Step Into &yle With ARTT SHOES Do you share with many the habit of cataloging people by the appearance of their footwear? We.can think of no, better way to spruce up for early.fall than to buy a pair of Hartt's Shoes. Exclusive at Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally flews, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers,, per . line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Not Afraid, Anyway - ChurchilFs Story - - ,25 SUBSCRIPTION KATES Subscription Rates in City Pef tfear . $5.00; Hall Year, $2.50;.Qae1Month,-50c; Qne Wk. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers bv Mail,' $3.00 a -Year AdteitbLns and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OF TIIB (.'ANAUIAN 1'HESS TTie OfcnadlAn Pwa Is xdulvetj entitled to use lor republication of til ne-wi SEnSS! Xcrtirem.10 U,e la tS W " All rUhU of republication of apeclal dmtoh herein are aJso reserved DAILY EDITION Tuesday, August 26," 1941. Prime Minister Mackenzie King was not afraid to go to England, as .some of his. critics claimed. He had never before ridden in an airplane and he was "said to have a touch of heart trouble. Yet he made his f jrst air flight in a bomber across the Atlantic and the morning after his arrival held a f our-hour'coriference with British officials. There was nothing soft about that. Also he attended the! Canadian held day and was booed by some of the : troops; Yet he carried it off laughing and, according to reports; showed nothing but pleasure at the reception giyeu'.'hini; That was a feat of which, to, be nroud. We are inclined to think our Prime Minister is making 'good in England. He' captured the headlipes ip the newspapers and seems to' nave peen wen received everywnere. Don't Be Misled , ,, Last week the Russians seemed to have suffered spme reverses and this was taken advantage, of by the (Jerman lying propagandists who made all extravagant claims about how the Reds were on the run and were. beat en. But the Russians came back immediately and. showed the world that they we're far -from being beaten. Theyj wiped out some German divisions, numbers of airplanes! and. by counter attacking, showed that they had plenty of punch left in them. Yesterday one of the British broadcasters showed how many of the German radio stories were lies and had from the. first, contradicted themselves.' On Sunday.the whole worjdilistened to Prime Minister Winston Churchiirs story of how he had met President Rooseyelt inpme bay pn the, Atlantic coast. While he said very little that alreajlyjbeen tqld,.he put in personal touches that carried a strnnir nnnpnl Fnv Vmlf nn imm. he held an audience of millions in every country of the world. He has a wonderful gift of telling just enough of any subject to keep 'his audferie'e hoping for more. Alaska Highway - A special, despatch from Ottawa to the Financial Post at loronto suggests.that the Federal government will not build the Alaska highway unjess the PermMit Joint lioard of Defence strpngly 'recommends it asMfcslrable. This board will meet in.Septem.ber. In .an Argmi)nttliat, in view of the scarcity of shipping, the highway woujd holp to relieve the situation, it is possible the Canadian answer will be a suggestion that the United States cut the long shipping route by J routing goods iby the .Canadian National Railways to Prince Rupert and thence .along the .coast. It is pointed Seattle tance by sea from! CRESCENT SHOW FUN Unique, Clean and Wholesome Entertainment is Promised The Victoria, Colonist of May 23 contained the following article regarding the Crescent Shows, which appeared there. "te this show will appear in Prince Rupert oh August 28 ' to September 2,7the .write-up In the Cofonlst may (prove of Interest: J "The Crescent Shows, now playing at Quadra and Pembroke Streets, Victoria, are proving an aggregation of unique, clean, wholesome entertainment that can be enjoyed to the .full by women and children and grown-up males, who wish a diversion of amusement apart from the rent throughput the year. "The Crescent Shows In all reality present the fascinating mechanical, riding devices of a metropolitan amusement park, giving to the kiddies all the Joys and thrills known to Coney Island. The 'oldsters,' too, find spirited rejuvenation as they frolic and romp amid jthe gala offerings the Crescent Shows bring to Victoria for this week only. i "Mayor McGavln and Aid. W. H. Davies,' chairman of the celebration committee, together with Chief of Police J. A. McLellan, assured themselves of the cleanliness and whole-sbmeness of the entertainment offered the citizens of victoria by Crescent Shows before permission was granted for opening within the 'city limits. v Rigid Policy "Appreciation was expressed at the' rigid policy enforced by the management of Crescent Shows in keeping the attraction free from any possible objectionable features sometimes found In travelling circuses. It is realized that the main object of the management Is to furnish the men, women and children of a city that does not enjoy .the facilities of a permanent amusement park, with all the joys and;, thrills that accompany such an enterprise." wmL CANADIAN ARMY DEIOLITIAN SQUAD 3 i Clambering along a railway bridge) hgrt qver a rushing, torrent, this demolition squad is making, prep'araUons. to '.'blow up" the structure during exercises "atPetawawa. training camp. ' PHAHFNrF HllrlJLiJLiljllVjJLj I ,nYFf I qgniENBURp, August 28: p A ninil?Drri?l reiuia'tions of the Swedish JLil 1 TAJ W Prescribe the soldiers ,must ' rr be able march miles - - - tp 50 in -3d (hours' .carrying fiejd .ulpme'nt , Jt . and with o dhnlnuaUon . fight- IO ill CCl. UfUllU 111 OUliU.tll Game for Charity Royal Canadian Air Force, .win- .mg rjower. .NEW .DELHI." August :25: 00 Without aDDPal fnr rnnfrlhnlnne v . - r r r.T '""w , , . r ners of the' Civic Centre Carnival the yiceroy's War .Purpp'ses'iFund Softball cup, this morning accept- as re.aphed the impressive total ed the challenge of Grotto, champ-1 ofs- ?7 LaJs pr about $12,- 10ns 01 the cuy League, for a game "'uvy- . to be played for a charitable cause. I : : The game, it ls"expected, will taej lCICIPALtPARKING l place Wednesday or Thursday af-' California has authorized cities' TcTtT and Wy and counties to .acquire and oper. ; " ii'.i r if 1 n it iatp -fc jtKMn'ijjE' juus. jot 11 J mm A good companion allows a .friend ....... ... to ornuu l.!, 1.. rrL i 1 ; the .pfecj companion of good .whisky.' It nllnua tliiL-v tn toll its ,. j .w jv,, ioJyTM..emty. The Seagram Canadian Whiskies are distilled, aged and blended to meet the Avater test. They are of such exquisite flavour that men who know good 'whiskies refuse to mix with tliem anything oilier than plain or gparHng . "water. It is this delightful and' exclusive smoothness that has caused the: Seagram whiskiqs to outseH all others on the American continent. " '" Seagram's Famous ;Bmndj UGRM'l SUCRIM'I tnoiiu 'KING'S PUTE" -OtORTP DinW .: 5 m .25 2S Hi m KsyrJ m &avs 1 Jos. E. StagntntSSons LtJ., falg $2.35 ). Tto ad vertisementVla not published or displayed the by Liquor Control Hoard br by the Govem y to v.- - . : - . - ment of Crittih Columbia. 'WftH51 Playgrounds Activities Westvlew boys showed the way in .both softball and soccer at the Gyro Playgrounds this summer, it is revealed by the filial standings. The season us very ..successful In spite of the fact that many In terested boys were forced to drop out In mid-term because of .work; McCiymont suffered, heavily In, this re&nM't and 1 in ha rnnixratiilatprt - r - v iD.F--,vM on their fine showing despite their loss of many key men. The win- ning Westvlew boys will recejvej Individual prizes tonight at the Boys' Club. Members' of the jleam t are: Tom Pllfold, Frank James, 1 J Frank Hlneston. Jim Deaean. Qua' Kadanaga, Don Hartwlg, Frank Clapp, Buddy Morris, Charlie Cur-rfe, Bob Currle, Alan Hartwlg, Ray jRix,,Sid Youngman. J The final standings: Softball W L Pts. Westvlew .5 2 .714 McCiymont 3 4 .423 Seal Cove ..3 .5 .375 Soccer W L P Westvlew 3 1 0 Seal Cove v... ,2 2 4 McCiymont l .3 2 Summer sports wind-up will take place this evening at the Boys' Club in the form of a double tour nament of table tennis and shuffleboard. Anyone, boys pr .girls, unaer is, may enter and prizes will be awarded the winners. NICE COLLECTION Bank of .Canada bills are In denominations of $1. $2, .$5, $10, 20, $50, $100 and $1000. FOOTBALL TONIGIITC:45 Composites vs. Scottish 15U1LL) A HOME Like This -SEE WAR'S END uyjiiuvn, nugusi 25- f -Arthur i . J V. o six men n,- . andoned careers in 1934 to L themselves to Bible e study tnu conscientious nh .jwmi s n v.,... they were convinced the warC end in 1043. touh ANGLICANS IN CANADA First Anglican church tn Canart, St. Paul's, was built at Halifax J 1750. trescent Shows A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A (1000 PLACE TO 1JUV UTILO MOTIII'ROOF WAROROHE CAIHNETS Sliding Drawers, Clothes Jlarjgers. A splendid wardrobe for your suits, cpals, dresses, furs Unassembled, each . 327 Third Avenue ,$4.9.5 Assembled, each $5.25 I'll one W Get iPrJces of Materials From -Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. .Importers of, Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILIHNG MATERIAL Why not lay.ln a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE HO l-IIONE l" Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. 1SX. callinc at Ocean Falls and Powell Klv" Saturday at 4:00 p.m. IS.iV, calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, WednesUay and Friday at 0:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Air-Condljloned Beeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc.. call or write CJty .'Ticket Office', 5?8 Third Ave. Phone 260, Prince Rupert AKents ,for Trans-Canada Air Lines When You .Want.atellable, Comfortable, Dependable 'Service 1 i Prince Rupert I l Aug. 28 Sept. 21 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Jloral Hank Bld(. Central Hotel Central Hotel Anna 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Bithi .Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, TroprletrtM PHONE 13 XU Hour -Service at Regular Rates