunter and Roland Young in "Dulcie." August 11, 12 and 13. James Stewart. Carj- Grant and Katherlne Hepburn in "Philadelphia Story." wouid njt De auempted, hi ! , August 14 and 15. Wallace Beery beiicwes, because while there arc 4 nd Lionel Barrymore in "The Bad aieas on Ue S.berian coast which ,Man." could be used for air fields ihe August 16 Alice Faye. John coast is as far from the nearest 1 Payne and Jack Oakie in 'The Great iail head, Vladivostok, for saso- American Broadcast" line and oJisr supplies, as Seattle . AVgt, 18 19 and 20 Louis Hay--s fiom ihe Panama Canal. ward, George Sanders and Joan On the other hand planes frnn Bfnnett in "The Son.of Monte Cris- Alaska could sweep down Ksm-i10" Father Hubbard Believes It Would chaika to Japan or over ' August 21 and 22 Jean Arthur Be Excellent Base For Offensive o:hcr large les.ons of Asia tQjflnd.Cljarics Cpburn in "The Devil Warfare bcrr.b, he pointed out in an Interr jnd.Mlsiv Jones." 1 view. i Aueust 23 Fred Astaire and: .'eople make one mistake, KETCHIKAN. July 31:-Alaska :s fc jgh, in 'hulking of the Alaska in no danger of Invasion but is pc. nsula as a stepping stone to ideal for offensive warfare on the a.- part of the United States in th be.ause it is geographxally closest! opinion of Father Bernard Hub- to Japan," h- said. The Alaska! Pjulctte Goddard in "Second Chor- u." August. 25, 26 and 27 Jean Arthur! una w unam Hoiaen m "Arizona." CAPITOL fMU lTH5 TM'T TONIGHT and FRIDAY Matinees Daily 2 p.m. Evenings 7:00 and 9:10 CAROLE Lombard ROBT. Montgomery 1 In "Mr. and Mrs: Smith" '(At 2:31, 7:31 and 9:41 ADDED Donald Duck in "Golden Eggs" Travelogue "Washington D.C." World News ,EW SHOW POLICY! NOW EFIECTIVE Matinees Daily at 2 p.m. i:nlinuou Show On atnn'aT From 1 p.m. COMING! SAT. ONLY "People versus Dr. Kildare" Special ROUND TRIP ' VACATION FARES to the Prairies And stations as far East as Port Arthur, Ont. Aug. 15, 16; 17 Return Limit 30 Days Children 5 years and under 12, half fare. LOW FARES APPLY IN COASIIES, TOURIST OR STANDARD SLEEPERS. Stopovers allowed anywhere en route, including Jasper National Park. , Trains operate on Standard Time For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OfflCE 528 3rTAe Prince Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL V-62-41 Carole Lombard. Robert Montgonv ery and Gene Raymond in "Mr-' --and.Lrs..xaith" Co-starring Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery, who are seen together for the first time, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," feature picture at th Capitol Theatre for today and Friday, is a riotous social comedy of a young Park Avenue lawyer and the woman who for three years has been accepted as his wife. i Weaving its story deftly around flench, ten ajurrrt. people uitn !ii wain an .in wit ;i&.. ... j 5g3vS j the martial hfe of this highly modern pair and the unique domestic rules by whieh they live, the film hits a crisis when the two discover that their wedding was Illegal. In the emotional rebound, they find that their romance has become a triangle with the lawyer's partner , stepping in as a rival for the heroine's hand. The upshot of it all is jthat the three principals wind up "at Lake Placid in a hectic and hil-Jarious finale as both men grimly press the lady to make up her mind. Both stars are given notable opportunities to display their mirth-provoking talents and the cast also features Gene Raymond, as the partner; Philip Merivale and Lucille Watson, as his dignified southern parents, and Jack Carson as a ilayboy Whifflets From The Waterfront Southbound on the second of three specially aranged ten-day Alaska cruises which included calls at Sitka and other points of inter est not ordinarily touched at oy we regular vessels. C.P.R. steamer Pin cess Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, was in port from 10 o'clock yesterday morning until 1 p.m. On board were 223 passengers, the entire list being round-trippers. Sockeye fishing is still holding up well both on the Skeena and Naa- Rivers. According to latest reports, the gillnetters are averag ing thirty sockeye and thirty iv A good run is also continuing Rivers Inlet with averages forT' day and Wednesday report, ninety-six fish. All over Wallace's Mid-Summer CLEARANCE FELT ILVTS All felt hats, values to $2.75. Each STARTS FRIDAY SUMMER COATS The balance of our stock. Sizes 14 to 20 in plain crepes, Boucles, plaids and tweeds. Sizes 14 to 20. Values to $20.00. Each $9.95 $1.00 WHITE HATS All white" hats and colored straws at half regular puce $1.45 CREPE DRESSES Women's crepe dresses, an assortment of sizes and colors to $3.95. Each Phone 9 $1.49 HOUSE DRESSES Pi lV house dresses, an assortment of patterns and sizea, 2 for $1.00 KIMONOS Sal in kimonos. 3 only, to clear $1.95 PRINT APRONS Women's peasant style print aprons, contrasting IUUL lUl' $1.00 RUBBER APRONS Women's rubber aprons, large size, heavy grade. Ea f 65c KIDDIES APRONS Kiddies aprons, bright prints, assorted colors. 3 for $1.00 GIRLS' DRESSES Girls"print dresses, zipper front, 8 to 14 yrs. Each 59c GIRLS' JACKETS Girls' tartan all wool jackets, 8 to 14. Reg. $2.50. Ea. MIDDY WAISTS Girls' middy waists, white broadcloth. Each 50c -f m.iu....i! SLACK SUITS GW'slackuitsin-beach cloth, blue or green. 14 to 20. Each $1.95 selnln are .Si.k m tallica sun small A cording to reports rearin' r there is an unusually good n i nail mi i.4c riiucr Jviver. Union steamer Catal , lest SheoDard. was in nrt 1 cvcnlne from 5:30 imin . later southbound frnm e.... the Naas River to Vancouver ijocum-r nsi included substantial number of round 1 1 tourists. If you wani Boiinrtnirix ...... Use for it Hundreds of peonl J me wjji mai y, SALE GIRLS' SLACKS Girls' slacks, good sturdv quality drill. Each $1.25 GIRLS' SHORTS Girls' shorts, navy with red trim. 6 to 14 89 c DRESSSKIRTS Womerf s dress skirts, assorted, 16 to 20, to $2.95. La. $1.50 satin Slips Baronet satin slips, pfnki or white, lace trimmed. Ea. $1,00 BROADCLOTH SLIPS Broadcloth slips, opera top, pink or white. Each- 35c SPORT SHIRTS Girls' sport shirts in white, stripes or figures. Earn- $1.00 PANTIES Panties, pink rayon mesh, small, medium or large 3 for $1.00 SILK HOSE Pure silk crepe hose, all latest shades. Pair 59c RAYON HOSE Women's rayon hose, new stock, assorted shades. 3 pairs $1.00 BOYS' HOSE Boys' turn top grey or brown marie hose. 3 pairs- 89c SPORT SHIRTS fJr "d Rirl8' Ctt0n JerSey sport shirts' 14 10 2' $1.00 BOYS' KNITTED SUITS Boys' knitted cotton jersey suits, contrasting top. 2 to 6 years. Each 89c NIGHTGOWNS Velvasuede nitrhtp-nwna nlain ;....,! ,.oinoa to t1 O V U " ' fr""i vt iiguitU) -- $1.25 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTHER SPECIAL VALUES We Close at 6 p.m. Saturdays 3rd and Fulton (81