Mi Tnlv 31 19.41. 19 HE BRITISH COLUMBIA , DtSllLURy CO. LID t tli Liquor Conbcl Board Of by IM Coirnn of Biitiil ColixubU RED CROSS large painting presented to the By September it is anticipated 83 u.-i. ...Ill l. imrlur (Vio Tn thn llttlp t.flWn Of MiSSfitt. iiww t... - "i a ... . - i . - i m t fn nnapn fVin rlnt t oe Tclinrt cnnrA Thpro Ha'PlK n rrrnun nf workers THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF .CANADA, .LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium: Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalelum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals .Mercury, (lold, Silver, .Lead .Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony, Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Queen Sees Qussyi'l Trail. B.C. CJUllt The Lord Mayor of London looks on as Queen Elizabeth u the by the 600 children of Frederick High School, N.B. The tSS rai $l IM the scnooi quiltahd each one paid 10c for he privilege, by this and other means the Queen's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims. j '8 fi 1 5 BRITISH TROOPS IN NORTHERN IRELAND ttoop. in Northern Ireland are fitting themselves in SSlSnJ ltley may have to fflM in tho future. Ideas and devices are tried out ana ine Passed " I" " - ,7- . n troons are picturea cii..B - ...w , Provlsed rafts carrying guns, v,'.- intern mri ti i- "IKS EI!? Ti'StTf . 7G2 fTv"2 Their motto "Help win this war." , There are not very many IU I T wayoe perhaps a score L llj 1 1 Y El But thy way they turn out sewing Would make a bee feel sore Now, if you think I'm fooling, Massett Women Describes In Verse a, ,. . , . See the sewing in their window What Is Going On There The day before it's gone? CHECKS RECEIVED Arnold Flaten, local treasurer of the Red Cross, announces re-ceipt of a check for $138.40 from the Massett unit and also $10 from M. B. Pearson of Massett. They say they're Red Cross i Workers, Of course, that's Just a name. They're really a group of women Trying to block old Hitler's game. Sweaters, socks or helmets They make them with a smile 1 MASSETT, July 31. The Massett Nothings quite too difficult Red Cross unit nad a very busy And everything's worth while. evening last Wednesday. vvcuiicauuy. Eleven cicven Down in their busy hive. Red Cress by Mrs. Arthur Dunn. . ,. , 4 " '11 together you Miss May Harrison won the smaller pu Ac Canadians, EM'Aauinu Aft i loval nd true The Royal Canadian Navy musters one. You Mn help thpse Red Cmgs wAr. onn iraccols nnH hn n Mrs f! TTnrrlcnn cfimTvwpH nnrl uic ww , u . v v hi . receni caoarei aance neia in aia A1K PEAK RKQWS of the Red Crass in Massett: Send In Ynnr Canada's War Chiefs Commodore George Clarence Jones R.C.N. Naval Commanding Officer, Atlantic Coast J Commodore George Clarence Jones, one of Canada's) finest "Sea Dogs," has been appointed as of February 12th, j 1941, Otiicer Commanding 01 the Atlantic Command. The iirst two years oi tnis war nave Deen a Driinant cnapter for the Commander. As -"Captain D" he commanded our Destroyer Flotilla operating on the Atlantic Coast, and ... .. 'v. kqo ,e,IHl. In, th. cafo members were present and three jou joor woonens tx doggedly in the service, along large and Jour small comforters "r re" yure . . . ; '.A 4nH,. rt i innntirVn with Admiral Nelles and the small were completed. ! ur. uunn was tne winner or a xoun una rnem tucKea insiae a uul k .... . with the British Navy across the nucleus of officers upon whom we Atlantic to all the Allied ports. This lean today as literally life savers is the biggest transport and ship- 01 ine impire. During the lull Jones went back nine eonvov svstem ever seen In the world's history to England for a spot of real, hard work-at Staff College served later CaCnada was in great luck to Resolution under Admiral have such a man in her decimated n I Crk of Narvik fame. After n.uv u,h u,r hmk nnt F. w as it takes to build a warship In tw years jn towa " nav,al sta"l . j ,4 , ; officer under Commodore Hose, he 1 1 TTl M rl T1MHI1 II. I MKI-t fVfM II II f f" I to produce officers capable 0f " , l v. Irnn Miilfp nn frpnprni sprvipp Hp. handling it. 71 . " ' Jones is a Bluenose, as his par- -. ! . ant, a? Colle8e' then returned to Canada r. i. k 50111 m NpWQ FarllPr bef0re hlm' v.1 ffX, as C. O. Halifax Station. After two nCW 5 1ICI claw years ago. He was of the tint rs ln cornmand of the Skeena,i - -t ented Canada's Roya Naval was glyen West Coast statlon j Due to chanced conditions College when It opened ln Halifax . A . 19,2 married the1 arising from the handling of in 1911. With 21 cadets he went daughter of British Columbia's late war news, the Dally News 'fiom here- ln 1913 to H-M.S. Ber- tnen yeutenant Governor. finds it necessary to set a 10 .wick oi me -mwi rieeu. wnen Commodore jones is credited I a.m. deadline for local news war broke out, seven of these went wlth snarp ..bark but an un- l contnouuons. to insure pud- bounded enthusiasm for his men lication It will be necessary for Admiral Craddock, among them jthat modlfies hls "bite." contributors to have their copy Jones. That fall he suffered an , in by that time or earlier if acute dissappointment that prob-. TO .RMy noble nmferablv the nieht ably saved his life. He lost the . .. t Se roffrSta It may S draw for four out of seven Cana-! Nearly half of Canada s estimated be Dubllshed dians to transfer with the Ad- direct war expenditure ln the pres- V mlral's flag to H. M. S. Good Hope, ent -fiscal year will be devoted to Shortly after the Good Hope was the army. n1 in naval battle off the coast . -- of chne and the four Canadian. Ouilt cadets who won' the draw were the first Canadian officers to appear, ,on the casualty list of the war. j 1 Aboard "the Suffolk, Jones found i 1 himself ln cold and peasoup fog in patrol off New York Harborr 'learning from his captain the severe lesson of how not to complain about the food. When he received his commission as sub lieutenant !ln 1916, he transferred to the Pelican of the Battle Fleet. His captain, moved on ln 1918 to command ,H. M, S. Vanquisher of the 20th Mine Laying Flotilla, amazed and delighted Jones by choosing him as his first lieutenant, which means executive officer of the ship. He found the North Sea a "picnic" chancing upon them one day while out on reconalssance, dropped hrvYihs Hnwn at thpm while thev Istood with mouths open gaping there were no anti-aircraft guns aboard but the Zep's aim was not (good either. The war over, Jones couldn't get (back to Canada fast enough. His ;blg moment came in 1919 when he was -given his first command, H. M. C; S. Patrician, and he has .never felt so perfect- and important: since. 'In 1922 when Canada paid ? off her cruisers and virtually aband oned her navy altogether, Jones LAND ACT Not I re of Intention to Apply tn I.raxe Forfiiliore In Range S, Const District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate South of lots 447S and 6853 at Port Edward. Take notice Uuut British Columbia Packers Limited of Vancouver, B.C., oc- .oupatlon fish packers Intends to apply lor a .lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the Southeast corner of lot 4176; theUce S. 37 decrees 25" W. 310 feet; thence a 7 degrees 19" E. 672 feet; thence N. 82 degrees 41' E. 218 feet; to the right of ivay of the a rand Trunk Pacific Railway; thence N. 7 degrees 19' W. following the Bald right of, way 802 feet to a point of commencement, excepting therefrom Blocks V, W and V of Lot 446 (Plan No. 1038 and containing Pour acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED . per Fred Nash, Agent. 'Dated June 5th, 1941. -r, "j I' LAND LEASES RANOE 8, COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that J. E. Ormhelm.,of Vancouver, B. C fur-.buyer. Intends to eitmly for a lease of tne following des-orilbed lands, situate Kennedy Island: Cammenclng at a pout planted at high-water mark on the easterly shore of Kennedy Island, Range S. Coast Land District, at Tree Bluff; thence southerly, westerly, nortiherly, and southeasterly along high-watar mark of said Island to the point of commencement, ountalnlne 10,000 acres, more or less. Dated June 14Mi, lim, J, E. ORMHEru. and attended Imperial Defence1 ClASSlFltO FOR SALhi FOR SALE Store fixtures In good condition consisting of one large cash register, one small cash reg Ister, one large store scales, two small scales, four booths complete with tables, soda fountain and equipment, tables, show cases, shelving and duotherm oil heater. Phone 14 before 5:30! p.m. (178) after the Atlantic, and he and hls(" , fellow officers, young enough to FOR SALE-Crane gate and globe have not a nerve in .their bodies,' valves, just iiKe new, noubenuiu would take any risk" with acute' doors and windows, I bathtub, 2 Joy. There were a good fewl cash registers, beds, springs and "sticky parties" stealing . around ! mattresses, studio couches, ches- iZeebrugge and Heligoland Bight to terfields, unpamted cnests ana "lay their eggs" about two ln the! drawers at reasonable prices; morning. A wandering Zeppelin,! Phone Blk 324. B.C. Furniture, 3rd Ave. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. 415 7th Ave. East. 4 bedrooms. House ten years old. Price $1300 cash. (181) FOR SALE 5 -room house, 3 bedrooms. Close to Dry Dock. Apply Harrow Slmonsen, Standard Oil. (180) FOUND FUjrDBunch,lbf kby$. 6wner;can have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this TENDERS INVITED FOR SALE Separate scaled tenders for the purchase of cabin and boat hull owned by the late Jacob Anderson and situate on mainland west of small island across harbor from Dry Dock, will be received by the undersigned up until noon of Saturday, August 9, 1941. Cabin 10'xlO. Doat hull 36'x 10'x bVz. on ways. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Term? Cash. NORMAN A. WATT, Esq. Official Administrator, WANTED ELDERLY woman wants house keeping. Clean and practical nlaln cooklnE. Adults preferred Apply Dally News, Box 123. (173) WANTED Small furnished house or room ,and board for couple ADDly Box 130, Dally News. (178) WANTED Bright young boy. Apply Chris' Mill Bakery. tf FURNISHED House wanted. Phone Red 182. (180) THEWS NOlR$M Cubt bring imilet of enjoyment t ' breakfast became they're delicious f treat. And after a troakfait of Cubs, If y V Y miles are likely fj lat through the day, because these spoon-sized bundles ' I f.t ,A,.u WhM. nrhAn A- ' l t v MM. midV UC lUUUWIUlUt nourishing and sustaining. You see, Cubs are a real energy food-crisp little bundles -of toasted whole wheat flavoured with pure malt. The ' natural minerals, the bran and even the wheat germ are there. Give your family this nourishing treat tomorrow. Order a package of Cubs from your grocer now. A product ct Th CMntdisn Shttddtd Wheat Company Limited Li SAVE YOUR PENNIES with Victory Bank l4Garry on Canada" Writing Pad 1 Plig. Envelopes to match (Self-seal or Regular) : 1 Victory Bank Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocka of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 mONE 652