B--L AUgUSt 26, Ml- listers Meet iooI Principal 'lion Of Religious Education ( Discussed At Gathering Yesterday TJimarr Ministerial Relation was in session yester-.... ii u n fVNplll nrlrwl- Kil$f Bootn Memorial Hgh School IPS ,ha nnsslhllitlpS Of rf- yjgui education In connection 2 sctiool work. After discussion, fts found that this could not.be ijjfled out in the regular currl-but that students who of their own , volition-. wished- Jo take it up in an extrai-currlcular way1 might obtain credits-by dcilne sol j Rev. J. A- Donnell, who recently arrived Jn the, city to take lover -the ministry,- of First-United Church, brought up the subject of having a church directory prepared dnd posted in hotels and other points of vantage for the benefit of transient visitors to the pity. It was left to Mr. Donnell to proceed further with this matter. Rev. E. E. Brandt, president of tfte Association, was in the chair at yesterday's meeting. Vancouver Island was navigated by Captain George Vancouver in 1792. Sunshine i your best source of Vitamins A and D. These Vitamins are essential for normal growth in children ind as a preventative for colds in adults. Orme's Halibut Liver Oil Capsules and Halibut Liver Oil Contain Vitamins A and D oz. HALIBUT LIVER OIL $1.00 Kduit Dose 10 to 20 drops, Children 5 to 10 drops Bo capsules Halibut Liver Oil 75c tiOO capsules Halibut Liver Oil $1.25 5U capsules iiauuui i-iver uu Dose Two Daily Ormes Ltd. "Jiif. Pioneer DruQpt'jts The Kexall Store l'hones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and . 7.la-9p.ra. r- Trade Jn Your Old Furniture Help to Pay the New During August Furniture Sale! I SALE VALUES AT ELIOS 4-pc Bedroom Suite $70.00 2-pc. Red-Davenport Suite $81.50 6-pc. Dinette. Walnut Finish $79.00 Elib's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE .Jjtore Jlpurs from 8:30 ajn. to 5:30 pjn. COAL! COAL! The jre&test Victory Abfure won- W&s storna 1lBAtrdVS The coa) business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy it .and you will know good coal when you try it. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before it comes to us and properly sclieened and weighed before, it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE C52 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports a-S. "PMNCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 1 p.m. P.S.T. TO VANCOUVER -DIRECT Aug. 2nd, Cth, Dth, 13th, 16th, 23rd, 27th, 30th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 4th, 8th, ,11th, 22nd, 25th, September 1st D1ct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific services . Tickets and Reservations from v.,L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. FEET ARE GROWING Shoe Spanners Find Women's Aver- erage Bigger After Ten Years Of Less Worry About Matter By Adelaide Kerr NEW YORK, August .25: 9 Shoe men say women are getting bigger feet as a result of their new freedom. Managers of shoe shops say they "sell plenty of women's shoes" In sizes 10 and 11" and that 30 to 60 percent of their business Is done In size eight and above. The Institute cf Human Art has awarded dancer Vera Zorlna a trophy for the "fairest feet in all the land." Her shoe size Is 6b, length of foot 914 inches, width 31, Inches. In the pre-Garbo days most women regarded size eight as something to be kept a,s a family secret. Today, some of the managers say, they even sell some 12's and 13's, in narrow lasts running from A to quadruple A. ' Most of the managers think this increase in foot size Is a result of women's 20th century athletics and independence an independence which prompted them to repel against pinched and hurting feet, and to demand shoe comfort and proper fit. Average Size 7A-B "Ten yeaTs ago our average size was 5b to 6a," says a manager of a Fifth Avenue shoe shop. "Today it is 7a-b. We sell plenty of 10's and ll's to the younger generation sirls of 16-20. I've checked up on their height and lots of them are from five feet nine to six feet one or two inches. Girls certainly seem to be getting taller, so it's not strange if they. have larger feet. "It used tQ be that a woman who wore an eight slipped into the shop and whispered her size to the salesman. But these girls call out size 11 even If there are 50 people in the store. "What's behind this increase iri size? More spinach and athletics, I think. Girls know, how to eat for" vitamins nowadays, and they are more active. They're not masculine, but they're certainly a long way1 from the clinging vine. That girl seems to be gone for Bood." Achipy.;Eee tQut . r ... Women Just woivt put up with pinched and aching feet, other managers told me. They demand shoes which are comfortable, and (lots of them Insist on Cuban heels; , "There's a lot to be said for this .modern girl who wears a bigger shoe," one of them said. "She .doesn't have wrinkles in her face or notches In her temper from tight shoes. She's a lot more cheer- ful. When she comes to buy she knows just what she wants and if we have it she makes her selection in short order." I George J. Fitzgerald, head of a (Brooklyn firm which specializes In I fitting for comfort, says that behind the demand of some girls fof I a bigger shoe is ''The Spirit of '73 - -rebellion." Shoe Needs Vary "They Just refuse to be punished by hurting feet," he says. "There, are as many different kinds of feet as there are faces. Flexible feet( rigid feet, narrow and wide feet. "Because you wear a, sj?e .seven in one kind of shoe it doesn't xoiiow I that you wear the samesize In an other, for the inside .measurements may be quite different. In fitting shoes correctly the .wearer's height, weight and general bone structure as wen as me size ana iype i her feet must be taken into ".Modern women know at least some of these facts. -Their lives have changed; they have to travel fast and so they insist on shoes which will enable them to keep up the pace." Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Crescent Shows' Aug. 28-Sept. 2, Red Cross Tea. Sept. 11. Mrs.,Sld Thompson. Presbyterian Tea, the Manse. September 18. j eAor.viiirht. AhyI Dance. Ar- 6UU OC4A4...e-- .- I . 1 . n mouries, sepmoer i. Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, September 20. united church Tea, Mrs. M. F. INIckerson, Atlln Ave., Sept. 25. Orange Sale, November ff. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident August monthly meeting cancelled, mining engineer, left on last even-Next monthly meeting Wednesday, ing's train for Usk where he will September 10. join Mrs. Mandy .and son and enjoy a yacatlon. Mrs. Mandy and son Tonight train, duclP arrive from have been at Usk for several weeks. the east at 12:00 daylight saying time, was reported this morning to be on time, FOUND FOUND Child's dark bhie sweater on Graham Ave. Owner may have same by calling at Dally ..News. andpayApg for, this ad- ' yertlsement. FOR SAL. FOR SALE Household furniture. 225 5th Ave. West. Phone 539. tf. FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges in good condition, 20 springfield mattresses in all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields In the latest styles. Household doors, water boilers, 8 unpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C, Furniture Co. FOR KETfl FOR RENT Bright bedroom. Phone Green 830. tf. MALE & F.EMALE HELP WANTED Local girl helper, light duties, sleep out. Phone Black 965. (tf) -' ' . . : . - ' r-r-T GIRL w-anted -lor '.general house work. jMust be good cpok, Apply at MapKenzie's Furniture, Store. YOUNG man, assistant for automotive parts stockroom. Apply Ru-pert Motors. (104) WANTED Young man for day work. Apply Chris Mill. (tf) WANTED RANTED Rooms or house. Phond Green 970. izuu) WANTED Furnished Red 378. suite. "WORK WANTED Phone (195) WANTED at once, light housekeep ing room or suite. Apply Box 139 Daily News. (tf) YOUNG couple desires any kind of general work. Box 141, Daily News. (200) WORK WANTED Experienced re liable cook. Camp or restaurant. Camp preferred. Apply .Mrs. C. Anderson, 873 Hornby St., PERSONAL THE Y. W, C. A. Room Registry Service requests the names of all those who have room accommodation, now or in the future Apply, 1Mrs. .Garbutt, hostess, Y ' W. C. A.. Y. M. C A. rooms, Moose Hall, Third Avenue. Phone 231. UW3J Glllls Royer, Lee Dell, George B. Casey, A. Bruce Brown, Qscar Hav-eroy, Oscar gather, Walter Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter, after ! and George E. Hills have been nam- 3 week-end visit In the city wlth,ed provincial elections commlsslon-thelr son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ers In Prince Rupert electoral dls- and Mrs. Q. A. Hunter, louowing a.trlct, the B.C. Gazette Announces. trip to Vancouver, lens Dy ia eve- ning's train 'for their home In Prince George. Oiler .Basner is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Frank Skinner and little daughter sailed at the end of the week for a holiday visit to Van-ppuver. Mr. Skinner expects to have a trip south later. Squadron Leader C. A. Wickens of the chaplaincy service of the Royal Canadian Air Foce Is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Bella Bella after visiting Seal Cove and Aliford Bay. Lieut. George Jvladlll and party from the 102nd. Battery here, go ing south for training at Nanaimo, are sailing on the Catala this Miss Joanna Fitzwilllam and Miss Svea M. Wester, both of Ketchikan, arrived in the city yesterday on the Prince George from the north and left on last evening's train for the East, the former going to Kansas City and later to St. Paul. CUSS.IHE0 Appointment of James Turnbull of Hazelton as a coroner Is announced In the British Columbia Gazette. Cecil Shantz, who has been acting as director of supervised play j ground activities under auspices of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club this summer, will be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of-the Gyro Club this Wednesday. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Irs. H. W. Zerckel and son,.Seat- tle, Wash.; Mr .and Mrs. John Molver, Laurence Molver and M. H. Molver, Petersburg, Alaska; F. E. Lande, Smithers; Capt. L. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Baula, Ketchikan, Alaska; Ole K. Olsen. A. W. Homesdale, city; Sgt. Hinde and Cpl. Tracey, Aliford Bay. Central John Llnd, Surf Inlet; O. Foster, Namu, B. C. : Royal S. Elliott, Tulsequah; G. Roberts, Winnipeg; E. Norberg, Revelstoke; Y. Horinski, G. E. Cain, Victoria; E. Strachein, Prince George. RUSSIA'S LAKE Lake Ladoga, Russia, is the largest lake in Europe and covers 7,000 square miles. CASPIAN AREA The Caspian Sea, covering 169.- OCO square miles, is the world's largest inland sea. AFGHAN FRUIT DIET Staple food of most of Afghani-stan's population is fruit. JEAN B. RIVETT A.T.OM. and RUTH W. NELSON A.T.C.M. Teachers of Piano Theory Announce the opening of their Studio on September 2nd. Private .and Class Tuition Phone Green 83G after 4 p.m. FOR SALE Graham Island 206 acres. Waterfront. Log shack and large cattle corral. Splendid beach. Soil very rich and free from rock. IJe,al for cattle raising. Taxes $7.00 per annum. Price $7PO.OO cash. This is an .exceptional buy and should appear to local Interests. CRADDOCK & CO., 1005 Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C. Prepare for Fall and Winter Featuring: Freedman and Gabbe, Samuel. Hart Ltd. Ladles and Gents Suits and Top Coats to Measure 10 off Continuing till End of August Alteration Specialty, make Appointment to your house Phone 307 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite. Commodore Cafe J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two door from Broadcasting Station CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 Rioneer Ppjice Officer Moying Constable Andrew Grant Transferred From Smithers To Duncan Constable Andrew Grant of Smithers Is being transferred from there to Duncan. Constable Grant has been in the provincial police service in the north .for many years, having been on the city force here ifbr some-time and later at Hazelton. He and his -wife and family are well known and popular and many friends jwill regret they are leaving the north. .ELEPHANT TREADS Balloon tires are fashioned after the padded treads of camels and elephants. , BURGLARIES ACROSS BAY Summer House Breakers are Becoming More Daring and Are Expected to be Apprehended Depredations in the- way of burglary continue among the summer cjjttages across the harbor but, the provincial police are giving the matter attention and consider it likely that, as the amateur house breakers become more daring and persistent, they will be PIONEER FARMER SCHOOL The first agricultural school in Canada was opened in 1859 at Ste Anne de la Pocatlere in Quebec. "Maxwell House fQp Hedlund's Quick Dinner Coffee-l-lb. tins -TtV' Mb. tins. Regular f u : 25c. Special ,JelIo All flavors. 5( -.. Also puddings. 2 for" Sunlight Soap Large Cp - , . - -, bars. Each Chateau Cheese I Q( ' ' V2-lb. packets - Palmolive Soap Regular " Tender.Leaf Tea- CQp bars. Special. tf gV 6 for Regular packets Sandwich Spreads Clark's Hinds Honey and Almond ham and chicken, I Cream 2 giant Qn 2 tins V 50c bottles for Sliced .Peaches-Finest , ki A les Ontario, leoz. 27C AiOv 7 lbs tins. 2 for 35-lbl box ... .. $1.25 .Cut Green Beans Finest ; quality. 16-OZ.' 1 ftp Okanagan Tomatoes OCp tins. Each ..- v 3 - Dill Pickles Libby's. 9 Prune Plums Cooking or large 38rQZ tin . " eating. 25C 3 lbS Grapenut Flakes iQp , Regular packets - vegetable Marrow-Fresh Red Arrow Sodas i Ap from Terrace. fjg Regular packets ... XUKf , Per lb J Linzey & Ingram LTD. Groceries Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 2 PHONES 585 - 586 V MODEL A20 ITS Air Supremacy With iRadioiReption !RpundtheWqrld $54.95 At Radio Jleadquartcrs Incl. Federal Taxes SEE thcOutstaniiig Beauty HEAR the Amazing Performance of V, 3U