PAGE FOUR NORWEGIAN GATHERING Large Meeting Hears Konrad Knudsen, Member of Parliament, and Editor. THE.DATLY NEWS 'THURSDAY, OCTOBEP J(j CANOED FROM HOLLAND TO ENGLAND Motto of Canada's Richest Man Was To Make Business Bigger Still; Holt Career Two young cl'ficerd of u:a Dutch army are shown in the canoe they used on their perilous journey from Holland to England. When they put out from the Dutch mainland, the frail craft was powered by a motor, which, after they travelled a mile, broke down. They dumped the motor and continued under sail. The trip took them four days until they were sighted by a British destroyer 20 miles off the British coast. The Oddfellows' Hall was tically filled with local Norwegians last night when Konrad Knudsen, visiting member of Norwegian Parliament and newspaper editor, gave an address in Norwegian on present day conditions in Norway and the international situation generally, with particular refer-ence to the war. Mr. Knudsen's address was listened to with the keenest of interest by all. Oscar Sather, president of the Sons of Norway, was in the chair and the speaker was introduce by John Dybhavn. Following Mr. Knudsen's address, Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, spoke briefly. ,' R. L. Mcintosh returned to the fclty on Tuesday night's train from , his summer home near Terrace Which he has closed for the season. ; It's wonderful what a little classified advertising may do fori you. Most people read the classified ads. (tf) MOVEMENT OF STOCK First Trainload Ever to Be Dispatched From Central Interior Delivered to Kamloops. Returning from a trip to the interior on official business, Peter Lakle, district freight and passenger agent for Canadian National Railways, tells of the movement at the end of last week from the district between Smithers and Dunster of the first trainload of market stock ever to be dispatched from Jhe central Interior. It consisted of thirty-one cars in all mm MllllMII I l pffk twenty-six being cattle and five I sheep. The animals numbered G57 cattle and 638 sheep. They were 'delivered to Kamloops to be offered for sale at auction. The movement was well organized and there (were no hitches and little delay. The cars, loaded in advance, were waiting at the various stations to be picked up. The big shipment was accompanied to Kamloops by R. J. Blackburn of Prince George, secretary of the Central British Columbia Livestock Assn., and Harry Bowman, superintendent of colonization and natural resources, Canadian National Railways, Prince George. 93. Classified ads. get results. Phone Extraordinary Mussolini Stalin Hitler Roosevelt Churchill Born 1883 1879 1833 1832 1873 Came into power . 1S22 1924 1933 1933 1940 Years in power 19 ,17 ,8.8.1 Age '. 53. 62. ';. (. 52 59 63 ; 3882 . 882 3882 3882 3882 Divide 3882 by 2 (the number of years the war has lasted) And you get 1941! . ? . Will it end then? Wm? vy? . k urine SOB' J. TO" I tv, -- .-.if ei d to C?" i . An. -pKOe " rOACT Dbewraire irr. Vancouver - Victoria iiiw wesiminsttr tf. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the 5IIofTS!tTco!rrTvMhJ eoyernment pf British Columbia O 1j- - i Not only- was Sir Herbert Holt, who died, recently, probably the richest man in Canada but his Interests covered a field which for variety could not be equalled by the activities of any other financier on this continent and possibly the world. Sir Herbert and his associates had at differ ent times been said to control 250 companies whose assets totalled more than $2,000,000,000. Included in them were banks, light, heat and power companies, insurance j companies, moving picture concerns, trust companies, pulp and j paper companies, flour mills, to-jbacco factories, textile plants, cement works, coal, Iron and steel 'companies and railways. , ! air Herbert, whose motto seems j to have been to make big business bigger, acquired most of his eminence as a world figure In finance when he was well past 60 years. When over 70 he was still busy undertaking the reorganization 'of concerns, one of his note worthy performances being the rehabilitation of the coal and steel Industry of Cape Breton comprised in the group of parent and subsidiary companies embraced within the British Empire Steel corporation, Herbert Samuel Holt was born near Dublin, Ireland, in 1856. He studied in an elementary way as an engineer and came to Canada when 19 years of age. He had only a few dollars In his Docket and was lucky to find employment which suited him almost at once James Ross, contractor, father of J. K. L. Ross noted snnrtsmnn , t- gave him a Job on construction work In connection with a rail way to a lumber camp in Halibur- ton County, Ontario. It is said that Holt at first worked as a laborer. His promotion soon came as he proved himself capable of handling men. Ross liked him and before the young Irishman was 25 - he - was . to v be found 'uutiu as mo su- ou- ning northwest from Toronto through the, counties of York and Peel. ' Willie eneaaed on this work Holt formed a friendship which was to have important develop ments. He met William (afterwards Sir William) Mackenzie, who obtained a timber contract from him. They were In years to come to be associated in railway construction, public utility and other enterprises. Donald (later Sir Donald) Mann joining them. Holt's reputation as a railroad constructor was firmly established by the Credit Valley Contract and when in .the middle eighties Ross took over the task of building parts of the prairie and British Columbia sections of the Canadian Pacific Railway his younti: superintendent was placed in charge of the work. Holt later struck out for himself and under his direction stretches of the CP, R. in Quebec, Maine and New Brunswick were built. Holt was one of the group who witnessed me nistoric ceremony of driving the last snike In the Canadian Pacific Railway by Sir Donald Smith, subsequently Lord Holt also constructed railways In the United States and was a pioneer constructor In South America. He built a line over the Andes, after covering the whole ground with a surveying party on muleback, as arduous a task as any explorer ever undertook. With a comfortable fortune already accumulated Herbert Holt settled down in Montreal In 1901. He Interested himself in the Montreal Gas Co. His efforts to im prove the property being blocked he engaged in a fight for the con trol of the concern with Its pres ldent, Jesse Joseph, and won out. Then began the series of develop ments and mergers from which emerged the Montreal Light, Heat and Power, Co. Today this corporation has a- caDltal- of $64,000.- 000 and Its shares have been split up several times. It owns great hydro-electric generating plants In various Darts of Quebec and is private ownership's answer to the' power development operations of the Ontario government. In 1908 Holt became president of the Royal Bank of Canada which bv nhsorblnff such banks as the Union, the Traders, Northern crown and Quebec, and acquiring the West Ihdian branches of the Colonial Bank of England, has ex panded its paid up capital from $3,900,000 to $20,400,000 and Its assets from $40,351,498 to $583,- 789,000. The bank has also spread out its orjerations to Latin Amer ican countries and to Snaln. In other directions Holt was to achieve wealth and influence through his operations In pulp ana paper mills, witn j. h. aun-dy of Toronto, he floated the Canada Power and Paper Corpor ation with assets of $100,000,000. It took ri V e r several bier naner plants in the St. Maurice valley district and acquired the island of Antlcosti in the St. Lawrence which has uncut pulpwood estimated at 15,000,000 cords. The corporation owns a fleet of ves- sels which carry the pulpwood to SIR HERBERT HOLT Three Rivers, where It is turned over to the ptpcr makirg plants. Thus Sir Herbert Holt became a dominant personality in Mon treal nnanciai circles and throughout Canada. The magic of his name was used at least once In a spectacular' manner as a steadying influence. In 1925, owjng to a revolution in Sao Paulo, Brazil lan Trnr-tinn shntPhnlHorc I - v.u.utlu n 1,1 c Derintendent nf mnstniptlnn wnrle Inclined to bo nanlrlrv An on - ..w Hwvw- nv. - I' . - w . . . . i 1 on the Credit Valley railroad, run-;nouncement was made that the Holt interests were to be represented on the board and a remarkable recoverv of strnnoth was Immediately noted. Herbert Holt was made Knight Bachelor in 1915 for services to Great Britain during the war. Soon after the great struggle broke out he was Invited by the British government to take over control of the war zone railways. He went to France and looked thr railways over and his suggestion was mat to achieve best results the British must assume control of the French roads. He also outlined a system of light railways to haul supplies and munitions. As it was not Doliticallv feasible to put the French roads in the hands of an alien citizen, Holt refused the British offer. Thn ot.hpr suggestion was accepted and Sir Eric Geddes was made director of ' British war zone railways. Unit also recognized the need for an inimitable supply of explosives and Was One Of the first, tn nnlnt nut their necessity to the allied gov ernment. Headed Many Companies In addition to belnz nresldent of the- Royal Bank and the Montreal Light. Heat and Power Cor poration, Sir Herbert was a di rector of The Canadian Parifl Railway, The Shawinigan Water and Power Co., Canada Cement Co., The Montreal Tramways, The DoThis Has a Cold Relieve Misery Improved Vicks Way Mothers, you will welcome the relief from misery that comes with a "VapoRub Massage." With this more thorough trcat-ment, the poultlce-and-vapor action or Vicks VapoRub more effectively penetrates irritated air passages with soothing medicinal' vapors... STIMULATES chest and back like a warming poultice or plaster. . . starts relieving misery right away! Results delight even old friends or VapoRub. TO GET a "VapoRub Massage" with all Its benefits -massaea VapoRub for 3 minutes on IMPORTANT RIB-AKEA OP BACK as well as throat and chest Epread a thick layer on chest cover with a warmed cloth, be SURE to use genuine. tlme-tpsu-H VVICKS VAFORUD. SIZE 2 WlfoLK GKEEIV IIEAIVS little iTmiTi cUe te,n,,,Cr than i1'1?9 l.ealins I,,at nn.l a nd ,i ThTir. cans on your """y States Sir Herbert was interested (n Duluth and Wisconsin public utilities and West Virginia coal mines. Through members of his family he was reputed to be a very large stockholder in the International Paper Co. and Brazilian Traction. Writers have attemDted to an alyze the great qualities which made Sir Herbert Holt so Dower-i ful a figure. They received verv little assistance from him. He shunned the limelight of the press m NOrHINCUKB Ll m MM FOR CREAMIER SOUPS . frcmConttnUdM Br' . The EAST SIDE COAL Co. will appreciate any patronage given . . . with prompt service and clean coal. G. B. CASEY, MKr. Phone 755 or Green 527 Hillcrest Collieries, The Domlnloh Bridge Co., the Dominion Textile Co.. Consolidated Mining & Smelt ing Co., Tucketts Tobacco Co., Im perial Life Assurance Co.. Sun Life Assurance Co.. The British Empire Steel Corporation, The Title Guarantee and Trust Co.. The West Kootenay Power & Light uo., oguvie Flour Mills. Fort Wil liam Power Co., Holt Renfrew and Co., Famous Players, and the Dobb Engineering Works, Amherst. N.S. A number of these companies have several important subsidiar ies on the board of which Sir Herbert held office. In the United !"1 hJ? ."ly publlc APP uie annual meeting, me Montreal L i B h t .,. .: Power Co. and the Royal u"e "'" pernaps came neart secret of his success n-hen h.J "Sir Herbert is a self- man with an immense cand for hard work." Sir Herbert was a generous . ron of charities and gave an many hundreds of thousands lars to Montreal hospitals. Cot panles he was associated wlf. were also generous in charity i nations. He was a governor of tho a Victoria and General Hospital Montreal and a governor of Mi. Gill University. An ardent lover of soorts si- Herbert in his younger days . a good sailor and later plsji golf. No major tournament ii missed by him in Montreal k many years. Lady Holt was Miss Jessie Pals daughter of Andrew Paton, Ha brooke, Que. Captain Herbert! Holt, Andrew Holt. London, at; W. R. O. Holt. Montreal, are so vmm Mil I I II IIMM J Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P O. Box 575 Reasonable Trices Trompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEMS ECONOMY STORE , "Where Dollars Have More Cents" USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Heaters, Sewing Machines, One Victor Radio, Combination; One Northern Iilectric Cabinet, Radio, One WesUnghouse Mantel Radio, One 8-Piece Dining Suite, One Tapestry - Core Davenport, One Kitchen Table and 2 Chairs to match, One l complete with Instructions; One 3-1'iece Chesterfield Suite, com plete with Cretonne Slip Covers; One Axminstcr Rue, Wj, One Axininster Rug, 9x12; Dishes, Hooks, .Musical Instrument etc. Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FREE tin o For every 3 labels from any package of Dr. Ballard's DS T (and 5c stamp to cover postage we will mall you ONE SOLID BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG Absolutely free. BE SURE to print clearly your "name and address" . on a separate sheet of paper and mail to the address beio , For an additional 15 labels from pr. Wj rnrr lard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cw 1 llxLL. postage) we will mall you absolutely v ONE COPY of DR. BALLARD'S DOG & CAT BOOK Containing a wealth of helpful information on the feedinff. training and care of "man's best friend." Address all replies to DR. BALLARD'S ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS, LTD., 4659 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC.