. All Br. ' "'" '-I i 1 -a t.f PAGE TWO n DAILY EDITION artt Sh oes .in- " .-'Km ft . . . are admittedly the peak of high-grade shoemaking in Canada. The variety of lasts ensure a correct fit ! "'"'for every 'type of foot, be it "narrow or wide. Hartt's Naval, Air Force and Military Officers Shoes Are Here. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Young Men Taking Hold ... GREAT NEED FOR WINTER London To Be Protected As Never Before Feeding And Housing Homeless Is Gigantic Task After Raids Official information from Lon-don leaching the Quean's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims gives graphic ,defence authorities. ters were distributed and and 695.00S ment Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 r,mw ..,.. . .... Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 mg only 128iooo children of s:hool SUBSCRIPTION RATES age within the capital. Every two Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One weeks evacuation parties of moth- i Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.00 ets and- children have been ac- ! a Year. commodated ln reception areas, Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 leaving the workers and troops Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations .whose job is to carry on under .MK.Miint ok run oAN.ioiVN 1'kess every threat. When the raiders The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use fci publication of all nws return this time the maiorltv of despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press Jn Oils paper and also the rhUAror. tJ hp Hii K f. t local newB published thereto. ine cnuaren will be far from Lon- All nights ol rtjAibllartlon of special despatches therein are also reservbU don and the experiences of last .uQgjCiJOi THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1941. winter's raids. Feeding the Homeless Further figures show widespread emergency arrangements in readiness to deal with, the homeless. Canteens' to he 'number of 558 are , "i service, supplementary to the T, . , , , ., It is a great pleasure to see the younger men of the permanent kitchens now to be community taking hold of the public enterprise of the found in almost every area where community and getting the habit of working for the bombs nave lefc p"5?1 homeless, common good as well as for their own personal benefit. J"!" can handle 93'000 This campaign for funds for the civic centre is one of safety area camps for bombed-the outstanding cases but there have been others. We out famiiiesnumber 721 and those welcome their entry into public life. Within a few years for children alone 625. Billeting there will be again vacancies at Ottawa and at Victoria ?fice" fHave' comnndeered 30,000 for representatives and it is to be hoped that it will not vS. wwi? STom'nuinaf then be necessary to send to the south for candidates, ing centres, 1.000 mothers' clubs, Our own young men should by then be able and ready and 701 occupational clubs are op-to offer themselves for election. Premier Optimistic ... When Premier Pattullo was asked recently how he expected the elections to go he waved the query away with an eloquent toss of the hand and a confident smile that seemed to indicate some surprise that the question should be asked "Of course we'll win. That's beyond question," he said quickly. "No, Tm not going to say how many seats we should get but it will be plenty. "I don't mind telling you that I would like it to be more than we had before. Not because we need any more strength in the house but because it would add to the prestige of the province in important negotiations we will have to carry on after the elections." The preipier made no bones about what he regards as the one big issue of the campaign "Of course it is the income tax. I wish everyone could understand that. The people of British Columbia must protect their own interests. We simply cannot give up our birthright our right to the income tax paid bv our own people as the chief basis of our whole revenue plan. "That is the issue that the people must settle for themselves in this election. It had to come up. That is why we called for dissolution so that the election miirht be held now. h "Why, if there was a change of -government vou would have nothing but a hodge podge" for a long time There is no other party with the record or-experifneen' feast government that could step in. It wouldtake them a ttyo years to get to know,.about administration or the background of government of a province like this with its peculiar and particular problems" When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable E PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates II Be jure fo gef I IE Quaker Puffed Wheat and I QuofceHPuffed Ri'ce "1 I savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASEIt STREET Prince Rupert Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled Ino Ladies Alterations, Repairing, Cleansing and Pressing. "Quick Service" featuring Freedman and Oabbes, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladles and Gents Suits and Topcoats to measure DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Phone 307 ijox 725 THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER ij I era ting for the welfare of thaat other like them be-comc casualties who hare been turned from their of th air war even though they homes by the chances of war. are spared their lives. A man In all the measures is s?en . the without the work that he can best intention to prepare for evacua- do, with a wracked home and an tion of all non-essntal woriwrj. lniured child. is noi a v-as.' for the and to have arrangements ready rat centre or Uw hospital, but he which will relieve pressure on the n,& casualty, of the war until he city's own rest centres, which were is baNc at work, his ehite eaied . perilously overcrowded when the for. aind a new home found. It is first blitz season caught the :api- pari: of .the work of the Quwn's tal unprepared. Canadian Fund and the - Lwrd It te hoped that the measures Mayor's Fund to set up affalnj will prevent a repetition of last the war vtetitn, to take are of hte ' year's heavy loss of life, and fnmilv while K eun hek t.n wok figures illustrating centres and refnepK nrc sniwdilv .nd t. nnmMi the stupendous tasks which daily under cnnstnintinn nH. .u ii ' Cnf!on' thf. B,r tlsn caplliUS civU every man. woman and child who ,nr ln the field of air raid relief. mat uc ouujccfcea to me mais 01 send your Queens Canadian brSSm IS the wlnter- Authorities are confl- Fund subscriptions to The Dally ' program of reorganization and dent that the nhwt n,in hp rh. -n.,, r. ! can bunks erected in miolic shelters, seconds, these Most striking progress of all' was! ' made in the evacuation of child- j ren and in arrangements for deal-;ing with the child victims of the I air war. There are many pitiful tales of the thousands who last! winter wandered homeless through ' the shattered streets of the city. ;"The children from under the stairs" was their name pathetic j waifs who sought refuge under i tables and stairs of tottering , homes, in subway shelters, and ; under the arches of dank bridges. ; . Now the task of evacuating the city's school children, of finding a home for every one of their 450,000 Is reported nearing com pletion. Three-quarters of their wjv-v lCVka Ul iliC iVlUilti CO. iiUb U144- ; improvement was the provision ieved, but no corresponding plans during the summer months of Can be made to reduce the vast sleeping accommoaauon m unaer- ground shelters for 80 percent of damage to property which has left so many families not only home- jTnC,lVU P?pulaUon' ? ?tal less but without support. Of 4 77(1 WA npnnlo nr nrqr v fnii f f , v TVlO cmnll ViAn I iu. tlmc-s the total Inhabitants of age-owner, ' the warehouseman or or Canada's largest :ity. In Ausust . "c"uu?cmau. U""' Wl,05e n0 " )0 Anrier. Anderson fnmilv fnmilv shpl. hPl. employ- alone 90.000 vanish within a few and hundreds of pny of firs at Montrsal or any branch C.N.R. TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 12 midnight For That Quick Pot of Tea TEA BAG! Fresh Local Raw and Dolls . . Toys . Gifts Pasteurized Milk for oiris and n.y,. VALENTIN DAIRY ' them at the phone G57 VARIETY STORK 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Kf, If you lo?e anything, advertise for it. " I : . -1 DODG Now on display at New 1942 Models and PLYMOUT RUPERT MOTORS .... - .- Distributors of Chrysler Products PHONE 566 EMERGENCY NIGHT SERVICE CALL COLIN MILLER, BLUE 803 H