?AQ2 TOUR THE DAILY KE7TS Juday,Au8lut?il Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Phone 843 Free Delivery AYLMER Peas-Size 5.-Per tin . .. CIIAS.. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT KING COLES REIGN King Cole in English legend Is said to have reigned In the 3rd 'century. NAVY HUMORIST M.P. A. P. Herbert M.P., author, play- U.S. PLANE OUTPUT AYLMER Asparagus Cuttings Per tin . AYLMER Fruit Cocktail-16-oz. tin AYLMER Marmalade 2-lb ,jar .-, AYLMER Green Beans Ken. Wonder. Tin .... AYLMER Peas and Carrots 2 tins AYLMER Tomatoes 28-oz. size. Tin . . . . . AYLMER Catsup Per bottle ...... 11c 23c 27C 12c 23 c AYLMER Mixed Vegetables OQa 2 tins MOV, 11c 14c 15c AYLMER TOMATO OR VEGE- TABLE SOUP 3 tins Lynn Valley Peas Per tin Lynn Valley Green Beans Per tin 24c 10c 10c I r- INcw Soldiers' Horn ! Wilson of New Brunswick, NewJer-; sey, and children of the Large and j Young families returned at the ;end of the week from a delightful j week's cruise to Oamder Canal waters aboard Dr Large's new power cruiser Soogwilis. Splendid j weather favored the trip and all, jwere impressed with the grandeur! of the scenery In that area. Mrs.! Wilson is a sister of Mrs. Large Jspi,,,,, wno accompaniea ner 10 Vancouver ,when she sailed Saturday after noon on the Prince Rupert for! wright and wit, is a petty officer Vancouver after her visit here in the Royal Navy. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Er- nest Sheppard, Is due in port at; the .no U.S. aircraft .r..,,,,, .,... - Vancouver , and industry turned out sail at 4:30 for 7,423 war airplanes. waypoints. S&yLMEIb CANNED FOODS AYLMER Pumpkin 16-oz. tin AYLMER Tomato Juice 10-oz. tins. 2 tins AYLMER Spinach-28 oz. Per tin . . . AYLMER Tomato Juice 1'") oz. 2 tins AYLMER Diabetic Fruits Per tin AYLMER Apricots-28 oz. Per tin . . . . Try Us For Your Next Shipping Order 10c 11c 19c lie 25c 25c AYLMER Asparagus Tips Qr 10 oz. Per tin JLOl, AYLMER Junior Foods 2 nns AYLMER Pork and Rcans-16 oz. 2 tins 19c 15c uia i hill l jgaiR-towa wa AYLMER ASSORTED SOUPS 2 tins Lynn Valley Pcachcs-2 tins Libby's Milk 3 tins, . .. . . 19c nssnra 27c 25c First Grade Butter- $125 Granulated Sugar- CJ7 QA 31bs 100,1b. sack $ i VV Five Roses Flour- . Q-l Honey Graham Wafers- 0-J0 49-lb. sack yxJtJ per AiC Oxydol- Camay Soai- ff7 Large pkt. tdfJV, Per bar Q F:icUr i3c ',' ''20c a...,,, ......... 28c 23c ROYAL CROWN CLEANSER Qp 1 ROLLED OATS- 4Qn 2tlns VK j Per pkt I OC N21bsBananaS7. 25C Canlejoup-Good size. rjQ Fresh Peaches- 4 Qp Large Cucumbers- 21bs 1VK' Each IC Ni? fhPUdS 25C Iarge Oranges- Q00 12 lbs AOX Per dozen . . . ; t)oC Seedless Grapes- rtffp Utah Celery- JTT 21b- - Per lb. . . DC W: 25c '"-' 39c OVERWAITEA Co. Y.M.C.A. HAS OPENED ITS NEW HOSTEL New Headquarters For Rest, Recreation And Entertainment Of Fortes Opened In Prince Rupert Mrs. Oarbutt, Mr. Shipp and Mr. Melvln. This concluded the speeches and Mr. Llnzey formally declared the new hall open. The Program The concert program disclosed Mrs-some excellent talent of various c-kinds among the local forces." IN ENGLAND FOR BLITZ Garbutt, In Charge Of Y. W, A. Work, Saw Luftwaffe At AVork Those taking part were Lance Cor-1 poral Howse, Canadian Scottish,1 Mrs. R. J. Oarbutt. who has been piano solos; Chief Petty Officer placed in charge by the Young HoDe. Royal Canadian Naw. mon- Women' Christian Association of ologues, solos and tap dances; tfle Hostess House facilities estab-(Gunner Sonnv MaDleton. 102nd: Hshed in connection with the new in Prince Battery, trumoet solos: Pettv Of- " M. C. C. A. A. quarters quarters Iflcer Allan Bird, Navy, songs; Pri- Rupert, was In England during the . - - vate Bickerton, Canadian Scottish, "arlJ' Pa 01 ine omzmeg lasi Cleaned and transformed, rcno- vloiln Telegraphist Speed 'all. About six weeks after the iri- 3:45 this afternoon from nr Xnr7niy' rmn nornPlPe; Prtvates In the first six months of 1941 and other northern points and wlll'T '"ttorihnAnnr- Bmanm ana Bond' Canadlan T" Y To Tt, . soclal and recreational headquar- tkh. instrumental nnvpin w. of a party of British k refugee child- ;jers provided by the -Young Men's monica. violin and spoons: Private ren which landed at New York. Christian Association for the forces Luft, Canadian Scottish cowboy Her home In Coventry was destroy- in rrince Rupert. Its formal openr sqi. Prlvate CraIti Canadian ed like a great deal more of that ling as sucn iook piace lasi nigni Scottish, clarionet solos; Sapper in the great raid after she with a program for the evening pirkey, Royal Canadian Engineers, left England. Mrs. Oarbutt's hus-, which included a few brief humorous songs; Corp. ShUdrlck, band is still residing in Coventry ! speeches, an acceptable variety Canadian Scottish violin solos- but her two young sons are in .concert, a dance and serving of Supply ' Brophy. Navy. Impersona- Winnipeg from which city Mrs. refreshments. P. H. Llnzey, chair- tionSf and c Bob Townsend Gaibutt came to Prince Rupert. n m m me local x. m. u. a. aa- Engineers, violin solos. AccomDan- Mrs. Garbutt herself was born viaury commuiee. presiaea. ine ,t, WPr r.nm Tnnri t in WlnniDee and is a Canadian but speakers, besides Mr. Lmzey, Lieut, cdrp. White and Lance Corporal she married an Englishman arid, uUiuu i. v,., . u., area Howse, Canadian Scottish. since marriage, has resided in Eng- commandant; Ailing City Com- Muslc for tne danclng was by a land. She was visiting In Canada mlssloner F. M. Good and Cliff newy formed "Y orchestra con- at the time of Munich and decided Leslie, senior secretary of the Y. of Corp. Townsend, Private to eave her boys in Canada at , c- A' he.rf- othe" on .tne Plat- Wilcox, Sergeant Altken. Sergeant hat time, returning to England form were Lieut. Col. Walter Bap- Bentley and Gunner George ""self despite the war clouds .tie officer commanding. Second Brown which was smooth and which were gathering then. VZ a T, d i w lunesome, making all anxious to a"'?Zith?-y-?:U c-ded. Cliff Leslie and ocai ai. wi wr, jvits. . xw. Breen Melvln , Winslow and O. C. Young of the ceremonies. locai aavisory committee, and AJ Shipp and Breen Melvln, local Y. M. C. A. secretaries. Those In at j tendance were members of stren; ; Prince Rupert had rendered the lold quarters entirely Inadequate. 'it : was very gratifying that the Y. M. were masters of tipS soiaiers reiterated Mr. Leslie' Mr. Llnzey, in opening the meet ing, tlments with lusty cheers. ! Q11AO r Vt. J A "6 "i rruttuiients. Fine Premises Inspected C. A. had been able to fill the Dresent during th nin f s sen tnlH hAu ih orrmty. rt ltJ ul uy canieen :ngth of the Trmed sirv in '"f" w1th the as- serv- opportunity was given those need by moving to the new place, and Inspect the new premises i Prince Rupert's hospitality to the There was both surprise and gratl-lorces had dated back to the start flcatlon at the splendid appointor the war when Toe H had step- mcnts, furnishings and facilities jped In to meet the situation. Then which had been provided. On the ihe Y. M. C. A. had entered Oh ground floor, besides the general I the scene and had expended a recreational and assembly room ! great deal of time, energy and with billiard, ping pong tables 'money, culminating In making tfiis dance floor, library, canteen, men's j commodious hall a suitable place lounge and cloakroom, is a mixed !for the boys to find rest, recrea- social room, lades' powder room tlon and entertainment. Mr. Llnr splendid kitchen and stockroom' zey stated, that, while Messrs. Les- Equipment also includes loud . lie. Shipn and Melvln. with Mrs. speaker system and collapsible Garbutt would be in charge, volun- stage. Ranged along the balconies ;cers would always be- needed io upstairs are men's and ladies' quiet assist. rooms, card room, locker room j Ool. Johnston told how Prince and writing desks. Nothing, appar-Rupert had always been well ently, has been forgotten In pro-known for its hospitality. At the vlding the facilities to lend to the start of the war Toe H. and other comfort and enjoyment of the men organizations, together with the and ladies whom they will meet people generally had endeavoured there. !to help the troops to meet the Fitting but of tne new quarters hardships of boredom and Itchy was under supervision of the Y ifeet. Now this fine new home hr M. C. A. and Y. W. C A facilities ! which the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W.. Carpentry work was carried out bv C. A. would work in conjunction Mitchell & Currle, painting by Fred ;had been established. It represent Scadden and electrical work bv A led a tremendous effort and fine -T. Parkin. ' I work of which the garrison was 1 fully appreciative. Acting City Commissioner Oood referred to the great need which ! ihe Y. M. C. A. was filling. To all concerned, in extending his compliments, he aiso wished success and good luck. Cliff Leslie went somewhat Into the financial aspect, explaining how funds were derived for such work as this from the National jWar Services annual drives for' j funds. As a result of the new establishment it was hoped to be able to serve ihe needs of the' (forces more adequately and to i much greater extent. He Introduced , !' '- YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Rood, Woodwork, Stoves Connected. Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned f 1.51 Chimneys Swept tZM IIANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed i F-nONE 117 Tom Lee & Son "HOflSF OF PfNF FOOnS" : a, Mail Schedule (Daylight Savin; Time) During the dance Mr. Leslie spoke For ,he East in appreciation of the local dry can teen committee and others who had Monday) Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. suh splendid work In getting Fron, the Eas t- forces and their friends with a few i"e others in various official caoaci- "7 "cw nouM; in rcaainess. Tne ouiiuho, l utoUdfa ana Thursdays 12 a.m. For Vancouver Monday 3 p.m, Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Saturday 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday pm. Mnday ;. ajn'. Wednesday n a.m; a.m. l or Stewart and Premier-Sunday 7 p m. Friday Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlrir Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia FREE! FREE! New issue Premium, Books now. In. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. Dishes, silverware, flatware and many useful items FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 L 19 P.O. Box 575 THE rminJBAS??. MINING & SMELTING I llTlA W HP f I M 1 11 1 1 T wrr,n Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemi-cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superpho-phates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Mercury Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony. Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Work Trail, n.C. ''I CAP1T01 TODAY and WEDXTSBi, Complete Shows at i 00 j ., 5:21, 7 40 and 9:59 Turbulent Adventure . . . Exciting Romance in Early Arizona! JEAN ARTHUR "ARIZONA" With William Hoidtn And A Cast of Thousands Feature at 1 03 3 19 .,. 7:57, 10 13 ADDED "Happy Tots Lxptdil0 For Your Costume Jcr at Reasonable Pr Go to the Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W I'lw, nti )3, SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 o, jt( ERASER STREET I'rlnce Itupert NEW K0YAI HOTEL j. ,arcn i-ropnc in "A HOME AWAY MIOM j IIOMK" ! Kate 7Sc upp I 50 Rooms Hot & Cold W Hr ' Prince Rupert BC Phone 281 P.O. Rot I , MMMMWMMUaawnH Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 mm Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FKIDAV, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte tslandi Leaving Au. 19 and 30, September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservation! from FRANK J. SKINNER, rrlnre Rupert Atent, Thitd A?e. Phone 568 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon cannlnr company wllh an H th year round payrU ta Prince Rupert