FAQS BEE' Canadian fish. Prices for Ameri vuauuati awtt tlVO 1 4 l ,''A mm.1 l" ! iim.mu Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Cloth, .Jewelry Repairing Kami Engraving VISIT OUR RASKMKNT STORK For Fine China, Dinncrwarc, (Classes, Ruggagc and Novelties Max Heilbroner JHWKI.HII DIAMOND MUltCHA.NT Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings for.This Year Still Lag-ging Camosun Running Cruise Up Skeena River Tin's Afternoon 7 The volume of halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the VM1 season enn ;nues to fall back in comparison with last year. So far ' his year landings at the port have aggregated 5,512,700 ounds as compared with 0,708,460 po'-iv's at the correspi nding date "ear. The American total for this season to date is 3,220,000 pounds us aamsi o.uoi, iuu puuac.s in Canadian total to date is 2,233.3'i pounds in comparison with 2,774,- 3C9 pounds. During the p'st week landings totalled 726.G00 pounds consisting cf '161,500 pounds American and 26 1,700 pounds ppa?."age. Tlrre will 'ie further such cruiies during the .s-jason. In? North Pacifi- halibut rntrh cf 'he United States and Canadian ' fleets through ths first two months i of April " and and May totalled vviou 18,- V , can fish during the wrek ranged 202,673 pounds, the International irom a nign 01 11.2c anri !ic. naid Fisheries Commission said yestcr-the Martha and Arrow for 0,500 day in Seattle. The American flf-t pounds in each case, down to a lew took 12 887,428 pounds. The total of 10c and 0c which was the price catch for the same two months last received for several catches. For year was 18,388.346 pounds Canadian fish the top price of the . - 1 week was 11.1c and 7.5c paid the Robert B. for 17,000 wounds while the low was 10c and 7.5c which the Porchcr O. received for 4,000 pounds. NEW HAZELT0N Rev. Dr. Gerald Switzcr. a nriK- ... , . ,, fessor at Union College, Vancouver, Another interesting local cruise with his wife and mother, and Rev. is being run the Union steamer by William Deans, pastor of Mountain Camosun Capt James Watt, this View United Church Vancouver, afternoon from here into the waters and Mrs. Deans were visitors In around the mouth of u,c Skeena Hazellon over Ia.st wcck-cnd, having River. Leaving at 2 p.m. it will be motored up from the south. Both a three-hour sa 1 and a capacity list Dr. Switzcr and Mrs. Deans rcceiv- P C0P'MS taking Uie UUnS- a hoart wclctm fom many Favorable weather prevails. The old friend, throughout th CCntnl trip became a sell-out this morn- -trrlor. Years aeo rir rh,-,.- inc and many had to be denied seated at Toolcv whilP Mr n. wm Cvnirtbnt-- t- the Victory of the New York Sun. was a former United Church pastor at Hazcjton. Jack S?ott af the Vancouver News-Herald, Peter Inglis of the Vancouver Province and It. H. Baker, $ ccretnry of the Vancouver ourist Association, were visitors in Hazelton at the end cf last week n the course of a motor jaunt 'hrough the central interior. David Albert Webster left Hazel-ton last Sunday for Vancouver where he is to be marrirv! tn mi T fs If ' 'WW '. - Contributed to the Victory Loan Campaign b artoofiist Les Callan of the Toronto Dally Styr THE DAILT KIWS Loan Campaign by Rube Goldberg Internationally known cartoonist Muriel Jeffer. R.N.. formerly of the nursing staff of the Wrlr.ch Memorial Hospital. Immediately After the ecremenv. thq couple will motor back to Hazelton where they will reside;. Mr. Webster is identified w't lb" t-.ff of the Indian Aaenfs H1:t at Hazelton. Mr. and tyr,. w W. Andersen pioneers d Ha-elton. left the interior town on Tuesday of this week 'or .Vancouver where they will make heir future home. Miss Julia Simpson of Ocean Falls has bgeit Wjcndln;; a holiday at her old home In Hazelton. J Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mullinson and daughter have returned to Haz-cHon from Vancouver where Mr. Millinson had to spend several weeks receiving eye treatment, J Richard Claxton returned to Vancouver thl week after spending a 'hoUdnv In Hazelton with his aunt, Rev. Norah Hughes. The Stilthers and, Hazelton District Teachers Association held its -pilnr monthly meeting in Hazel-ten la't Saturday. A feature of the gathpiing was a picnic at Kealy Lake which proved highly enjoyable , to all. Rangers' Band Gives Concert For Smithers The Rocky Mountain Rangers regimental band under direction of Lieut. O. W. SJoqulst, which has been on a two weeks' trip to Kam-loops and elsewhere in the southern interior. Is returning to Prince Rupert on tohtght's train. This morninir thband gave a.half-hour at. ajnltherJniisu'-iport of the VIVctorylloan ra'rriBaign. Tomorrow They will lvo a concert at Totem Pole Hin at 3 p.m. Dollars will win the war. Dollars will end It sooner. Invest- in Vic tory Donds Twenty -Five Years Ao June 7. IDlfi fhrl Kitchener, commandsr-in- chief of the British armies, has ' been lost in the Hinklnij ol the 1 cruiser Hampshire off the west coast of the Orkney Islands, It Is. officially announced. I The river steamer Tan Iran imwi vessel built for service of the Hud-i ;on Bay Co. on the Stlklne, arrived' l here yesterday from Vancouver on her way north. The veteran skip- I ' per. Cant. Gardner. U in command of the vessel. , Mir. and Mrs. c. V. Bvitt of Georgetown win be leaWnt? shortly for England where Mr. Rvltt will enlist. The management and staff of the Georgetown sawmill presented them with a purse of gold as a .token of esteem, the presentation , being made by Hal Peck. , Canada At War 25 Years Ago June 7, 1916- French sui Fort Vatix. Verdun, to German , uuops. uuigarian forces driven 1 1 1. 1.. uu;k. in snarp engagement rrcnen on Greek frontier. vlth Shekels for Freedom- or Shackles for Serfs Buy Victory Bonds. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclli ProprinUir "A IIO.Mi: AWAY FROM HOMK" Hates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. r.ov in MEDICAL MYSTERY Anothrr fit 1'ouiilar Dr. Kildare Series is Presented at Capttol Theatre Tonight Lew Ayrcs, Lionel Harryinore and other characters of tills popular series of pictures have another istrangc adventure In medical mystery in "Dr. Kildare Ooerj Home," which is the feature nlctutc for tonight at the Capital Theatre hre. ,Hils time they Leave a big city hospital to deal with diwase nrc-jventlon In a town striken by fln-.aiiclal panic, battle prejudice and 'opposition tn cleaning up old wells and other unsanitary spots, Dramatic moments in medical srlnc are blended with comedy and down , to earth human emotions. I The dramatic hlffhltght Is the struwrle of the doctors to sav the life of the mystery patient nnd tho ,hnM'o before hc town council for a sanitary town. Comedy highllahts Includp th planned elopement of Avrrs and Loralnc Dav who suddenly discover that he whole town knows their secret. A new doctor ! added to the Kildare grnun In John Sheldw Other Mayers include Oene Lockhart as the mvstery patient Alma Krucer. Samuel S Hinds. Emma Dunn Wl ter Kinesford. Nat Pcnrilet.-.p. M"-i Blake. Nell Crab. Frank Orth. Horace McMahan and George Reed. 1 Sockeje Fishing Soon Opening of the .season for fishing with sockeye nets in I'-incc Rupert district this vear will be at 6 o'clock on the night of June 29, It i is announced. Preparations at var- lous canneries In the district for the ( season's operations are now well under way. Kresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONi; 657 CHIROPRACTOR h.hiU V j:illin. ii.c.rh.c. Wallace Itliick. Phone r.jo I 'invir 1.- iLR HVinuileleSI; . BarryniorTl I t M- 1 I aii? a Huns! "l nyrcs rv II tines n iwsil)M;y Tl) 11 At 7 :, ,l!if) , COMtNf. M H 'Kk llrnin , ' M "l-ovc Thy Stir.f Onus for oui """""m A Man whu wi:. Friend' .. YES.' We Itrpalr Watrr rii.M.Wvl I 1 mi QTrmement It not b or dlsnlarcii hr ih, t Bord or by the Cawt-a tt Woodwork, Stuff j Connettt, 1 Etc Oil It 11 rn CM Oanrd I1M Chimneys Sept JJ.Ml HANDY MAN HOME SKKVUT, Phone lll.ACK 755 Wlirn Vim Want a KHUIile, Cumfortahlr, )f prndalile TAXI ni irkir A )crvice 2 Hour Srrvlct at KrcuUr KalM Trains leave Prince Rupert for (he Hast Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m, Air roiidltloned Bleeping and Dlrur Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean la"' l,d Powell Klvcr For Full Information and Reservation h Call or Write CITY T1CKKT OFFICII, 52a 3nl Avmue I hone 2G0 Prince Rupert. Auents for Trans-Canada Mi LlnM Buy Victory Bonds And Wear a VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated. by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Pn I Iff llrltish Column vu Ulll. I. a. t imrnn 1 1 1 1 11 ir-nr