PAfK BTS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 1 CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Kneravlnc VWt Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, BaRfaje and Novelties MAX HEILBRd)NER JKWF.LF.R DIAMOND MEKCHANT LIBRARY BOOKS Easy to Read . . . Only 75c a Month CHANGE YOUR BOOK EVERY DAY! Two at a Time . . . $1.25 per Month "NO MURDER OF MINE" (Campbell) "RICHARD PRYNE" (Harris) "TORES CUPS OF COFFEE" (Fcincr) "THE EARTH IS THE LORD'S" (Caldwell) "RECKON WITH THE RIVER" (McMcckin) "SCHOOL FOR ETERNITY" ...C-Orvcy) 'THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM" (Cronln) i "THE SLEEPER WAKES (Gibbs) "THE PATRIOTIC MURDERS" (Christie) "DEATH FLIES WEST' (Bonnell) "THE CAPTAIN FROM CONNECTICUT" (Forester) 4 "FOREVER YOUNG" (Aklns) "THE FOG COMES" (Collins) "RESTLESS ARE THE SAILS" (Eaton) "MANHOLD" (Bent!y) , , 'THE SAINT IN MIAMI" (Charterer) "THE STRANGE WOMAN" (Williams) "BETWEEN TWO WORLDS" (Sinclair) "WATERS OF THE WILDERNESS" (Seifcrt) "BERLIN DIARY" (Shircr) "SCATTERGOOD BAINES PULLS T;I3 STRINGS" (Kelland) "THE FIELDS OF PARADISE" (Bates) "THE SILENT MAN" (Walsh) "MY FRIEND FLICKA" .O'HaraJ For Recreation at Lowest Cost JOIN OUR RENTAL LIBRARY I RAILWAY I L LINES J I Canadian Pacific (gkmWiI V'"'LMr rr .. , iwmoLumilltluai ,. ,n ... xiuuaiimiiiic irans-raciyr To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts S3 "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday, 2 p,m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT Oct. 7th. 20th. 29th. Nov. 7th. 17th and 27th. To Ketchikan, Wranccll, Juneau and Skaeway Oct. 2nd. 15th. 25th. Nov. 3rd. 13th and 23rd. Direct connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. Coatcs. General Ascnt, Prince Rupcit, n.R. COAL! GOAL! 7Ae frtAtes? Victory Mature won-Was storhf AaJ i fJl -from Me sun. f The coal business isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy it ,and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before It comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 6S1 PIIONB C5t A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, 41 A GOOD PLACE TO BUY'' 10 BEDROOM WfES ... in the latest designs, beautifully matched facings. Priced at 72.50, 87.50, 95.00 for four Pieces. ui mmm Phonc 770 327 Third Ave. If you lose anything, advertise for it. Norway Unhappy, But High in Resolve Cuntinuu irom Page One) their country. They were operat-ng the merchant and the navai vessels, they were 'in the Allied armies. They were training for air service in Canada. Norwegian fishermen were sailing into the North Sea, not to f;sh for the Nazis but to Join the army and the-navy to fight Hitler. They were crossing the boiders by night and were to be found in rll par is of the work on their way to Join with the liberty loving countries of the world in forces which would restore freedom to Norway and free the Norwegian soul from the Nazis and rh? Quislings. Mr. Knudsen was thanked, on behalf of the Gym members and guests, foo his address and the praphlc word picture which had i been given of Norway today. I The sneaker was accompanied by John Dybhavn, Norwegian vlce-i consul here, and other luncheon suests were Olof Hanson, M. r 'or Skeena and Swedish consul for British Columbia; Rev. J H. Myr- IBi THE DAILY NEWS THUDocTOBERj, ELECTION LAUGHS AND OFFICERS' EXCITpENT List of Those XV h o Will Act in Also Romance And Drama In Connection With Vote- , "Barnacle Bill," Starrinf Wal-Takinj. iace Beery, At Capitol Theatre Deputy returning officers and poll clerks for Prince Rupert polling division in Boston Hall at the provincial election will be as Deputy returning officers D. Stuart, John A. Hinton, Jack Cobb, Neil Lang, Mrs. L. M. Gordon, Mrs. G. G. Gould, Mrs. J. O. Kennedy, Mrs. P. Ellis, Mrs. C. Cullin, Mrs. J. B. Wilkinson. Mrs. S. A. Kielba'ck, Mrs. C. Sandison, Mrs. W. Swain and George Rorie. Poll clerks Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Mrs. Dora Macphee, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs. M: Roger, Mrs. Jean Elklns, Mrs. D. Hosklns, Mrs. A. R. Nichols, Mrs. W. Laing. Mrs. W. Cross, Mrs. E. Gladding, Mrs. T. Kelsey, Mrs. T. A. McWaters, Mrs. U. Bartlett, Mrs. George Rorie and Mrs. T, Fraser. Active Service Vote List of special deputy 'returning "officers and speciai poll clerks for active service vote will be as follows: Special deputy returning officersDonald A. Ritchie, Miss Muriel Vance, Mrs. Laura Mitchell, Mri. C. p. Mills, Alfred Rivett. George 0. Gould, Thomas William K. Henry and Alexander W. Allaire. Special poll clerks Mrs. Mar- Jorle Lawrence, Mrs. Ethel Blen-kam, Mrs. Lena Clark, Mrs. Audrey Healy, Mrs. Vera Harris, Mrs. Josephine Aitkin, Mrs. J. G. Johns, jMrs. A. Rivett, Mrs. Patricia Yor-ston, Mrs. Isabel Webster, Mrs. Kathleen Maughan, Mrs. Doris Brltton, Mrs. A. W. Allaire. MANY AT FUNERAL Pioneers and Other Friends Gather ' at' First Tresbyterian Church to Finally Honor P. V. Anderson. First Presbyterian Church was the gathering place oi many pioneer citizens as well as friends of the family generally this afternoon when the funeral took place i the late Peter W. Anderson, es-.cemed early -day resident. All , tcre desirous of paying their final fibutes of esteem arid respect to .he memory ,of a tried and true old friend and of expressing the;r sympathy to the bereaved. The rites, conducted by Rev. A. i'V -tacSween, were impressively appropriate. John E. Davey pre-;ided ,at the organ and the hvmns 'ere "'Lead Kindly Light" and Abide With Me." Following the 9 "church service, interment was made in Fairview Cemetery with many following the cortege to the final resting place. The pallbearers were George Frizzell, Charles P. Balagno, Theo Fortune, Alex Flnnle, E. Hellman and H. B.; Stiles. There were many beautiful floral tributes. I Hilarity and excitement are combined in "Barnacle Bill," starring Wallace Beery and Marjorlel Main in a comical waterfront ro-, inane at the Capitol Theatre this week-end. Beery plays the part of a water-' front loafer falling in love with I Marjorie Main, the daughter of a' ship chandler. At the same time, he Is confronted with the care of his young daughter, Virginia Weld-ler. He and Leo Carrillo go to j work on a tuna fishing boat, get into a dispute with the combine operating the fishing scows, fight It out and eventually become heroes of the fishing village. Most of the picture was filmed at picturesque Fish Harbor, seat of California's tuna fishing Indus-1 try. An entire tuna fleet was used in location sequences and many residents of the fishing village ai San Pedro turned actor to operate the boats and fishing equipment. Amid fights and thrills are innumerable comedy interludes. There is hilarious romance between Beery and Miss Main and tender heart interest between Beery and Virginia Weldler. ..ang, Major T. W. Sutherland, Neil Cameron and T. W. E. Henry, j A Presentation An incident of the luncheon .proceedings was the making by the piesldent of the presentation ; to one of the members, Len Cripps, who Is shortly to be married and :eave the city, of a cut class vase. Suitable sentiments of esteem and well-wishing were expressed by the president and Mr. Cripps responded appropriately. WON'T YOU JOIN ME? HOT BOYRIL IS DELICIOUS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates ,75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning cpmpany with an all-the-year-round payroll In Prince Rupert. CAPITOL Beginning Friday for 2 Day A A fAMOUS AMOU$ PIATIII PtATIII THIATM THIATM J Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:03, 5:06. 7:09, 9:12. jtoon: ... Ca' Rookie "Water Bear .mrT BEERY with MARJORIE MAIN LEO CARRILLO VIRGINIA WEIDLER DONALD MEEK BARTON Mac LANE Scrttn Play by Jck Jvm a ad Hff Sutler Diractxl by IICMMO TMOtff Pradacol by MH.TM I HI (at 1:31, 3:34. 5:37, 7:40, 9:43) Complete Shox;j 1:00, 3:00. 5:00, 7:00 and 9:00 ENDS TODAY METIV COUftYi "Jtl i 4 Feature at "LM A I If I II I I" 139 3 J9 5H ua i a I : JkUi&ValV V A 7 39 and !:! Rupert Men's & Boys' Store Yes sir, we're moving to the old Bryant Store at 217 Sixth St. We must be out of our present location in 2 weeks. Time is short and there's hundreds of dollars worth of men's and boyi clothing that we're going to sacrifico mostly at way below wholesale cost in order to save moving expense. Don t Wait---Stocks Are Limited Sale Starts 9 o'clock Fri. Morning $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR J PRICE $2.00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS $1.25 $1.35 MEN'S ANKLE-LENGTH COMBINATIONS .95 $1.25 MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS MEN'S THREE-PIECE SUITS $9.95 MEM'S ALL-YEAR TOPCOATS $995 .50 MEN'S TIES -19 $2.00 TO $4.00 MEN'S FELT HATS 50 AND .95 $3.00 MEN'S DOESKIN PANTS .t '95 $14.00 MEN'S HORSEHIDE JACKETS 8'95 $10.00 MEN'S PIGSKIN JACKETS . . Z i $6 95 Art $1.50 HORSEHIDE WORK GAUNTLETS 4 yi) $4.95 -$5.50 MEN'S ZIPPER SWEATERS 4 $2 50 10 ONLY MEN'S RAINCOATS $2-50 $1.50 MEN'S OVERALL PANTS .....i & , $1.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS ......L. 19 $5.00 BONE DRY WORK PANTS, size 42 to 44 $195 $1.50 MEN'S PYJAMAS -95 $4.00 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS $1'95 55c MEN'S ATHLETIC SHORTS, i2e 40 to,44.... -1? $1.25 BOYS' OVERALLS ZMf J $1.50 boys' combinations ......;..:;.v;ii -75 $2.50 BOYS' ZIPPER JACKETS $l-25 $3.25 BOYS' ZIPPER SWEATERS $l-9 .35 BOYS' AND GIRLS' STOCKINGS 19 NO EXCHAsMrNO REFUNDS .mm Rupert Men's & Boys' Store Next to Jones' Across from Flower Shop MX GIVTU 1 H S CTOPrT 1 KLL 1 International Cafe